Items where Year is 2015

Abbott, D and Marinov, Marin (2015). An Event Based Simulation Model to evaluate the Design of a Rail Interchange Yard, which provides Service to High Speed and Conventional Railways. Simulation modelling practice and theory, 52 , pp. 15-39.
Abdul Malek, Marlin, Budhwar, Pawan and Reiche, B. Sebastian (2015). Sources of support and expatriation:a multiple stakeholder perspective of expatriate adjustment and performance in Malaysia. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (2), pp. 258-276.
Abdullah Al-Somali, Sabah, Gholami, Roya and Clegg, Ben (2015). A stage-oriented model (SOM) for e-commerce adoption:a study of Saudi Arabian organisations. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26 (1), pp. 2-35.
Adams, A., Realpe, A., Vail, L., Buckingham, C.D., Erby, L.H. and Roter, D. (2015). How doctors' communication style and race concordance influence African-Caribbean patients when disclosing depression. Patient Education and Counseling, 98 (10), 1266–1273.
Ahmed, Asif and Ramma, Wenda (2015). Unravelling the theories of pre-eclampsia:Are the protective pathways the new paradigm? British Journal of Pharmacology, 172 (6), pp. 1574-1586.
Al Nakdali, Dalia, Gaafar, Mahmoud, Shakfa, Mohammad K., Zhang, Fan, Vaupel, Max, Fedorova, Ksenia, Rahimi-Iman, Arash, Rafailov, Edik and Koch, Martin (2015). High-power operation of quantum-dot semiconductor disk laser at 1180 nm. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27 (10), pp. 1128-1131.
Al Ruqeishi, Khalil and Konečný, Michal (2015). Regrouping metric-space search index for search engine size adaptation. IN: Similarity search and applications. Amato, Giuseppe; Connor, Richard; Falchi, Fabrizio and Gennaro, Claudio (eds) Lecture notes in computer science . GBR: Springer.
Al Sabbagh, Osama (2015). Asymmetric price transmission in EU petroleum markets. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Al-Khattawi, Ali (2015). Excipient characterization and particle engineering to develop directly compressed orally disintegrating tablets. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Al-Khattawi, Ali, Koner, Jasdip, Rue, Peter, Kirby, Dan, Perrie, Yvonne, Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2015). A pragmatic approach for engineering porous mannitol and mechanistic evaluation of particle performance. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 94 , pp. 1-10.
Al-Obaidani, Khalfan (2015). Ideological aspects of the translation of business annual reports in Oman (English-Arabic). PHD thesis, Aston University.
Alamino, Roberto C. (2015). Measuring complexity through average symmetry. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48 (27),
Alansari, Marwah M., Almeida, André, Bencomo, Nelly and Bordbar, Behzad (2015). CloudMPL:a domain specific language for describing management policies for an autonomic cloud infrastructure. IN: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. PRT: SciTePress.
Albuquerque, Rosyana V., Malcher, Nívea S., Amado, Lílian L., Coleman, Michael D., dos Santos, Danielle C., Borges, Rosivaldo Sa., Valente, Sebastião Aldo S., Valente, Vera C. and Chagas Monteiro, Marta (2015). In vitro protective effect and antioxidant mechanism of Resveratrol induced by Dapsone Hydroxylamine in human cells. PLoS ONE, 10 (8),
Aldini, Giancarlo, Domingues, M. Rosário, Spickett, Corinne M., Domingues, Pedro, Altomare, Alessandra, Sánchez-Gómez, Francisco J., Oeste, Clara L. and Pérez-Sala, Dolores (2015). Protein lipoxidation:detection strategies and challenges. Redox biology, 5 , pp. 253-266.
Alexandre, Rafael Frederico, Campelo, Felipe, Fonseca, Carlos M. and De Vasconcelos, João Antonio (2015). A comparative study of algorithms for solving the multiobjective open-pit mining operational planning problems. IN: Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization - 8th International Conference, EMO 2015, Proceedings. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Antunes, Carlos Henggeler and Coello, Carlos A. Coello (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . PRT: Springer.
