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Combe, Ian A., Rudd, John M., Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2012). Antecedents of strategic flexibility:management cognition, firm resources and strategic options. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10), pp. 1320-1339.
Lings, Ian N. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2010). Internal market orientation and market/oriented behaviours. Journal of Service Management, 21 (3), pp. 321-343.
Lings, Ian N. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2005). Measuring internal market orientation. Journal of Service Research, 7 (3), pp. 290-305.
Tuominen, M., Hyvonen, S., Antilla, M., Kajalo, S., Rajala, A., Moller, K., Matear, S., Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2005). Exploration and exploitation in innovation research:resource positioning analysis in assessing firm profitability. Finanza Marketing E Produzione, 23 (3), pp. 78-86.
Combe, Ian and Greenley, Gordon E. (2004). Capabilities for strategic flexibility:a cognitive content framework. European Journal of Marketing, 38 (11-12), pp. 1456-1480.
Book Section
Tuominin, M., Matear, S., Hyvonen, S., Rajala, A., Kajalo, S., Moller, K., Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2005). Exploration and exploitation in innovation research:Resource positioning analysis in assessing firm profitability. IN: Proceedings of the 34th EMAC conference. UNSPECIFIED.