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Reershemius, Gertrud (2021). Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers. 2018. Geschichte der mecklenburgischen Regionalsprache seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Varietätenkontakt zwischen Alteingesessenen und immigrierten Vertriebenen. Teil 1: Sprachsystemgeschichte. Berlin: Peter Lang. 491 S. Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft, 13 (1-2), pp. 32-36.
Reershemius, Gertrud K (2020). Semiotic Rural Landscapes and the Performance of Community in Villages.:A Case Study from Low German-Speaking Northern Germany. Linguistic Landscape, 6 (2), pp. 128-154.
Reershemius, Gertrud K (2019). Lamppost networks *:Stickers as a genre in urban semiotic landscapes. Social semiotics, 29 (5), pp. 622-644.
Reershemius, Gertrud K, Matras, Yaron and Gaiser, Leonie (2018). Multilingual Repertoire Management and Illocutionary Functions in Yiddish Signage in Manchester. Journal of Pragmatics, 135 , pp. 53-70.
Reershemius, Gertrud (2018). Language shift revisited:linguistic repertoires of Jews in Low German-speaking Germany in the Early Twentieth Century. Insights from the LCAAJ Archive. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 30 (2), pp. 134-166.
Reershemius, Gertrud K (2017). Autochthonous heritage languages and social media:writing and bilingual practices in Low German on Facebook. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38 (1), pp. 35-49.
Marley, Carol and Reershemius, Gertrud (2016). Think small. The construction of imagined tradition in German "Land"-magazines. Discourse, Context & Media, 14 , pp. 71-81.
Reershemius, Gertrud K (2012). Arendt, Birte: Niederdeutschdiskurse.:Spracheinstellungen im Kontext von Laien, Printmedien und Politik. Info-DaF, 39 (2-3), pp. 142-144.
Reershemius, Gertrud K. (2009). Post-vernacular language use in a Low German linguistic community. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 21 (2), pp. 131-147.
Reershemius, Gertrud K. (2001). Word order in Yiddish narrative discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 33 (9), pp. 1467-1484.
Reershemius, Gertrud K. (2001). Plaedoyer fuer die Entwicklung einer integrativen Didaktik im Bereich der German Studies. German as a Foreign Language, 2 , pp. 31-44.
Book Section
Matras, Yaron and Reershemius, Gertrud K (1991). Standardisation beyond the state:The cases of Yiddish, Kurdish and Romani. IN: Standardisation of national languages. von Gleich, Utta and Wolff, Eckhard (eds) Unesco Institute of Education Reports.