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Number of items: 502.


Acton, Jennifer H. (2010). Visual field and structural alterations in age-related macular degeneration. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Adams, Dave J. and Topham, Paul D. (2010). Peptide conjugate hydrogelators. Soft matter, 6 (16), pp. 3707-3721.

Aggarwal, Rebecca and Lim, Ming K. (2010). Using RFID-RTE to increase efficiency in the supply chain. IN: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. Hans-Henrik Hvolby, Charlotte Høppner Gundelund (ed.) Centre for Logistics.

Aidis, Ruta, Estrin, Saul and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2010). Institutions, finance and the level of development:the impact on entrepreneurship in transition. Review of economics and institutions, 1 (1),

AlHusban, Farhan, Elshaer, Amr M., Kansara, Jiteen H., Smith, Alan M., Grover, Liam M., Perrie, Yvonne and Mohammed, Afzal-Ur-Rahman (2010). Investigation of formulation and process of lyophilised orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) using novel amino acid combination. Pharmaceutics, 2 (1), pp. 1-17.

Alcón-Camas, Mercedes and Ania-Castañón, Juan Diego (2010). Relative intensity noise transfer in higher-order distributed amplification through ultra-long fiber cavities. IN: Photonics North 2010. Schriemer, Henry P. and Kleiman, Rafael N. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Alegi, Peter, Bolsmann, Christian, Kuper, Simon, Reiners, Rodney and Turnbull, John (2010). Roundtable:the FIFA World Cup 2010 in the news. Ecquid Novi, 31 (2), pp. 225-237.

Allsop, Thomas D.P., Dubov, Mykhaylo, Mezentsev, Vladimir and Bennion, Ian (2010). Inscription and characterization of waveguides written into borosilicate glass by a high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser at 800 nm. Applied Optics, 49 (10), pp. 1938-1950.

Allsop, Thomas D.P., Nagel, David, Neal, Ron, Davies, Edward M., Mou, Chengbo, Bond, Peter, Rehman, Saeed, Kalli, Kyriacos, Webb, David J., Calverhouse, Phil, Mascini, Marco and Bennion, Ian (2010). Aptamer-based surface plasmon sensor for thrombin detection. IN: Biophotonics. Popp, Jürgen; Drexler, Wolfgangs; Tuchin, Valery V. and Matthew, Dennis L. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7715 . BEL: SPIE.

Almeida, Jorge R.C., Versace, Amelia, Hassel, Stefanie, Kupfer, David J. and Phillips, Mary L. (2010). Elevated amygdala activity to sad facial expressions:a state marker of bipolar but not unipolar depression. Biological Psychiatry, 67 (5), pp. 414-421.

Amsler, Sarah S., Canaan, Joyce, Cowden, Stephen, Motta, Sara and Singh, Gurnam (2010). Critical pedagogy/popular education group. IN: Why Critical Pedagogy and Popular Education Matter Today. Amsler, Sarah S.; Canaan, Joyce; Cowden, Stephen; Motta, Sara and Singh, Gurnam (eds) Birmingham: C-SAP.

Anastasakis, Leonidas and Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona (2010). Exploring the adoption of interactive digital television services as a retail shopping platform. IN: The six senses. DNK: UNSPECIFIED.

Andrews, Jane and Clark, Robin (2010). Promoting scholarship - the way forward:learning and teaching research in a complex environment – a typology. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).

Anouze, Abdel (2010). Evaluating productive efficiency:comparative study of commercial banks in Gulf countries. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Ansari, Hifzur R., Flower, Darren R and Raghava, G.P.S. (2010). AntigenDB:an immunoinformatics database of pathogen antigens. Nucleic Acids Research, 38 (Suppl.), D847-D853.

Antal, Á., Jánossy, A., Forró, L., Vertelman, E.J.M., Van Koningsbruggen, Petra and Van Loosdrecht, Paul H.M. (2010). Origin of the ESR spectrum in the Prussian Blue analogue RbMn[Fe(CN)6]*H2O. Physical Review B, 82 (1),

Anthropopoulou, A.H. (2010). The knowledge-based perspective of risk management in healthcare organisations. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Arjona-Villicaňa, Pedro D., Constantinou, Costas C. and Stepanenko, Alexander (2010). The Internet's unexploited path diversity. IEEE Communications Letters, 14 (5), pp. 474-476.

