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Hooley, Graham J.; Piercy, Nigel F. and Nicoulaud, Brigitte (2011). Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Theoharakis, Vasilios; Satjos, Laszlo and Hooley, Graham J. (2009). The strategic role of relational capabilities in the business-to-business service profit chain. Industrial Marketing Management, 38 (8), pp. 914-924.
Hooley, Graham J. (2009). The life cycle concept revisited: aid or albatross? IN: Marketing Strategy. Cadogan, J. (ed.) SAGE.
Hooley, Graham J.; Kim, Kyung H.; Lee, DongHae; Lee, Nick J.; Jung, Hong-Seob and Jeon, Byung J. (2008). Brand equity and purchase intention in the fashion industry. IN: International Textile and Apparel Association annual conference. 2008-11-05 - 2008-11-08.
Hooley, Graham J.; Sajitos, L. and Theoharakis, Vasilis (2008). Driving the service profit chain:East meets West. IN: Proceedings of the 2008 Global Marketing Conference. Korean Academy of Marketing Science.
Hooley, Graham J. (2008). Multidimensional scaling of customer perceptions and preferences. IN: Marketing Research: Critical Perspectives in Business and Management. Birks, D.F. and Macer, T. (eds) London: Routledge.
Hooley, Graham J.; Piercy, Nigel F. and Nicoulaud, Brigitte (2007). Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Hooley, Graham J. and Sajitos, L. (2007). Backward engineering with the product life cycle. IN: 2007 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. 2007-06-28 - 2007-06-30.
Mayondo, F.; Hooley, Graham J. and Wong, V. (2007). Configuration theory: Fit as coalignment. IN: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2007. 2007-12-03 - 2007-12-05.
Tuominin, Matti; Kajalo, Sami; Rajala, Arto; Matear, Sheelagh and Hooley, Graham J. (2007). Sharpening the edge of market driven intangibles and innovations. International Journal of Revenue Management, 1 (3), pp. 247-261.
Hooley, Graham J.; Kasper, H.; Bloemer, J. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2007). The complex relationship between market orientation and non-financial performance indicators: A multi-country study among services companies. IN: The 10th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management. 2007-06-14 - 2007-06-17. (Unpublished)
Attia, Samaa T. and Hooley, Graham J. (2007). The role of resources in achieving target competitive positions. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 15 (2-3), pp. 91-119.
Mayondo, F.; Wong, V. and Hooley, Graham J. (2006). Coaligning business orientations, resources and capabilities: implications for organizational performance. IN: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance: Proceedings of Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Annual Conference. 2006-12-04 - 2006-12-06.
Kasper, H; Bloemer, J; Greenley, Gordon E.; Hooley, Graham J. and Matear, S. (2006). Generic strategies and market positions as moderators in the relationship between market orientation and (non-) financial performance: evidence from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Austria. IN: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference 2006 Athens, Greece, 2006. Avonlitis, George J.; Papavassiliou, Nikolaos and Papastathopoulou, Paulina (eds) European Marketing Academy.
Behnecke, I.; Hooley, J.L. and Hooley, Graham J. (2006). Lord of the thesis: Lessons from Middle Earth for research students in advancing theory, maintaining relevance. IN: Proceedings of Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Annual Conference. 2006-12-04 - 2006-12-06.
Hooley, Graham J.; Perin, M. and Sampaio, C. (2006). Marketing resources as antecedents of performance. IN: 30th Annual Conference ANPAD (National Association of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Administration, Brazil. 2006-01-01 - 2006-01-01.
Greenley, Gordon E.; Hooley, Graham J. and Rudd, John M. (2005). Market orientation in a multiple stakeholder orientation context:implications for marketing capabilities and assets. Journal of Business Research, 58 (11), pp. 1483-1494.
Hooley, Graham J.; Saunders, John A. and Piercy, Nigel F. (2005). Estratégia de marketing e posicionamento competivo. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Tuominin, M.; Matear, S.; Hyvonen, S.; Rajala, A.; Kajalo, S.; Moller, K.; Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2005). Exploration and exploitation in innovation research:Resource positioning analysis in assessing firm profitability. IN: Proceedings of the 34th EMAC conference. UNSPECIFIED.
Tuominen, M.; Hyvonen, S.; Antilla, M.; Kajalo, S.; Rajala, A.; Moller, K.; Matear, S.; Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2005). Exploration and exploitation in innovation research:resource positioning analysis in assessing firm profitability. Finanza Marketing E Produzione, 23 (3), pp. 78-86.
Tuominin, M.; Matear, S.; Hyvonen, S.; Rajala, A.; Moller, K.; Kajalo, S.; Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2005). Market driven intangibles and sustainable performance advantages. IN: AMA Winter Educators' Proceedings. 2005-02-11 - 2005-02-14. (Unpublished)
Hooley, Graham J. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2005). The resource underpinnings of competitive positions. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 13 (2), pp. 93-116.
Greenley, Gordon E.; Hooley, Graham J.; Broderick, Amanda J. and Rudd, John M. (2004). Strategic planning differences among multiple stakeholder orientation profiles. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 12 (3), pp. 163-182.
Hooley, Graham J. (2004). Dodatek. IN: Trzni Vidiki Konkurencnih Sposobnosti Podjetij V Sloveneniji. Snoj, B.; Gabrijan, V.; Mumel, D.; Petegan, A . and Pisnkik-Kordaand, A. (eds) University of Mariboru.