Ali, Fazlin (2015). An investigation of management accounting control systems in the palm oil industry:a sociomaterial approach to practice change. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ali, Shahzad, Wall, Ivan B, Mason, Chris, Pelling, Andrew E and Veraitch, Farlan S (2015). The effect of Young's modulus on the neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Acta Biomaterialia, 25 , pp. 253-267.
Alkowatly, Mohamad T., Becerra, Victor M. and Holderbaum, William (2015). Bioinspired Autonomous Visual Vertical Control of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38 (2), pp. 249-262.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Arif, Raz, Neal, Ron, Kalli, Kyriacos, Kundrát, Vojtech, Rozhin, Alex, Culverhouse, Philip and Webb, David J. (2015). Localized surface plasmon fiber device coated with carbon nanotubes for the specific detection of CO2. IN: Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Photon Counting: Nanostructured Devices and Applications. Razeghi, Manijeh; Temple, Dorota S. and Brown, Gail J. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Almeida, André, Bencomo, Nelly, Batista, Thais, Cavalcante, Everton and Dantas, Francisco (2015). Dynamic decision-making based on NFR for managing software variability and configuration selection. IN: Proceedings of the 30th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC '15. ESP: ACM.
Almomani, Basima, Hawwa, Ahmed F., Goodfellow, Nicola A., Millership, Jeffrey S. and McElnay, James C. (2015). Pharmacogenetics and the print media:what is the public told? BMC Medical Genetics, 16 (1),
Amin, Shohel and Tamima, Umma (2015). The Spatial Pattern of Sustainable Urban Development Indicator for the Montreal Urban Community. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 39 (4), pp. 220-231.
Amiri, Amirpiran, Vijay, Periasamy, Tadé, Moses O., Ahmed, Khaliq, Ingram, Gordon D., Pareek, Vishnu and Utikar, Ranjeet (2015). Solid oxide fuel cell reactor analysis and optimisation through a novel multi-scale modelling strategy. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 78 , pp. 10-23.
Ammirato, Salvatore, Felicetti, Alberto Michele and Della-gala, Marco (2015). Rethinking tourism destinations: collaborative network models for the tourist 2.0. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 6 (3), 178 - 201.
Ammirato, Salvatore, Felicetti, Alberto Michele, Della-gala, Marco, Aramo-Immonen, Heli and Jussila, Jari J. (2015). Knowledge Management and Emerging Collaborative Networks in Tourism Business Ecosystems. IN: 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2015. Massaro, Maurizio and Garlatti, Andrea (eds) Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
Ankrah, Nii A., Manu, Emmanuel and Booth, Colin (2015). Cradle to Cradle Implementation in Business Sites and the Perspectives of Tenant Stakeholders. Energy Procedia, 83 , pp. 31-40.
Anson, Susan (2015). The unequal segmentation of public preparedness for mass evacuation:a cross-national perspective. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Antaki, C., Richardson, Emma, Stokoe, E. and Willott, S. (2015). Dealing with the distress of people with intellectual disabilities reporting sexual assault and rape. Discourse Studies, 17 (4), pp. 415-432.
Antaki, C., Richardson, Emma, Stokoe, E. and Willott, S. (2015). Police interviews with vulnerable people alleging sexual assault: Probing inconsistency and questioning conduct. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 19 (3), pp. 328-350.
Antle, Joshua (2015). An action research study with low proficiency learners in Japan to promote the learning of vocabulary through collocations. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Bjuggren, Carl-Magnus, Gottschalk, Sandra, Hölzl, Werner, Johansson, Dan, Maliranta, Mika and Myrann, Anja (2015). An international cohort comparison of size effects on job growth. Small Business Economics, 44 (4), pp. 821-844.
Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Hart, Mark and Du, Jun (2015). Firm dynamics and job creation in the United Kingdom:1998–2013. International Small Business Journal, 33 (1), pp. 12-27.
Apostolo, Joao, Cooke, Richard, Bobrowicz-Campos, Elzbieta, Santana, Silvina, Marcucci, Maura, Cano, Antonio, Vollenbroek, Miriam and Holland, Carol (2015). Predicting risk and outcomes for frail older adults:a protocol for an umbrella review of available frailty screening tools. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13 (12), pp. 14-24.
