Items where Year is 2017

Aday, Sezin, Zoldan, Janet, Besnier, Marie, Carreto, Laura, Saif, Jaimy, Fernandes, Rui, Santos, Tiago, Bernardino, Liliana, Langer, Robert, Emanueli, Costanza and Ferreira, Lino (2017). Synthetic microparticles conjugated with VEGF165 improve the survival of endothelial progenitor cells via microRNA-17 inhibition. Nature Communications, 8 (1),
Ajaegbu, Amara Cynthia, Uren, Victoria S and Schroeder, Andreas (2017). Relational attributes in value co-creation: A dyadic case study of a manufacturer and customer. IN: BAM2017 Conference Proceedings. GBR: UNSPECIFIED.
Al Jahwari, Misida A.S. (2017). Exploring Organisational Change Processes: "Towards an Understanding of the Forces, Phases and Influencers of Strategic Change Processes in the Omani Context". PHD thesis, Aston University.
Al-Malaika, Sahar, Dubois, Philippe, Gijsman, P. and Zahalka, H. (2017). Polymers, environment and sustainable developments:opportunities and recommendations for the coming decade. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 143 , pp. 104-105.
Al-Shaeli, Sattar (2017). The effect of green tea extract compounds on regulation of glucose homoeostasis in insulin-sensitive and breast cancer cells. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Alduraywish, Yousef, Xu, Yuchun and Salonitis, Konstantinos (2017). State of the art of information systems failure managements. IN: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXI, proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, ICMR 2017, incorporating the 32nd National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering . GBR: IOS Press BV.
Alvi, Jahan Zeb, Imran, Muhammad, Pei, Gang, Li, Jing, Gao, Guangtao and Alvi, Junaid (2017). Thermodynamic comparison and dynamic simulation of direct and indirect solar organic Rankine cycle systems with PCM storage. Energy Procedia, 129 , pp. 716-723.
Andersson, Ola, Miettinen, Topi, Hytönen, Kaisa, Johannesson, Magnus and Stephan, Ute (2017). Subliminal influence on generosity. Experimental Economics, 20 (3), 531–555.
Andrews, Daniel, Petridis, Panagiotis, Baines, Timothy S, Ziaee Bigdeli, Ali, Shi, Victor Guang, Baldwin, James S. and Ridgway, Keith (2017). Gamification to Engage Manufacturers with Servitization. IN: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXI. Gao, James; El Souri, Mohammed and Keates, Simeon (eds) Netherlands: IOS Press BV.
Antonio, Serena Anahita (2017). Astrocyte-neuron Excitatory Amino Acid Signalling in the Rodent Cortex Ex Vivo and In Vitro. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2017). Neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions in tau, TDP-43, and FUS molecular subtypes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration share similar spatial patterns. Folia Neuropathologica, 55 (3), pp. 185-192.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2017). Recommendations for analysis of repeated-measures designs:testing and correcting for sphericity and use of manova and mixed model analysis. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 37 (5), pp. 585-593.
Aston, Jeff, Wilson, Keith A., Sinclair, Anthony and Terry, David (2017). A telephone survey to determine the experiences of children and their parents/carers, following the initiation of a new medicine. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 24 (5), pp. 266-271.
Bahr, Witold and Sweeney, Edward (2017). Green agenda and sustainability in follow up and evaluation stage of purchasing of logistics services:perspectives from the British shippers and forwarders. IN: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Logistics Research Network Conference. GBR: Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
Bailey, Clifford J. (2017). Metformin:historical overview. Diabetologia, 60 (9), 1566–1576.
Batteux, Eleonore, Ferguson, Eamonn and Tunney, Richard J. (2017). Risk preferences in surrogate decision making. Experimental Psychology, 64 (4), pp. 290-297.
Bellman, Kirstie, Botev, Jean, Hildmann, Hanno, Lewis, Peter R., Marsh, Stephen, Pitt, Jeremy, Scholtes, Ingo and Tomforde, Sven (2017). Socially-Sensitive Systems Design:Exploring Social Potential. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 36 (3), pp. 72-80.
Bencomo, Nelly and Rubin, Julia (2017). MODELS 2017 doctoral symposium summary. IN: UNSPECIFIED. .
Benczes, István and Szent-Iványi, Balázs (2017). The European economy: the recovery continues, but for how long? Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (suppl.), 133–148.
Bennett, C. and Blissett, J. (2017). Parental monitoring may protect impulsive children from overeating:Monitoring intake in impulsive children. Pediatric Obesity, 12 (5), pp. 414-421.
