Items where Year is 2022

Abu-Monshar, Anees, Al-Bazi, Ammar and Palade, Vasile (2022). An agent-based optimisation approach for vehicle routing problem with unique vehicle location and depot. Expert Systems with Applications, 192 ,
Adaku, Ebenezer, Ankrah, Nii and Ndekugri, Issaka (2022). Prevention through design: Conceptual models for the assessment of a Principal Designer’s skills, knowledge and experience. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 20 (3), pp. 595-623.
Ahmed, H.O.A. and Nandi, A.K. (2022). Intrinsic Dimension Estimation-Based Feature Selection and Multinomial Logistic Regression for Classification of Bearing Faults Using Compressively Sampled Vibration Signals. Entropy, 24 ,
Al-Bazi, Ammar and Adediran, Tunde V. (2022). Agent-based heuristics model for measuring customer disruption impact on production and inventory replenishment. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 40 (3), pp. 370-398.
Aldeka, Ayad B., Tziavos, Nikolaos I., Gkantou, Michaela, Dirar, Samir and Chan, Andrew H.C. (2022). Seismic design of non-structural components mounted on irregular reinforced concrete buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 46 ,
Alghassab, Mohammad, Khan, Zafar A., Altamimi, Abdullah, Imran, Muhammad and Alruwaili, Fahad F. (2022). Prospects of Hybrid Energy in Saudi Arabia, Exploring Irrigation Application in Shaqra. Sustainability, 14 (9),
Almena, Alberto, Thornley, Patricia, Chong, Katie and Röder, Mirjam (2022). Carbon dioxide removal potential from decentralised bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and the relevance of operational choices. Biomass and Bioenergy, 159 ,
Anderson, Nicole, Wedawatta, Gayan, Rathnayake, Ishara, Domingo, Niluka and Azizi, Zahirah (2022). Embodied Energy Consumption in the Residential Sector: A Case Study of Affordable Housing. Sustainability, 14 (9),
Antwi-Afari, Maxwell Fordjour, Qarout, Yazan, Herzallah, Randa, Anwer, Shahnawaz, Umer, Waleed, Zhang, Yongcheng and Manu, Patrick (2022). Deep learning-based networks for automated recognition and classification of awkward working postures in construction using wearable insole sensor data. Automation in Construction, 136 ,
Arain, Ghulam Ali, Bhatti, Zeeshan Ahmed, Crawshaw, Jonathan, Ali, Imran and Papa, Armando (2022). Does LMX always promote employee voice?:A dark side of migrant working in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Manpower, 43 (1), pp. 148-167.
Benson, Vladlena, Chinnaswamy, Anitha and Walton, Nigel (2022). Future Growth Prospects for the UK Cyber Security Sector & the Role of Accelerators as Innovation Support Mechanisms. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Butcher, Isabelle, Morrison, Rachael, Webb, Sarah, Duncan, Heather, Balogun, Omobolanle and Shaw, Rachel (2022). Understanding what wellbeing means to medical and nursing staff working in paediatric intensive care:an exploratory qualitative study using appreciative inquiry. BMJ Open, 12 (4),
Chan, Chin Han, Chen, Jiun-Tai, Farrell, Wesley S., Fellows, Christopher M., Keddie, Daniel J., Luscombe, Christine K., Matson, John B., Merna, Jan, Moad, Graeme, Russell, Gregory T., Théato, Patrick, Topham, Paul D. and Sosa Vargas, Lydia (2022). Reconsidering terms for mechanisms of polymer growth: the “step-growth” and “chain-growth” dilemma. Polymer Chemistry, 13 (16), pp. 2262-2270.
Dar, Sanobar, Ekart, Aniko and Bernardet, Ulysses (2022). The Virtual Human Breathing Coach. IN: Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW 2022). IEEE VRW Proceedings . NZL: IEEE.
Dremin, Viktor, Novikova, Irina and Rafailov, Edik (2022). In silico study of thermal field distribution in cell culture media irradiated with wavelengths of singlet oxygen generation. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 12192 ,
Edwards, John (2022). Where knowledge management and information management meet:Research directions. International Journal of Information Management, 63 ,
Finot, Christophe and Boscolo, Sonia (2022). Exploring Fresnel diffraction at a straight edge with a neural network. European Journal of Physics, 43 (3),
G. Chaves, Daniel, Takahashi, Ricardo H.C., Campelo, Felipe, F.S. Malta, Maria Clara, R. Oliveira, Isabelle, F. Barbosa-Stancioli, Edel, A. Ribeiro, Maisa and L. Martins, Marina (2022). SARS-CoV-2 IgG Seroprevalence among Blood Donors as a Monitor of the COVID-19 Epidemic, Brazil. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28 (4), pp. 734-742.
