Items where Division is "Aston University (General)" and Year is 2017

Ahmad Tajuddin, Nazrizawati (2017). Novel alkali-free of layered double hydroxides and solid base catalysts for transesterification of C4-C18 triglycerides. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ajaegbu, Amara Cynthia, Uren, Victoria S and Schroeder, Andreas (2017). Relational attributes in value co-creation: A dyadic case study of a manufacturer and customer. IN: BAM2017 Conference Proceedings. GBR: UNSPECIFIED.
Ajay Castro, Sowmya (2017). Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains cause defective macrophage migration towards apoptotic cells and inhibit phagocytosis of primary apoptotic neutrophils. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Alduraywish, Yousef, Xu, Yuchun and Salonitis, Konstantinos (2017). State of the art of information systems failure managements. IN: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXI, proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, ICMR 2017, incorporating the 32nd National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering . GBR: IOS Press BV.
Alefari, Mudhafar, Salonitis, Konstantinos and Xu, Yuchun (2017). The Role of Leadership in Implementing Lean Manufacturing. Procedia CIRP, 63 , pp. 756-761.
Alghareeb, Khaled (2017). Characterising the role of ICAM-3 and apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles in the clearance of apoptotic cells. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Mou, Chengbo, Neal, Ron, Mariani, Stefano, Nagel, David, Tombelli, Sara, Poole, Andrew, Kalli, Kyriacos, Hine, Anna V., Webb, David J., Culverhouse, Philip, Mascini, M., Minunni, Maria and Bennion, Ian (2017). Real-time kinetic binding studies at attomolar concentrations in solution phase using a single-stage opto-biosensing platform based upon infrared surface plasmons. Optics Express, 25 (1), pp. 39-58.
Allsop, Thomas, Lee, Graham B., Wang, Changle, Neal, Ronald, Kalli, Kyriacos, Culverhouse, Philip and Webb, David J. (2017). Laser-sculpted hybrid photonic magnetometer with nanoscale magnetostrictive interaction. Sensors and Actuators A : physical, 269 ,
Almanei, Mohammed, Salonitis, Konstantinos and Xu, Yuchun (2017). Lean Implementation Frameworks:The Challenges for SMEs. Procedia CIRP, 63 , pp. 750-755.
Alyami, Hamad, Dahmash, Eman, Alyami, Fahad, Dahmash, Dania, Huynh, Chi, Terry, David and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2017). Dosage form preference consultation study in children and young adults:paving the way for patient-centred and patient-informed dosage form development. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 24 , pp. 332-337.
Alyami, Hamad, Dahmash, Eman, Bowen, James and Mohammed, Afzal (2017). An investigation into the effects of excipient particle size, blending techniques and processing parameters on the homogeneity and content uniformity of a blend containing low-dose model drug. PLoS ONE, 12 (6),
Alyami, Hamad, Koner, Jasdip, Dahmash, Eman Z., Bowen, James, Terry, David and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2017). Microparticle surface layering through dry coating:impact of moisture content and process parameters on the properties of orally disintegrating tablets. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 69 (7), 807–822.
Andrews, Daniel (2017). Gamification systems development: a practical guide. Birmingham (UK): Aston University.
Andrews, Daniel, Baines, Tim, Hall, Jessica and Woods, Tony (2017). Unlock your insight:employing a gamified app to engage manufacturers with servitization. IN: EurOMA 2017. GBR: UNSPECIFIED.
Andrews, Daniel, Petridis, Panagiotis, Baines, Timothy S, Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali, Shi, Victor Guang, Baldwin, James S. and Ridgway, Keith (2017). Gamification to Engage Manufacturers with Servitization. IN: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXI. Gao, James; El Souri, Mohammed and Keates, Simeon (eds) Netherlands: IOS Press BV.
Aston, Lydia, Hilton, Andrea, Moutela, Tiago, Shaw, Rachel and Maidment, Ian (2017). Exploring the evidence base for how people with dementia and their informal carers manage their medication in the community:a mixed studies review. BMC Geriatrics, 17 (1), p. 242.