Boscolo, Sonia, Audo, Frédéric, Fatome, Julien and Finot, Christophe (2017). Nonlinear spectral compression in optical fiber:a new tool for processing degraded signals. IN: ICTON 2017 - 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ESP: IEEE.
Boucher, Abigail (2017). The monk and menopause:gender, medicine, and the Gothic in the long Nineteenth Century. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, 13 (2),
Broadbent, Rebecca (2017). What can a child's experiences tell us about engineering education activities? IN: Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Annual Conference 2017 - Education Excellence for Sustainability, SEFI 2017. PRT: Société Eropéenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs.
Bryson, John, Mulhall, Rachel, Song, Meng and Kenny, Richard (2017). Urban assets and the financialisation fix: land tenure, renewal and path dependency in the city of Birmingham. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10 (3), 455–469.
Bujnowska-Fedak, Maria Magdalena, Waligóra, Joanna, D’Avanzo, Barbara, Holland, Carol and Kurpas, Donata (2017). Approaches to therapy and prevention of frailty in the light of contemporary medicine. Family Medicine and Primary Care Review, 19 (3), pp. 289-297.
Buka, Richard, Knibb, Rebecca C, Crossman, Richard, Melchior, Cathryn, Huissoon, Aarnoud, Hackett, Scott, Dorrian, Susan, Cooke, Matthew and Krishna, Mamidipudi (2017). Anaphylaxis and clinical utility of real-world measurement of Acute Serum Tryptase in UK emergency departments. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 5 (5), pp. 1280-1287.
Cai, Junmeng, He, Yifeng, Yu, Xi, Banks, Scott W, Yang, Yang, Zhang, Xingguang, Yu, Yang, Liu, Ronghou and Bridgwater, Anthony V (2017). Review of physicochemical properties and analytical characterization of lignocellulosic biomass. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 76 , pp. 309-322.
Camomilla, V., Bonci, Tecla and Cappozzo, A. (2017). Soft tissue displacement over pelvic anatomical landmarks during 3-D hip movements. Journal of Biomechanics, 62 , pp. 14-20.
Cao, Zheng, Li, ShiNa, Song, Haiyan and Shen, Shujie (2017). The Distributional Effect of Events on Rural and Urban Households in China. Journal of Travel Research, 56 (7), pp. 881-892.
Cash, Daniel (2017). Artificially increasing competition in the credit rating industry:the ESMA meets an immovable object. European Company Law, 14 (5), pp. 190-192.
Cereatti, Andrea, Bonci, Tecla, Akbarshahi, Massoud, Aminian, Kamiar, Barré, Arnaud, Begon, Mickael, Benoit, Daniel L., Charbonnier, Caecilia, Maso, Fabien Dal, Fantozzi, Silvia, Lin, Cheng-chung, Lu, Tung-wu, Pandy, Marcus G., Stagni, Rita, Van Den Bogert, Antonie J. and Camomilla, Valentina (2017). Standardization proposal of soft tissue artefact description for data sharing in human motion measurements. Journal of Biomechanics, 62 , pp. 5-13.
Chen, Shao-Tuan, Du, Sijun, Arroyo, Emmanuelle, Jia, Yu and Seshia, Ashwin A (2017). Shock reliability enhancement for MEMS vibration energy harvesters with nonlinear air damping as a soft stopper. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 27 (10),
Chijoke- Mgbame, C. O., Chijoke-Mgbame, M. A., Yekini, S. and Yekini, C. Olukemi (2017). Corporate social responsibility performance and tax aggressiveness. Journal of Accounting and Taxation, 9 (8), pp. 101-108.
Clark, Robin P and Andrews, Jane E (2017). Pedagogy, Practice and Procedure (The P 3 Project) - Educating Engineering Managers A Model for the Future. IN: 45TH SEFI ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Société Eropéenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs.
Clark, Tony, Frank, Ulrich and Wimmer, Manuel (2017). Preface to the 4th international workshop on multi-level modelling (MULTI 2017). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019 , pp. 210-212.
Clarke, Christopher, Gross, Stephane R., Ismail, Thamir, Rudland, Philip, Al-Medhtiy, Morteta, Santangeli, Michael and Barraclough, Roger (2017). Activation of tissue plasminogen activator by metastasis-inducing S100P protein. Biochemical Journal, 474 (19), pp. 3227-3240.
Colaco, Hugh M.J., de Cesari, Amedeo and Hegde, Shantaram P. (2017). Retail investor attention and IPO valuation. European Financial Management, 23 (4), pp. 691-727.
Czekóová, Kristína, Zemánková, Petra, Shaw, Daniel J. and Bareš, Martin (2017). Social cognition and idiopathic isolated cervical dystonia. Journal of Neural Transmission, 124 (9), pp. 1097-1104.
