Items where Year is 2017

The MEDIS Study Group (2017). Association between siesta (daytime sleep), dietary patterns and the presence of metabolic syndrome in elderly living in Mediterranean area (MEDIS study):The moderating effect of gender. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 21 (10), pp. 1118-1124.
Ademowo, O. Stella, Dias, Irundika K.I., Burton, Dominick G.A. and Griffiths, Helen R. (2017). Lipid (per) oxidation in mitochondria:an emerging target in the ageing process? Biogerontology, 18 , 859–879.
Ajay Castro, Sowmya (2017). Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipains cause defective macrophage migration towards apoptotic cells and inhibit phagocytosis of primary apoptotic neutrophils. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Alghareeb, Khaled (2017). Characterising the role of ICAM-3 and apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles in the clearance of apoptotic cells. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Alhaji, Mohammed M., Roslin, Sharbawi, Kay, Adrian and Tuah, Nik A.A. (2017). Paid maternity leave extension and exclusive breastfeeding practice:Evidence from Brunei. Asian Biomedicine, 11 (6), pp. 435-442.
Allsop, Thomas, Lee, Graham B., Wang, Changle, Neal, Ronald, Kalli, Kyriacos, Culverhouse, Philip and Webb, David J. (2017). Laser-sculpted hybrid photonic magnetometer with nanoscale magnetostrictive interaction. Sensors and Actuators A : physical, 269 ,
Arikan, Ozlem, Reinecke, Juliane, Spence, Crawford and Morrell, Kevin (2017). Signposts or weathervanes?:The curious case of corporate social responsibility and conflict minerals. Journal of Business Ethics, 146 (3), pp. 469-484.
Badhan, Raj K.S., Khadke, Swapnil and Perrie, Yvonne (2017). Application of pharmacokinetics modelling to predict human exposure of a cationic liposomal subunit antigen vaccine system. Pharmaceutics, 9 (4),
Badigannavar, Vidu (2017). Is social partnership the way forward for Indian trade unions? Evidence from public services in India. International Labour Review, 156 (3-4), pp. 367-394.
Bailey, David G, Berkeley, Nigel, Jones, Andrew and Jarvis, David (2017). Assessing the transition towards battery electric vehicles:a Multi-Level Perspective on drivers of, and barriers to, take up. Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice, 106 , pp. 320-332.
Beattie, Amanda Russell (2017). The slowly structured classroom:Narrative time, lived experience and the contemporary he classroom. Knowledge Cultures, 5 (2), pp. 32-48.
Bidaux, Yves, Fedorova, Ksenia A., Livshits, Daniil A., Rafailov, Edik U. and Faist, Jerome (2017). Investigation of the Chromatic Dispersion in Two-Section InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot Lasers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (24), pp. 2246-2249.
Bowser, Anne, Brenton, Peter, Stevenson, Rob, Newman, Greg, Schade, Sven, Bastin, Lucy, Parker, Alison and Oliver, Jessie (2017). Citizen Science Association Data & Metadata Working Group: Report from CSA 2017 and Future Outlook. Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars.
Browning, Douglas F, Richards, Kirsty L, Peswani, Amber R, Roobol, Jo, Busby, Stephen J W and Robinson, Colin (2017). Escherichia coli "TatExpress" strains super-secrete human growth hormone into the bacterial periplasm by the Tat pathway. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114 (12), pp. 2828-2836.
Burton, Christian George George, Axford, Danny, Edwards, Andrew Michael John, Gildea, Richard J, Morris, Robert H, Newton, Michael I, Orville, Allen M, Prince, Mark, Topham, Paul and Docker, Peter (2017). An Acoustic On-Chip Goniometer for Room Temperature Macromolecular Crystallography. Lab on a Chip, 17 (24), pp. 4225-4230.
Campbell, AE, Chambers, CD, Allen, CPG, Hedge, C and Sumner, P (2017). Impairment of manual but not saccadic response inhibition following acute alcohol intoxication. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 181 , pp. 242-254.
Carmody, Emily and Grant, Timothy D (2017). Online grooming:moves and strategies. Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito, 4 (1), pp. 103-141.