Hyvonen, S.; Tuominin, M. and Hooley, Graham J. (2004). How does collaboration drive value propositions in B-to-C marketing channels? A multi-country discovery in the field of developed and emerging markets. IN: AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2004. 2004-08-06 - 2004-08-09. (Unpublished)
Tuominin, M.; Hyvonen, S.; Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2004). Managing B-to-B value chains through relational marketing resources. IN: Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Confrerence 2004. 2004-11-29 - 2004-12-01.
Tuominin, M.; Matear, S.; Hyvonen, S.; Rajala, A.; M?ller, K.; Kajalo, S.; Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2004). Market driven intangibles: Critical indicators for firm performance superiority in small open economies. IN: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2004. 2004-12-04 - 2004-12-06.
Hooley, Graham J.; Beracs, J.; Cadogan, John W.; Fahy, J.; Fonfara, K.; Gabbott, M.; Kasper, H.; Matear, S.; Möller, K.; Mühlbacher, Hans; Snoj, B.; Theoharakis, Vasilios; Tsarenko, Y. and Yau, O.H.M. (2004). Marketing assets, capabilities and competitive positioning. IN: Proceedings of 33rd EMAC Annual Conference 2004. Munuera-Aleman, J. (ed.) UNSPECIFIED.
Matear, S.; Mitchell, A.; Cadogan, J. and Hooley, Graham J. (2004). Resources, strategy and competitive positioning for small firms. IN: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2004. 2004-12-04 - 2004-12-06.
Theoharakis, Vasilios and Hooley, Graham J. (2003). Organizational resources enabling service responsiveness:evidence from Greece. Industrial Marketing Management, 32 (8), pp. 695-702.
Hooley, Graham J.; Greenley, Gordon E. and Wong, Veronica (2003). Marketing: a history of the next decade. Journal of Marketing Management, 19 (5/6), pp. 517-522.
Matear, S.; Sajtos, L.; Hooley, Graham J.; Beracs, J. and Osborne, P. (2003). Competitive positioning of business to business firms - a three country comparison. IN: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference. 2003-07-01.
Theoharakis, Vasilis and Hooley, Graham J. (2003). Entrepreneurial and market orientation: Is there room for the product? IN: 10th EIASM International Product Development Conference. 2003-06-01.
Hooley, Graham J.; Fahy, John; Greenley, Gordon E.; Beracs, József; Fonfara, Krzysztof and Snoj, Boris (2003). Market orientation in the service sector of the transition economies of central Europe. European Journal of Marketing, 37 (1/2), pp. 86-106.
Gabbott, M.; Mavondo, F.; Tsarenko, Y.; Hooley, Graham J. and Greenley, Gordon (2003). Measurement invariance of marketing instruments: Implications for cross country studies. IN: Proceedings of Academy of Marketing Annual Conference. 2003-07-01.
Fahy, John; Hooley, Graham J.; Beracs, Jozsef; Fonfara, Krzysztof and Gabrijan, Vladimir (2003). Privatisation and sustainable competitive advantage in the emerging economies of Central Europe. Management International Review, 43 (4), pp. 407-428.
Matear, S.; Knightbridge, K. and Hooley, Graham J. (2002). Capabilities and competitive positioning of New Zealand firms: A preliminary analysis. IN: Marketing Networks in a Global Marketplace - Proceedings of ANZMAC/EMAC Symposium. 2002-12-01.
Hooley, Graham J. (2002). Competitor analysis. IN: International encyclopedia of business and management. Warner, Malcom (ed.) London: CENGAGE.
Greenley, Gordon E. and Hooley, Graham J. (2002). Differences in marketing assets and capabilities among market leaders, challengers and followers. IN: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference. Tynan, C. (ed.) UNSPECIFIED.
Gray, Brendan J. and Hooley, Graham J. (2002). Guest editorial: Market orientation and service firm performance - a research agenda. European Journal of Marketing, 36 (9/10), pp. 980-989.
Beracs, J.; Hooley, Graham J.; Sajtos, L. and Keszey, T. (2002). Marketing resources and their measurement. IN: 31st EMAC annual conference. 2002-05-28 - 2002-05-31.
Attia, S. and Hooley, Graham J. (2002). Which ingredients for which cake? Achieving sustainable competitive position. IN: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2002. 2002-07-02 - 2002-07-05.
Beracs, J. and Hooley, Graham J. (2002). The impact of marketing activities on business performance. IN: New Frontiers in Marketing Strategy. Beracs, J. (ed.) Hungary: Budapest University of Economic Sciences.
Hooley, Graham J.; Greenley, Gordon and Fahy, J. (2002). A scale for measuring marketing capabilities. IN: 31st EMAC annual conference. 2002-05-28 - 2002-05-31.
Greenley, Gordon E.; Hooley, Graham J.; Attia, S. and Fahy, J. (2001). Creating sustainable competitive positions in an e-business: Up the Amazon without a paddle? IN: 30th European Marketing Academy Conference. 2001-05-08 - 2001-05-11.
Hooley, Graham J.; Saunders, John A. and Piercy, Nigel F. (2001). Estratégia de marketing e posicionamento competitivo. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Hooley, Graham J.; Greenley, Gordon E.; Fahy, J. and Cadogan, J. (2001). Market-focused resources, competitive positioning and firm performance. IN: Academy of Marketing Conference 2001. 2001-07-02 - 2001-07-04. (Unpublished)
Hooley, Graham J.; Greenley, Gordon E.; Cadogan, J.; Muhlbacker, H. and Fahy, J. (2001). Towards a measure of marketing resource styles. IN: Proceedings ANZMAC Conference. 2001-12-01 - 2001-12-05. (Unpublished)