Armstrong, Richard A. (2010). Dispersion of prion protein deposits around blood vessels in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Folia Neuropathologica, 48 (3), pp. 150-158.

Armstrong, Richard A. (2010). Quantitative methods in neuropathology. Folia Neuropathologica, 48 (4), pp. 217-230.

Armstrong, Richard A. (2010). A spatial pattern analysis of beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposition in the temporal lobe in Alzheimer's disease. Folia Neuropathologica, 48 (2), pp. 67-74.

Armstrong, Richard A. (2010). A spatial pattern analysis of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in the temporal lobe in Alzheimer's disease. Folia Neuropathologica, 48 (2), pp. 67-74.

Armstrong, Richard A. and Bradwell, Tom (2010). Growth of crustose lichens: a review. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, 92 (1), pp. 3-17.

Armstrong, Richard A. and Bradwell, Tom (2010). The use of lichen growth rings in lichenometry: some preliminary findings. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, 92 (1), pp. 141-147.

Atkins, Judi (2010). Moral Argument and the Justification of Policy:New Labour’s Case for Welfare Reform. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 12 (3), pp. 408-424.


Badger, Julia R. and Shapiro, Laura (2010). Development of reasoning:behavioral evidence to support reinforcement over cognitive control accounts. Cognitive Neuroscience, 1 (2), pp. 138-139.

Bahr, Witold and Lim, Ming K. (2010). Maximising the RFID benefits at the tyre distribution centre. IN: Proceedings of the 12th International MITIP Conference The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. Hans-Henrik Hvolby, Charlotte Høppner Gundelund (ed.) Centre for Logistics.

Bailey, David, Bellandi, Marco, Caloffi, Annalisa and de Propis, Lisa (2010). Place-renewing leadership:trajectories of change for mature manufacturing regions in Europe. Policy Studies, 31 (4), pp. 457-474.

Bailey, David, Clark, Ian and de Ruyter, Alex (2010). Private equity and the flight of the phoenix four - the collapse of MG Rover in the UK. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3 (3), pp. 367-382.

Baines, T.S., Lightfoot, H., Benedettini, O., Whitney, D. and Kay, J.M. (2010). The adoption of servitization strategies by UK-based manufacturers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (5), pp. 815-830.

Baker, Daniel H. (2010). Visual consciousness: the binocular rivalry explosion. Current Biology, 20 (15), R644-R646.

Baker, Daniel H. and Graf, Erich W. (2010). Contextual effects in speed perception may occur at an early stage of processing. Vision Research, 50 (2), pp. 193-201.

Baker, Daniel H. and Graf, Erich W. (2010). Extrinsic factors in the perception of bistable motion stimuli. Vision Research, 50 (13), pp. 1257-1265.

Bale, Brandon G., Kieu, Khanh, Wise, Frank and Kutz, J. Nathan (2010). Characterizing the transition dynamics for multi-pulsing in mode-locked lasers. IN: Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. Tankala, Kanishka (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.

Bale, Brandon G. and Kutz, J. Nathan (2010). The critical role of intracavity dynamics in high-power mode-locked fiber lasers. IN: Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. Tankala, Kanishka (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.

Bale, Brandon G. and Wabnitz, Stefan (2010). Strong spectral filtering for a mode-locked similariton fiber laser. Optics Letters, 35 (14), pp. 2466-2468.

Bale, Brandon, Boscolo, Sonia, Kutz, J. Nathan and Turitsyn, Sergei (2010). Intra-cavity dynamics in high power mode-locked fiber lasers. IN: Nonlinear Photonics (NP) Topical Meeting, Advanced Photonics: OSA Optics and Photonics Congress 2010. OSA.

Bartlett, Hannah E., Acton, Jennifer H. and Eperjesi, Frank (2010). Clinical evaluation of the Macuscope macular pigment densitometer. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (3), pp. 328-331.