Cash, Daniel (2017). Credit Rating Agencies and the protection of the “Public Good” designation:the need to readdress the understanding of the big three’s output. Business Law Review, 38 (6), pp. 228-233.
Chalashika, P., Essex, C., Mellor, D., Swift, J. A. and Langley-Evans, S. (2017). Birthweight, HIV exposure and infant feeding as predictors of malnutrition in Botswanan infants. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30 (6), pp. 779-790.
Chekhovskoy, I S, Sorokina, M A, Rubenchik, A M and Fedoruk, M P (2017). Spatiotemporal multiplexing based on hexagonal multicore optical fibres. Quantum Electronics, 47 (12), pp. 1150-1153.
Chen, Pengcheng, Shu, Xuewen, Cao, Haoran and Sugden, Kate (2017). High-sensitivity and large-dynamic-range fiber refractometer based on composite-cavity Fabry-Perot structure. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Coppola, Claudio, Cosar, Serhan, Faria, Diego R. and Bellotto, Nicola (2017). Automatic Detection of Human Interactions from RGB-D Data for Social Activity Classification. IN: IEEE RO-MAN'17: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Lisbon, Portugal. 2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) . IEEE.
Crawford, Hayley, Waite, Jane and Oliver, Chris (2017). Diverse Profiles of Anxiety Related Disorders in Fragile X, Cornelia de Lange and Rubinstein–Taybi Syndromes. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47 (12), pp. 3728-3740.
Dannhauser, Philip N., Camus, Stéphane M., Sakamoto, Kazuho, Sadacca, L. Amanda, Torres, Jorge A., Camus, Marine D., Briant, Kit, Vassilopoulos, Stéphane, Rothnie, Alice, Smith, Corinne J. and Brodsky, Frances M. (2017). CHC22 and CHC17 clathrins have distinct biochemical properties and display differential regulation and function. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292 (51), pp. 20834-20844.
De Lima, Ana Lígia Silva, Hahn, Tim, Evers, Luc J.W., De Vries, Nienke M., Cohen, Eli, Afek, Michal, Bataille, Lauren, Daeschler, Margaret, Claes, Kasper, Boroojerdi, Babak, Terricabras, Dolors, Little, Max A., Baldus, Heribert, Bloem, Bastiaan R. and Faber, Marjan J. (2017). Feasibility of large-scale deployment of multiple wearable sensors in Parkinson’s disease. PLoS ONE, 12 (12),
Dister, Anne and Labeau, Emmanuelle (2017). Le corpus de français parlé à Bruxelles:origines, hypothèses, développements et prédictions. Cahiers AFLS, 21 (1),
Edelman, Peter.J and Van Knippenberg, Daniel L (2017). Training Leader Emotion Regulation and Leadership Effectiveness. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32 (6), pp. 747-757.
Eke, Joseph, Onwudili, Jude A. and Bridgwater, Anthony V. (2017). Physical pretreatment of biogenic-rich trommel fines for fast pyrolysis. Waste Management, 70 , pp. 81-90.
El Kalak, Izidin, Azevedo, Alcino, Hudson, Robert and Karim, Mohamad Abd (2017). Stock liquidity and SMEs’ likelihood of bankruptcy:evidence from the US market. Research in International Business and Finance, 42 , pp. 1383-1393.
Ellerby, Zack W. and Tunney, Richard J. (2017). The effects of heuristics and apophenia on probabilistic choice. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 13 (4), pp. 280-295.
Endert, A., Ribarsky, W., Turkay, C., Wong, B.L. William, Nabney, I., Díaz Blanco, I. and Rossi, F. (2017). The state of the art in integrating machine learning into visual analytics. Computer Graphics Forum, 36 (8), pp. 458-486.
Ferreira, Filipe, Sánchez, Christian, Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). On the Feasibility of Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission over Few-Mode Fibres. IN: Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International. BRA: IEEE.
Filippatos, Theodosios D., Kyrou, Ioannis, Georgousopoulou, Ekavi N., Chrysohoou, Christina, Kouli, Georgia-Maria, Tsigos, Constantine, Tousoulis, Dimitrios, Stefanadis, Christodoulos, Pitsavos, Christos and Panagiotakos, Demosthenes B. (2017). Modeling anthropometric indices in relation to 10-year (2002-2012) incidence of cardiovascular disease, among apparently healthy individuals:the ATTICA study. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 11 (Suppl.), S789-S795.
