Items where Year is 2012

Abang, Ada and Webb, David J. (2012). Demountable connection for polymer optical fiber grating sensors. Optical Engineering, 51 (8),
Abang, Ada, Webb, David J. and Peng, Gang-Ding (2012). Strain response of POF sensors. IN: OFS2012 22nd international conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Liao, Yanbiao; Jin, Wei; Sampson, David D. and et al (eds) SPIE proceedings . CHN: SPIE.
Abrahams, KA, Cox, JA, Spivey, VL, Loman, NJ, Pallen, MJ, Constantinidou, C, Fernández, R, Alemparte, C, Remuiñán, MJ, Barros, D, Ballell, L and Besra, GS (2012). Identification of novel imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine inhibitors targeting M. tuberculosis QcrB. PLoS ONE, 7 (12),
Acton, Jennifer H., Gibson, Jonathan M. and Cubbidge, Robert P. (2012). Quantification of visual field loss in age-related macular degeneration. PLoS ONE, 7 (6),
Addison, Owen, Davenport, A.J., Newport, Robert J., Kalra, S., Monir, M., Mosselmans, J. Fred W., Proops, D. and Martin, Richard A. (2012). Do ‘passive’ medical titanium surfaces deteriorate in service in the absence of wear? Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9 (76), pp. 3161-3164.
Adebayo, A., Yan, Z., Zhang, L., Robinson, D., Li, P. and Leng, J. (2012). Optical fibre gratings with response to 2μm and their sensing capabilities. IN: OFS2012 22nd international conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Liao, Yanbiao; Jin, Wei; Sampson, David D. and et al (eds) SPIE proceedings . CHN: SPIE.
Adhikari, Susmita, Sygletos, Stylianos, Ellis, Andrew D., Inan, Beril, Jansen, Sander L. and Rosenkranz, Werner (2012). Stabilization of self-coherent OFDM with injection locked laser. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2012. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Adhikari, Susmita, Sygletos, Stylianos, Ellis, Andrew D., Inan, Beril, Jansen, Sander L. and Rosenkranz, Werner (2012). Stabilization of self-coherent OFDM with injection locked laser. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. IEEE conference publications . GBR: IEEE.
Ajayi, Ola-Dapo (2012). An investigation into enterprise structure and ERP implementations:a contribution to praxis. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Al-Alami, Suhair (2012). Utilising fiction to promote english language acquisition. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Al-Somali, Sabah A. (2012). Electronic commerce adoption:a study of business-to-business practice in Saudi Arabia. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Albarelli, A., Bergamasco, F., Rossi, L., Vascon, S. and Torsello, A. (2012). A stable graph-based representation for object recognition through high-order matching. IN: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012). International conference on pattern recognition . JPN: IEEE.
Ali, M. Habib, Moghaddam, Behfar, Kirby, Daniel J., Mohammed, Afzal R. and Perrie, Yvonne (2012). The role of lipid geometry in designing liposomes for the solubilisation of poorly water soluble drugs. International journal of pharmaceutics, in pre ,
Alic, Nazif, Hoddinott, Matthew P., Foley, Andrea, Slack, Cathy, Piper, Matthew D.W. and Partridge, Linda (2012). Detrimental effects of RNAi:a cautionary note on its use in drosophila ageing studies. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Allen, Valerie (2012). It's not just for boys. IN: Conference proceedings for EE2012. GBR: Higher Education Academy.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Bhamber, Ranjeet, Lloyd, Glynn D., Miller, Martin R., Dixon, Andrew, Webb, David, Ania-Castañón, Juan D. and Bennion, I. (2012). Respiratory function monitoring using a real-time three-dimensional fiber-optic shaping sensing scheme based upon fiber Bragg gratings. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17 (11),
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Neal, Ronald, Mou, Chengbo, Kalli, Kyriacos, Saied, Sayah, Rehman, Saeed, Webb, David J., Culverhouse, P.F., Sullivan, John L. and Bennion, Ian (2012). Formation and characterization of ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor based upon a nano-scale corrugated multi-layered coated D-shaped optical fiber. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 48 (3), pp. 394-405.
