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Ayres, Ruth L and Wilson, Christopher (2018). The Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme: a co-created approach to transforming student learning. Journal of educational innovation, partnership and change, 4 (1),
Book Section
Brown, Michael, Paterson, David and Wilson, Christopher (2017). Auralising the sublime: An investigation into creativity and process in the pursuit of sonic perfection. IN: Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) USA: KIE Conference Book Series.
Hughes, Gareth and Wilson, Christopher (2017). From Transcendence to General Maintenance: Creativity and Wellbeing in Higher Education. IN: Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) USA: KIE Conference Book Series.
Wilson, Christopher, Lennox, Peter, Brown, Michael and Hughes, Gareth (2017). How to develop creative capacity for the fourth industrial revolution: creativity and employability in higher education. IN: Creativity, Innovation and Wellbeing. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) USA: KIE Conference Book Series.
Wilson, Christopher and Brown, Michael (2016). A Cage for the Muse and the Limits of Invention. IN: Creativity in Arts, Science and Technology. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) DEU: KIE Conference Book Series.
Lennox, Peter, Brown, Michael and Wilson, Christopher (2016). Creative Inhibition: How and Why. IN: Creativity in Arts, Science and Technology. Reisman, Fredricka (ed.) DEU: KIE Conference Book Series.
Hayes, Sarah L and Wilson, Christopher (2018). Engaging with UK Parliament: A Guide for UK Universities. UK Parliament.