Atamas, N., Bardik, V., Bannikova, A., Grishina, O., Lugovskoi, E., Lavoryk, S., Makogonenko, Y., Korolovych, V., Nerukh, D. and Paschenko, V. (2017). The effect of water dynamics on conformation changes of albumin in pre-denaturation state:photon correlation spectroscopy and simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 235 , pp. 17-23.
Attallah, Omneya, Karthikesalingam, Alan, Holt, Peter J.E., Thompson, Matthew M., Sayers, Rob, Bown, Matthew J., Choke, Eddie C. and Ma, Xianghong (2017). Feature selection through validation and un-censoring of endovascular repair survival data for predicting the risk of re-intervention. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17 ,
Attallah, Omneya, Karthikesalingam, Alan, Holt, Peter J.E., Thompson, Matthew M., Sayers, Rob, Bown, Matthew J., Choke, Eddie C. and Ma, Xianghong (2017). Using multiple classifiers for predicting the risk of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair re-intervention through hybrid feature selection. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 231 (11), pp. 1048-1063.
Ayinde, Oluseyi (2017). The role of tissue transglutaminase in the progression of colorectal cancer. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ayinde, Oluseyi, Wang, Zhuo and Griffin, Martin (2017). Tissue transglutaminase induces epithelial-mesenchymal-transition and the acquisition of stem cell like characteristics in colorectal cancer cells. Oncotarget, 8 (12), pp. 20025-20041.
Badhan, Raj K.S., Khadke, Swapnil and Perrie, Yvonne (2017). Application of pharmacokinetics modelling to predict human exposure of a cationic liposomal subunit antigen vaccine system. Pharmaceutics, 9 (4),
Badigannavar, Vidu (2017). Is social partnership the way forward for Indian trade unions? Evidence from public services in India. International Labour Review, 156 (3-4), pp. 367-394.
Badmos, Abdulyezir A., Sun, Qizhen, Sun, Zhongyuan, Zhang, Junxi, Yan, Zhijun, Lutsyk, Petro, Rozhin, Alex and Zhang, Lin (2017). Enzyme-functionalized thin-cladding long-period fiber grating in transition mode at dispersion turning point for sugar-level and glucose detection. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22 (2),
Bandlitz, Stefan, Bäumer, Joachim, Conrad, Uwe and Wolffsohn, James (2017). Scleral topography analysed by optical coherence tomography. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (4), pp. 242-247.
Barbero, Brunella (2017). Synthesis and in-situ ATR studies of nanostructured titania photocatalysts for the degradation of aqueous organic pollutants. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bastin, Lucy and Joint Research Centre (2017). Science for the Africa-EU Partnership:Building knowledge for sustainable development. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Beattie, Amanda Russell (2017). Storytelling as 'unorthodox' agency:negotiating the 2012 family immigration rules (United Kingdom). Politics, 37 (3), pp. 302-316.
Beattie, Amanda Russell (2017). The slowly structured classroom:Narrative time, lived experience and the contemporary he classroom. Knowledge Cultures, 5 (2), pp. 32-48.
Bednyakova, A. E., Kharenko, D. S., Zhdanov, I. S., Podivilov, E. V., Fedoruk, M. P., Apolonski, A. A., Turitsyn, S. K. and Babin, S. A. (2017). Optimization of a highly-chirped dissipative soliton fiber oscillator operating at 1.55 μm. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017. DEU: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Beltagui, Ahmad, Sigurdsson, Kjartan, Candi, Marina and Riedel, Johann C.K.H. (2017). Articulating the service concept in professional service firms. Journal of Service Management, 28 (3), pp. 593-616.
Benczes, István and Szent-Iványi, Balázs (2017). The European economy: the recovery continues, but for how long? Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (suppl.), 133–148.
Bernardet, Ulysses, Aleixandri, Jaume Subirats and Verschure, Paul F.m.j. (2017). An Interactive Space as a Creature:Mechanisms of Agency Attribution and Autotelic Experience. International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality, 1 (1), pp. 1-15.
Bhamra, Tarnveer Singh and Tighe, Brian J. (2017). Mechanical properties of contact lenses:the contribution of measurement techniques and clinical feedback to 50 years of materials development. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (2), pp. 70-81.
Bird, Gemma, Beattie, Amanda R, Obradović-Wochnik, Jelena and Rozbicka, Patrycja (2017). As Europe’s focus shifts to integration, the humanitarian refugee crisis is still not over. The Conversation Trust (UK).
