Items where Year is 2017

Ademowo, O.S., Dias, H.K.I., Milic, I., Devitt, A., Moran, R., Mulcahy, R., Howard, A.N., Nolan, J.M. and Griffiths, H.R. (2017). Phospholipid oxidation and carotenoid supplementation in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 108 , pp. 77-85.
Alefari, Mudhafar, Salonitis, Konstantinos and Xu, Yuchun (2017). The Role of Leadership in Implementing Lean Manufacturing. Procedia CIRP, 63 , pp. 756-761.
Almanei, Mohammed, Salonitis, Konstantinos and Xu, Yuchun (2017). Lean Implementation Frameworks:The Challenges for SMEs. Procedia CIRP, 63 , pp. 750-755.
Alyami, Hamad, Koner, Jasdip, Dahmash, Eman Z., Bowen, James, Terry, David and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2017). Microparticle surface layering through dry coating:impact of moisture content and process parameters on the properties of orally disintegrating tablets. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 69 (7), 807–822.
Andrews, Daniel, Baines, Tim, Hall, Jessica and Woods, Tony (2017). Unlock your insight:employing a gamified app to engage manufacturers with servitization. IN: EurOMA 2017. GBR: UNSPECIFIED.
Andrews, Jane E and Clark, Robin P (2017). Trailing or Failing? A Hidden Mental Health Issue: The Changing Futures Project. IN: American Society of Engineering Education 2017. America Society of Engineering Education.
Asiri, Arwa, Greasley, Andrew and Bocij, Paul (2017). A review of the use of business simulation to enhance students' employability (WIP). IN: 49th Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC 2017, Part of the 2017 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, SummerSim 201. Syriani, E. and D'Ambrogio, A. (eds) Simulation Series, 49 . USA: Society for Modeling & Simulation.
Aubié, Hermann (2017). Liu Xiaobo: a voice of conscience who fought oppression for decades. The Conversation Trust (UK).
Audo, Frederic, Boscolo, Sonia, Fatome, Julien, Kibler, Bertrand and Finot, Christophe (2017). Elimination de l'auto-modulation de phase dans un amplificateur optique à fibre. IN: Proceedings of the 37èmes Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée – Journée du Club Optique et Micro-ondes (JNOG–JCOM 2017). FRA: Société Française d'Optique.
Baldwin, Adrian, Gheyas, Iffat, Ioannidis, Christos, Pym, David and Willams, Julian (2017). Contagion in cybersecurity attacks. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (7), pp. 780-791.
Bauer, Rita, Conell, Jörn, Glenn, Tasha, Alda, Martin, Ardau, Raffaella, Baune, Bernhard T., Berk, Michael, Bersudsky, Yuly, Bilderbeck, Amy, Bocchetta, Alberto, Bossini, Letizia, Paredes Castro, Angela M., Cheung, Eric Y.W., Chillotti, Caterina, Choppin, Sabine, Zompo, Maria Del, Dias, Rodrigo, Dodd, Seetal, Duffy, Anne, Etain, Bruno, Fagiolini, Andrea, Fernández Hernandez, Miryam, Garnham, Julie, Geddes, John, Gildebro, Jonas, Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana, Goodwin, Guy M., Grof, Paul, Harima, Hirohiko, Hassel, Stefanie, Henry, Chantal, Hidalgo-Mazzei, Diego, Kapur, Vaisnvy, Kunigiri, Girish, Lafer, Beny, Larsen, Erik R., Lewitzka, Ute, Licht, Rasmus W., Hvenegaard Lund, Anne, Misiak, Blazej, Piotrowski, Patryk, Monteith, Scott, Munoz, Rodrigo, Nakanotani, Takako, Nielsen, René E., O’Donovan, Claire, Okamura, Yasushi, Osher, Yamima, Reif, Andreas, Ritter, Philipp, Rybakowski, Janusz K., Sagduyu, Kemal, Sawchuk, Brett, Schwartz, Elon, Scippa, Ângela M., Slaney, Claire, Sulaiman, Ahmad H., Suominen, Kirsi, Suwalska, Aleksandra, Tam, Peter, Tatebayashi, Yoshitaka, Tondo, Leonardo, Vieta, Eduard, Vinberg, Maj, Viswanath, Biju, Volkert, Julia, Zetin, Mark, Whybrow, Peter C. and Bauer, Michael (2017). International multi-site survey on the use of online support groups in bipolar disorder. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 71 (6), pp. 473-476.