Allsop, Thomas, Bhamber, Ranjeet, Lloyd, Glynn D., Miller, Martin R., Dixon, Andrew, Webb, David, Ania-Castañón, Juan D. and Bennion, I. (2012). Respiratory function monitoring using a real-time three-dimensional fiber-optic shaping sensing scheme based upon fiber Bragg gratings. Journal of biomedical optics, 17 (11),
Amiri, Amirpiran, Ingram, Gordon D., Bekker, Andrey V., Livk, Iztok and Maynard, Nicoleta E. (2012). Multi-stage shrinking core model for thermal decomposition reactions with a self-inhibiting nature. IN: Chemeca 2012. 2012-09-23 - 2012-09-26.
Andrews, Jane and Clark, Robin (2012). Engineering education for the 21st century:scholarship, synergy and student success. IN: Conference proceedings for EE2012. GBR: Higher Education Academy.
Andrews, Jane and Clark, Robin (2012). "No one said girls could do engineering":a fresh look at an old problem. IN: Conference proceedings for EE2012. GBR: Higher Education Academy.
Arafa, Iman (2012). Evaluating the impact of institutional logic on the corporate Internet reporting by Egyptian listed companies. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2012). On the 'classification' of neurodegenerative disorders:discrete entities, overlap or continuum? Folia Neuropathologica, 50 (3), pp. 201-218.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2012). Size frequency distributions of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits:a comparative study of four neurodegenerative disorders. Folia Neuropathologica, 50 (3), pp. 240-249.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2012). Visual signs and symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 95 (6), pp. 621-630.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2012). β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in cognitively normal brain, dementia with Lewy bodies, and Alzheimer's disease:a study using principal components analysis. Folia Neuropathologica, 50 (2), pp. 130-139.
Armstrong, Richard A. and Cairns, Nigel J. (2012). Different molecular pathologies result in similar spatial patterns of cellular inclusions in neurodegenerative disease:a comparative study of eight disorders. Journal of Neural Transmission, 119 (12), pp. 1551-1560.
Armstrong, Richard A., Carter, D. and Cairns, N.J. (2012). A quantitative study of the neuropathology of 32 sporadic and familial cases of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 38 (1), pp. 25-38.
Atalay, A. Selin, Bodur, H. Onur and Rasolofoarison, Dina (2012). Shining in the center:central gaze cascade effect on product choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (4), pp. 848-866.
Athanasiou, Alkinoos, Lithari, Chrysa, Kalogianni, Konstantina, Klados, Manousos A. and Bamidis, Panagiotis D. (2012). Source Detection and Functional Connectivity of the Sensorimotor Cortex during Actual and Imaginary Limb Movement:A Preliminary Study on the Implementation of eConnectome in Motor Imagery Protocols. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2012 , pp. 1-10.
Aubert, Benoit A., Schroeder, Andreas and Grimaudo, Jonathan (2012). IT as enabler of sustainable farming:an empirical analysis of farmers' adoption decision of precision agriculture technology. Decision Support Systems, 54 (1), pp. 510-520.
Aubochon, Craig, Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu and Bhaumik, Sumon (2012). The extent and impact of outsourcing:evidence from Germany. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, July/A (4), pp. 287-304.
Autio, Erkko, Cleevely, Matthew, Hart, Mark, Levie, Jonathan, Acs, Zoltan J. and Szerb, László (2012). Entrepreneurial profile of the UK in the light of the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index. Working papers series . Imperial College Business School.
Azevedo, Ana, Ormerzel, Doris G., Andrews, Jane, Higson, Helen, Caballero, Antonio and Frech, Bernadette (2012). Satisfaction with knowledge and competencies:a multi-country study of employers and business graduates. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 4 (1), pp. 23-29.
Babin, Sergey A., El-Taher, Atalla E., Harper, Paul, Podivilov, Evgenii V. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2012). Broadly tunable high-power random fibre laser. IN: Fiber lasers IX. Honea, Eric C. and Hendow, Sami T. (eds) SPIE proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Badger, Julia and Shapiro, Laura (2012). Evidence of a transition from perceptual to category induction in 3- to 9-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113 (1), pp. 131-146.