Georgiou, Andreas C., Thanassoulis, Emmanuel and Papadopoulou, Alexandra (2022). Using Data Envelopment Analysis in Markovian Decision Making. European Journal of Operational Research, 298 (1), pp. 276-292.
Gisdon, Florian J., Kynast, Josef P., Ayyildiz, Merve, Hine, Anna V., Plückthun, Andreas and Höcker, Birte (2022). Modular peptide binders – development of a predictive technology as alternative for reagent antibodies. Biological Chemistry, 403 (5-6), pp. 535-543.
Gkanatsiou, Ourania (2022). Identification of Immunosuppressive Mechanisms in Glioblastoma Mulltiforme Brain Tumours. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Grant, Tim (2022). The Idea of Progress in Forensic Authorship Analysis. Cambridge Elements in Forensic Linguistics . Cambridge University Press.
Grant, Tim and Grieve, Jack (2022). The Starbuck Case: Methods for addressing confirmation bias in forensic authorship analysis. IN: Methodologies and Challenges in Forensic Linguistic Casework. Perkins, Ria; Picornell, Isabel and Coulthard, Malcolm (eds) Wiley.
Gregory, Samantha E.A., Wang, Hongfang and Kessler, Klaus (2022). A dataset of EEG recordings from 47 participants collected during a virtual reality working memory task where attention was cued by a social avatar and non-social stick cue. Data in Brief, 41 ,
Habib, Numan, Siddiqi, Muftooh ur Rehman and Tahir, Muhammad (2022). Thermal analysis and optimization of L-shape fin heat sink under natural convection using ANOVA and Taguchi. Thermal Science, 26 (2 Part), pp. 1519-1530.
Habib, Numan, Siddiqi, Muftooh ur Rehman and Tahir, Muhammad (2022). Thermal analysis of proposed heat sink design under natural convection for the thermal management of electronics. Thermal Science, 26 (2 Part), pp. 1487-1501.
Hu, Jiashun, Gu, Ruixing, Mi, Hao-Yang, Jing, Xin, Antwi-Afari, Maxwell Fordjour, Dong, Binbin, Liu, Chuntai and Shen, Changyu (2022). Self-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane Wrinkled Foams with High Energy Absorption Realized by Gas Cooling Assisted Supercritical CO2 Foaming. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 61 (14), pp. 4832-4841.
Huang, Xiaoting, Ai, Ning, Li, Lan, Jiang, Quanda, Wang, Qining, Ren, Jie and Wang, Jiawei (2022). Simulation of CO2 Capture Process in Flue Gas from Oxy-Fuel Combustion Plant and Effects of Properties of Absorbent. Separations, 9 (4),
Jenvoraphot, Thannaphat, Thapsukhon, Boontharika, Daranarong, Donraporn, Molloy, Robert, Supanchart, Chayarop, Krisanaprakornkit, Suttichai, Topham, Paul D., Tighe, Brian, Mahomed, Anisa and Punyodom, Winita (2022). Tetracycline-Loaded Electrospun Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) Membranes for One-Step Periodontal Treatment. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4 (4), pp. 2459-2469.
Kerridge, Clive and Cardwell, Deborah (2022). Experiential Learning: Applying and Evaluating a M&A Role-Play Simulation for MBA students and future senior managers. IN: Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning. USA: ABSEL.
Khan, Muhammad Moid Khalid, Deshmukh, Subodh, Theivendran, Kanthan, Leslie, Laura and Junaid, S (2022). Development of a Multi-Sensor Array for Non-Radiographic Micromotion Detection of Joint Prostheses. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (7), 7208 - 7218.
Khezri, Somayeh, Jahanshahloo, Gholam Reza, Dehnokhalaji, Akram and Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Farhad (2022). A complete ranking of decision making units with interval data. International Journal of Operational Research, 43 (3), 332 - 359.
Khokhlova, A, Zolotovskii, I, Sokolovski, S, Saenko, Yu, Rafailov, E, Stoliarov, D, Pogodina, E, Gilmutdinova, A, Svetukhin, V and Fotiadi, A (2022). Effects of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on Mammalian Cell Cultures: Comparative Experimental Studies with Different Types of Lasers at 1260-1270 nm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2249 (1),
Kornaev, Alexey V., Dremin, Viktor V., Kornaeva, Elena P. and Volkov, Mikhail V. (2022). Application of deep convolutional and long short-term memory neural networks to red blood cells motion detection and velocity approximation. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 12194 ,
Lane, Benjamin, Wang, Bolin, Ma, Yue, Calabrese, Antonio N., El Mkami, Hassane and Pliotas, Christos (2022). Pocket delipidation induced by membrane tension or modification leads to a structurally analogous mechanosensitive channel state. Structure, 30 (4),
Li, Xiaoqing, Sarpong, David and Wang, Catherine L. (2022). Collaborative Strategic Foresight and New Product Development in Chinese Pharmaceutical Firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69 (2), pp. 551-563.