Bartlett, Hannah, Stainer, Louise, Singh, Sandip, Eperjesi, Frank and Howells, Olivia (2010). Clinical evaluation of the MPS 9000 Macular Pigment Screener. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (6), pp. 753-756.

Barwell, James (2010). An insight into the activation mechanism of the calcatonin-gene-related peptide receptor. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Barwell, James, Miller, Philip S., Donnelly, Dan and Poyner, David R. (2010). Mapping interaction sites within the N-terminus of the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor; the role of residues 23-60 of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor. Peptides, 31 (1), pp. 170-176.

Bastin, Lucy (2010). Designing labs to promote justified self-efficacy in Computer Science students. IN: 35th International Conference - Improving University Teaching. 2010-07-01 - 2010-07-03.

Baxter, Judith A. (2010). Discourse-analytic approaches to text and talk. IN: Research Methods in Linguistics. Litosseliti, Lia (ed.) London: Continuum.

Beattie, Amanda (2010). Justice and morality:human suffering, natural law and international politics. Ethics and global politics . Farnham (UK): Ashgate.

Bencomo, Nelly, Whittle, Jon, Sawyer, Peter, Finkelstein, Anthony and Letier, Emmanuel (2010). Requirements reflection:requirements as runtime entities. IN: ICSE '10 Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 2. ZAF: ACM.

Benczes, István and Szent-Iványi, Balázs (2010). State–society relations in a dynamic framework:the case of the Far East and Sub-Saharan Africa. Working Paper. Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Munich (DE).

Benedettini, Ornella, Clegg, Ben, Kafouros, Mario and Neely, Andy (2010). The ten myths of manufacturing:what does the future hold for UK manufacturing? Executive briefing . Advanced Institute of Management.

Bennion, Amy E. (2010). Psychology in the real world: Community-based groupwork Guy Holmes. (2010). PCCS Books: Herefordshire; 311 pp. ISBN 978 1 906254 13 1. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 20 (5), pp. 434-436.

Bennion, Ian, Mezentsev, Vladimir, Dubov, Mykhaylo, Okhrimchuk, Andrei G., Allsop, Thomas and Schmitz, Holger (2010). Single process femtosecond microfabrication of key components for integrated optics. IN: Topical Meeting on Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides. Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010-06-21 - 2010-06-24.

Bentley, Gill, Bailey, David and Ruyter, Alex de (2010). The MG Rover closure and policy response: an evaluation of the Task Force model in the UK. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10 (2/3), pp. 236-251.

Bergmann, Astrid, Ahmad, Shakil, Cudmore, Melissa J., Gruber, Achim D., Wittschen, Petra, Lindenmaier, Werner, Christofori, Gerhard, Gross, Volkmar, Ch. da Costa Gonzalves, Andrey, Gröne, Hermann-Josef, Ahmed, Asif and Weich, Herbert A. (2010). Reduction of circulating soluble Flt-1 alleviates preeclampsia-like symptoms in a mouse model. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 14 (6b), pp. 1857-1867.

Bermúdez i Badia, Sergi, Bernardet, Ulysses and Verschure, Paul F M J (2010). Non-linear neuronal responses as an emergent property of afferent networks:a case study of the locust lobula giant movement detector. PLoS computational biology, 6 (3),

Berrow, Emma J, Bartlett Eperjesi, Hannah, Eperjesi, Frank and Gibson, Jonathan (2010). The electroretinogram:a useful tool for evaluating age-related macular disease? Documenta Ophthalmologica, 121 (1), pp. 51-62.

Bhasin, Sanjay (2010). A study of the impact of lean on UK manufacturing organisations that view it as a philosophy. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Bhaumik, Sumon K., Driffield, Nigel L. and Pal, Sarmistha (2010). Does ownership structure of emerging-market firms affect their outward FDI? The case of the Indian automotive and pharmaceutical sectors. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (3), pp. 437-450.