Dsilva Winfred Rufuss, D., Iniyan, S., Suganthi, L. and Davies, P.A. (2017). Low mass fraction impregnation with graphene oxide (GO) enhances thermo-physical properties of paraffin for heat storage applications. Thermochimica Acta, 655 , 226–233.
Du, Sijun, Jia, Yu, Zhao, Chun, Chen, Shao-Tuan and Seshia, Ashwin A (2017). Real world evaluation of a self-startup SSHI rectifier for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting. Sensors and Actuators A : physical, 264 , pp. 180-187.
Eising, Rainer, Rasch, Daniel, Rozbicka, Patrycja, Fink-Hafner, Danica, Hafner-Fink, Mitja and Novak, Meta (2017). Who says what to whom? Alignments and arguments in EU policy-making. West European Politics, 40 (5), pp. 957-980.
Eke, Gerald and Elgy, John (2017). Testing the value of best value:Evidence from educational facilities projects. IN: IGLC 2017 - Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. GRC: The International Group for Lean Construction.
Ekárt, Anikó and Lewis, Peter R. (2017). Genotype–phenotype mapping implications for genetic programming representation:commentary on “On the mapping of genotype to phenotype in evolutionary algorithms” by Peter A. Whigham, Grant Dick, and James Maclaurin. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 18 , 369–372.
Ellis, A.D., McCarthy, M.E., Al-Khateeb, M.A.Z., Sorokina, M. and Doran, N.J. (2017). Performance limits in optical communications due to fiber nonlinearity. Advances in Optics and Photonics, 9 (3), pp. 429-503.
Esterle, Lukas and Lewis, Peter (2017). Online Multi-object k-coverage with Mobile Smart Cameras. IN: ICDSC 2017 - 11th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras. USA: ACM.
Esterle, Lukas, Lewis, Peter, Yao, Xin and McBride, Richie (2017). The future of camera networks: staying smart in a chaotic world. IN: 11th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras. USA: UNSPECIFIED.
Faria, Diego R., Faria, Fernanda C. C. and Premebida, Cristiano (2017). Towards multimodal affective expression:merging facial expressions and body motion into emotion. IN: IEEE RO-MAN'17: Workshop Proceedings on Artificial Perception, Machine Learning and Datasets for Human-Robot Interaction (ARMADA'17), pp.16-20. IEEE.
Faria, Diego R., Vieira, Mario, Faria, Fernanda C. C. and Premebida, Cristiano (2017). Affective facial expressions recognition for human-robot interaction. IN: IEEE RO-MAN'17: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Lisbon, Portugal. IEEE.
Fathalla, Radwa and Vogiatzis, George (2017). A Deep Learning Pipeline for Semantic Facade Segmentation. IN: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016, BMVC 2017, September, 2017. UNSPECIFIED.
Ferdous, Md Sadek, Chowdhury, Soumyadeb and Jose, Joemon M. (2017). Analysing privacy in visual lifelogging. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 40 , pp. 430-449.
Ferreira, Filipe M., Costa, Christian S., Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Semi-analytical modelling of linear mode coupling in few-mode fibers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (18), 4011 - 4022.
Findley, S., Afenyadu, G., Dalhat, M., Gama, E., Hafsat, B., Mijinwaya, S., Bature, R, Ekezie, Winifred, Ali, M.S. and Okoli, U. (2017). Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Models of Community Health Workers for promotion of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Northern Nigeria. International Journal of Translation & Community Medicine, 5 (1),
Fooks, Gary and Mills, Tom (2017). Is EU regulation really so bad for the UK? The Conversation Trust (UK).
Frampton, Peter (2017). Tonometry:a study in biomechanical modelling. Appraisal and utility of measurable biomechanical markers. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Geoghegan, P. H., Laffra, A. M., Hoogendorp, N. K., Taylor, M. C. and Jermy, M. C. (2017). Experimental measurement of breath exit velocity and expirated bloodstain patterns produced under different exhalation mechanisms. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 131 (5), pp. 1193-1201.
Gill, Simrone Kaur (2017). Novel Biomimetic Polymer Systems for Denture Adhesive Applications. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Goher, K M, Mansouri, N and Fadlallah, S O (2017). Assessment of personal care and medical robots from older adults' perspective. Robotics and biomimetics, 4 (1), p. 5.
Gooding-Williams, Gerard, Wang, Hongfang and Kessler, Klaus (2017). THETA-rhythm makes the world go round:dissociative effects of TMS theta versus alpha entrainment of right pTPJ on embodied perspective transformations. Brain Topography, 30 (5), 561–564.