M. Czekster, Ricardo, Metere, Roberto and Morisset, Charles (2022). cyberaCTIve: a STIX-based Tool for Cyber Threat Intelligence in Complex Models. Technical Report.
Maidment, Ian, Howe, Jo, Birdi, Gurkiran, Habib, Hafsah and Lawson, Sally (2022). PharMed newsletter Volume 1. Project Report. Aston University.
Mansworth, Megan Florence (2022). Possible Worlds Theory and Readers’ Emotions: The Construction of Textual Actual and Possible Worlds and Readers’ Responses to Literature. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Markou, Andrea, Unger, Lucas, Abir-awan, Mohammed, Saadallah, Ahmed, Halsey, Andrea, Balklava, Zita, Conner, Matthew, Törnroth-horsefield, Susanna, Greenhill, Stuart D., Conner, Alex, Bill, Roslyn M., Salman, Mootaz M. and Kitchen, Philip (2022). Molecular mechanisms governing aquaporin relocalisation. BBA -Biomembranes, 1864 (4),
Nabeeh, Nada A., Abdel-Basset, Mohamed, Gamal, Abduallah and Chang, Victor (2022). Evaluation of Production of Digital Twins Based on Blockchain Technology. Electronics (Switzerland), 11 (8),
Neprokin, Alexey, Broadway, Christian, Myllylä, Teemu, Bykov, Alexander and Meglinski, Igor (2022). Photoacoustic Imaging in Biomedicine and Life Sciences. Life, 12 (4),
Newman, Kristina L., Chater, Angel and Knibb, Rebecca C. (2022). Beliefs about food allergies in adolescents aged 11–19 years: A systematic review. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 12 (4),
Nguyen, Bach (2022). Does Local Environmental Governance Improve Tourism Companies' Performance? Evidence from Vietnam. Journal of Travel Research, 61 (4), pp. 747-761.
Nouwe Edou, Danielle J. and Onwudili, Jude A. (2022). Comparative techno-economic modelling of large-scale thermochemical biohydrogen production technologies to fuel public buses: A case study of West Midlands region of England. Renewable Energy, 189 , pp. 704-716.
Nti, Augustine N, Gregory, Hannah R, Ritchey, Eric R, Wolffsohn, James S and Berntsen, David A (2022). Contrast Sensitivity with Center-distance Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses. Optometry and Vision Science, 99 (4), pp. 342-349.
Okhovat, Ali Asghar, Advani, Soroor, Ziaadini, Bentolhoda, Panahi, Akram, Salehizadeh, Saeideh, Nafissi, Shahriar, Haghi Ashtiani, Bahram, Rajabally, Yusuf A. and Fatehi, Farzad (2022). The value of MUNIX as an objective electrophysiological biomarker of disease progression in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Muscle and Nerve, 65 (4), pp. 433-439.
Olayanju, Adetokunbo, Mellor, Duane, Khatri, Yunus and Pickles, Neil (2022). The efficacy of fermented foods in the treatment and management of diarrhoeal diseases:A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition and Health ,
Omidvar, Omid, Safavi, Mehdi and Glaser, Vern (2022). Algorithmic routines and dynamic inertia: How organizations avoid adapting to changes in the environment. Journal of Management Studies , pp. 1-33.
Osborn, Anya, Caruana, Douglas A., Furness, David N. and Evans, Michael G. (2022). Electrical and Immunohistochemical Properties of Cochlear Fibrocytes in 3D Cell Culture and in the Excised Spiral Ligament of Mice. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 23 (2), pp. 183-193.
Page, Sarah-Jane and Lowe, Pam (2022). Gendered Violence, Religion and UK-based Anti-Abortion Activism. Religion and gender, 12 (1), pp. 5-28.
Rawlins, Michael Robert (2022). Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis via Co-MOF-74-derived Catalysts and Catalytic Membranes. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Riaz, Umair, Burton, Bruce and Fearfull, Anne (2022). Emotional Propensities and the Contemporary Islamic Banking Industry. Critical Perspectives on Accounting ,
Rigoni, Isotta, Bonci, Tecla, Bifulco, Paolo and Fratini, Antonio (2022). Characterisation of the transient mechanical response and the electromyographical activation of lower leg muscles in whole body vibration training. Scientific Reports, 12 (1),
Röder, Mirjam, Chong, Katie and Thornley, Patricia (2022). The future of residue-based bioenergy for industrial use in Sub-Saharan Africa. Biomass and Bioenergy, 159 ,
Sacranie, Halima, Tian, Lin and Lymer, Andrew (2022). VIVID Wellbeing Study::The Impact of Housing Quality and Neighbourhoods on Customer Wellbeing. Aston University.