Borovkova, Mariia, Khodzitsky, Mikhail, Popov, Alexey, Bykov, Alexander and Meglinski, Igor (2017). Assessment of water content in biological samples by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 10413 ,
Boscolo, Sonia, Audo, Frederic, Fatome, Julien and Finot, Christophe (2017). Nonlinear spectral compression in optical fiber:a new tool for processing degraded signals. IN: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2017). ESP: IEEE.
Brown, Michael, Paterson, David and Wilson, Christopher (2017). Auralising the sublime: An investigation into creativity and process in the pursuit of sonic perfection. IN: Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) USA: KIE Conference Book Series.
Burgess, Jonathan (2017). Sustainable automotive design:a holistic strategy for sustainable product and materials development. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Carrez, Francois, Elsaleh, Tarek, Gomez, David, Sanchez, Luis, Lanza, Jorge and Grace, Paul (2017). A Reference Architecture for federating IoT infrastructures supporting semantic interoperability. IN: EuCNC 2017 - European Conference on Networks and Communications. EuCNC 2017 - European Conference on Networks and Communications . FIN: IEEE.
Cartwright, Stephanie, Bill, Roslyn M., Bui, Sy Tien, Van, Hieu Tran and Nguyen, Hung Minh (2017). Rapid expression and purification of the hepatitis delta virus antigen using the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris. BMC Research Notes, 10 ,
Cash, Daniel (2017). The Financial CHOICE Bill and the Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies:opening the gates for the gatekeeper. Financial Regulation International ,
Cavadas, Miguel A.S., Cheong, Alex and Taylor, Cormac T. (2017). The regulation of transcriptional repression in hypoxia. Experimental Cell Research, 356 (2), pp. 173-181.
Chowlia, Baldeep and Russell, Craig (2017). A Systematic Review Examining how 'omics are are Applied to Drug Development Research. International Journal of Drug Research and Technology, 7 (4), pp. 162-179.
Clark, Robin P and Andrews, Jane E (2017). From Trailing & Failing to Learning & Progressing:A bespoke approach to failure in engineering education. IN: REEN Annual Symposium. UNSPECIFIED.
Cohen-Chen, Smadar, Crisp, Richard and Halperin, Eran (2017). A new appraisal-based framework underlying hope in conflict resolution. Emotion Review, 9 (3), pp. 208-214.
Copeland, C S, Wall, T M, Sims, R E, Neale, S A, Nisenbaum, E, Parri, H R and Salt, T E (2017). Astrocytes modulate thalamic sensory processing via mGlu2 receptor activation. Neuropharmacology, 121 , pp. 100-110.
Copeland, Paul and Copsey, Nathaniel (2017). Rethinking Britain and the European Union:politicians, the media and public opinion reconsidered. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (4), pp. 709-726.
Cruz Moreira, Rafaela Priscila, Wanner, Elizabeth Fialho, Martins, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro and Sarubbi, João Ferdinando Machry (2017). The menu planning problem:a multi-objective approach for the Brazilian schools context. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Dai, Zhuangzhuang, Shepherd, P. R. and Watson, Robert (2017). UAV-aided source localization in urban environments based on ray launching simulation. IN: 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. USA: IEEE.
Della-gala, Marco (2017). Mobile applications fostering situated learning opportunities in alternative agro-food networks. IN: XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology congress. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
Diana, Rodney O.M., de Souza, Sérgio R., Wanner, Elizabeth F. and França Filho, Moacir F. (2017). Hybrid metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization based on immune network for optimization and VNS. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Dornas, Andre Homem, Martins, Flávio Vinícius Cruzeiro, Sarubbi, João Fernando Machry and Wanner, Elizabeth Fialho (2017). Real-polarized genetic algorithm for the three-dimensional bin packing problem. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Dremin, Viktor V., Margaryants, Nikita B., Volkov, Mikhail V., Zhukova, Ekaterina V., Zherebtsov, Evgeny A., Dunaev, Andrey V. and Rafailov, Edik U. (2017). Assessment of tissue ischemia of nail fold precapillary zones using a fluorescence capillaroscopy. IN: Proceedings Volume 10412, Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging VI. Dehghani, Hamid and Wabnitz, Heidrun (eds) Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE . DEU: SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng.
