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Wright, George, Meadows, Maureen, Tapinos, Efstathios, O'Brien, Frances and Pyper, Neil (2017). Improving scenario methodology:theory and practice introduction to the special issue. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124 , pp. 1-5.
Roper, Stephen and Tapinos, Efstathios (2016). Taking risks in the face of uncertainty:an exploratory analysis of green innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112 , pp. 357-363.
Hammer, Roger J., Edwards, John S. and Tapinos, Efstathios (2012). Examining the strategy development process through the lens of complex adaptive systems theory. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63 (7), pp. 909-919.
Tapinos, Efstathios (2009). Scenario planning:teaching how to anticipate perceived environmental uncertainty within strategy development. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Driffield, Nigel, Du, Jun, Hart, Mark, Love, Jim and Tapinos, Efstathios (2010). A comparative evaluation of the impact of UK Trade & Investment's R&D programme and other UKTI support that impacts R&D. UKTI Research Report . Aston University.