Boucher, Abigail (2017). The monk and menopause:gender, medicine, and the Gothic in the long Nineteenth Century. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, 13 (2),
Bowser, Anne, Brenton, Peter, Stevenson, Rob, Newman, Greg, Schade, Sven, Bastin, Lucy, Parker, Alison and Oliver, Jessie (2017). Citizen Science Association Data & Metadata Working Group: Report from CSA 2017 and Future Outlook. Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars.
Bruni, Matthew, Flax, Judy F., Buyske, Steven, Shindhelm, Amber D., Witton, Caroline, Brzustowicz, Linda M. and Bartlett, Christopher W. (2017). Behavioral and molecular genetics of reading-related AM and FM detection thresholds. Behavior Genetics, 47 (2), 193–201.
Burgess, Jonathan (2017). Sustainable automotive design:a holistic strategy for sustainable product and materials development. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Burton, Tobias (2017). Design and synthesis of novel photoactive block copolymers towards use in efficient organic photovoltaic cells. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Bustinza, Oscar F., Vendrell-Herrero, Ferran and Baines, Tim (2017). Service implementation in manufacturing:An organisational transformation perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 192 , pp. 1-8.
Butler, Michael J.R., Lee, Nick and Senior, Carl (2017). Critical Essay: Organizational cognitive neuroscience drives theoretical progress, or: The curious case of the straw man murder:organizational cognitive neuroscience drives theoretical progress, or: The curious case of the straw man murder. Human Relations, 70 (10), pp. 1171-1190.
C. de Pádua, Pedro H., C. de Pádua, Flávio L., de A. Pereira, Marconi, Souza, Marco T.D., B. de Oliveira, Matheus and F. Wanner, Elizabeth (2017). A vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses in futsal. Machine Vision and Applications, 28 (5-6), 475–496.
Cartwright, Stephanie P., Darby, Richard A.J., Sarkar, Debasmita, Bonander, Nicklas, Gross, Stephane R., Ashe, Mark P. and Bill, Roslyn M. (2017). Constitutively-stressed yeast strains are high-yielding for recombinant Fps1:implications for the translational regulation of an aquaporin. Microbial Cell Factories, 16 (1),
Cartwright, Stephanie, Bill, Roslyn M., Bui, Sy Tien, Van, Hieu Tran and Nguyen, Hung Minh (2017). Rapid expression and purification of the hepatitis delta virus antigen using the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris. BMC Research Notes, 10 ,
Casey, A L, Karpanen, T J, Conway, B R, Worthington, T, Nightingale, P, Waters, R and Elliott, T S J (2017). Enhanced chlorhexidine skin penetration with 1,8-cineole. BMC Infectious Diseases, 17 (1),
Chen, Pengcheng, Shu, Xuewen and Cao, Haoran (2017). Novel Compact and low-Cost Ultraweak Fabry-Perot Interferometer as a Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensor. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (5),
Chen, Pengcheng, Shu, Xuewen, Cao, Haoran and Sugden, Kate (2017). High-sensitivity and large-dynamic-range fiber refractometer based on composite-cavity Fabry-Perot structure. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Chen, Pengcheng, Shu, Xuewen, Cao, Haoran and Sugden, Kate (2017). High-sensitivity and large-dynamic-range refractive index sensors employing weak composite Fabry-Perot cavities. Optics Letters, 42 (16), pp. 3145-3148.
Chernysheva, Maria, Rozhin, Aleksey, Fedotov, Yuri, Mou, Chengbo, Arif, Raz, Kobtsev, Sergey M., Dianov, Evgeny M. and Turitsyn, Sergei (2017). Carbon nanotubes for ultrafast fibre lasers. Nanophotonics, 6 (1), pp. 1-30.
Chi, Yunsi, Li, Tao, Wang, Bo, Wu, Zhentao and Li, Kang (2017). Morphology, performance and stability of multi-bore capillary La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ oxygen transport membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 529 , 224–233.
Chowlia, Baldeep and Russell, Craig (2017). A Systematic Review Examining how 'omics are are Applied to Drug Development Research. International Journal of Drug Research and Technology, 7 (4), pp. 162-179.