Finnie, David, Ali, Naseem Ameer and Park, Kenneth (2017). Enhancing off-site manufacturing through early contractor involvement (ECI) in New Zealand. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement and Law, 171 (4), pp. 176-185.
Fletcher, Luke (2017). The everyday experiences of personal role engagement:what matters most? Human Resource Development Quarterly, 28 (4), pp. 451-479.
Forto Chungong, Louis, Swansbury, Laura A., Mountjoy, Gavin, Hannon, Alex C., Lee, Adam F. and Martin, Richard A. (2017). Atomic structure of chlorine containing calcium silicate glasses by neutron diffraction and 29Si solid-state NMR. International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 8 (4), pp. 383-390.
Garcia-Dominguez, Antonio, Hinkel, Georg and Křikava, Filip (2017). Preface to: Proceedings of the 10th Transformation Tool Contest (TTC 2017). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2026 ,
Glencross, Andrew and St Denny, Emily (2017). Remain or Leave? Reflections on the pedagogical and informational value of a MOOC on the 2016 UK referendum on EU membership. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 13 (4), pp. 1422-1436.
Glencross, Andrew and St. Denny, Emily (2017). Remain or leave? Reflections on the pedagogical and informative value of a massive open online course on the 2016 UK referendum on EU membership. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 13 (4), pp. 1422-1436.
Gómez, N., Banks, S.w., Nowakowski, D.j., Rosas, J.g., Cara, J., Sánchez, M.e. and Bridgwater, A.v. (2017). Effect of temperature on product performance of a high ash biomass during fast pyrolysis and its bio-oil storage evaluation. Fuel Processing Technology, 172 , pp. 97-105.
Hay, Debbie L., Garelja, Michael L., Poyner, David R and Walker, Christopher S. (2017). Update on the pharmacology of calcitonin/CGRP family of peptides:IUPHAR Review 25. British Journal of Pharmacology, 175 (1), pp. 3-17.
Haycraft, Emma, Witcomb, Gemma and Farrow, Claire (2017). Happy eaters: The story behind the Child Feeding Guide. Perspectives (NCT’s online magazine) (37), pp. 13-17.
Holley, Clare E., Haycraft, Emma and Farrow, Claire (2017). Predicting children's fussiness with vegetables:the role of feeding practices. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14 (1),
Huang, Meng, Sun, Bing, Wei, Wei, Wan, Hongdan, Zhang, Zuxing and Zhang, Lin (2017). Ultrasensitive refractive index sensor based on graphene coated hollow core fiber. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Huang, Qianqian, Wang, Tianxing, Yan, Zhijun, Zou, Chuanhang, Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Mou, Chengbo (2017). Dual pulse bound states in a dispersion-managed mode-locked all-fiber laser with 101.75MHz repetition rate using 45° tilted fiber grating. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Jafari Sadeghi, Vahid and Biancone, Paolo Pietro (2017). Shariah Compliant International Entrepreneurship: A Study of Islamic Finance in Europe. European Journal of Islamic Finance, 8 ,
Kaatz, Christopher, Brock, Christian and Blut, Markus (2017). Developing a Conceptualization of Mobile Service Quality. IN: ICIS 2017. KOR: Association for Information Systems.
Kamalian, Morteza, Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E., Le, Son Thai and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2017). On the design of NFT-based communication systems with lumped amplification. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (24), 5464 - 5472.
Kelly, J and Marinov, Marin (2017). Innovative Interior Designs for Urban Freight Distribution Using Light Rail Systems. Urban Rail Transit, 3 (4), pp. 238-254.
Klados, Manousos A., Pandria, Niki, Micheloyannis, Sifis, Margulies, Daniel and Bamidis, Panagiotis D. (2017). Math anxiety:brain cortical network changes in anticipation of doing mathematics. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 122 , pp. 24-31.
