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Garton, Sue, Copland, Fiona and Mann, Steve (2025). ‘Native English Speakers, I Cannot Say Them as a Teacher’: NEST Schemes and Teacher Identity. Journal of Language, Identity & Education , (In Press)
Copland, Fiona, Garton, Sue and Barnett, Camilla (2023). Languages in the primary classroom: teachers’ views and practices. ELT Journal, 77 (1), pp. 11-22.
Garton, Sue (2020). “This is why students feel lost when they go into teaching practice”:English language teachers' views on their initial teacher education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19 (10), pp. 371-387.
Tekin, Serdar and Garton, Sue (2020). L1 in the primary English classroom: how much, when, how and why?:How much, when, how and why? Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 8 (3), pp. 77-97.
Copland, Fiona, Mann, Steve and Garton, Sue (2020). Native-English-Speaking Teachers:Disconnections Between Theory, Research, and Practice. Tesol Quarterly, 54 (2), pp. 348-374.
Graves, Kathleen and Garton, Susan (2017). An analysis of three curriculum approaches to teaching English in public-sector schools. Language Teaching, 50 (4), pp. 441-482.
Garton, Sue and Kubota, Ryuko (2015). Joint colloquium on plurilingualism and language education:opportunities and challenges, (AAAL/TESOL). Language Teaching, 48 (3), pp. 417-421.
Copland, Fiona, Garton, Sue and Burns, Anne (2014). Challenges in teaching English to young learners:global perspectives and local realities. Tesol Quarterly, 48 (4), pp. 738-762.
Garton, Sue and Graves, Kathleen (2014). Identifying a research agenda for language teaching materials. Modern Language Journal, 98 (2), pp. 654-657.
Garton, Sue (2014). Unresolved issues and new challenges in teaching English to young learners:the case of South Korea. Current Issues in Language Planning, 15 (2), pp. 201-219.
Garton, Sue (2012). Speaking out of turn? Taking the initiative in teacher-fronted classroom interaction. Classroom Discourse, 3 (1), pp. 29-45.
Copland, F. and Garton, S. (2011). 'I felt that I do live in the UK now':international students' self-reports of their English language speaking experiences on a pre-sessional programme. Language and Education, 25 (3), pp. 241-255.
Garton, Sue and Copland, Fiona M. (2010). 'I like this interview; I get cakes and cats!':the effect of prior relationships on interview talk. Qualitative Research, 25 (3), pp. 533-551.
Garton, Sue (2009). Investigating EFL teacher beliefs about teaching and learning. Research news (23), pp. 10-13.
Garton, Sue and Richards, Keith (2007). Is distance education for teacher education second best. Teacher Trainer, 21 (3), pp. 5-8.
Garton, Sue (2002). Learner initiative in the language classroom. ELT Journal, 56 (1), pp. 47-56.
Book Section
Garton, Sue and Tekin, Serdar (2022). Teaching English to Young Learners. IN: Handbook of Second Language Teaching and Learning. Hinkel, Eli (ed.) ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Copland, Fiona, Garton, Sue and Barnett, Camilla (2024). Global practices in teaching young learners: ten years on. British Council.
Garton, Sue (2004). Person-oriented and process-oriented teachers : an investigation of the links between ESOL teachers' personal belief systems and approaches to teaching. PHD thesis, Aston University.