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Boustani, Noureddine, Emrouznejad, Ali, Gholami, Roya, Despic, Ozren and Ioannou, Athina (2023). Improving the predictive accuracy of the cross-selling of consumer loans using deep learning networks. Annals of Operations Research ,
Gholami, Roya, Añón Higón, Dolores and Emrouznejad, Ali (2015). Hospital performance:efficiency or quality? Can we have both with IT? Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (12), 5390–5400.
Abdullah Al-Somali, Sabah, Gholami, Roya and Clegg, Ben (2015). A stage-oriented model (SOM) for e-commerce adoption:a study of Saudi Arabian organisations. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26 (1), pp. 2-35.
Lee, Sang-Yong T., Gholami, Roghieh and Tonh, Tan Y. (2005). Time series analysis in the assessment of ICT impact at the aggregate level – lessons and implications for the new economy. Information and Management, 42 (7), pp. 1009-1022.
Gholami, Roghieh, Moshiri, Saeed and Lee, Sang-Yong T. (2004). ICT and technical efficiency of the manufacturing industries in Iran. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 19 (4), pp. 1-19.