Items where Year is 2017

Amin, Shohel, Amador, Luis and Tamima, Umma (2017). Regional Freight Movement and Its Impact on Air Quality::Simulation of Freight Traffic and Pavement Maintenance Operations. MOJ Civil Engineering, 2 (2), pp. 72-80.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2017). Evidence from spatial pattern analysis for the anatomical spread of α-synuclein pathology in Parkinson's disease dementia. Folia Neuropathologica, 55 (1), pp. 23-30.
Arslan, Safa (2017). HRM and firm performance::an investigation of Turkish mid-size IT firms. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Aspinall, M.D., Joyce, M.J., Lavietes, A., Plenteda, R., Cave, F.D., Parker, H., Jones, A. and Astromskas, V. (2017). Real-time capabilities of a digital analyzer for mixed-field assay using scintillation detectors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 64 (3), pp. 945-950.
Badmos, Abdulyezir (2017). Advanced optical fibre gratings for nano-structural characterisation and biosensing applications. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bailey, David G and de Propris, Lisa (2017). What does Brexit mean for UK Automotive and Industrial Policy? IN: The Political Economy of Brexit. Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie (eds) Agenda Publishing.
Barker, Mary, Baird, Janis, Tinati, Tannaze, Vogel, Christina, Strömmer, Sofia, Rose, Taylor, Begum, Rufia, Jarman, Megan, Davies, Jenny, Thompson, Sue, Taylor, Liz, Inskip, Hazel, Cooper, Cyrus, Nutbeam, Don and Lawrence, Wendy (2017). Translating Developmental Origins:Improving the Health of Women and Their Children Using a Sustainable Approach to Behaviour Change. Healthcare, 5 (1),
Bashir, Muktar (2017). A novel approach for integrating concentrated solar energy with biomass thermochemical conversion processes. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bibikova, O., Haas, J., López-Lorente, A. I., Popov, A., Kinnunen, M., Meglinski, I. and Mizaikoff, B. (2017). Towards enhanced optical sensor performance:SEIRA and SERS with plasmonic nanostars. Analyst, 142 (6), pp. 951-958.
Bruni, Matthew, Flax, Judy F., Buyske, Steven, Shindhelm, Amber D., Witton, Caroline, Brzustowicz, Linda M. and Bartlett, Christopher W. (2017). Behavioral and molecular genetics of reading-related AM and FM detection thresholds. Behavior Genetics, 47 (2), 193–201.
Cai, Junmeng, Yang, Yang, Cai, Wenfei and Bridgwater, Tony (2017). Drying kinetic analysis of municipal solid waste using modified page model and pattern search method. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8 (2), pp. 301-312.
Calimport, Stuart (2017). Technologies to study protein oxidation in ageing Investigating the effect of protein oxidation on protein function. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Cartwright, Stephanie P., Darby, Richard A.J., Sarkar, Debasmita, Bonander, Nicklas, Gross, Stephane R., Ashe, Mark P. and Bill, Roslyn M. (2017). Constitutively-stressed yeast strains are high-yielding for recombinant Fps1:implications for the translational regulation of an aquaporin. Microbial Cell Factories, 16 (1),
Castro, Olga and Ergun, Emek (2017). Introduction: re-envisioning feminist translation studies: Feminisms in translation, translations in feminism. IN: Feminist translation studies: local and transnational perspectives. Castro, Olga and Ergun, Emek (eds) Advances in translation and interpreting studies . London (UK): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Castro, Olga and Ergun, Emek (2017). Pedagogies of Feminist translation:rethinking difference and commonality across borders. IN: Feminist translation studies: local and transnational perspectives. Castro, Olga and Ergun, Emek (eds) Advances in translation and interpreting studies . London (UK): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Castro, Sowmya A., Collighan, Russell, Lambert, Peter A., Dias, Heraliyawala H.K., Chauhan, Parbata, Bland, Charlotte E., Milic, Ivana, Millward, Michael R., Cooper, Paul R. and Devitt, Andrew (2017). Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains cause defective macrophage migration towards apoptotic cells and inhibit phagocytosis of primary apoptotic neutrophils:gingipains, apoptotic cell removal & inflammation. Cell Death and Disease, 8 (3),
Caswell, Cynthia Ann (2017). Design and facilitation of problem-based learning in graduate teacher education:an MA TESOL case. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11 (1),
Cavanna, Andrea E., Black, Kevin J., Hallett, Mark and Voon, Valerie (2017). Neurobiology of the premonitory urge in Tourette’s syndrome:pathophysiology and treatment implications. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 29 (2), pp. 95-104.