Baggaley, Andrew W., Laurie, Jason and Barenghi, Carlo F. (2012). Vortex-density fluctuations, energy spectra, and vortical regions in superfluid turbulence. Physical Review Letters, 109 (20),
Bailey, David, Chapain, Caroline and de Ruyter, Alex (2012). Employment outcomes and plant closure in a post-industrial city:an analysis of the labour market studies of MG Rover workers three years on. Urban Studies, 49 (7), pp. 1595-1612.
Bailey, David and de Ruyter, Alex (2012). Re-examining the BMW-Rover affair:a case study of corporate, strategic and government failure? International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 12 (2), pp. 117-136.
Baines, T.S., Lightfoot, H.W. and Smart, P. (2012). Servitization within manufacturing operations:an exploration of the impact to facilities practices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 226 (2), pp. 377-380.
Baines, Tim, Brown, Steve, Benedettini, Ornella and Ball, Peter (2012). Examining green production and its role within the competitve strategy of manufacturers. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 5 (1), pp. 53-87.
Baker, Daniel and Meese, Timothy (2012). Interocular transfer of spatial adaptation is weak at low spatial frequencies. Vision Research, 63 , pp. 81-87.
Baker, Daniel and Meese, Timothy (2012). Zero-dimensional noise:the best mask you never saw. Journal of Vision, 12 (10),
Baker, Daniel, Wallis, Stuart, Georgeson, Mark A and Meese, Timothy S (2012). Nonlinearities in the binocular combination of luminance and contrast. Vision Research, 56 (1), pp. 1-9.
Baker, Daniel, Wallis, Stuart, Georgeson, Mark and Meese, Timothy (2012). The effect of interocular phase difference on perceived contrast. PLoS ONE, 7 (4),
Baldwin, Alexander, Meese, Tim and Baker, Daniel (2012). The attenuation surface for contrast sensitivity has the form of a witch’s hat within the central visual field. Journal of Vision, 12 (11),
Barassi, Marco and Zhou, Ying (2012). The effect of corruption on FDI:a parametric and non-parametric analysis. European Journal of Political Economy, 28 (3), 302–312.
Barber, Helen (2012). Obstacles and solutions to maximising urban biodiversity throughout the lifecycles of major developments in England. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bardik, V.Yu., Nerukh, D., Pavlov, E. and Zhyganiuk, I. (2012). Equation of state for water in the small compressibility region. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 57 (1), pp. 47-51.
Beasley, Ian G. and Davies, Leon N. (2012). Susceptibility to pattern glare following stroke. Journal of Neurology, 259 (9), pp. 1832-1839.
Bencomo, N., Hallsteinsen, S. and Santana de Almeida, E. (2012). A view of the dynamic software product line landscape. Computer, 45 (10), pp. 36-41.
Bencomo, N., Welsh, K., Sawyer, P. and Whittle, J. (2012). Self-explanation in adaptive systems. IN: ICECCS '12 Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. FRA: IEEE.
Bennion, Amy E, Shaw, Rachel L and Gibson, Jonathan M (2012). What do we know about the experience of age related macular degeneration? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research. Social science and medicine, 75 (6), pp. 976-985.
Benton, David M. (2012). Technique for passive scene imaging of gas and vapor plumes using transmission-waveband modulation. Optical Engineering, 51 (5),
Berrow, Emma (2012). The Effect of nutritional supplementation on subjective and objective measures of visual and retinal function:a random controlled trial. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bhamber, Ranjeet S., Allsop, Thomas D.P., Lloyd, Glynn D., Webb, David J. and Ania-Castañón, Juan D. (2012). Arbitrary real-time three-dimensional corporal object sensing and reconstruction scheme. Optics Letters, 37 (17), pp. 3549-3551.
Bhaumik, Sumon, Bonner, Karen and Hart, Mark (2012). Investment efficiency among a cross-section of UK firms:implications for the debate on financing constraints. Working Paper. National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA).
Bhaumik, Sumon, Das, Pranab and Kumbhakar, Subal (2012). A stochastic frontier approach to modelling financial constraints in firms:an application to India. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36 (5), pp. 1311-1319.
Bhaumik, Sumon and Dimova, Ralitza (2012). Does human capital endowment of FDI recipient countries really matter? Evidence from cross-country firm level data. Discussion Paper. IZA, Bonn (UK).