Koner, Jasdip (2017). Formulation strategies and engineering processes for orally disintegrating tablets:the importance of robustness and disintegration. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Konze, Anne-Kathrin, Rivkin, Wladislaw and Schmidt, Klaus-Helmut (2017). Is Job Control a Double-Edged Sword?:A Cross-Lagged Panel Study on the Interplay of Quantitative Workload, Emotional Dissonance, and Job Control on Emotional Exhaustion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (12),
Kyrou, Ioannis, Tsantarlioti, Olga, Panagiotakos, Demosthenes B., Tsigos, Constantine, Georgousopoulou, Ekavi, Chrysohoou, Christina, Skoumas, Ioannis, Tousoulis, Dimitrios, Stefanadis, Christodoulos, Pitsavos, Christos and the ATTICA study group (2017). Adiponectin circulating levels and 10-year (2002–2012) cardiovascular disease incidence:the ATTICA Study. Endocrine, 58 (3), 542–552.
Leone, Vitor and Ravishankar, Geetha (2017). Frontiers of Commercial Real Estate Portfolio Performance:Are Sector-Region Efficient Diversification Strategies a Myth or Reality? Journal of Property Research, 35 (2), pp. 95-116.
Liu, Tao, Wang, Feng, Yuan, Quan, Liu, Yu, Zhang, Lin and Zhang, Xuping (2017). Simulation of the performance of phase-sensitive OTDR based on ultra-weak FBG array using double pulses. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Love, Robbie, Dembry, Claire, Hardie, Andrew, Brezina, Vaclav and McEnery, Tony (2017). The Spoken BNC2014:Designing and building a spoken corpus of everyday conversations. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 22 (3), pp. 319-344.
Luo, Xue, Gu, Fan, Zhang, Yuqing, Lytton, Robert L. and Zollinger, Dan (2017). Mechanistic-empirical models for better consideration of subgrade and unbound layers influence on pavement performance. Transportation Geotechnics, 13 , pp. 52-68.
MacLeod, Nicci and Grant, Timothy D (2017). ‘go on cam but dnt be dirty’:linguistic levels of identity assumption in undercover online operations against child sex abusers. Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito, 4 (2), pp. 157-175.
Makouar, Nadia and Holzem, Maryvonne (2017). Enjeux d’une praxis textuelle en éducation : réflexion sur l’apport des sciences de la culture en enseignement-apprentissage des langues. Questions vives recherches en éducation, 28 ,
Marques, C. A.F., Pospori, A., Pereira, L., Marques, S., Antunes, P., Bang, O., Webb, D. J. and André, P. (2017). High-quality Phase-Shifted Bragg grating sensor inscribed with only one laser pulse in a polymer optical fiber. IN: SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, IMOC 2017. BRA: IEEE.
Martínez, Amós, Al Araimi, Mohammed, Dmitriev, Artemii, Lutsyk, Petro, Li, Shen, Mou, Chengbo, Rozhin, Oleksiy, Sumetsky, Misha and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2017). Low-loss saturable absorbers based on tapered fibers embedded in carbon nanotube/polymer composites. APL Photonics, 2 (12),
Masera, K. and Hossain, A. K. (2017). Production, Characterisation and Assessment of Biomixture Fuels for Compression Ignition Engine Application. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 11 (12), 1847 - 1853.
Mason, Jessica and Giovanelli, Marcello (2017). 'What do you think?’ Let me tell you:discourse about texts and the literature classroom. Changing English, 24 (3), pp. 318-329.
Meena, Nand K., Parashar, Sonam, Swarnkar, Anil, Gupta, Nikhil, Niazi, K. R. and Bansal, R. C. (2017). Mobile Power Infrastructure Planning and Operational Management for Smart City Applications. Energy Procedia, 142 , pp. 2202-2207.
Meena, Nand Kishor, Swarnkar, Anil, Gupta, Nikhil and Niazi, Khaleequr Rehman (2017). Optimal accommodation and management of high renewable penetration in distribution systems. The Journal of Engineering, 2017 (13), pp. 1890-1895.
Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart and Poh, Norman (2017). Avoiding overstating the strength of forensic evidence: Shrunk likelihood ratios/Bayes factors. Science and Justice, 58 (3), pp. 200-218.