Arabi, Behrouz, Munisamy, Susila and Emrouznejad, Ali (2015). A new slacks-based measure of Malmquist-Luenberger index in the presence of undesirable outputs. Omega (Elsevier), 51 , pp. 29-37.
Ardemani, Leandro, Cibin, Giannantonio, Dent, Andrew J., Isaacs, Mark A., Kyriakou, Georgios, Lee, Adam F., Parlett, Christopher M.A., Parry, Stephen A. and Wilson, Karen (2015). Solid base catalysed 5-HMF oxidation to 2,5-FDCA over Au/hydrotalcites:fact or fiction? Chemical Science, 6 (8), pp. 4940-4945.
Arif, Raz (2015). Functional carbon nanotubes for photonic applications. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Arjmandi, Reza, Hassan, Azman, Majeed, Khaliq and Zakaria, Zainoha (2015). Rice Husk Filled Polymer Composites. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2015 ,
Armstrong, R.A. (2015). Oculo-visual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 5 (4), pp. 715-726.
Armstrong, R.A. and Bradwell, T. (2015). 'Growth rings' in crustose lichens:comparison with directly measured growth rates and implications for lichenometry. Quaternary Geochronology, 28 , pp. 88-95.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2015). Laminar distribution of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide deposits in the frontal lobe in familial and sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Folia Neuropathologica, 53 (1), pp. 15-23.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2015). Quantitative pathological changes in the cerebellum of multiple system atrophy. Folia Neuropathologica, 53 (3), pp. 193-202.
Armstrong, Richard A. and Cairns, Nigel J. (2015). Comparative quantitative study of ‘signature’ pathological lesions in the hippocampus and adjacent gyri of 12 neurodegenerative disorders. Journal of Neural Transmission, 122 (10), pp. 1355-1367.
Armstrong, Richard and Kergoat, Hélène (2015). Oculo-visual changes and clinical considerations affecting older patients with dementia. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 35 (4), pp. 352-376.
Arora, S., Venkataraman, V., Zhang, A., Donohue, S., Biglan, K.M., Dorsey, E.R. and Little, M.A. (2015). Detecting and monitoring the symptoms of Parkinson's disease using smartphones:a pilot study. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 21 (6), pp. 650-653.
Astapenko, V. A., Manuylovich, E. S. and Bagan, V. A. (2015). Propagation of ultrashort pulses in single-mode fiber. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 9450 ,
Atkins, Judi (2015). Introduction:Conflict, Co-operation and the Cameron-Clegg Government. Political Quarterly, 86 (1), pp. 81-84.
Atkins, Judi (2015). Narrating One Nation:The Ideology and Rhetoric of the Miliband Labour Party. Politics, 35 (1), pp. 19-31.
Atkins, Judi (2015). 'Together in the National Interest':The Rhetoric of Unity and the Formation of the Cameron-Clegg Government. Political Quarterly, 86 (1), pp. 85-92.
Atkinson, Jeffrey, Crowley, Pat, de Paepe, Kristien, Gennery, Brian, Koster, Andries, Martini, Luigi, Moffat, Vivien, Nicholson, Jane, Pauwels, Gunther, Ronsisvalle, Giuseppe, Sousa, Vitor, van Schravendijk, Chris and Wilson, Keith (2015). A European competence framework for industrial pharmacy practice in biotechnology. Pharmacy, 3 (3), pp. 101-128.
Atkinson, Jeffrey, de Paepe, Kristien, Sánchez Pozo, Antonio, Rekkas, Dimitrios, Volmer, Daisy, Hirvonen, Jouni, Bozic, Borut, Skowron, Agnieska, Mircioiu, Constantin, Marcincal, Annie, Koster, Andries, Wilson, Keith and van Schravendijk, Chris (2015). The PHAR-QA project: competency framework for pharmacy practice—first steps, the results of the European Network Delphi round 1. Pharmacy, 3 (4), pp. 307-329.