d'Avanzo, Barbara, Shaw, Rachel, Riva, Silvia, Apóstolo, João, Bobrowicz-Campos, Elzbieta, Kurpas, Donata, Bujnowska, Maria and Holland, Carol (2017). Stakeholders' views and experiences of care and interventions for addressing frailty and pre-frailty:a meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. PLoS ONE, 12 (7),
Eckert, Mark A., Vaden Jr., Kenneth I., Maxwell, Amanda B., Cute, Stephanie L., Gebregziabher, Mulugeta, Berninger, Virginia W., Wandell, B. and Dyslexia Data Consortium (2017). Common brain structure findings across children with varied reading disability profiles. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Ekárt, Anikó, Patelli, Alina, Lush, Victoria and Ilie-Zudor, Elisabeth (2017). Gaining insights into road traffic data through genetic improvement. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Emrouznejad, Ali and Marra, Marianna (2017). The state of the art development of AHP (1979–2017):A literature review with a social network analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (22), pp. 6653-6675.
Fedorova, Ksenia A., Gorodetsky, Andrei and Rafailov, Edik U. (2017). Compact all-quantum-dot-based tunable THz laser source. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23 (4),
Fernández-Arguelles, Luis Jesús Manso, Calderita, Luis V., Castro, Pablo Bustos García de and Rubio, Antonio Bandera (2017). Use and advances in the Active Grammar-based Modeling architecture. Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha), 8 (1), pp. 34-39.
Fraszczyk, Anna, Amirault, Nathalie and Marinov, Marin (2017). Rail Marketing, Jobs and Public Engagement. IN: Rail Marketing, Jobs and Public Engagement. Marinov, Marin (ed.) Lecture Notes in Mobility . Springer.
Fredriksson, Mio, Eriksson, Max and Tritter, Jonathan (2017). Who wants to be involved in health care decisions? Comparing preferences for individual and collective involvement in England and Sweden. BMC Public Health, 18 ,
Fuller, Crispian and West, Karen (2017). The possibilities and limits of political contestation in times of ‘urban austerity’. Urban Studies, 54 (9), pp. 2087-2106.
Garcia Martin, Patricia Carolina, Schroeder, Andreas, Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali and Baines, Timothy S (2017). Value in servitization: From dyad to network level. IN: EurOMA 2017 Conference Proceedings. GBR: UNSPECIFIED.
Geoghegan, Patrick H., Jermy, Mark C. and Nobes, David S. (2017). A PIV comparison of the flow field and wall shear stress in rigid and compliant models of healthy carotid arteries. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17 (3),
Gloster, Rosie, Bertram, Christine, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Fletcher, Luke, Tassinari, Arianna, Cox, Annette and Vlaev, Ivo (2017). Using behavioural insights to examine benefit claimants’ approaches to training opportunities. Department for Education.
Gray, Caroline (2017). Relying on Basque nationalists, but still in power:where next for Spain's 'weak' government? London School of Economics.
Gremler, Claudia and Wielander, Elisabeth (2017). The benefits of student-led video production in the language for business classroom. IN: Cases on audio-visual media in language education. Xiang, Catherine Hua (ed.) Hershey, PA (US): IGI Global.
Guimarães Barboza, Beatriz Regina and Castro, Olga (2017). (Re)examinando horizontes nos estudos feministas de tradução:em direção a uma terceira onda? TradTerm, 29 (Julho ), pp. 216-250.
Hughes, Gareth and Wilson, Christopher (2017). From Transcendence to General Maintenance: Creativity and Wellbeing in Higher Education. IN: Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) USA: KIE Conference Book Series.
Imran, Muhammad, Usman, Muhammad, Im, Yong Hoon and Park, Byung Sik (2017). The feasibility analysis for the concept of low temperature district heating network with cascade utilization of heat between networks. Energy Procedia, 116 , pp. 4-12.
James, Richard J.E., O'Malley, Claire and Tunney, Richard J. (2017). Understanding the psychology of mobile gambling:A behavioural synthesis. British Journal of Psychology, 108 (3), pp. 608-625.
Jarman, Megan, Bell, Rhonda C, Nerenberg, Kara and Robson, Paula J (2017). Adherence to Canada's Food Guide Recommendations during Pregnancy:Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health. Current nutrition reports, 1 (7),
Kaur, Navneet and Russell, Craig (2017). Systematic review into the role of genomics in profiling overall drug performance and variability. Research & Reviews: Drug Delivery, 1 (2), p. 1.
Kumar, Santosh, Isaacs, Mark A., Trofimovaite, Rima, Parlett, Christopher M.A., Douthwaite, Richard E., Coulson, Ben, Cockett, Martin C.R., Wilson, Karen and Lee, Adam F. (2017). P25@CoAl layered double hydroxide heterojunction nanocomposites for CO2 photocatalytic reduction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 209 , pp. 394-404.