Bhui, Kamaldeep S., Admasachew, Lul A. and Persaud, Albert (2010). The promotion of children's health and wellbeing:the contributions of England's charity sector. BMC Research Notes, 3 ,

Bifulco, P., Cesarelli, M., Allen, R., Romano, M., Fratini, A. and Pasquariello, G. (2010). 2D-3D registration of CT vertebra volume to fluoroscopy projection:a calibration model assessment. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010 ,

Binder, Mario J. and Edwards, John S. (2010). Using grounded theory for theory building in operations management research:a study on inter-firm relationship governance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 30 (3), pp. 232-259.

Binner, J.M., Tiño, P., Tepper, J., Anderson, R., Jones, B. and Kendall, G. (2010). Does money matter in inflation forecasting? Physica A, 389 (21), pp. 4793-4808.

Bjedov, Ivana, Toivonen, Janne M., Kerr, Fiona, Slack, Cathy, Jacobson, Jake, Foley, Andrea and Partridge, Linda (2010). Mechanisms of life span extension by rapamycin in the fruit fly drosophila melanogaster. Cell metabolism, 11 (1), pp. 35-46.

Blewitt, John (2010). Deschooling society? A lifelong learning network for sustainable communities, urban regeneration and environmental technologies. Sustainability, 2 (11), pp. 3465-3478.

Blewitt, John (2010). Higher education for a sustainable world. Education and Training, 52 (6/7), pp. 477-488.

Blewitt, John (2010). New worlds rising? The view from transdisciplinary lifelong learning. Policy Futures in Education, 8 (5), pp. 600-602.

Blewitt, John (2010). The green campus is also a virtual one. International Journal of Environmental and Sustainable Development, 9 (4), pp. 392-400.

Bolsmann, Chris H. (2010). South African football tours at the turn of the twentieth century:amateurs, pioneers and profits. African Historical Review, 42 (1), pp. 91-112.

Bolsmann, Chris H. (2010). White football in South Africa: empire, apartheid and change, 1892-1977. Soccer and society, 11 (1-2), pp. 29-45.

Bolsmann, Chris H. and Alegi, Peter (2010). From apartheid to unity: white capital and black power in the racial integration of South African football, 1976-1992. African Historical Review, 42 (1), pp. 1-18.

Bolsmann, Chris H. and Alegi, Peter (2010). South Africa and the global game: introduction. Soccer and society, 11 (1-2), pp. 1-11.

Boscolo, Sonia and Bale, Brandon G. (2010). Impact of third-order dispersion on the evolution of parabolic pulses. IN: Nonlinear Optics and Applications IV. Eggleton, Benjamin J.; Gaeta, Alexander L. and Broderick, Neil G.R. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7728 . SPIE.

Boscolo, Sonia and Bale, Brandon G. (2010). Impact of third-order dispersion on the evolution of parabolic pulses. IN: Nonlinear Optics and Applications IV. Eggleton, Benjamin J.; Gaeta, Alexander L. and Broderick, Neil G.R. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7728 . BEL: SPIE.

Boukouvalas, Alexis (2010). Emulation of random output simulators. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Brazzo, Daniela (2010). Mechanisms of altered cortical excitability in photosensitive epilepsy. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Brock, Christian, Evanschitzky, Heiner, Blut, Markus, Kenning, Peter and Ahlert, Martin (2010). Beschwerdemanagement im B2B-Sektor:Replikation und Erweiterung. Die Betriebswitschaft, 70 (1), pp. 25-40.

Brookes, MJ, Zumer, JM, Stevenson, CM, Hale, JR, Barnes, GR, Vrba, J and Morris, PG (2010). Investigating spatial specificity and data averaging in MEG. NeuroImage, 49 (1), pp. 525-538.

Buckhurst, Phillip J., Wolffsohn, James S., Naroo, Shehzad A. and Davies, Leon N. (2010). Rotational and centration stability of an aspheric intraocular lens with a simulated toric design. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 36 (9), pp. 1523-1528.

Buil, Isabel, Martínez, Eva and de Chernatony, Leslie (2010). Medición del valor de marca desde un enfoque formativo. Cuadernos de Gestion, 10 , pp. 167-196.