Chudnovskiy, Alexander, Kagalovsky, Victor and Yurkevich, Igor V. (2017). Metal-insulator transition in a sliding Luttinger liquid with line defects. Physical Review B, 96 , 165111-1 - 165111-6.
Coathup, David James (2017). The effect of interface layers and doping on the multiferroic properties of bismuth titanate oxide thin films on silicon. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Cooner, Manpreet, Mann, Aisling and Tighe, Brian (2017). The nature and consequence of vitronectin interaction in the non-compromised contact lens wearing eye. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (4), pp. 228-235.
Copeland, C S, Wall, T M, Sims, R E, Neale, S A, Nisenbaum, E, Parri, H R and Salt, T E (2017). Astrocytes modulate thalamic sensory processing via mGlu2 receptor activation. Neuropharmacology, 121 , pp. 100-110.
Coudrat, Thomas, Simms, John, Christopoulos, Arthur, Wootten, Denise and Sexton, Patrick M. (2017). Improving virtual screening of G protein-coupled receptors via ligand-directed modeling. PLoS computational biology, 13 (11),
Cox, Jonathan A.G. and Worthington, Tony (2017). The 'Antibiotic Apocalypse' - scaremongering or scientific reporting? Trends in Microbiology, 25 (3), pp. 167-169.
Craig, Jennifer P., Nelson, J. Daniel, Azar, Dimitri T., Belmonte, Carlos, Bron, Anthony J., Chauhan, Sunil K., de Paiva, Cintia S., Gomes, José A.P., Hammitt, Katherine M., Jones, Lyndon, Nichols, Jason J., Nichols, Kelly K., Novack, Gary D., Stapleton, Fiona J., Willcox, Mark D.P., Wolffsohn, James S. and Sullivan, David A. (2017). TFOS DEWS II Report Executive Summary. Ocular Surface, 15 (4), pp. 802-812.
Crawford, Hayley, Waite, Jane and Oliver, Chris (2017). Diverse Profiles of Anxiety Related Disorders in Fragile X, Cornelia de Lange and Rubinstein–Taybi Syndromes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47 (12), pp. 3728-3740.
Cruz Moreira, Rafaela Priscila, Wanner, Elizabeth Fialho, Martins, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro and Sarubbi, João Ferdinando Machry (2017). The menu planning problem:a multi-objective approach for the Brazilian schools context. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Czekóová, Kristína, Zemánková, Petra, Shaw, Daniel J. and Bareš, Martin (2017). Social cognition and idiopathic isolated cervical dystonia. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124 (9), pp. 1097-1104.
Daniels-Gombert, Gabrielle (2017). Examining the group-level effects of corporate identity cues on organisational identification and role behaviours. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Dannhauser, Philip N., Camus, Stéphane M., Sakamoto, Kazuho, Sadacca, L. Amanda, Torres, Jorge A., Camus, Marine D., Briant, Kit, Vassilopoulos, Stéphane, Rothnie, Alice, Smith, Corinne J. and Brodsky, Frances M. (2017). CHC22 and CHC17 clathrins have distinct biochemical properties and display differential regulation and function. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292 (51), pp. 20834-20844.
Dennison, Thomas J., Smith, Julian C, Badhan, Raj K. and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2017). Fixed-dose combination orally disintegrating tablets to treat cardiovascular disease:formulation, in vitro characterization and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to assess bioavailability. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 11 , pp. 811-826.
Desai, Hemant J., Acheampong, Daniel O., Hudson, Robert, Lacey, Richard, Stanley, Claire, Turner, Helen, Whitmore, Hannah, Torry, Simon, Golding, Peter, Erothu, Harikrishna and Topham, Paul (2017). Facile synthesis and proposed mechanism of α,ω‐oxetanyl-telechelic poly(3-nitratomethyl-3-methyl oxetane) by an SN2(i) nitrato displacement method in basic media. Journal of Energetic Materials, 35 (1), pp. 109-124.
