Browse by Aston Author

Hall, S.D., Prokic, E.J., McAllister, C.J., Rönnqvist, K.C., Williams, A.C., Yamawaki, N., Witton, C., Woodhall, G.L. and Stanford, I.M. (2014). GABA-mediated changes in inter-hemispheric beta frequency activity in early-stage Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience, 281 , pp. 68-76.
Yamawaki, Naoki, Magill, P.J., Hall, Stephen, Woodhall, Gavin and Stanford, Ian (2012). Frequency selectivity and dopamine-dependence of plasticity at glutamatergic synapses in the subthalamic nucleus. Neuroscience, 203 , pp. 1-11.
Hall, Stephen D., Stanford, Ian M., Yamawaki, Naoki, McAllister, Craig, Rönnqvist, K.C., Woodhall, Gavin L. and Furlong, Paul L. (2011). The role of GABAergic modulation in motor function related neuronal network activity. Neuroimage, 56 (3), pp. 1506-1510.
Yamawaki, Naoki (2009). Beta frequency neuronal network activity in the primary motor cortex. PHD thesis, Aston University.