Atkinson, Jeffrey, de Paepe, Kristien, Sánchez Pozo, Antonio, Rekkas, Dimitrios, Volmer, Daisy, Hirvonen, Jouni, Bozic, Borut, Skowron, Agnieska, Mircioiu, Constantin, Marcincal, Annie, Koster, Andries, Wilson, Keith, van Schravendijk, Chris and Wilkinson, Jamie (2015). Does the subject content of the pharmacy degree course influence the community pharmacist’s views on competencies for practice? Pharmacy, 3 (3), pp. 137-153.
Atsonios, K., Panopoulos, K.D., Bridgwater, A.V. and Kakaras, E. (2015). Biomass fast pyrolysis energy balance of a 1kg/h test rig. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 18 (4), pp. 267-275.
Augustyniak, Edyta, Adam, Aisha, Wojdyla, Katarzyna, Rogowska-Wrzesinska, Adelina, Willetts, Rachel, Korkmaz, Ayhan, Atalay, Mustafa, Weber, Daniela, Grune, Tilman, Borsa, Claudia, Gradinaru, Daniela, Chand Bollineni, Ravi, Fedorova, Maria and Griffiths, Helen (2015). Validation of protein carbonyl measurement:a multi-centre study. Redox biology, 4 , 149–157.
Awad, Wa'El H. and Herzallah, Randa (2015). Driving licensing renewal policy using neural network-based probabilistic decision support system. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 51 (3), pp. 155-163.
Ayo-Okanlawon, Adekunbi (2015). Freezing process optimisation of pharmaceutical formulations for freeze drying. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Badarau, Eduard, Wang, Zhuo, Rathbone, Dan L., Costanzi, Andrea, Thibault, Thomas, Murdoch, Colin E., El Alaoui, Said, Bartkeviciute, Milda and Griffin, Martin (2015). Development of potent and selective tissue transglutaminase inhibitors:their effect on TG2 function and application in pathological conditions. Chemistry and Biology, 22 (10), pp. 1347-1361.
Badger, Julia R. and Shapiro, Laura R. (2015). Category structure affects the developmental trajectory of children’s inductive inferences for both natural kinds and artefacts. Thinking and Reasoning, 21 (2), pp. 206-229.
Baggaley, Andrew W. and Laurie, Jason (2015). Thermal counterflow in a periodic channel with solid boundaries. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 178 (1-2), pp. 35-52.
Bai, Lu, Rossi, Luca, Ren, Peng, Zhang, Zhihong and Hancock, Edwin R. (2015). A quantum Jensen-Shannon graph kernel using discrete-time quantum walks. IN: Graph-based representations in pattern recognition. Liu, Cheng-Lin; Luo, Bin; Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cheng, Jian (eds) Lecture notes in computer science . CHN: Springer.
Bai, Lu, Rossi, Luca, Torsello, Andrea and Hancock, Edwin R. (2015). A quantum Jensen-Shannon graph kernel for unattributed graphs. Pattern Recognition, 48 (2), pp. 344-355.
Bai, Lu, Rossi, Luca, Zhang, Zhihong and Hancock, Edwin R. (2015). An aligned subtree kernel for weighted graphs. IN: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning. Bach, Francis and Blei, David (eds) JMLR workshop and conference proceedings . FRA: UNSPECIFIED.
Bai, Lu, Zhang, Zhihong, Ren, Peng, Rossi, Luca and Hancock, Edwin R. (2015). An edge-based matching kernel through discrete-time quantum walks. IN: Image analysis and processing — ICIAP 2015. Murino, Vittorio and Puppo, Enrico (eds) Lecture notes in computer science, Part I . ITA: Springer.
Bailey, Catherine, Madden, Adrian, Alfes, Kerstin, Fletcher, Luke, Robinson, Dilys, Holmes, Jenny, Buzzeo, Jonathan and Currie, Graeme (2015). Evaluating the evidence on employee engagement and its potential benefits to NHS staff:a synthesis of the literature. Health Services and Delivery Research . NIHR Journals Library.
Bailey, David and Lenihan, Helena (2015). A critical reflection on Irish industrial policy:a strategic choice approach. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 22 (1), pp. 47-71.
Bailey, David and de Ruyter, Alex (2015). Plant closures, precariousness and policy responses:revisiting MG Rover 10 years on. Policy Studies, 36 (4), pp. 363-383.