Chattopadhyay, Amit K, Kumar, T Krishna and Mallick, Sushanta K (2017). Poverty index with time-varying consumption and income distributions. Physical Review E, 95 (3),
Chen, Pengcheng, Shu, Xuewen, Cao, Hanyuan and Sugden, Kate (2017). Ultra-sensitive refractive index sensor based on extremely simple femtosecond-laser-induced structure. Optics Letters, 42 (6), pp. 1157-1160.
Chernysheva, Maria, Bednyakova, Anastasia, Al Araimi, Mohammed, Howe, Richard C.T., Hu, Guohua, Hasan, Tawfique, Gambetta, Alessio, Galzerano, Gianluca, Ruemmeli, Mark and Rozhin, Aleksey (2017). Double-wall carbon nanotube hybrid mode-locker in Tm-doped fibre laser:a novel mechanism for robust bound-state solitons generation. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Coe, Peter (2017). Redefining 'media' using a 'media-as-a-constitutional-component' concept:an evaluation of the need for the European Court of Human Rights to alter its understanding of 'media' within a new media landscape. Legal Studies, 37 (1), pp. 25-53.
Cohen-Chen, Smadar, Crisp, Richard J. and Halperin, Eran (2017). Hope comes in many forms:out-group expressions of hope override low support and promote reconciliation in conflicts. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8 (2), pp. 153-161.
Cordery, Carolyn J., Sim, Dalice and van Zijl, Tony (2017). Differentiated Regulation:the case of charities. Accounting and Finance, 57 (1), pp. 131-164.
Cox, Jonathan A.G. and Worthington, Tony (2017). The 'Antibiotic Apocalypse' - scaremongering or scientific reporting? Trends in Microbiology, 25 (3), pp. 167-169.
Danakol, Seçil Hülya, Estrin, Saul, Reynolds, Paul and Weitzel, Utz (2017). Foreign direct investment via M&A and domestic entrepreneurship:blessing or curse? Small Business Economics, 48 (3), 599–612.
Dennison, Thomas (2017). Orally disintegrating tablets: formulation development, novel engineering solutions and fixed dose combinations. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Dennison, Thomas J., Smith, Julian C, Badhan, Raj K. and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2017). Fixed-dose combination orally disintegrating tablets to treat cardiovascular disease:formulation, in vitro characterization and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to assess bioavailability. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 11 , pp. 811-826.
Dremin, Victor V., Zherebtsov, Evgeny A., Makovik, Irina N., Kozlov, Igor O., Sidorov, Viktor V., Krupatkin, Alexander I., Dunaev, Andrey V., Rafailov, Ilya E., Litvinova, Karina S., Sokolovski, Sergei G. and Rafailov, Edik U. (2017). Laser Doppler flowmetry in blood and lymph monitoring, technical aspects and analysis. IN: Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XIV. Tuchin, Valery V. and et al (eds) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Dunne, Karl A, Chaudhuri, Roy R, Rossiter, Amanda E, Beriotto, Irene, Browning, Douglas F, Squire, Derrick, Cunningham, Adam F, Cole, Jeffrey A, Loman, Nicholas and Henderson, Ian R (2017). Sequencing a piece of history:complete genome sequence of the original Escherichia coli strain. Microbial Genomics, 3 (3),
de Visser, Richard, Brown, Clare, Cooke, Richard, Cooper, Greg and Memon, Anjum (2017). Using alcohol unit-marked glasses enhances capacity to monitor intake:evidence from a mixed-method intervention trial. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 52 (2), pp. 206-212.
dos Santos, Vannia C., Durndell, Lee J., Isaacs, Mark A., Parlett, Christopher M.A., Wilson, Karen and Lee, Adam F. (2017). A new application for transition metal chalcogenides:WS2 catalysed esterification of carboxylic acids. Catalysis Communications, 91 , pp. 16-20.