Burke, Gary T (2010). The process of building public-private partnerships: an organizational identity perspective. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Bush, Joe, Langley, Christopher A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2010). Community pharmacists' engagement with public health in Great Britain. IN: 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop. 2010-08-23 - 2010-08-26.

Busse, F.H. (2010). Mean zonal flows generated by librations of a rotating spherical cavity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 650 , pp. 505-512.

Butler, Michael J.R. (2010). Leadership development through embedded learning - the case of 'Strategy for future leaders'. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Higson, Helen and Green, Julie (eds) Birmingham (UK): Aston University.

Butler, Michael J.R. and Reddy, Peter (2010). Developing critical understanding in HRM students:using innovative teaching methods to encourage deep approaches to study. European Journal of Training and Development, 34 (8-9), pp. 772-789.


Cabot, Jordi, Clark, Tony, Clavel, Manuel and Gogolla, Martin (2010). Preface:Proceedings of the Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling (OCL 2010). Electronic Communications of the EASST, 36 ,

Calinescu, Radu C. and Kwiatkowska, Marta Z. (2010). Software engineering techniques for the development of systems of systems. IN: Foundations of Computer Software: Future Trends and Techniques for Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Berlin (DE): Springer.

Campbell, Neill D.F., Vogiatzis, G., Hernández, C. and Cipolla, R. (2010). Automatic 3D object segmentation in multiple views using volumetric graph-cuts. Image and Vision Computing, 28 (1), pp. 14-25.

Canavari, Maurizio, Fritz, Melanie, Hofstede, Gert J., Matopoulos, Aristides and Vlachopoulou, Maro (2010). The role of trust in the transition from traditional to electronic B2B relationships in agri-food chains. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 70 (2), pp. 321-327.

Cartland Glover, G. M., Krepper, E., Kryk, H., Weiss, F.–P., Renger, S., Seeliger, A., Zacharias, F., Kratzsch, A., Alt, S. and Kästner, W. (2010). Fibre agglomerate transport in a horizontal flow. IN: Proceedings of the Workshop on CFD for Nuclear Reactor Safety Applications (CF4NRS-3). USA: UNSPECIFIED.

Cartland Glover, G.M., Grahn, A., Krepper, E., Weiss, F.-P., Alt, S., Hampel, R., Kästner, W., Kratzsch, A. and Zacharias, F. (2010). Hydrodynamic modeling of mineral wool fiber suspensions in a two-dimensional flow. IN: International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE. BEL: ASME.

Casagrande, Erik (2010). Causality and synchronisation in complex systems with applications to neuroscience. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Castro, Olga (2010). Non sexist-translation and/in social change: gender issues in translation. IN: Compromiso social y traducción/Interpretación translation/Interpreting and social activism. Boéri, Julie and Maier, Carol (eds) Granada (ES): ECOS.

Cesarelli, M., Fratini, A., Bifulco, P., la Gatta, A., Romano, M. and Pasquariello, G. (2010). Analysis and modelling of muscles motion during whole body vibration. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010 ,

Chander, Anuj Kumar (2010). Characterisation and oxidative stability of speciality plant seed oils. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Chandraprakaikul, W., Baines, T.S. and Lim, R.Y. (2010). Strategic positioning of manufacturing operations within global supply chains. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (5), pp. 831-842.

Chang, Meng, He, Minghua and Luo, Xudong (2010). Designing a successful adaptive agent for TAC Ad auction. IN: Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications. Coelho, Helder; Studer, Rudi and Wooldridge, Michael (eds) PRT: IOS.

Chapko, Roman, Johansson, B. Tomas and Sobeyko, Oleh (2010). On the numerical solution of a Cauchy problem in an elastostatic half-plane with a bounded inclusion. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 62 (1), pp. 57-76.

Chattopadhyay, Amit K., Ackland, Graeme J. and Mallick, Sushanta K. (2010). Income and poverty in a developing economy. Europhysics Letters, 91 (5),

Chau, David Y.S., Tint, Naing L., Collighan, Russell J, Griffin, Martin, Dua, Harminder S., Shakesheff, Kevin M. and Rose, Felicity R.A.J. (2010). The visualisation of vitreous using surface modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microparticles. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (5), pp. 648-653.

