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Kerridge, Clive and Evans, Jason (2023). EMPLOYMENT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN A SIMULATION ACTIVITY: an investigation of postgraduate student perceptions:(Extended Abstract). Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 50 , pp. 397-399.
Kerridge, Clive and Simpson, Colin (2020). Embedding Experiential Learning in the Curriculum::tutor and international student contributions and reflections in an Action Research project. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 47 , pp. 223-226.
Kerridge, Clive and Simpson, Colin (2019). Narrowing the attainment gap between international and domestic students::use of a simulation and experiential learning in mixed-cohort strategic management teaching. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 46 , pp. 108-110.
Book Section
Kerridge, Clive and Cardwell, Deborah (2022). Experiential Learning: Applying and Evaluating a M&A Role-Play Simulation for MBA students and future senior managers. IN: Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning. USA: ABSEL.