Mou, Chengbo, Yan, Zhijun, Zhou, Kaiming and Zhang, Lin (2017). Erbium doped fiber lasers based on 45° tilted fiber gratings. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Naik, Nitin, Diao, Ren and Shen, Qiang (2017). Dynamic fuzzy rule interpolation and its application to intrusion detection. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26 (4), pp. 1878-1892.
Papathanasiou, T. K., Karperaki, A. and Belibassakis, K. A. (2017). Finite element simulation of long wave impact on floating breakwaters with variable stiffness. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 276 (1),
Patel, Gayatri (2017). How 'universal' is the United Nations' Universal Periodic Review process? An examination of the discussions held on polygamy. Human Rights Review, 18 (4), 459–483.
Patel, Gayatri (2017). Smokes and mirrors at the United Nations’ universal periodic review process. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 10 (5), pp. 310-322.
Patten, Daniel A, Kamarajah, Sivesh K, Rose, Joanne M, Tickle, Joseph, Shepherd, Emma L, Adams, David H, Weston, Chris J and Shetty, Shishir (2017). SCARF-1 promotes adhesion of CD4+ T cells to human hepatic sinusoidal endothelium under conditions of shear stress. Scientific Reports, 7 (1),
Petridis, Nikolaos E., Digkas, Georgios and Anastasakis, Leonidas (2017). Determinants of ICT innovation and imitation in the agrifood sector. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2030 , pp. 104-115.
Potapova, E. V., Dremin, V. V., Zherebtsov, E. A., Makovik, I. N., Zharkikh, E. V., Dunaev, A. V., Pilipenko, O. V., Sidorov, V. V. and Krupatkin, A. I. (2017). A complex approach to noninvasive estimation of microcirculatory tissue impairments in feet of patients with diabetes mellitus using spectroscopy. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya), 123 (6), pp. 955-964.
Prasetya, Nicholaus, Wu, Zhentao, Gil, Ana Gouveia and Li, K. (2017). Compact hollow fibre reactors for efficient methane conversion. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37 (16), pp. 5281-5287.
Price, Brian (2017). The application of modified adaptive landscapes to heuristic modelling of engine concept designs using sparse data. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rajabally, Yusuf, Delmont, E., Hiew, F. L., Aubé-nathier, A.-c., Grapperon, A.-m., Cassereau, J. and Attarian, S. (2017). Prevalence, correlates and impact of pain and cramps in anti-MAG neuropathy:a multicentre European study. European Journal of Neurology, 25 (1), pp. 135-141.
Ramirez, Marcel I., Amorim, Maria G., Gadelha, Catarina, Milic, Ivana, Welsh, Joshua A., Freitas, Vanessa M., Nawaz, Muhammad, Akbar, Naveed, Couch, Yvonne, Makin, Laura, Cooke, Fiona, Vettore, Andre L., Batista, Patricia X., Freezor, Roberta, Pezuk, Julia A., Rosa-Fernandes, Lívia, Carreira, Ana Claudia O., Devitt, Andrew, Jacobs, Laura, Silva, Israel T., Coakley, Gillian, Nunes, Diana N., Carter, Dave, Palmisano, Giuseppe and Dias-Neto, Emmanuel (2017). Technical challenges of working with extracellular vesicles. Nanoscale, 10 (3), pp. 881-906.
Rana, Karan S., Souza, Lucas Pereira De, Isaacs, Mark A., Raja, Farah N. S., Morrell, Alexander P. and Martin, Richard A (2017). Development and Characterization of Gallium-Doped Bioactive Glasses for Potential Bone Cancer Applications. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 3 (12), pp. 3425-3432.
Rebollo-Neira, Laura (2017). Effective sparse representation of X-Ray medical images. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 33 (12),
Rebollo-neira, Laura and Plastino, A. (2017). Sparse representation of Gravitational Sound. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 417 , pp. 306-314.
Rewilak, Johan (2017). The role of financial development in poverty reduction. Review of Development Finance, 7 (2), pp. 169-176.