Bhaumik, Sumon, Dimova, Ralitza, Kumbhakar, Subal and Sun, Kai (2012). Does institutional quality affect firm performance? Insights from a semiparametric approach. Discussion Paper. IZA, Bonn (DE).
Bhaumik, Sumon and Selarka, Ekta (2012). Does ownership concentration improve M&A outcomes in emerging markets?: Evidence from India. Journal of Corporate Finance, 18 (4), pp. 717-726.
Bhogal, Gurpreet (2012). Requirement for and optimisation of premium intraocular lenses. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bielemeier, Anne (2012). Development of a multicellular co-culture model of normal and cystic fibrosis human airways in vitro. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bilkhu, Paramdeep S., Wolffsohn, James S. and Naroo, Shehzad A. (2012). A review of non-pharmacological and pharmacological management of seasonal and perennial allergic conjunctivitis. Contact lens and anterior eye, 35 (1), pp. 9-16.
Bilro, L., Marques, C.A.F., Khan, Lutful, Oliveira, R.A., Webb, David J. and Nogueira, R.N. (2012). Acousto-optic modulation in a microstructured plastic optical fibre Bragg grating. IN: OFS2012 22nd international conference on Optical Fiber Sensor. Liao, Yanbiao; Jin, Wei; Sampson, David D. and et al (eds) SPIE proceedings . CHN: SPIE.
Birkett, Emma and Talcott, Joel (2012). Interval timing in children:effects of auditory and visual pacing stimuli and relationships with reading and attention variables. PLoS ONE, 7 (8),
Black, Christina, Ntani, Georgia, Kenny, Ross, Tinati, Tannaze, Jarman, Megan, Lawrence, Wendy, Barker, Mary, Inskip, Hazel, Cooper, Cyrus, Moon, Graham and Baird, Janis (2012). Variety and quality of healthy foods differ according to neighbourhood deprivation. Health and Place, 18 (6), pp. 1292-1299.
Blasongame, Jesse (2012). Leadership in American Evangelical churches:an explanatory theory. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Blewitt, John (2012). Radicalizing education for sustainability. Discussion Paper. Schumacher Institute, Bristol (UK).
Blewitt, John (2012). The future of the public library:reimagining the moral economy of the 'people's university'. Power and Education, 4 (1), pp. 106-116.
Bolsmann, C. (2012). Representation in the first African World Cup:'world-class', Pan-Africanism, and exclusion. Soccer and society, 13 (2), pp. 156-172.
Bolsmann, Christian and Guoth, Nick (2012). Dominions apart:scandal and sporting mismatch in Australian-South African association football encounters, 1947-1955. International Journal of the History of Sport, 29 (3), pp. 472-491.
Bonander, Nicklas and Bill, Roslyn M. (2012). Optimising yeast as a host for recombinant protein production (review). Methods in molecular biology, 866 , pp. 1-9.
Booth, Malcolm, Fahmi, Nagi and Luke, Steve (2012). Work-based HE pathways for the electrical power engineering industry. IN: Conference proceedings for EE2012. GBR: Higher Education Academy.
Bora, Nagamani, Bawa, Zharain, Bill, Roslyn M. and Wilks, Martin D.B. (2012). The implementation of a design of experiments strategy to increase recombinant protein yields in yeast (review). Methods in molecular biology, 866 , pp. 115-127.
Borg Xuereb, Christian, Shaw, Rachel and Lane, Deirdre A. (2012). Patients’ and health professionals’ views and experiences of atrial fibrillation and oral-anticoagulant therapy:a qualitative meta-synthesis. Patient Education and Counseling, 88 (2), pp. 330-337.
Boscolo, Sonia, Ania Castañón, Juan D., Finot, Christopher and González Herráez, Miguel (2012). Nonlinear fibre-based photonic technologies. International Journal of Optics, 2012 ,
Boscolo, Sonia and Finot, Christophe (2012). Nonlinear pulse shaping in fibres for pulse generation and optical processing. International journal of optics, 2012 ,
Boscolo, Sonia and Finot, Christophe (2012). Nonlinear pulse shaping in fibres for pulse generation and optical processing. International Journal of Optics, 2012 ,
Boscolo, Sonia and Finot, Christophe (2012). Nonlinearly generated advanced pulse waveforms for optical signal processing. IN: 14th international conference on transparent optical networks (ICTON), 2012. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei (2012). Intermediate asymptotics in nonlinear optical systems. IN: Workshop on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS 2012). Crete, 2012-07-08 - 2012-07-15. (Unpublished)
Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2012). Intermediate asymptotics in nonlinear optical systems. Physical review A, 85 (4),
Boscolo, Sonia, Turitsyn, Sergei K. and Finot, Christophe (2012). Amplifier similariton fibre laser with nonlinear spectral compression. IN: European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication 2012. OSA technical digest . NLD: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Boscolo, Sonia, Turitsyn, Sergei and Finot, Christophe (2012). Amplifier similariton fiber laser with nonlinear spectral compression. Optics Letters, 37 (21), pp. 4531-4533.