Chen, Wenshin and Bennett, David (2010). Managing wireless networks in the healthcare sector:emerging experiences of cultural impacts. Journal of E-Health Management, 2010 ,

Chen, Wenshin and Bennett, David (2010). When cost-efficient technologies meet politics:a case study of radical wireless network implementation. IBIMA Communications, 2010 ,

Chen, X., Zhang, C., Webb, D.J., van Hoe, B., van Streenberge, G., Kalli, K., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., Urbanczyk, W., Sugden, K. and Peng, G.-D. (2010). Polymer photonic sensing skin. IN: Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors. Santos, José L.; Culshaw, Brian; López-Higuera, José M. and MacPherson, William N. (eds) SPIE proceedings . PRT: SPIE.

Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhang, Chi, Webb, David J., Kalli, Kyriacos and Gang-Ding, Peng (2010). Highly sensitive bend sensor based on Bragg grating in eccentric core polymer fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22 (11), pp. 850-852.

Chen, Xianfeng, Zhang, C., van Hoe, B., Webb, D.J., Kalli, K., van Steenberge, G. and Peng, G.-D. (2010). Photonic skin for pressure and strain sensing. IN: Optical Sensing and Detection. Berghmans, Francis; Mignani, Anna G. and van Hoof, Chris A. (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.

Cheng, Tammy M.K., Lu, Yu En, Guest, Paul C., Rahmoune, Hassan, Harris, Laura W., Wang, Lan, Ma, Dan, Stelzhammer, Victoria, Umrania, Yagnesh, Wayland, Matt T., Lió, Pietro and Bahn, Sabine (2010). Identification of targeted analyte clusters for studies of schizophrenia. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 9 (3), pp. 510-522.

Christodoulides, George and de Chernatony, Leslie (2010). Consumer-based brand equity conceptualization and measurement:a literature review. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 52 (1), pp. 43-66.

Chu, Chris Wai L. (2010). Development and validation of a multidimensional scale of work-family enrichment in a Chinese context. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Ciupina, Victor, Morjan, Ion G., Alexandrescu, Rodica, Dumitrache, Florian V., Prodan, Gabriel, Lungu, Cristian, Vladoiu, Rodica, Mustata, Ion, Zarovschi, Vasile, Sullivan, John, Saied, Sayah, Vasile, Eugeniu, Oancea-Stanescu, Iuliana, Prodan, Madalina, Manole, Dorina, Mandes, Aurelia, Dinca, Virginia and Contulov, Mirela (2010). Synthesis and characterization of some carbon based nanostructures. IN: Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices VII. Dobisz, Elizabeth A. and Eldada, Louay A. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.

Clark, Robin P. and Andrews, Jane E. (2010). Promoting scholarship - The way forward: Learning & teaching research in a complex environment – A typology. IN: SRHE annual conference. 2010-12-14 - 2010-12-16.

Clark, Robin and Andrews, Jane (2010). Researching primary engineering education:a UK perspective, an exploratory study. European Journal of Engineering Education, 35 (5), pp. 585-595.

Clark, Tony and Tratt, Laurence (2010). Formalizing homogeneous language embeddings. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 253 (7), pp. 75-88.

Clarke, Victoria, Ellis, Sonja J., Peel, Elizabeth A. and Riggs, Damien W. (2010). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer psychology:an introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clay, A. and Tansley, G.D. (2010). A micro gas turbines for UK domestic combined heat and power. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 224 (6), pp. 839-849.

Clegg, Ben, Binder, Mario, Chandler, Simon and Edwards, John (2010). Governance architectures for inter-organisational R&D collaboration. IN: Proceedings of POMS 2010 - Operations in Emerging Economies. CAN: UNSPECIFIED.

Coleman, Lester, Ramm, Josephine and Cooke, Richard (2010). The effectiveness of an innovative intervention aimed at reducing binge drinking among young people:results from a pilot study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 17 (4), pp. 413-430.

Coleman, Simeon and Karoglou, Michail (2010). Monetary variability and monetary variables in the Franc zone. Economic Issues, 15 (2), pp. 17-48.