Röder, Mirjam, Stolz, Nico and Thornley, Patricia (2017). Sweet energy – Bioenergy integration pathways for sugarcane residues. A case study of Nkomazi, District of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Renewable Energy, 113 , pp. 1302-1310.
Salman, Mootaz M, Kitchen, Philip, Woodroofe, M Nicola, Bill, Roslyn M, Conner, Alex C, Heath, Paul R and Conner, Matthew T (2017). Transcriptome Analysis of Gene Expression Provides New Insights into the Effect of Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia on Primary Human Cortical Astrocytes Cultured under Hypoxia. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 11 , p. 386.
Shaw, Duncan, Smith, Chris M. and Scully, Judy (2017). Why did Brexit happen? Using causal mapping to analyse secondary, longitudinal data theory and methodology. European Journal of Operational Research, 263 (3), pp. 1019-132.
Shi, Liming, Nielsen, Jesper K., Jensen, Jesper R., Little, Max A. and Christensen, Mads G. (2017). A Kalman-based fundamental frequency estimation algorithm. IN: 2017 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, WASPAA 2017. USA: IEEE.
Shi, Xiao, Li, Yongjun, Emrouznejad, Ali, Xie, Jianhui and Liang, Liang (2017). Estimation of potential gains from bank mergers:a novel two-stage cost efficiency DEA model. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (9), pp. 1045-1055.
Sidelnikov, O S, Redyuk, A A and Sygletos, S (2017). Dynamic neural network-based methods for compensation of nonlinear effects in multimode communication lines. Quantum Electronics, 47 (12), pp. 1147-1149.
Slack, Cathy (2017). Ras signaling in aging and metabolic regulation. Nutrition and Healthy Aging, 4 (3), pp. 195-205.
Slight, Thomas J., Yadav, Amit, Odedina, Opeoluwa, Meredith, Wyn, Docherty, Kevin E., Rafailov, Edik and Kelly, Anthony E. (2017). InGaN/GaN Laser Diodes with High Order Notched Gratings. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (3), pp. 2020-2022.
Song, Gu, Davies, Philip A., Wen, Jie, Xu, Guoqiang and Quan, Yongkai (2017). Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of SES36 fluid on nanoporous surfaces obtained by electrophoretic deposition of Al2O3. Applied Thermal Engineering, 141 , pp. 143-152.
Thanassoulis, Emmanuel, Dey, Prasanta Kumar, Petridis, Konstantinos, Goniadis, Ioannis and Georgiou, Andreas C. (2017). Evaluating higher education teaching performance using combined analytic hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68 (4), pp. 431-445.
Turner, Edward O, Murphy, Luke, Snelling, Charlotte and Davies, Bill (2017). Think Small, Build Big:Lessons from SME Housebuilding in Germany. Institute for Public Policy Research.
Vorotnikova, Natalya A., Edeleva, Mariya V., Kurskaya, Olga G., Brylev, Konstantin A., Shestopalov, Alexander M., Mironov, Yuri V., Sutherland, Andrew J., Efremova, Olga A. and Shestopalov, Michael A. (2017). One-pot synthesis of {Mo6 I8 }4+ -doped polystyrene microspheres via a free radical dispersion copolymerisation reaction:{Mo6 I8 }4+ -doped polystyrene microspheres via free radical copolymerisation. Polymer International, 66 (12), pp. 1906-1912.
Wagstaff, Chris, Graham, Hermine, Farrell, Derek, Larkin, Michael and Tatham, Lloyd (2017). Perspectives of cannabis use in the life experience of men with schizophrenia. International journal of mental health nursing, 27 (3), pp. 1099-1108.
Wan, Hongdan, Liu, Linqian, Ding, Zuoqin, Wang, Jie, Lu, Kaidi, Zhang, Zuxing and Zhang, Lin (2017). Single-longitudinal-mode Fiber Ring Lasers With Taper-coupled Double-microsphere-cavities. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (23),
Wang, Jie, Wan, Hongdan, Cai, Yu, Zhang, Zuxing, Sun, Bing and Zhang, Lin (2017). A mode-locked fiber laser generating high purity cylindrical vector beams based on a mode selective coupler in a figure-8 cavity. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Wang, Jie, Wan, Hongdan, Ding, Zuoqin, Zhang, Zuxing, Sun, Bing and Zhang, Lin (2017). All-fiber fused-type mode selective coupler with high performance and free of pre-tapering. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Wang, Ruichi, Wu, Jiande, Qian, Zhongnan, Lin, Zhengyu and He, Xiangning (2017). A graph theory based energy routing algorithm in Energy Local Area Network (e-LAN). IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13 (6), 3275 - 3285.