Feriotto, G., Calza, R., Bergamini, C.M., Griffin, M., Wang, Z., Beninati, S., Ferretti, V., Marzola, E., Guerrini, R., Pagnoni, A., Cavazzini, A., Casciano, F. and Mischiati, C. (2017). Involvement of cell surface TG2 in the aggregation of K562 cells triggered by gluten. Amino Acids, 49 (3), 551–565.
Ferreira, Filipe, Sánchez, Christian, Suibhne, Naoise, Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew (2017). Nonlinear transmission performance in delay-managed few-mode fiber links with intermediate coupling. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2017. USA: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Fooks, Gary Jonas, Smith, Julia, Lee, Kelley and Holden, Chris (2017). Controlling corporate influence in health policy making? An assessment of the implementation of article 5.3 of the World Health Organization framework convention on tobacco control. Globalization and health, 13 ,
Frishman, Anna, Laurie, Jason and Falkovich, Gregory E. (2017). Jets or vortices - what flows are generated by an inverse turbulent cascade? Physical Review Fluids, 2 (3),
Gaskin, Jemma (2017). Water Vole conservation and management:lessons from four case studies. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Giacoumidis, Elias, Mhatli, Sofien, Stephens, Marc F.C., Tsokanos, Athanasios, Wei, Jinlong, McCarthy, Mary E., Doran, Nick J. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Reduction of Nonlinear Intersubcarrier Intermixing in Coherent Optical OFDM by a Fast Newton-Based Support Vector Machine Nonlinear Equalizer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (12), pp. 2391-2397.
Glanfield, Keith, Saunders, John, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Rudd, John M. (2017). Corporate identity at the stakeholder group level. International Studies of Management and Organization, 47 (2), pp. 135-158.
Goher, K M and Fadlallah, S O (2017). Bacterial foraging-optimized PID control of a two-wheeled machine with a two-directional handling mechanism. Robotics and biomimetics, 4 (1), p. 1.
Goltsov, Alexey, Anisimova, Anastasia V., Zakharkina, Maria, Krupatkin, Alexander I., Sidorov, Viktor V., Sokolovski, Sergei G. and Rafailov, Edik (2017). Bifurcation in blood oscillatory rhythms for patients with ischemic stroke:A small scale clinical trial using laser Doppler flowmetry and computational modeling of vasomotion. Frontiers in Physiology, 8 ,
Gordienko, V., Stephens, M.F.C., El-Taher, A.E. and Doran, N.J. (2017). Ultra-flat wideband single-pump Raman-enhanced parametric amplification. Optics Express, 25 (5), pp. 4810-4818.
Grieve, Jack, Nini, Andrea and Guo, Diansheng (2017). Analyzing lexical emergence in modern American English online. English Language and Linguistics, 21 (1), pp. 99-127.
Griffiths, Thomas D. and Ekárt, Anikó (2017). Improving the Tartarus problem as a benchmark in genetic programming. IN: Genetic programming. McDermott, James; Castelli, Mauro; Sekanina, Lukas and et al (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science . NLD: Springer.
Gu, Junzhong, Zhang, Huiyuan, Ji, Bingyang, Jiang, Hui, Zhao, Tao, Jiang, Rongcai, Zhang, Zhiren, Tan, Shengjiang, Ahmed, Asif and Gu, Yuchun (2017). Vesicle miR-195 derived from endothelial cells inhibits expression of serotonin transporter in vessel smooth muscle cells. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Gulenko, Anastasia, Forto Chungong, Louis, Gao, Junheng, Todd, Iain, Hannon, Alex C., Martin, Richard A. and Christie, Jamieson K. (2017). Atomic structure of Mg-based metallic glasses from molecular dynamics and neutron diffraction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (12), pp. 8504-8515.
Harrison, Elizabeth, Saad, David and Wong, K.Y. Michael (2017). Optimal load shedding in electricity grids with renewable sources via message passing. Energy Procedia, 107 , pp. 101-108.