Boscolo, Sonia, Turitsyn, Sergei and Finot, Christophe (2012). New fiber laser architecture with transform-limited nonlinear spectral compression. IN: 14th international conference on transparent optical networks (ICTON), 2012. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Boscolo, Sonia, Turitsyn, Sergei and Finot, Christophe (2012). Nouvelle architecture de cavité laser à fibre bénéficiant du processus de compression spectrale non-linéaire. IN: 32èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2012). Lyon, 2012-07-10 - 2012-07-12. (Unpublished)
Bossuyt, Fabienne (2012). The EU's 'transnational power over' Central Asia:Developing and applying a structurally integrative approach to the study of the EU's power over Central Asia. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Boukouvalas, Alexios, Barillec, Remi and Cornford, Dan (2012). Gaussian process quantile regression using expectation propagation. IN: 29th International Conference on Machine Learning. 2012-06-26 - 2012-07-01.
Brace, Arthur W (2012). Investigations into the technology of the production of anodic finishes and their properties leading to the development of a new model of anodic coating formation on aluminium. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bramhill, Jane (2012). Design and synthesis of proteoglycan analogues for tissue repair and regeneration. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bringas López, Ana, Castro Vázquez, Olga, Fariña Busto, María Jesús, Martín Lucas, Belén and Suárez Briones, Beatriz (2012). Manual de linguaxe inclusiva no ámbito universitario. Vigo (ES): Unidade de Igualdade da Universidade de Vigo.
Brown, James E. (2012). The ageing pancreas. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease, 12 (3), pp. 141-145.
Bruce, Julie, Thornton, Alison J, Scott, N W, Marfizo, S, Powell, Rachael, Johnston, Marie, Wells, M, Heys, S.D. and Thompson, A.M. (2012). Chronic preoperative pain and psychological robustness predict acute postoperative pain outcomes after surgery for breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 107 (6), pp. 937-946.
Brunswick, Nicola, Martin, G. Neil and Rippon, Georgina (2012). Early cognitive profiles of emergent readers:a longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 111 (2), pp. 268-285.
Brunyé, Tad T., Ditman, Tali, Giles, Grace E., Mahoney, Caroline R., Kessler, Klaus and Taylor, Holly A. (2012). Gender and autistic personality traits predict perspective-taking ability in typical adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 52 (1), pp. 84-88.
Buckhurst, Phillip J., Wolffsohn, James S., Naroo, Shehzad A., Davies, Leon N., Bhogal, Gurpreet K., Kipioti, Athina and Shah, Sunil (2012). Multifocal intraocular lens differentiation using defocus curves. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 57 (7), pp. 3920-3926.
Burdumy, Alexander (2012). Sozialpolitik und repression in der DDR:Ostberlin 1971-1989. PHD thesis, null.
Burgess, Adrian (2012). Towards a unified understanding of event-related changes in the EEG:the Firefly model of synchronization through cross-frequency phase modulation. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Burgos, Felipe Cid, Fernández-Arguelles, Luis Jesús Manso, Calderita, Luis V., Sánchez, Agustín and Trujillo, Pedro Núñez (2012). Engaging human-to-robot attention using conversational gestures and lip-synchronization. Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha), 6 (1), pp. 3-10.
Cabibbo, M., Ricci, P., Cecchini, R., Rymuza, Z., Sullivan, J., Dub, S. and Cohen, S. (2012). An international round-robin calibration protocol for nanoindentation measurements. Micron, 43 (2-3), pp. 215-222.