Baines, Tim and Shi, Victor Guang (2015). A Delphi study to explore the adoption of servitization in UK companies. Production Planning and Control, 26 (14-15), pp. 1171-1187.
Baker, Phillip, Kay, Adrian and Walls, Helen (2015). Strengthening Trade and Health Governance Capacities to Address Non-Communicable Diseases in Asia:Challenges and Ways Forward. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 2 (2), pp. 310-323.
Bakhshi, Hasan, Edwards, John S., Roper, Stephen, Scully, Judy, Shaw, Duncan, Morley, Lorraine and Rathbone, Nicola (2015). Assessing an experimental approach to industrial policy evaluation:Applying RCT+ to the case of Creative Credits. Research policy, 44 (8), pp. 1462-1472.
Balbekin, N. S., Grachev, Ya V., Smirnov, S. V. and Bespalov, V. G. (2015). The versatile terahertz reflection and transmission spectrometer with the location of objects of researches in the horizontal plane. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 584 (1),
Baldwin, Alex S. and Meese, Tim S. (2015). Fourth-root summation of contrast over area:no end in sight when spatially inhomogeneous sensitivity is compensated by a witch's hat. Journal of Vision, 15 (15), pp. 1-12.
Balklava, Zita, Niehage, Christian, Currinn, Heather, Mellor, Laura, Guscott, Benjamin, Poulin, Gino, Hoflack, Bernard and Wassmer, Thomas (2015). The amyloid precursor protein controls PIKfyve function. PLoS ONE, 10 (6),
Bandera, Valentina, Bartoli, Beatrice, Luoni, Chiara, Selvini, Claudia, Rossi, Giorgio, Balottin, Umberto, Cavanna, Andrea and Termine, Cristiano (2015). O055. Headache and psychopathological aspects in Gilles de la Tourette Sindrome:a comparison between paediatric and adult patients. Journal of Headache and Pain, 16 ,
Barnes, A. (2015). Vacuum spacetimes with constant Weyl eigenvalues. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 600 ,
Bartoletti, Massimo, Lange, Julien, Scalas, Alceste and Zunino, Roberto (2015). Choreographies in the wild. Science of Computer Programming, 109 , pp. 36-60.
Bastin, Lucy, Martínez-López, Javier, Gordon, Ascelin, Langford, William T. and Satya, River (2015). Reproducible computing with Tzar and Docker. IN: Free and open source software for geospatial. Brovelli, Maria Antonia; Mingihini, Marco and Negretti, Marco (eds) Geomatics workbook . ITA: Politecnico di Milano.
Bauer, M., Glenn, T., Alda, M., Andreassen, O.A., Angelopoulos, E., Ardau, R., Baethge, C., Bauer, R., Bellivier, F., Belmaker, R.H., Berk, M., Bjella, T.D., Bossini, L., Bersudsky, Y., Cheung, E.Y.W., Conell, J., del Zompo, M., Dodd, S., Etain, B., Fagiolini, A., Frye, M.A., Fountoulakis, K.N., Garneau-Fournier, J., Gonzalez-Pinto, A., Harima, H., Hassel, S., Henry, C., Iacovides, A., Isometsä, E.T., Kapczinski, F., Kliwicki, S., König, B., Krogh, R., Kunz, M., Lafer, B., Larsen, E.R., Lewitzka, U., Lopez-Jaramillo, C., MacQueen, G., Manchia, M., Marsh, W., Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, M., Melle, I., Monteith, S., Morken, G., Munoz, R., Nery, F.G., O'Donovan, C., Osher, Y., Pfennig, A., Quiroz, D., Ramesar, R., Rasgon, N., Reif, A., Ritter, P., Rybakowski, J.K., Sagduyu, K., Scippa, Â.M., Severus, E., Simhandl, C., Stein, D.J., Strejilevich, S., Hatim Sulaiman, A., Suominen, K., Tagata, H., Tatebayashi, Y., Torrent, C., Vieta, E., Viswanath, B., Wanchoo, M.J., Zetin, M. and Whybrow, P.C. (2015). Influence of birth cohort on age of onset cluster analysis in bipolar I disorder. European Psychiatry, 30 (1), 99–105.