Hasan, Raquibul, Leeson-Payne, Alasdair T.S., Jaggar, Jonathan H. and Zhang, Xuming (2017). Calmodulin is responsible for Ca2+-dependent regulation of TRPA1 channels. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Holley, Clare, Farrow, Claire and Haycraft, Emma (2017). Investigating offering of vegetables by caregivers of preschool age children. Child: Care, Health and Development, 43 (2), pp. 240-249.
James, Richard J.E. and Tunney, Richard J. (2017). The need for a behavioural analysis of behavioural addictions. Clinical Psychology Review, 52 , pp. 69-76.
Johansson, B. Tomas (2017). Properties of a method of fundamental solutions for the parabolic heat equation. Applied Mathematics Letters, 65 , pp. 83-89.
Johnes, Jill, Portela, Maria and Thanassoulis, Emmanuel (2017). Efficiency in education. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (4), pp. 331-338.
Johnson, Nicholas (2017). Mechanistic insights into neuronal oscillatory activity in the dopamine-intact and dopamine-depleted primary motor cortex. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Khanzada, N.K., Khan, S. Jamal and Davies, P.A. (2017). Performance evaluation of reverse osmosis (RO) pre-treatment technologies for in-land brackish water treatment. Desalination, 406 , pp. 44-50.
Korkut, Umut, de Ruyter, Alex, Maganaris, Manos and Bailey, David (2017). What next for unions in Central and Eastern Europe? Invisibility, departure and the transformation of industrial relations. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 23 (1), pp. 65-80.
Kárný, Miroslav and Herzallah, Randa (2017). Scalable harmonization of complex networks with local adaptive controllers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47 (3), pp. 394-404.
Lines, Jennifer (2017). The development of affinity aqueous two phase systems as a method of purifying therapeutic proteins. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Lloyd-Betts, Christine (2017). Supply chain integration in the UK bioenergy industry. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Lu, Zhongpei, Ding, Jingjing, Lin, Xuehong, Liu, Yang, Ye, Haitao, Yang, Gang, Yin, Fan and Yan, Bo (2017). Low-temperature synthesis of two-dimensional nanostructured Co3O4 and improved electrochemical properties for lithium-ion batteries. Powder Technology, 309 , 22–30.
Lukina, Anna, Esterle, Lukas, Hirsch, Christian, Bartocci, Ezio, Yang, Junxing, Tiwari, Ashish, Smolka, Scott A. and Grosu, Radu (2017). ARES:Adaptive receding-horizon synthesis of optimal plans. IN: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 23rd International Conference, TACAS 2017 held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10206 . SWE: Springer.
Lyubovnikova, Joanne, Legood, Alison, Turner, Nicola and Mamakouka, Argyro (2017). How authentic leadership influences team performance:the mediating role of team reflexivity. Journal of Business Ethics, 141 (1), pp. 59-70.
Maestri, Gaja (2017). Are they nomads, travellers or Roma? An analysis of the multiple effects of naming assemblages. Area, 49 (1), pp. 18-24.
Mallaband, B., Wood, G., Buchanan, K., Staddon, S., Mogles, N. M. and Gabe-Thomas, E. (2017). The reality of cross-disciplinary energy research in the United Kingdom:a social science perspective. Energy Research & Social Science, 25 (March), pp. 9-18.
McGill, Margaret, Blonde, Lawrence, Chan, Juliana C.N., Khunti, Kamlesh, Lavalle, Fernando J. and Bailey, Clifford J. (2017). The interdisciplinary team in type 2 diabetes management:challenges and best practice solutions from real-world scenarios. Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology, 7 , pp. 21-27.
Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart, Kaye, David H., Balding, David J., Taylor, Duncan, Dawid, Philip, Aitken, Colin G.G., Gittelson, Simone, Zadora, Grzegorz, Robertson, Bernard, Willis, Sheila, Pope, Susan, Neil, Martin, Martire, Kristy A., Hepler, Amanda, Gill, Richard D., Jamieson, Allan, de Zoete, Jacob, Ostrum, R. Brent and Caliebe, Amke (2017). A comment on the PCAST report:skip the “match”/“non-match” stage. Forensic Science International, 272 , e7-e9.