Weerakkody, Vishanth, Kapoor, Kawaljeet, Balta, Maria Elisavet, Irani, Zahir and Dwivedi, Yogesh K. (2017). Factors influencing user acceptance of public sector big open data. Production Planning and Control, 28 (11-12), pp. 891-905.
Wen, Feng, Tsekrekos, Christos P., Zhou, Xingyu, Wu, Baojian, Zhu, Mingyue, Zhang, Jing, Qiu, Kun, Turitsyn, Sergei K. and Sygletos, Stylianos (2017). All-optical multilevel regeneration in nonlinear optical loop mirror. IN: 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN). IEEE.
Williams, Simon N., Thakore, Bhoomi K. and McGee, Richard (2017). Providing social support for underrepresented racial and ethnic minority phd students in the biomedical sciences:a career coaching model. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16 (4),
Winfred Rufuss, D. Dsilva, Iniyan, S., Suganthi, L. and Davies, Philip A (2017). Nanoparticles Enhanced Phase Change Material (NPCM) as Heat Storage in Solar Still Application for Productivity Enhancement. Energy Procedia, 141 , pp. 45-49.
Wolffsohn, James S. (2017). Keratometry – A technique that should be relegated to the clinical dark ages? Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (6), pp. 357-359.
Wu, Xinbing, Zhuang, Wei, Lu, Linghong, Li, Licheng, Zhu, Jiahua, Mu, Liwen, Li, Wei, Zhu, Yudan and Lu, Xiaohua (2017). Excellent performance of Pt-C/TiO2 for methanol oxidation:contribution of mesopores and partially coated carbon. Applied Surface Science, 426 , pp. 890-896.
Yu, Chuying, Zeng, Yang, Yang, Bin, Donnan, Robert, Huang, Jinbao, Xiong, Zhaoxian, Mahajan, Amit, Shi, Baogui, Ye, Haitao, Binions, Russell, Tarakina, Nadezda V., Reece, Mike J. and Yan, Haixue (2017). Titanium dioxide engineered for near-dispersionless high terahertz permittivity and ultra-low-loss. Scientific Reports, 7 (1),
Yuan, Tiejiang, Duan, Qingxi, Chen, Xiangping, Yuan, Xufeng, Cao, Wenping, Hu, Juan and Zhu, Quanmin (2017). Coordinated Control of a Wind-Methanol-Fuel Cell System with Hydrogen Storage. Energies, 10 (12),
Zhang, Yue, Addison, Owen, Gostin, Petre Flaviu, Morrell, Alexander, Cook, Angus J.M.C., Liens, Alethea, Wu, Jing, Ignatyev, Konstantin, Stoica, Mihai and Davenport, Alison (2017). In-situ synchrotron X-ray characterization of corrosion products in Zr artificial pits in simulated physiological solutions. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164 (14), C1003-C1012.
Zhang, Yue, McLoone, Sean, Cao, Wenping, Qiu, Fengyi and Gerada, Chris (2017). Power Loss and Thermal Analysis of a MW High Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 32 (4), pp. 1468-1478.
Zhao, Zihao, Li, Yue, Yan, Zhijun, Luo, Yiyang, Wang, Hushan, Sun, Qizhen, Liu, Deming and Zhang, Lin (2017). Highly polarized multiwavelength er-doped fibre laser using all fibre lyot filter. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.
Zou, Chuanhang, Wang, Tianxing, Yan, Zhijun, Huang, Qianqian, Al Araimi, Mohammed, Rozhin, Aleksey and Mou, Chengbo (2017). Wavelength-tunable mode-locked fiber laser with birefringence-enhanced cavity. IN: ICOCN 2017 - 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks. CHN: IEEE.