Bauer, Michael, Glenn, Tasha, Alda, Martin, Andreassen, Ole A., Angelopoulos, Elias, Ardau, Raffaella, Baethge, Christopher, Bauer, Rita, Baune, Bernhard T., Bellivier, Frank, Belmaker, Robert H., Berk, Michael, Bjella, Thomas D., Bossini, Letizia, Bersudsky, Yuly, Cheung, Eric Yat Wo, Conell, Jörn, del Zompo, Maria, Dodd, Seetal, Etain, Bruno, Fagiolini, Andrea, Frye, Mark A., Fountoulakis, Kostas N., Garneau-Fournier, Jade, Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana, Gottlieb, John F., Harima, Hirohiko, Hassel, Stefanie, Henry, Chantal, Iacovides, Apostolos, Isometsä, Erkki T., Kapczinski, Flávio, Kliwicki, Sebastian, König, Barbara, Krogh, Rikke, Lewitzka, Ute, Lopez-Jaramillo, Carlos, MacQueen, Glenda M., Manchia, Mirko, Marsh, Wendy, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, Mónica, Melle, Ingrid, Monteith, Scott, Morken, Gunnar, Munoz, Rodrigo, Nery, Fabiano G., O'Donovan, Claire, Osher, Yamima, Pfennig, Andrea, Quiroz, Danilo, Ramesar, Raj, Rasgon, Natalie, Reif, Andreas, Ritter, Philipp, Rybakowski, Janusz K., Sagduyu, Kemal, Scippa, Ângela M., Severus, Emanuel, Simhandl, Christian, Stein, Dan J., Strejilevich, Sergio, Hatim Sulaiman, Ahmad, Suominen, Kirsi, Tagata, Hiromi, Tatebayashi, Yoshitaka, Torrent, Carla, Vieta, Eduard, Viswanath, Biju, Wanchoo, Mihir J., Zetin, Mark and Whybrow, Peter C. (2015). Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, In Pre ,
Beach, T. H., Rezgui, Y., Li, H. and Kasim, T. (2015). A rule-based semantic approach for automated regulatory compliance in the construction sector. Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (12), pp. 5219-5231.
Beattie, Amanda R (2015). Seeking out the untold stories of mobility. UNSPECIFIED.
Becker, Bettina (2015). Public R&D policies and private R&D investment:a survey of the empirical evidence. Journal of Economic Surveys, 29 (5), 917–942.
Belal, Ataur (2015). Social and environmental accountability in developing countries. IN: Development-oriented corporate social responsibility. Jamali, Dima; Karam, Charlotte and Blowfield, Michael (eds) Sheffield (UK): Greenleaf.
Belal, Ataur R., Abdelsalam, Omneya H. and Nizamee, Sardar S. (2015). Ethical reporting in Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (1983-2010). Journal of Business Ethics, 129 (4), pp. 769-784.
Belal, Ataur, Cooper, Stuart M. and Khan, Niaz Ahmed (2015). Corporate environmental responsibility and accountability:what chance in vulnerable Bangladesh? Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 33 , 44–58.
Belal, Ataur and Owen, David L. (2015). The rise and fall of stand-alone social reporting in a multinational subsidiary in Bangladesh:a case study. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 28 (7), pp. 1160-1192.
Belda-Salmerón, Lurdes, Drew, Tom, Hall, Lee and Wolffsohn, James Stuart (2015). Objective analysis of contact lens fit. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 38 (3), pp. 163-167.
Bell, Simon (2015). Quantifying uncertainty in citizen weather data. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bell, Simon, Cornford, Dan and Bastin, Lucy (2015). How good are citizen weather stations? Addressing a biased opinion. Weather, 70 (3), pp. 75-84.
Bellamy, Tomas C., Dunaevsky, Anna and Parri, H. Rheinallt (2015). Glial plasticity. Neural Plasticity, 2015 , pp. 1-2.
Beltagui, Ahmad, Darler, William and Candi, Marina (2015). Measuring the deliverable and impressible dimensions of service experience. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24 (3), pp. 478-492.
Benczes, István and Szent-Iványi, Balazs (2015). The European economy in 2014:fragile recovery and convergence. Journal of Common Market Studies, 53 (S1), 162–180.