Moyon, Sarah, Ma, Dan, Huynh, Jimmy L., Coutts, David J.C., Zhao, Chao, Casaccia, Patrizia and Franklin, Robin J.m. (2017). Efficient Remyelination Requires DNA Methylation. eNeuro, 4 (2),
Muñoz, Francisco J., Turitsyn, Sergei K., Kivshar, Yuri S. and Molina, Mario I. (2017). Topology-driven nonlinear switching in Möbius discrete arrays. Physical Review A, 95 (3),
Myllylä, Teemu, Vihriälä, Erkki, Pedone, Matteo, Korhonen, Vesa, Surazynski, Lukasz, Wróbel, Maciej, Zienkiewicz, Aleksandra, Hakala, Jaakko, Sorvoja, Hannu, Lauri, Janne, Fabritius, Tapio, Jȩdrzejewska-Szczerska, Małgorzata, Kiviniemi, Vesa and Meglinski, Igor (2017). Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 10063 ,
Nagar, Richa, Davis, Kathy, Butler, Judith, Keating, Ana Louise, de Lima Costa, Claudia, Alvarez, Sonia E., Altınay, Ayşe Gül, Ergun, Emek and Castro, Olga (2017). A cross-disciplinary roundtable on the feminist politics of translation. IN: Feminist translation studies: local and transnational perspectives. Castro, Olga and Ergun, Emek (eds) Advances in translation and interpreting studies . London (UK): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Davies, Philip and Newell, David (2017). Native Web Communication Protocols and Their Effects on the Performance of Web Services and Systems. IN: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT). FJI: IEEE.
Negrini, Marcello, Brkić, Diandra, Pizzamiglio, Sara, Premoli, Isabella and Rivolta, Davide (2017). Neurophysiological correlates of featural and spacing processing for face and non-face stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 ,
Onwudili, Jude A., Yildirir, Eyup and Williams, Paul T. (2017). Catalytic Supercritical Water Gasification of Refuse Derived Fuel for High Energy Content Fuel Gas. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8 , pp. 359-367.
Pang, Xiaodan, Ozolins, Oskars, El-Taher, Atalla, Schatz, Richard, Jacobsen, Gunnar, Sergeyev, Sergey and Popov, Sergei (2017). Experimental evaluation of impairments in unrepeatered DP-16QAM link with distributed raman amplification. Nature Photonics, 4 (1),
Parlett, Christopher M.A., Aydin, Ayse, Durndell, Lee J., Frattini, Lucia, Isaacs, Mark A., Lee, Adam F., Liu, Xiaotong, Olivi, Luca, Trofimovaite, Rima, Wilson, Karen and Wu, Chunfei (2017). Tailored mesoporous silica supports for Ni catalysed hydrogen production from ethanol steam reforming. Catalysis Communications, 91 , pp. 76-79.
Pawlowski, Mark and Brown, James (2017). Adverse possession and the transmissibility of possessory rights - the dark side of land registration? Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, 2017 (2), pp. 116-131.
Pennifold, Jane (2017). Oscillatory and epileptiform activity in human and rodent cortical regions in vitro. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Powell, Rachael, Vlachopoulos, Panos and Shaw, Rachel (2017). Development and Evaluation of a Reflective Log Assignment Designed to Enhance Postgraduate Psychology Students’ Learning Experience. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5 (3),
Qiao, Zhi and Yang, Jin (2017). Low-voltage distribution network reconfiguration considering high penetration of electric vehicles:a UK case study. IN: The 5th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA 2016). GBR: IEEE.
Raddats, Chris, Zolkiewski, Judy, Story, Vicky Mary, Burton, Jamie, Baines, Tim and Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali (2017). Interactively developed capabilities:evidence from dyadic servitization relationships. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37 (3), pp. 382-400.