Lameras, Petros, Arnab, Sylvester, Stewart, Craig, Clarke, Samantha and Petridis, Panagiotis (2017). Essential features of serious games design in higher education:linking learning attributes to game mechanics. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48 (4), pp. 972-994.
Larraín, T., Carrier, Marion and Radović, L.R. (2017). Structure-reactivity relationship in pyrolysis of plastics. A comparison with natural polymers. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 126 , pp. 346-356.
Lee, Jonathan, Li, Wei, Cowan, Alexander J. and Jäckel, Frank (2017). Hydrophilic, hole-delocalizing ligand shell to promote charge transfer from colloidal CdSe quantum dots in water. Journal of Physical Chemistry: Part C, 121 (28), pp. 15160-15168.
Li, Pengyi, Sun, Jing and Wang, Hai (2017). Towards code generation from design models. IN: Proceedings - SEKE 2017. USA: Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School.
Lightfoot, Simon, Mawdsley, Emma and Szent-Iványi, Balázs (2017). Brexit and UK international development policy. Political Quarterly, 88 (3), 517–524.
Maidment, Ian, Booth, Andrew, Mullan, Judy, McKeown, Jane, Bailey, Sylvia and Wong, Geoffrey (2017). Developing a framework for a novel multi disciplinary, multi agency intervention(s), to improve medication management in community-dwelling older people on complex medication regimens (MEMORABLE):a realist synthesis. Systematic Reviews, 6 (1),
Mandavia, Rishi, Dimitriadis, Panagiotis A., Monksfield, Peter, Hall, Amanda, Ray, Jaydip and Schilder, Anne G.M. (2017). UK bone conduction hearing device consensus workshop:narrative summary. Cochlear Implants International, 18 (4), pp. 187-191.
Marques, C.A.F., Webb, D.J. and Andre, P. (2017). Polymer optical fiber sensors in human life safety. Optical Fiber Technology, 36 , pp. 144-154.
Mellor, Duane D., Georgousopoulou, Ekavi N. and Naumovski, Nenad (2017). Cocoa and chocolate, their clinical benefits:Insights in study design. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 12 (18), pp. 1-7.
Mistry, Jaymisha and Flower, Darren R (2017). Designing Epitope Ensemble Vaccines against TB by Selection:Prioritizing Antigens using Predicted Immunogenicity. Bioinformation, 13 (7), pp. 220-223.
Mizeva, Irina, Makovik, Irina, Dunaev, Andrey, Krupatkin, Alexander and Meglinski, Igor (2017). Analysis of skin blood microflow oscillations in patients with rheumatic diseases. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22 (7),
Murata, Koichi, Tezel, Algan, Koskela, Lauri and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2017). An Application of Control Theory to Visual Management for Organizational Communication in Construction. IN: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. Walsh, K.; Sacks, R. and Brilakis, I. (eds) GRC: The International Group for Lean Construction.
Musa, Emmanuel O., Greasley, Andrew and Albores, Pavel (2017). The application of simulation to product service systems:A review (WIP). IN: 49th Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC 2017. Simulation Series, 49 . USA: Society for Modeling & Simulation.
Naik, Parikshit, Schroeder, Andreas, Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali and Baines, Timothy S (2017). Enabling servitization by affordance actualization:The role of digitalization capabilities. IN: 24th EurOMA conference. 2017-07-01 - 2017-07-05.
Nash, Robert A., Wade, Kimberley A., Garry, Maryanne and Adelman, James S. (2017). A robust preference for cheap-and-easy strategies over reliable strategies when verifying personal memories. Memory, 25 , pp. 890-899.
Nouwen, Arie, Chambers, Alison, Chechlacz, Magdalena, Higgs, Suzanne, Blissett, Jacqueline, Barrett, Timothy G. and Allen, Harriet A. (2017). Microstructural abnormalities in white and gray matter in obese adolescents with and without type 2 diabetes. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16 , pp. 43-51.
Okhrimchuk, Andrey G., Mezentsev, Vladimir and Lichkova, Ninel (2017). Mid-infrared channel waveguides in RbPb2Cl5 crystal inscribed by femtosecond laser pulses. Optics and Laser Technology, 92 , pp. 80-84.