Bennett, Stuart J., Augustyniak, Edyta M., Dunston, Christopher R., Brown, Richard A., Shantsila, Eduard, Lip, Gregory Y.H., Torrão, Rita D.C., Pararasa, Chathyan, Hussein, Ali R., Ladouce, Romain, Friguet, Bertrand and Griffiths, Helen R. (2015). CD4+ T cell surface alpha enolase is lower in older adults. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 152 , 56–62.
Benson, V., Saridakis, G. and Tennakoon, H. (2015). Information disclosure of social media users: Does control over personal information, user awareness and security notices matter? Information Technology and People, 28 (3), pp. 426-441.
Benson, Vladlena and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2015). Collaborative competencies in professional social networking: Are students short changed by curriculum in business education? Computers in Human Behavior, 51 (Part B), pp. 1331-1339.
Benson, Vladlena, Saridakis, George and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2015). Purpose of social networking use and victimisation: Are there any differences between university students and those not in HE? Computers in Human Behavior, 51 (Part B), pp. 867-872.
Benson, Vladlena, Saridakis, George, Tennakoon, Hemamali and Ezingeard, Jean Noel (2015). The role of security notices and online consumer behaviour: An empirical study of social networking users. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 80 , pp. 36-44.
Bhogal-Bhamra, Gurpreet Kaur, Wolffsohn, James S., Sheppard, Amy L, Naroo, Shehzad A., Shah, Sunil and Buckhurst, Phillip J (2015). The Effect of Dilation on Toric Intraocular Lens Aligning and Centring. Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System, 2 (1), pp. 1-4.
Bilkhu, Paramdeep, Naroo, Shehzad and Wolffsohn, James (2015). Treatment of ocular allergies:nonpharmacologic, pharmacologic and immunotherapy. Expert Review of Ophthalmology, 10 (3), pp. 257-266.
Bill, Roslyn M. (2015). Recombinant protein subunit vaccine synthesis in microbes:a role for yeast? Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 67 (3), pp. 319-328.
Bill, Roslyn M. and von der Haar, Tobias (2015). Hijacked then lost in translation:the plight of the recombinant host cell in membrane protein structural biology projects. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 32 , pp. 147-155.
Birtel, Michèle D. and Crisp, Richard J. (2015). Psychotherapy and social change:utilizing principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy to help develop new prejudice-reduction interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 ,
Bisson, Marie Josée, van Heuven, Walter J.B., Conklin, Kathy and Tunney, Richard J. (2015). The role of verbal and pictorial information in multimodal incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (7), pp. 1306-1326.
Boag-Munroe, Frances (2015). The antecedents and consequences of anticipatory identification. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Boccia, Maddalena, Piccardi, Laura, Palermo, Liana, Nori, Raffaella and Palmiero, Massimiliano (2015). Where do bright ideas occur in our brain? Meta-analytic evidence from neuroimaging studies of domain-specific creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (AUG),
Bonn, Suzanne (2015). Teacher use of personal narratives in the Japanese university english language classroom. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Booe, Jason M., Walker, Christopher S., Barwell, James, Kuteyi, Gabriel, Simms, John, Jamaluddin, Muhammad A., Warner, Margaret L., Bill, Roslyn M., Harris, Paul W., Brimble, Margaret A., Poyner, David R., Hay, Debbie L. and Pioszak, Augen A. (2015). Structural basis for receptor activity-modifying protein-dependent selective peptide recognition by a G protein-coupled receptor. Molecular Cell, 58 (6), pp. 1040-1052.
Boon, Andrew (2015). Learner support and discovery in a virtual non-judgmental environment. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Booth-Bell, Darlene (2015). UK and US board director perceptions of the significance of gender and racial diversity on board governance. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Borade, Atul B. and Sweeney, Edward (2015). Decision support system for vendor managed inventory supply chain:a case study. International Journal of Production Research, 53 (16), pp. 4789-4818.
Boscolo, Sonia, Finot, Christophe and Turitsyn, Sergei (2015). Bandwidth programmable optical Nyquist pulse generation in passively mode-locked fiber laser. IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (5),
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