Radulovic, Ana (2017). Forgiveness in leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships: A multi-study examination of mediating and moderating mechanisms. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rajasingam, Saima (2017). The dynamics of auditory stream segregation for tone sequences with gradually and abruptly varying stimulus properties. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Randhawa, Parminder (2017). Pharmacological and physiological manipulation of ocular accommodation. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Reddy, Peter, Dias, Irundika, Holland, Carol, Campbell, Niyah, Nagar, Iaysha, Connolly, Luke, Krustrup, Peter and Hubball, Harry (2017). Walking football as sustainable exercise for older adults – A pilot investigation. European Journal of Sport Science, 17 (5), pp. 638-645.
Refaat, Alaa, Pararasa, Chathyan, Arif, Muhammad, Brown, James E.P., Carmichael, Amtul, Ali, Sameh S., Sakurai, Hiroaki and Griffiths, Helen R. (2017). Bardoxolone-methyl inhibits migration and metabolism in MCF7 cells. Free Radical Research, 51 (2), pp. 211-221.
Ren, Xiaohang, Zhou, Yi, He, Jianhua, Chen, Kai, Yang, Xiaokang and Sun, Jun (2017). A convolutional neural network based Chinese text detection algorithm via text structure modeling. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 19 (3), pp. 506-518.
Rogers, Chrissie (2017). "I’m complicit and I’m ambivalent and that’s crazy":care-less spaces for women in the academy. Women's Studies International Forum, 61 , pp. 115-122.
Romani, Cristina, Palermo, Liana, MacDonald, Anita, Limback, Ellie, Hall, S. Kate and Geberhiwot, Tarekegn (2017). The impact of phenylalanine levels on cognitive outcomes in adults with phenylketonuria:effects across tasks and developmental stages. Neuropsychology, 31 (3), pp. 242-254.
Saedon, Habiba, Anand, Astha and Yit, Yang C. (2017). Clinical utility of intravitreal fluocinolone acetonide (Iluvien®) implant in the management of patients with chronic diabetic macular edema:a review of the current literature. Clinical Ophthalmology, 11 , pp. 583-590.
Sag, Can Martin, Schnelle, Moritz, Zhang, Juqian, Murdoch, Colin E., Kossmann, Sabine, Protti, Andrea, Santos, Celio X.C., Sawyer, Greta J., Zhang, Xiaohong, Mongue-Din, Heloise, Richards, Daniel A., Brewer, Alison C., Prysyazhna, Oleksandra, Maier, Lars S, Wenzel, Philip, Eaton, Philip J. and Shah, Ajay M. (2017). Distinct regulatory effects of myeloid cell and endothelial cell Nox2 on blood pressure. Circulation, 135 , 2163–2177.
Schimpfossl, Elisabeth, Yablokov, Ilya and Gatov, Vasily (2017). From Soviet to Russian Media Managers. Russian Politics, 2 (1), pp. 3-31.
Smith, Laura J. and Shaw, Rachel L. (2017). Learning to live with Parkinson’s disease in the family unit:an interpretative phenomenological analysis of well-being. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 20 , 13–21.
Souppez, Jean-Baptiste (2017). Interdisciplinar Pedagogy: A Maritime Case Study. Dialogue Journal of Learning and Teaching , pp. 37-44.
Starke, Sandra and Baber, Christopher (2017). Movement consistency during repetitive tool use action. PLoS ONE, 12 (3),
Stelmashchuk, O., Zherebtsov, E., Zherebtsova, A., Kuznetsova, E., Vinokurov, A., Dunaev, A., Mamoshin, A., Snimshchikova, I., Borsukov, A., Bykov, A. and Meglinski, I. (2017). Non-invasive control of influence of polyethylene glycol on transport function of fluorescent colored liposomal nanoparticles. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 10336 ,
Stock, Ruth Maria, de Jong, Ad and Zacharias, Nicolas A. (2017). Frontline employees’ innovative service behavior as key to customer loyalty:insights into FLEs’ resource gain spiral. Journal of Product Innovation management, 34 (2), pp. 223-245.
Stollberger, Jakob (2017). The two-faced leader:The effects of leader emotional inconsistency on follower creative performance. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Sumetsky, M. (2017). Optical bottle versus acoustic bottle and antibottle resonators. Optics Letters, 42 (5), pp. 923-926.