Dewi, Miranti (2017). An in-depth case study of beneficiary accountability practices by an Indonesian NGO. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Diana, Rodney O.M., de Souza, Sérgio R., Wanner, Elizabeth F. and França Filho, Moacir F. (2017). Hybrid metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization based on immune network for optimization and VNS. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Dornas, Andre Homem, Martins, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro, Sarubbi, João Fernando Machry and Wanner, Elizabeth Fialho (2017). Real-polarized genetic algorithm for the three-dimensional bin packing problem. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Dvoyrin, V.V., Tarasov, N. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2017). Ultra-broadband tunable fiber laser. IN: 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), proceedings. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers . USA: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Eckert, Mark A., Vaden Jr., Kenneth I., Maxwell, Amanda B., Cute, Stephanie L., Gebregziabher, Mulugeta, Berninger, Virginia W., Wandell, B. and Dyslexia Data Consortium (2017). Common brain structure findings across children with varied reading disability profiles. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Egea, Javier, Fabregat, Isabel, Frapart, Yves M., Ghezzi, Pietro, Görlach, Agnes, Kietzmann, Thomas, Kubaichuk, Kateryna, Knaus, Ulla G., Lopez, Manuela G., Olaso-Gonzalez, Gloria, Petry, Andreas, Schulz, Rainer, Vina, Jose, Winyard, Paul, Abbas, Kahina, Ademowo, Stella, Afonso, Catarina B., Andreadou, Ioanna, Antelmann, Haike, Antunes, Fernando, Aslan, Mutay, Bachschmid, Markus M., Barbosa, Rui M., Belousov, Vsevolod, Berndt, Carsten, Bernlohr, David, Bertrán, Esther, Bindoli, Alberto, Bottari, Serge P., Brito, Paula M., Carrara, Guia, Casas, Ana I., Chatzi, Afroditi, Chondrogianni, Niki, Conrad, Marcus, Cooke, Marcus S., Costa, João G., Cuadrado, Antonio, My-Chan Dang, Pham, De Smet, Barbara, Debelec–butuner, Bilge, Dias, Irundika, Dunn, Joe Dan, Edson, Amanda J., El Assar, Mariam, El-Benna, Jamel, Ferdinandy, Péter, Fernandes, Ana S., Fladmark, Kari E., Förstermann, Ulrich, Giniatullin, Rashid, Giricz, Zoltán, Görbe, Anikó, Griffiths, Helen, Hampl, Vaclav, Hanf, Alina, Herget, Jan, Hernansanz-Agustín, Pablo, Hillion, Melanie, Huang, Jinjing, Ilikay, Serap, Jansen-Dürr, Pidder, Jaquet, Vincent, Joles, Jaap A., Kalyanaraman, Balaraman, Kaminskyy, Danylo, Karbaschi, Mahsa, Kleanthous, Marina, Klotz, Lars-Oliver, Korac, Bato, Korkmaz, Kemal Sami, Koziel, Rafal, Kračun, Damir, Krause, Karl-Heinz, Křen, Vladimír, Krieg, Thomas, Laranjinha, João, Lazou, Antigone, Li, Huige, Martínez-Ruiz, Antonio, Matsui, Reiko, Mcbean, Gethin J., Meredith, Stuart P., Messens, Joris, Miguel, Verónica, Mikhed, Yuliya, Milisav, Irina, Milković, Lidija, Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio, Mojović, Milos, Monsalve, María, Mouthuy, Pierre-Alexis, Mulvey, John, Münzel, Thomas, Muzykantov, Vladimir, Nguyen, Isabel T.N., Oelze, Matthias, Oliveira, Nuno G., Palmeira, Carlos M., Papaevgeniou, Nikoletta, Pavićević, Aleksandra, Pedre, Brandán, Peyrot, Fabienne, Phylactides, Marios, Pircalabioru, Gratiela G., Pitt, Andrew R., Poulsen, Henrik E., Prieto, Ignacio, Rigobello, Maria Pia, Robledinos-Antón, Natalia, Rodríguez-mañas, Leocadio, Rolo, Anabela P., Rousset, Francis, Ruskovska, Tatjana, Saraiva, Nuno, Sasson, Shlomo, Schröder, Katrin, Semen, Khrystyna, Seredenina, Tamara, Shakirzyanova, Anastasia, Smith, Geoffrey L., Soldati, Thierry, Sousa, Bebiana C., Spickett, Corinne M., Stancic, Ana, Stasia, Marie José, Steinbrenner, Holger, Stepanić, Višnja, Steven, Sebastian, Tokatlidis, Kostas, Tuncay, Erkan, Turan, Belma, Ursini, Fulvio, Vacek, Jan, Vajnerova, Olga, Valentová, Kateřina, van Breusegem, Frank, Varisli, Lokman, Veal, Elizabeth A., Yalçın, A. Suha, Yelisyeyeva, Olha, Žarković, Neven, Zatloukalová, Martina, Zielonka, Jacek, Touyz, Rhian M., Papapetropoulos, Andreas, Grune, Tilman, Lamas, Santiago, Schmidt, Harald H.H.W., di Lisa, Fabio and Daiber, Andreas (2017). European contribution to the study of ROS:a summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST Action BM1203 (EU-ROS). Redox biology, 13 , pp. 94-162.