Gordienko, Vladimir, Stephens, Marc and Doran, Nick (2017). Towards wide-bandwidth ultra-flat FOPAs. IN: ICTON 2017 - 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ESP: IEEE.
Gregg, Sharon T., Yuan, Qingchun, Morris, Russell E. and Xiao, Bo (2017). Functionalised solids delivering bioactive nitric oxide gas for therapeutic applications. Materials Today Communications, 12 , pp. 95-105.
Grove, Joe, Hu, Ke, Farquhar, Michelle J., Goodall, Margaret, Walker, Lucas, Jamshad, Mohammed, Drummer, Heidi E., Bill, Roslyn M., Balfe, Peter and McKeating, Jane A. (2017). A new panel of epitope mapped monoclonal antibodies recognising the prototypical tetraspanin CD81. Wellcome Open Research, 2 , p. 82.
Gui, Lin, Hu, Jiannan, He, Yulan, Xu, Ruifeng, Lu, Qin and Du, Jiachen (2017). A question answering approach for emotion cause extraction. IN: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Gurgula, Olga (2017). Monopoly v. Openness:Two sides of IP coin in the pharmaceutical industry. The Journal of World Intellectual Property, 20 (5-6), pp. 206-220.
Götz, Sebastian, Bencomo, Nelly, Bellmann, Kirstie and Blair, Gordon (2017). Summary of the 12th international workshop on models@run.time. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019 , pp. 174-175.
Iqbal, Md Asif, Tan, Mingming, Krzczanowicz, Lukasz, Skvortcov, Pavel, El-Taher, Atalla, Philips, Ian D., Forysiak, Wladek, Ania-Castanon, Juan Diego and Harper, Paul (2017). Performance characterization of high gain, high output power and low noise cascaded broadband discrete Raman amplifiers. IN: ICTON 2017 - 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ESP: IEEE.
Jaworski, Felipe M., Gentilini, Lucas D., Gueron, Geraldine, Meiss, Roberto P., Ortiz, Emiliano G., Berguer, Paula M., Ahmed, Asif, Navone, Nora, Rabinovich, Gabriel A., Compagno, Daniel, Laderach, Diego J. and Vazquez, Elba S. (2017). In vivo hemin conditioning targets the vascular and immunologic compartments and restrains prostate tumor development. Clinical Cancer Research, 23 (17), pp. 5135-5148.
Kanchev, Georgi M., Murukannaiah, Pradeep K., Chopra, Amit K. and Sawyer, Peter (2017). Canary:an Interactive and Query-Based Approach to Extract Requirements from Online Forums. IN: Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2017. 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) . PRT: IEEE.
Khatri, Naresh, Varma, Arup and Budhwar, Pawan (2017). Commonly observed shortcomings in manuscripts submitted to management journals. IIMB Management Review, 29 (3), pp. 203-209.
Krzczanowicz, Lukasz, Phillips, Ian, Iqbal, Md Asif, Tan, Mingming, Harper, Paul and Forysiak, Wladek (2017). Hybrid discrete Raman/EDFA design for broadband optical amplification in metro WDM systems. IN: ICTON 2017 - 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ESP: IEEE.
Leyva, Francisco, Zegard, Abbasin, Acquaye, Edmund, Gubran, Christopher, Taylor, Robin, Foley, Paul W.X., Umar, Fraz, Patel, Kiran, Panting, Jonathan, Marshall, Howard and Qiu, Tian (2017). Outcomes of cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without defibrillation in patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70 (10), pp. 1216-1227.
Liu, Junnan, Zhang, Xingjun, Blow, Keith and Fowler, Scott (2017). Performance analysis of packet layer FEC codes and interleaving in FSO channels. IET Communications, 11 (13), pp. 2042-2048.
Lokhov, Andrey Y. and Saad, David (2017). Optimal deployment of resources for maximizing impact in spreading processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (39), E8138-E8146.
Lv, Jing, Bai, Jing, Zhou, Kaiming, Mei, Xuesong, Wang, Kedian, Li, Ming and Cheng, Guanghua (2017). Transmission performance of 90°-bend optical waveguides fabricated in fused silica by femtosecond laser inscription. Optics Letters, 42 (17), pp. 3470-3473.
Maestri, Gaja (2017). The contentious sovereignties of the camp: Political contention among state and non-state actors in Italian Roma camps. Political Geography, 60 , pp. 213-222.
Malesios, Chrisovalantis, Demiris, Nikolaos, Kalogeropoulos, Konstantinos and Ntzoufras, Ioannis (2017). Bayesian epidemic models for spatially aggregated count data. Statistics in Medicine, 36 (20), pp. 3216-3230.
