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Nitoiu, Cristian and Sus, Monika (2019). Introduction:strategy in EU foreign policy. International Politics, 56 (3), 259–271.
Nitoiu, Cristian (2017). Still entrenched in the conflict/cooperation dichotomy? EU–Russia relations and the Ukraine crisis. European Politics and Society, 18 (2), pp. 148-165.
Nitoiu, Cristian (2017). Aspirations to Great Power Status:Russia’s Path to Assertiveness in the International Arena under Putin. Political Studies Review, 15 (1), pp. 39-48.
Nitoiu, Cristian (2017). Framing the EU’s policy towards the neighbourhood:the strategic approach of the Seventh European Parliament (2009–2014). Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 30 (1), pp. 87-104.
Nitoiu, Cristian (2015). British press attitudes towards the EU's global presence:from the Russian-Georgian War to the 2009 Copenhagen Summit. Comparative European Politics, 13 (6), pp. 615-635.
Nitoiu, Cristian (2015). Supporting the EU’s approach to climate change:the discourse of the transnational media within the ‘Brussels Bubble’. Journal of European Integration, 37 (5), pp. 535-552.
Schumacher, Tobias and Nitoiu, Cristian (2015). Russia's foreign policy towards North Africa in the wake of the Arab Spring. Mediterranean Politics, 20 (1), pp. 97-104.