Cano, Amparo-Elizabeth, Dadzie, Aba-Sah, Uren, Victoria and Ciravegna, Fabio (2012). Sensing presence (PreSense) ontology : user modelling in the semantic sensor web. IN: The semantic web. García-Castro, Raúl; Fensel, Dieter and Antoniou, Grigoris (eds) Lecture notes in computer science . Berlin (DE): Springer.
Cartwright, Stephanie P., Bill, Roslyn M. and Hipkiss, Alan R. (2012). L-carnosine affects the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a metabolism-dependent manner. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Caruana, Douglas A., Alexander, Georgia M. and Dudek, Serena M. (2012). New insights into the regulation of synaptic plasticity from an unexpected place:Hippocampal area CA2. Learning and Memory, 19 (9), pp. 391-400.
Chang, Min-Wen (2012). Teamwork for product innovation in Taiwanese family firms:an indigenous psychology perspective: An indigenous psychology. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Child, Anne, Clarke, Amy, Fox, Chris and Maidment, Ian (2012). A pharmacy led program to review anti-psychotic prescribing for people with dementia. BMC Psychiatry, 12 (155),
Chinwugo, Paliani and Blewitt, John (2012). The global financial crisis, working people and sustainable development. Discussion Paper. Schumacher Institute, Bristol (UK).
Chisholm, Katharine, Patterson, Paul, Torgerson, Carol, Turner, Erin and Birchwood, Max (2012). A randomised controlled feasibility trial for an educational school-based mental health intervention: Study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 12 ,
Churkin, Dmitry V., El-Taher, Atalla E., Vatnik, Ilya D., Ania-Castañón, Juan Diego, Harper, Paul, Podivilov, Eugeny V., Babin, Sergey A. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2012). Experimental and theoretical study of longitudinal power distribution in a random DFB fiber laser. Optics Express, 20 (10), pp. 11178-11188.
Churkin, Dmitry V., Gorbunov, Oleg A. and Smirnov, Sergey V. (2012). Extreme value statistics in Raman fiber lasers. IN: Fiber lasers IX. Honea, Eric C. and Hendow, Sami T. (eds) SPIE proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Clark, Andrew, Nash, Robert A., Fincham, Gabrielle and Mazzoni, Giuliana (2012). Creating non-believed memories for recent autobiographical events. PLoS ONE, 7 (3),
Clark, Robin and Andrews, Jane (2012). Engineering the future:CDIO as a tool for combating retention difficulties. IN: Developments in Engineering Education Standards: Advanced Curriculum Innovations. Rasul, Mohammad (ed.) IGI Global.
Clark, Robin and Andrews, Jane (2012). Peer mentoring in Higher Education:a reciprocal route to student success. IN: Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success. Andrews, Jane and Clark, Robin (eds) Birmingham: Aston University.
Clarkesmith, Danielle (2012). Development and trialling of a behavioural intervention for patients with atrial fibrillation initiating oral anticoagulation:the 'treat' study. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Clegg, Ben and Orme, Richard (2012). Systems of systems:pure and applied to Lean Six Sigma training. IN: System of systems. Gheorghe, Adrian V. (ed.) InTech.
Cohanier, Bruno (2012). Performance management in the United States and France:four case studies in the retail and airline industries. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Coldrick, Benjamin, Swadener, Gregory and Davies, Leon (2012). A sensitivity study of the human crystalline lens using finite element analysis. IN: Proceedings of the 20th UK national conference of the ACME. Yang, Z.J. (ed.) GBR: Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering.
Coleman, Mike, O'Neil, John, Woehrling, Elizabeth, Ndunge, Oscar, Hill, Eric, Menache, Andre and Reiss, Claud (2012). A preliminary investigation into the impact of a pesticide combination on human neuronal and glial cell lines in vitro. PLoS ONE, 7 (8),
Combe, Ian (2012). "Marketing and flexibility":debates past present and future. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10), pp. 1257-1267.
Combe, Ian A., Rudd, John M., Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2012). Antecedents of strategic flexibility:management cognition, firm resources and strategic options. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10), pp. 1320-1339.