Eising, Rainer, Rasch, Daniel and Rozbicka, Patrycja (2017). National interest organisations in EU policy-making. West European Politics, 40 (5), pp. 939-956.
Eke, Joseph, Onwudili, Jude A. and Bridgwater, Anthony V. (2017). Physical pretreatment of biogenic-rich trommel fines for fast pyrolysis. Waste Management, 70 , pp. 81-90.
Ekárt, Anikó, Patelli, Alina, Lush, Victoria and Ilie-Zudor, Elisabeth (2017). Gaining insights into road traffic data through genetic improvement. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
El Kalak, Izidin, Azevedo, Alcino, Hudson, Robert and Karim, Mohamad Abd (2017). Stock liquidity and SMEs’ likelihood of bankruptcy:evidence from the US market. Research in International Business and Finance, 42 , pp. 1383-1393.
Enzinger, Ewald and Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart (2017). Empirical test of the performance of an acoustic-phonetic approach to forensic voice comparison under conditions similar to those of a real case. Forensic Science International, 277 , pp. 30-40.
Fathalla, Radwa (2017). Holistic interpretation of visual data based on topology:semantic segmentation of architectural facades. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Feriotto, G., Calza, R., Bergamini, C.M., Griffin, M., Wang, Z., Beninati, S., Ferretti, V., Marzola, E., Guerrini, R., Pagnoni, A., Cavazzini, A., Casciano, F. and Mischiati, C. (2017). Involvement of cell surface TG2 in the aggregation of K562 cells triggered by gluten. Amino Acids, 49 (3), 551–565.
Ferreira Amaral, M.M., Frigotto, L. and Hine, A.V. (2017). Beyond the natural proteome:nondegenerate saturation mutagenesis - methodologies and advantages. Methods in Enzymology, 585 , pp. 111-133.
Fletcher, Stephen (2017). Analysis of a failed primary commodity cartel:The Grenada Cooperative Nutmeg Association (GCNA) and the Association of Indonesian Nutmeg Exporters (ASPIN) joint marketing agreement:. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Flynn, Samantha, Vereenooghe, L, Hastings, Richard, Adams, Dawn, Cooper, Sally-Anne, Gore, Nick, Hatton, Chris, Hood, Kerry, Jahoda, Andrew, P E, Langdon, McNamara, R, Oliver, Chris, Roy, Ashok, Totsika, Vasiliki and Waite, Jane (2017). Measurement tools for mental health problems and mental well-being in people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 57 , pp. 32-44.
Fooks, Gary and Mills, Tom (2017). Is EU regulation really so bad for the UK? The Conversation Trust (UK).
Forto Chungong, Louis, Swansbury, Laura A., Mountjoy, Gavin, Hannon, Alex C., Lee, Adam F. and Martin, Richard A. (2017). Atomic structure of chlorine containing calcium silicate glasses by neutron diffraction and 29Si solid-state NMR. International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 8 (4), pp. 383-390.
Frattini, Lucia (2017). Polyoxometalates as solid acid catalysts for sustainable chemistry. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Frumin, Leonid L., Gelash, A.A. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2017). New approaches to coding information using inverse scattering transform. Physical Review Letters, 118 (22),
Garcia Martin, Patricia Carolina, Schroeder, Andreas, Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali and Baines, Timothy S (2017). Value in servitization: From dyad to network level. IN: EurOMA 2017 Conference Proceedings. GBR: UNSPECIFIED.