Taheri, Babak, Coelho, Filipe J., Sousa, Carlos M.P. and Evanschitzky, Heiner (2017). Mood regulation, customer participation, and customer value creation in hospitality services. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29 (12), pp. 3063-3081.
Tai, Zhijun, Isaacs, Mark A., Parlett, Christopher M.A., Lee, Adam F. and Wilson, Karen (2017). High activity magnetic core-mesoporous shell sulfonic acid silica nanoparticles for carboxylic acid esterification. Catalysis Communications, 92 , 56–60.
Taylor, C.J., Hobbs, F.D.R., Marshall, T., Leyva-Leon, F. and Gale, N. (2017). From breathless to failure:symptom onset and diagnostic meaning in patients with heart failure - a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 7 (3),
Tian, Zhao, Gong, Yu, Chen, Gaojie and Chambers, Jonathon A. (2017). Buffer-aided relay selection with reduced packet delay in cooperative networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66 (3), pp. 2567-2575.
Toloo, Mehdi, Emrouznejad, Ali and Moreno, Plácido (2017). A linear relational DEA model to evaluate two-stage processes with shared inputs. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 36 (1), pp. 45-61.
Tonda, Surendar, Kumar, Santosh, Gawli, Yogesh, Bhardwaj, Monika and Ogale, Satishchandra (2017). G-C3N4 (2D)/CdS (1D)/rGO (2D) dual-interface nano-composite for excellent and stable visible light photocatalytic hydrogen generation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (9), pp. 5971-5984.
Turitsyn, Sergei K., Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E., Le, Son Thai, Wahls, Sander, Frumin, Leonid L., Kamalian, Morteza and Derevyanko, Stanislav A. (2017). Nonlinear Fourier transform for optical data processing and transmission:advances and perspectives. Optica, 4 (3), pp. 307-322.
Van Knippenberg, Daniel L (2017). Team Innovation. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behaviour, 4 , pp. 211-233.
Villeneuve, Emma, Harwin, William, Holderbaum, William, Janko, Balazs and Sherratt, R. Simon (2017). Reconstruction of Angular Kinematics From Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensor Data for Smart Home Healthcare. IEEE Access, 5 , pp. 2351-2363.
Wan Abdul Halim, Wan Haslina (2017). Tonometry agreement and corneal biomechanical features in normal, glaucomatous and keratoconic eyes. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Wan Ahmad, Wan (2017). Reporting on carbon emissions:corporate stories of implementation, motivation and challenge in the age of climate change. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Wei, Jian, He, Jianhua, Chen, Kai, Zhou, Yi and Tang, Zuoyin (2017). Collaborative filtering and deep learning based recommendation system for cold start items. Expert Systems with Applications, 69 , pp. 29-39.
Whittle, R., Mansell, G., Jellema, P. and Van Der Windt, D. (2017). Applying causal mediation methods to clinical trial data: What can we learn about why our interventions (don't) work? European Journal of Pain, 21 (4), pp. 614-622.
Widiarto, Indra, Emrouznejad, Ali and Anastasakis, Leonidas (2017). Observing choice of loan methods in not-for-profit microfinance using data envelopment snalysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 82 , pp. 278-290.
Yetisen, Ali K., Jiang, Nan, Tamayol, Ali, Ruiz-Esparza, Guillermo U., Zhang, Yu Shrike, Medina-Pando, Sofía, Gupta, Aditi, Wolffsohn, James S., Butt, Haider, Khademhosseini, Ali and Yun, Seok-Hyun (2017). Paper-based microfluidic system for tear electrolyte analysis. Lab on a Chip, 17 (6), pp. 1137-1148.
Zherebtsov, E. A., Kandurova, K. Y., Seryogina, E. S., Kozlov, I. O., Dremin, V. V., Zherebtsova, A. I., Dunaev, A. V. and Meglinski, I. (2017). The influence of local pressure on evaluation parameters of skin blood perfusion and fluorescence. IN: Proceedings of SFM 2016 - SPIE. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 10336 . SUN: UNSPECIFIED.