Low-cost fully integrated fiber Bragg grating interrogation system


Fiber Bragg gratings can be used for monitoring different parameters in a wide variety of materials and constructions. The interrogation of fiber Bragg gratings traditionally consists of an expensive and spacious peak tracking or spectrum analyzing unit which needs to be deployed outside the monitored structure. We present a dynamic low-cost interrogation system for fiber Bragg gratings which can be integrated with the fiber itself, limiting the fragile optical in- and outcoupling interfaces and providing a compact, unobtrusive driving and read-out unit. The reported system is based on an embedded Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) which is tuned dynamically at 1 kHz and an embedded photodiode. Fiber coupling is provided through a dedicated 45° micromirror yielding a 90° in-the-plane coupling and limiting the total thickness of the fiber coupled optoelectronic package to 550 µm. The red-shift of the VCSEL wavelength is providing a full reconstruction of the spectrum with a range of 2.5 nm. A few-mode fiber with fiber Bragg gratings at 850 nm is used to prove the feasibility of this low-cost and ultra-compact interrogation approach.

Additional Information: Van Hoe, Bram; Bosman, Erwin; Missinne, Jeroen; Kalathimekkad, Sandeep; Lee, Graham; Yan, Zhijun; Sugden, Kate; Webb, David J.; Van Steenberge, Geert; Van Daele, Peter., "Low-cost fully integrated fiber Bragg grating interrogation system". 3rd Asia Pacific optical sensors conference., ed. John Canning; Gang-Ding Peng. Vol. 8351 SPIE, 2012. (SPIE proceedings). Copyright 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic electronic or print reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.914253
Event Title: 3rd Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS)
Event Type: Other
Event Location: Sydney
Event Dates: 2012-01-31 - 2012-02-03
Uncontrolled Keywords: fiber Bragg grating, dynamic, low-cost, integrated, interrogation, VCSEL, flexible optoelectronic package
ISBN: 978-0-81949-027-8
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2024 14:31
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2013 12:12
Published Date: 2012-01-31
Authors: Van Hoe, Bram
Bosman, Erwin
Missinne, Jeroen
Kalathimekkad, Sandeep
Lee, Graham
Yan, Zhijun
Sugden, Kate
Webb, David J.
Van Steenberge, Geert
Van Daele, Peter


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