Sanchez, Lorena Diaz, Sanchez-Aranguren, Lissette, Marwah, Mandeep, Wang, Keqing, Spickett, Corinne M, Griffiths, Helen R and Dias, Irundika HK (2022). Exploring mitochondrial hydrogen sulfide signalling for therapeutic interventions in vascular diseases. Advances in Redox Research, 4 ,
Sehnem, Simone, Pereira, Susana C. Farias, Silva, Minelle E., Schmitt, Valentina Gomes Haensel, Hermann, Roberto Rivas and Batista, Luciano (2022). Editorial: Circular Business Models and Strategies—The Key to Sustainable Business and Innovative Supply Chains. Frontiers in Sustainability, 3 ,
Senior, Carl, Stewart, Patrick Alan and Dumitrescu, Delia (2022). Editorial: Understanding the Role of Non-verbal Displays in Politics. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 ,
Shupletsov, Valery, Mikenkina, Margarita, Zherebtsov, Evgeny, Dremin, Viktor, Bykov, Alexander, Potapova, Elena, Dunaev, Andrey and Meglinski, Igor (2022). Low-cost fabrication of PPIX liquid phantoms for use in fluorescence Measurements. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 12192 ,
Stebakov, Ivan, Kornaeva, Elena, Potapova, Elena and Dremin, Viktor (2022). Application of shallow and deep convolutional neural networks to recognize the average flow rate of physiological fluids in a capillary. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 12194 ,
Tour, Selina K., Thompson, Andrew, Howard, Ruth A. and Larkin, Michael (2022). Experiences of Blogging About Visible and Long-term Skin Conditions:Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. JMIR Dermatology, 5 (2),
Tunney, Richard and Raybould, Jodie (2022). Thinking about neither death nor poverty affects delay discounting, but episodic foresight does:Three replications of the effects of priming on time preferences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology ,
van der Kleij, Sanne W., Burgess, Adrian P., Ricketts, Jessie and Shapiro, Laura R. (2022). From Bibliophile to Sesquipedalian: Modeling the Role of Reading Experience in Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 26 (6), pp. 514-526.
Wang, Junying, Shen, Fangcheng, Shu, Xuewen, Zhou, Kaiming, Jiang, Haiming, Xia, Hongyan, Xie, Kang and Zhang, Lin (2022). Line by line inscribed small period long period grating for wide range refractive index sensing. Optics Communications, 508 ,
Wang, Michael T M, Craig, Jennifer P, Vidal-Rohr, Maria, Menduni, Francesco, Dhallu, Sandeep, Ipek, Tugce, Acar, Duygu, Recchioni, Alberto, France, Alex, Kingsnorth, Alec, Speakman, Sophie and Wolffsohn, James S (2022). Impact of digital screen use and lifestyle factors on dry eye disease in the paediatric population. The ocular surface, 24 , pp. 64-66.
White, Jonathan Richard, Ragunath, Krish, Whitton, Aimee, Marsh, Elizabeth, Kaye, Philip and Knight, Gillian (2022). Study to investigate the prevalence of human papillomavirus in Barrett's oesophagus using a novel screening methodology. BMJ open gastroenterology, 9 (1),
Xu, Yi-Zhi, Po, Ho Fai, Yeung, Chi Ho and Saad, David (2022). Scalable node-disjoint and edge-disjoint multiwavelength routing. Physical Review E, 105 (4),
Zhang, Ming, Amaitik, Nasser, Wang, Zezhong, Xu, Yuchun, Maisuradze, Alexander, Peschl, Michael and Tzovaras, Dimitrios (2022). Predictive Maintenance for Remanufacturing Based on Hybrid-Driven Remaining Useful Life Prediction. Applied Sciences, 12 (7),
Zhang, Ming, Lu, Yang, Hu, Youxi, Amaitik, Nasser and Xu, Yuchun (2022). Dynamic Scheduling Method for Job-Shop Manufacturing Systems by Deep Reinforcement Learning with Proximal Policy Optimization. Sustainability, 14 (9),
Zharkikh, Elena V., Loktionova, Yulia I., Dremin, Viktor V., Podmasteryev, Konstantin V., Sidorov, Victor V., Rafailov, Edik U. and Dunaev, Andrey V. (2022). Comparison of wearable and bedside laser Doppler flowmetry and fluorescence spectroscopy monitors. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 12192 ,