Orme, Richard, Clegg, Benjamin T, Poole, A, Yeoman, A, Owen, Christopher D, Petridis, Panagiotis and Albores, Pavel (2017). A gamified approach to improving customer service delivery in a train operating company. IN: EurOMA 2017 Conference Proceedings. UNSPECIFIED.
Orumwense, Ighayezomo (2017). Transforming the UK public procurement from transactional/relational practice to strategic commercial management. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Otabor-Olubor, Iyare (2017). The Next Frontier for Finance Leasing in sub-Saharan Africa. IN: Modernizing International Trade Law to Support Innovation and Sustainable Development. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), 2017-07-04 - 2017-07-06.
Paul, Sanjoy K., Owusu Adjah, Ebenezer S., Samanta, Mayukh, Patel, Kiran, Bellary, Srikanth, Hanif, Wasim and Khunti, Kamlesh (2017). Comparison of body mass index at diagnosis of diabetes in a multi-ethnic population:a case-control study with matched non-diabetic controls. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 19 (7), pp. 1014-1023.
Peng, Junsong, Boscolo, Sonia, Tarasov, Nikita, Sugavanam, Srikanth, Churkin, Dmitri V. and Finot, Christophe (2017). Pulsating solitons in mode-locked fibre lasers. IN: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2017). ESP: IEEE.
Popescu, Sinziana, Dale, Carl, Keegan, Neil, Ghosh, Biswajit, Kaner, Richard and Hedley, John (2017). Rapid Prototyping of a Low-cost Graphene-based Impedimetric Biosensor. Procedia Technology, 27 , pp. 274-276.
Pospori, A., Marques, C.A.F., Sáez-Rodríguez, D., Nielsen, K., Bang, O. and Webb, D.J. (2017). Thermal and chemical treatment of polymer optical fiber Bragg grating sensors for enhanced mechanical sensitivity. Optical Fiber Technology, 36 , pp. 68-74.
Pournader, Mehrdokht, Kach, Andrew, Razavi Hajiagha, Seyed Hossein and Emrouznejad, Ali (2017). Investigating the impact of behavioral factors on supply network efficiency:insights from banking’s corporate bond networks. Annals of Operations Research, 254 (1-2), 277–302.
Powell, Nicholas (2017). Investigating the Application of Real-Time Audio Feedback for Accelerated Learning and Performance Enhancement in Motorsport. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rabee, Abdallah I.M., Mekhemer, Gamal A.H., Osatiashtiani, Amin, Isaacs, Mark A., Lee, Adam F., Wilson, Karen and Zaki, Mohamed I. (2017). Acidity-reactivity relationships in catalytic esterification over ammonium sulfate-derived sulfated zirconia. Catalysts, 7 (7),
Ren, Huihui, Ren, Yun, Li, Ailing, Martin, Richard A. and Qiu, Dong (2017). The influence of phosphorus precursor on the structure and properties of SiO2-P2O5-CaO bioactive glass. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 3 (4),
Rocchi, Jacopo, Saad, David and Yeung, Chi Ho (2017). Self-sustained clusters as drivers of computational hardness in p-spin models. Physical Review B, 96 (2),
Rocchini, Duccio, Petras, Vaclav, Petrasova, Anna, Chemin, Yann, Ricotta, Carlo, Frigeri, Alessandro, Landa, Martin, Marcantonio, Matteo, Bastin, Lucy, Metz, Markus, Delucchi, Luca and Neteler, Markus (2017). Spatial ecological complexity measures in GRASS GIS. Computers and Geosciences, 104 , pp. 166-176.
Rodríguez-Espíndola, Oscar, Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher (2017). Stock Prepositioning For Disasters In Mexico: A Case. IN: UNSPECIFIED. .
Routledge, Sarah J., Ladds, Graham and Poyner, David R. (2017). The effects of RAMPs upon cell signalling. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 449 , pp. 12-20.
Roy, Priyanka (2017). Analysis of Factors for Last Mile Relief Distribution Performance in Indian Context. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Salmons, David (2017). Claims against third-party recipients of trust property. Cambridge Law Journal, 76 (2), pp. 399-429.
Sarubbi, João M., Martins, Flávio C., Silva, Cristiano M. and Wanner, Elizabeth (2017). A genetic algorithm for hybrid VANETs with synchronous communication. IN: GECCO '17: proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. DEU: ACM.