Conner, Matthew T., Conner, Alex C., Bland, Charlotte E., Taylor, Luke H.J., Brown, James, Parri, H. Rheinallt and Bill, Roslyn M. (2012). Rapid aquaporin translocation regulates cellular water flow:the mechanism of hypotonicity-induced sub-cellular localization of the aquaporin 1 water channel. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (14), pp. 11516-11525.
Coricelli, Fabrizio, Driffield, Nigel, Pal, Sarmistha and Roland, Isabelle (2012). When does leverage hurt productivity growth? A firm-level analysis:a firm-level analysis. Journal of International Money and Finance, 31 (6), pp. 1674-1694.
Cudmore, Melissa J., Ahmad, Shakil, Sissaoui, Samir, Ramma, Wenda, Ma, Bin, Fujisawa, Takeshi, Al-Ani, Bahjat, Wang, Keqing, Cai, Meng, Crispi, Fatima, Hewett, Peter W., Gratacós, Eduard, Egginton, Stuart and Ahmed, Asif (2012). Loss of Akt activity increases circulating soluble endoglin release in preeclampsia:identification of inter-dependency between Akt-1 and heme oxygenase-1. European Heart Journal, 33 (9), pp. 1150-1158.
Cudmore, Melissa J., Hewett, Peter W., Ahmad, Shakil, Wang, Ke-Qing, Cai, Meng, Al-Ani, Bahjat, Fujisawa, Takeshi, Ma, Bin, Sissaoui, Samir, Ramma, Wenda, Miller, Mark R., Newby, David E., Gu, Yuchun, Barleon, Bernhard, Weich, Herbert and Ahmed, Asif (2012). The role of heterodimerization between VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 in the regulation of endothelial cell homeostasis. Nature Communications, 3 ,
Cui, Xianjin, Liu, Xianping, Tatton, Andrew S., Brown, Steve P., Ye, Haitao and Marsh, Andrew (2012). Nanodiamond promotes surfactant-mediated triglyceride removal from a hydrophobic surface at or below room temperature. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4 (6), pp. 3225-3232.
Cunningham, Anna, Shapiro, Laura, Witton, Caroline, Talcott, Joel, Rochelle, Kim and Burgess, Adrian (2012). Speech and non-speech skills in the prediction of letter-knowledge:the influence of task. IN: 2nd meeting of the EARLI SIG Neuroscience and Education. Institute of Education, 2012-05-24 - 2012-05-26. (Unpublished)
D'Huys, O., Fischer, I., Danckaert, J. and Vicente, R. (2012). Spectral and correlation properties of rings of delay-coupled elements:Comparing linear and nonlinear systems. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85 (5),
Da Rocha, Cecilia G., Formoso, Carlos T., Tzortzopoulos-Fazenda, Patricia, Koskela, Lauri and Tezel, Algan (2012). Design science research in lean construction: Process and outcomes. IN: Proceedings for the 20th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. Tommelein, I.D. and Pasquire, C.L. (eds) USA: UNSPECIFIED.
Damanhuri, Nor Salwa, Chiew, Yeong Shiong, Docherty, Paul, Geoghegan, Patrick and Chase, Geoff (2012). Respiratory airway resistance monitoring in mechanically ventilated patients. IN: 2012 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2012. MYS: UNSPECIFIED.
Darby, Richard A.J., Cartwright, Stephanie P., Dilworth, Marvin V. and Bill, Roslyn M. (2012). Which yeast species shall I choose? Saccharomyces cerevisiae versus Pichia pastoris (review). IN: Recombinant protein production in yeast. Bill, Roslyn M. (ed.) Springer protocols . Humana Press.
Davies, John W., Counter, Brian, Davison, Mark, Luke, Steve and Mills, Peter (2012). Part-time students in the workforce - enhancing practice in course provision. IN: Conference proceedings for EE2012. GBR: Higher Education Academy.
Davies, Philip and Nixon, Jonathan (2012). Cost-exergy optimisation of linear Fresnel reflectors. Solar energy, 86 (1), pp. 147-156.
Dawson, Jeremy (2012). Measurement of work group diversity. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Decker, Stephanie (2012). Global electrification:multinational enterprise and international finance in the history of light and power, 1878-2007. Enterprise and Society , pp. 449-451.
Decker, Stephanie (2012). The silence of the archives:postcolonialism and the practice of historical reconstruction from archival evidence. Working Paper. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich (DE).
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