Browse by Aston Author

Jones, Demelza (2017). Considering (auto)biography in teaching and learning about race and racism in a diverse university. Teaching in Higher Education, 22 (7), pp. 867-878.
Jones, Demelza (2016). Being Tamil, being Hindu:Tamil migrants’ negotiations of the absence of Tamil Hindu spaces in the West Midlands and South West of England. Religion, 46 (1), pp. 53-74.
Jones, Demelza (2014). Diaspora identification and long-distance nationalism among Tamil migrants of diverse state origins in the UK. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37 (14), pp. 2547-2563.
Jones, Demelza and Smith, Andrew (2015). Minority congregations' use of Anglican Church spaces in the Birmingham Diocese. Church of England.
Lowe, Pam, Jones, Demelza, West, Karen and Fuller, Crispian (2014). Experiences of families living in Kingshurst, North Solihull. Aston University.