Scerri, T S, Macpherson, E, Martinelli, A, Wa, W C, Monaco, A P, Stein, J, Zheng, M, Suk-Han Ho, C, McBride, C, Snowling, M, Hulme, C, Hayiou-Thomas, M E, Waye, M M Y, Talcott, Joel B and Paracchini, S (2017). The DCDC2 deletion is not a risk factor for dyslexia. Translational psychiatry, 7 ,
Shogbuyi, Abiodun and Steeley, James M. (2017). The effect of quantitative easing on the variance and covariance of the UK and US equity markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 52 , pp. 281-291.
Soni, Vivek, Dey, Prasanta Kumar, Anand, Rashmi, Malhotra, Charru and Banwet, Devinder Kumar (2017). Digitizing grey portions of e-governance. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 11 (3), pp. 419-455.
Tezel, Algan, Koskela, Lauri and Aziz, Zeeshan (2017). Lean Construction in Small-Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs): An Exploration of the Highways Supply Chain. IN: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. Walsh, K.; Sacks, R. and Brilakis, I. (eds) GRC: The International Group for Lean Construction.
Vinuela-Navarro, Valldeflors, Erichsen, Jonathan T, Williams, Cathy and Woodhouse, J Margaret (2017). Effect of Stimulus Type and Motion on Smooth Pursuit in Adults and Children. Optometry and Vision Science, 94 (7), pp. 760-769.
Visintin, Emilio Paolo, Birtel, Michèle Denise and Crisp, Richard J. (2017). The role of multicultural and colorblind ideologies and typicality in imagined contact interventions. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 59 (July), pp. 1-8.
Wang, Qing, Dou, Yadong, Li, Jiangxiong, Ke, Yinglin, Keogh, Patrick and Maropoulos, Paul (2017). An assembly gap control method based on posture alignment of wing panels in aircraft assembly. Assembly Automation, 37 (4), pp. 422-433.
Wilson, Christopher, Lennox, Peter, Brown, Michael and Hughes, Gareth (2017). How to develop creative capacity for the fourth industrial revolution: creativity and employability in higher education. IN: Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) USA: KIE Conference Book Series.
Yukhymchuk, V.O., Valakh, M.Ya., Hreshchuk, O.M., Havrylyuk, Ye.O., Yanchuk, I.B., Yefanov, A.V., Arif, R.N., Rozhin, A.G. and Skoryk, M.A. (2017). Properties of graphene flakes obtained by treating graphite with ultrasound. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 62 (5), pp. 432-440.
Yunusov, Timur, Zangs, Maximilian J. and Holderbaum, William (2017). Control of Energy Storage. Energies, 10 (7),
Yusuf, Abubakar, Snape, Colin Edward, He, Jun, Xu, Honghui, Liu, Chaojie, Zhao, Ming, Chen, George Zheng, Tang, Bencan, Wang, Chengjun, Wang, Jiawei and Behera, Sailesh (2017). Advances on transition metal oxides catalysts for formaldehyde oxidation:a review. Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering, 59 (3), pp. 189-233.
Zherebtsov, E., Popov, Anton, Doronin, A., Meglinski, I. and Bykov, A. (2017). Hyperspectral system for Imaging of skin chromophores and blood oxygenation. IN: Proceedings Volume 10412, Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging VI. Dehghani, Hamid and Wabnitz, Heidrun (eds) Proceedings of SPIE, 10412 . DEU: SPIE.
Zherebtsov, Evgeny, Bykov, Alexander, Popov, Alexey, Doronin, Alexander and Meglinski, Igor (2017). Impact of blood volume on the diffuse reflectance spectra of human skin measured in visible and NIR spectral ranges. IN: Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics XIV. Tuchin, Valery V. and et al (eds) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Zherebtsov, Evgeny, Bykov, Alexander, Popov, Alexey, Doronin, Alexander and Meglinski, Igor (2017). Impact of blood volume on the diffuse reflectance spectra of human skin measured in visible and NIR spectral ranges. IN: Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging VI. Dehghani, Hamid and Wabnitz, Heidrun (eds) SPIE Proceedings . DEU: SPIE.
Zhu, Nan, Liu, Yi, Emrouznejad, Ali and Huang, Qiang (2017). An allocation Malmquist index with an application in the China securities industry. Operational Research, 17 (2), pp. 669-691.
Özkan, Mazhar, Johnson, Nicholas W., Sehirli, Umit S., Woodhall, Gavin L. and Stanford, Ian M. (2017). Dopamine acting at D1-like, D2-like and α1-adrenergic receptors differentially modulates theta and gamma oscillatory activity in primary motor cortex. PLoS ONE, 12 (7),