Conte, Marco, Wilson, Karen and Chechik, Victor (2010). A catalytic reactor for the trapping of free radicals from gas phase oxidation reactions. Review of scientific instruments, 81 (10),

Cooke, Richard, French, David P. and Sniehotta, Falko F. (2010). Wide variation in understanding about what constitutes 'binge-drinking'. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 17 (6), pp. 762-775.

Copland, Fiona M. and Mann, Steve (2010). Dialogic talk in the post-observation conference; an investment for reflection. IN: Observation of Teaching: Bridging Theory and Practice through Research on Teaching. Park, Gloria; Widodo, Handoyo Puji and Cirocki, Andrzej (eds) LINCOM Studies in Second Language Teaching . Munchen (DE): Lincom.

Coricelli, Fabrizio, Driffield, Nigel, Pal, Sarmistha and Roland, Isabel (2010). Excess leverage and productivity growth in emerging economies:is there a threshold effect? Discussion Paper. IZA, Bonn (DE).

Craig, Jennifer P., Purslow, Christine, Murphy, Paul J. and Wolffsohn, James S W (2010). Effect of a liposomal spray on the pre-ocular tear film. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 33 (2), pp. 83-87.

Crawshaw, Jonathan and Game, Annilee (2010). Organizational career management:the role of line manager caregiving and employee relational models. IN: 70th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2010-08-06 - 2010-08-10. (Unpublished)


D'Huys, O., Vicente, R., Danckaert, J. and Fischer, I. (2010). Amplitude and phase effects on the synchronization of delay-coupled oscillators. Chaos, 20 (4),

Daneshpour, Nooshin (2010). Local and systemic delivery of a novel group of inhibitors of transglutaminase enzyme:a potential approach for treating of catheter-related complications and liver fibrosis. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Davies, Stephen and Olczak, Matthew (2010). Assessing the efficacy of structural merger remedies:choosing between theories of harm? Review of industrial organization, 37 (2), pp. 83-99.

De Witte, Kristof and Saal, David S. (2010). Is a little sunshine all we need? On the impact of sunshine regulation on profits, productivity and prices in the Dutch drinking water sector. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 37 (3), pp. 219-242.

Decker, Stephanie (2010). Depression to Decolonization: Barclays Bank (DCO) in the West Indies, 1926–1962. By Kathleen E. A. Monteith. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2008. xvi + 355 pp. Illustrations, tables, figures, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Paper, $30.00. ISBN: 879-976-640-198-6. Business History Review, 84 (4), pp. 851-852.

Decker, Stephanie (2010). Postcolonial transitions in Africa:decolonization in West Africa and present day South Africa. Journal of Management Studies, 47 (5), pp. 791-813.

Del Prato, Stefano, LaSalle, J., Matthaei, S., Bailey, Clifford and Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management (2010). Tailoring treatment to the individual in type 2 diabetes practical guidance from the Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 64 (3), pp. 295-304.

Delgado, Michael S., Sun, Kai and Kumbhakar, Subal (2010). Evaluating the environmental Kuznets curve. Working Paper. Binghamton University, Binghamton. (Unpublished)

Dibra, H.K., Brown, James, Hooley, P. and Nicholl, I.D. (2010). Aspirin and alterations in DNA repair proteins in the SW480 colorectal cancer cell line. Oncology Reports, 21 (1), pp. 37-46.

Dimitrov, Ivan, Garnev, Panayot, Flower, Darren R and Doytchinova, Irini (2010). EpiTOP—a proteochemometric tool for MHC class II binding prediction. Bioinformatics, 26 (16), pp. 2066-8.

Dimitrov, Ivan, Garnev, Panayot, Flower, Darren R and Doytchinova, Irini (2010). MHC class II binding prediction:a little help from a friend. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2010 ,

Douglas, Graeme, Pavey, Sue, Corcoran, Christine and Eperjesi, Frank (2010). Individual's recollections of their experiences in eye clinics and understanding of their eye condition:results from a survey of visually impaired people in Britain. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 30 (6), pp. 748-757.

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