Gaskin, Jemma (2017). Water Vole conservation and management:lessons from four case studies. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Gibson, Emma J., Stapleton, Fiona, Wolffsohn, James S. and Golebiowski, Blanka (2017). Local synthesis of sex hormones:are there consequences for the ocular surface and dry eye? British Journal of Ophthalmology, 101 , pp. 1596-1603.
Gregg, Sharon T., Yuan, Qingchun, Morris, Russell E. and Xiao, Bo (2017). Functionalised solids delivering bioactive nitric oxide gas for therapeutic applications. Materials Today Communications, 12 , pp. 95-105.
Grove, Joe, Hu, Ke, Farquhar, Michelle J., Goodall, Margaret, Walker, Lucas, Jamshad, Mohammed, Drummer, Heidi E., Bill, Roslyn M., Balfe, Peter and McKeating, Jane A. (2017). A new panel of epitope mapped monoclonal antibodies recognising the prototypical tetraspanin CD81. Wellcome Open Research, 2 , p. 82.
Gulenko, Anastasia, Forto Chungong, Louis, Gao, Junheng, Todd, Iain, Hannon, Alex C., Martin, Richard A. and Christie, Jamieson K. (2017). Atomic structure of Mg-based metallic glasses from molecular dynamics and neutron diffraction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (12), pp. 8504-8515.
Guo, Jianwei, Lai, Xiangfeng, Fu, Shuqin, Yue, Hangbo, Wang, Jiawei and Topham, Paul D. (2017). Microporous organic polymers based on hexaphenylbiadamantane:synthesis, ultra-high stability and gas capture. Materials Letters, 187 , 76–79.
Gómez, N., Banks, S.w., Nowakowski, D.j., Rosas, J.g., Cara, J., Sánchez, M.e. and Bridgwater, A.v. (2017). Effect of temperature on product performance of a high ash biomass during fast pyrolysis and its bio-oil storage evaluation. Fuel Processing Technology, 172 , pp. 97-105.
Hall, Michael (2017). Localising epileptiform activity and eloquent cortex using magnetoencephalography. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Harrison, Elizabeth, Saad, David and Wong, K.Y. Michael (2017). Optimal load shedding in electricity grids with renewable sources via message passing. Energy Procedia, 107 , pp. 101-108.
Hashemzadeh, Alireza, Amini, Mostafa M., Tayebee, Reza, Sadeghian, Atefeh, Durndell, Lee J., Isaacs, Mark A., Osatiashtiani, Amin, Parlett, Christopher M.A. and Lee, Adam F. (2017). A magnetically-separable H3PW12O40@Fe3O4/EN-MIL-101 catalyst for the one-pot solventless synthesis of 2H-indazolo[2,1-b] phthalazine-triones. Molecular Catalysis, 440 , pp. 96-106.
Hay, Debbie L., Garelja, Michael L., Poyner, David R and Walker, Christopher S. (2017). Update on the pharmacology of calcitonin/CGRP family of peptides:IUPHAR Review 25. British Journal of Pharmacology, 175 (1), pp. 3-17.
Higgs, Suzanne, Spetter, Maartje S, Thomas, Jason M, Rotshtein, Pia, Lee, Michelle, Hallschmid, Manfred and Dourish, Colin T (2017). Interactions between metabolic, reward and cognitive processes in appetite control:Implications for novel weight management therapies. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 31 (11), pp. 1460-1474.
Huang, Qianqian, Zou, Chuanhang, Wang, Tianxing, Al Araimi, Mohammed, Rozhin, Aleksey and Mou, Chengbo (2017). Passively harmonic mode-locking in an Erbium-doped fiber laser based on carbon nanotubes film at repetition rates to 500MHz. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2017. CHN: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Ilori, Ayoade (2017). Design and analysis of LTE and wi-fi schemes for communications of massive machine devices. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Isakova, Anna, Burton, Christian, Nowakowski, Daniel J. and Topham, Paul D. (2017). Diels–Alder cycloaddition and RAFT chain end functionality::an elegant route to fullerene end-capped polymers with control over molecular mass and architecture. Polymer Chemistry, 8 (18), pp. 2796-2805.
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