Browse by Aston Author

Fuller, Crispian (2013). Urban politics and the social practices of critique and justification:conceptual insights from French pragmatism. Progress in Human Geography, 37 (5), pp. 639-657.
Fuller, Crispian (2012). 'Worlds of justification’ in the politics and practices of urban regeneration. Environment and Planning D, 30 (5), pp. 913-929.
Geddes, Mike, Davies, Jonathan and Fuller, Crispian (2007). Evaluating local strategic partnerships:theory and practice of change. Local Government Studies, 33 (1), pp. 97-116.
Lowe, Pam, Jones, Demelza, West, Karen and Fuller, Crispian (2014). Experiences of families living in Kingshurst, North Solihull. Aston University.