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Hubscher-Davidson, Séverine and Panichelli-Batalla, Stéphanie (2016). Educating for sustainability in language degrees:a tale of 2 case-studies. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 17 (3), pp. 404-416.
Panichelli, Stéphanie (2015). Autofiction as a fictional metaphorical self-translation:the case of Reinaldo Arenas' El color del verano. Journal of Romance Studies, 15 (1), pp. 29-51.
Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie (2011). Celestino antes y despues del alba. Revista internacional d'humanitats, 23 , pp. 27-38.
Panichelli-Batalla, Stéphanie (2009). Una novela inedita de Reinaldo Arenas. Caribe, 11 (2), pp. 51-60.
Panichelli-Batalla, Stéphanie (2005). Mariel, veinticinco años después. Sinalefa (10), pp. 18-21.
Book Section
Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie (2011). La nostalgia y el exilio:comparacion entre "Final de un cuento" de Reinaldo Arenas y Paso a nivel de Manuel Diaz Martinez. IN: Cuba: arte y Literatura en exilio. Piney, Grace and Pancrazio, James J. (eds) Madrid (ES): Legua editorial.
Panichelli, Stephanie (2016). The public and private faces of the friendship between Fidel Castro and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The Conversation Trust (UK).
Panichelli, Stephanie (2016). Castro’s legacy:Cuban doctors still go abroad, but it’s no longer driven by international solidarity. The Conversation Trust (UK).