Browse by Aston Author

Gebreiter, Florian, Davies, Matt, Finley, Simon, Gee, Lara, Weaver, Lisa and Yates, David (2018). From ‘rock stars’ to ‘hygiene factors’:teachers at private accountancy tuition providers. Accounting History, 23 (1-2), pp. 138-150.
Crowther, David, Davies, Matt L. and Cooper, Stuart M. (1998). Evaluating corporate performance:a critique of economic value added. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 4 (2), pp. 3-34.
Book Section
Cooper, Stuart and Davies, Matt (2013). The use of activities in lectures. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Green, Julie and Higson, Helen (eds) Good practice guide in learning and teaching . Aston University.
Richard, Terry and Davies, Matthew L (2012). Finance e-learning in the virtual classroom. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Green, Julie and Higson, Helen (eds) Good practice guide in learning and teaching . Aston University.