Manayil, Jinesh, Osatiashtiani, Amin, Mendoza, Alvaro, Parlett, Christopher, Durndell, Lee, Isaacs, Mark, Michailof, Chrysoula, Heracleous, Eleni, Lappas, Angelos, Lee, Adam and Wilson, Karen (2017). Impact of macroporosity on catalytic upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oil by esterification over silica sulfonic acids. ChemSusChem, 10 (17), pp. 3506-3511.
Mansell, Gemma, Hill, Jonathan C., Main, Chris J., Von Korff, Michael and Van Der Windt, Daniëlle (2017). Mediators of Treatment Effect in the Back In Action Trial:Using Latent Growth Modeling to Take Change Over Time Into Account. Clinical Journal of Pain, 33 (9), pp. 811-819.
Marques, C.A.F., Pospori, A. and Webb, D. J. (2017). Time-dependent variation of POF Bragg grating reflectivity and wavelength submerged in different liquids. Optics and Laser Technology, 94 , pp. 234-239.
Masi, Donato, Day, Steven and Godsell, Janet (2017). Supply Chain Configurations in the Circular Economy: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 9 (9),
Mathavan, Senthan, Kumar, Akash, Kanapathippillai, Vaheesan, Chandrakumar, Chanjief, Kamal, Khurram, Rahman, Mujib and Stonecliffe-Jones, Martyn (2017). Detection of pavement cracks using tiled fuzzy Hough transform. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 26 (5),
Mattheis, Frank and Wunderlich, Uwe (2017). Regional actorness and interregional relations:ASEAN, the EU and Mercosur. Journal of European Integration, 39 (6), pp. 723-738.
Meese, Timothy S, Baker, Daniel H and Summers, Robert J (2017). Perception of global image contrast involves transparent spatial filtering and the integration and suppression of local contrasts (not RMS contrast). Royal Society Open Science, 4 (9),
Melero, Juan A., Morales, Gabriel, Iglesias, Jose, Paniagua, Marta, López-aguado, Clara, Wilson, Karen and Osatiashtiani, Amin (2017). Efficient one-pot production of γ-valerolactone from xylose over Zr-Al-Beta zeolite: rational optimization of catalyst synthesis and reaction conditions. Green Chemistry, 19 (21), pp. 5114-5121.
Moore, Jared M. and Stanton, Adam (2017). Lexicase Selection Outperforms Previous Strategies for Incremental Evolution of Virtual Creature Controllers. IN: Proceedings of ECAL 2017. Knibbe, Carole and others (eds) FRA: MIT Press.
Moores, Elisabeth, Birdi, Gurkiran and Higson, Helen E. (2017). Placement work experience may mitigate lower achievement levels of Black and Asian vs. White students at university. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 ,
Mukherjee, Prabir K. and Chattopadhyay, Amit K. (2017). Effect of magnetic nanoparticles on the nematic-smectic-A phase transition. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 242 , pp. 612-617.
Nagra, Manbir, Gilmartin, Bernard, Thai, Ngoc Jade and Logan, Nicola S. (2017). Determination of retinal surface area. Journal of Anatomy, 231 (3), pp. 319-324.
Narayanan, Kanimozhi and Murphy, Susan E. (2017). Conceptual Framework on Workplace Deviance Behavior: A Review. Journal of Human Values, 23 (3), pp. 218-233.
Nash, Robert A. and Winstone, Naomi E. (2017). Responsibility-sharing in the giving and receiving of assessment feedback. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 ,
Obradovic-Wochnik, Jelena and Hayes, Sarah (2017). Re-visualising international relations:Audio-visual projects and direct encounters with the political in security studies tla. European Political Science, 16 (3), pp. 415-429.
Okhrimchuk, A.G., Lipatiev, A.S., Zharikov, E.V., Orlova, G., Mezentsev, V. and Kazansky, P.G. (2017). Phase transformation under direct laser writing in a YAG single crystal. Optical Materials Express, 7 (9), pp. 3408-3421.
Onali, Enrico, Ginesti, Gianluca and Vasilakis, Chrisovalantis (2017). How should we estimate value-relevance models? Insights from European Data. British Accounting Review, 49 (5), pp. 460-473.
Onifade, Ibrahim, Dinegdae, Yared and Birgisson, Björn (2017). Hierarchical approach for fatigue cracking performance evaluation in asphalt pavements. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 11 , 257–269.
Osatiashtiani, Amin, Puértolas, Begoña, Oliveira, Caio C.S., Manayil, Jinesh C., Barbero, Brunella, Isaacs, Mark, Michailof, Chrysoula, Heracleous, Eleni, Pérez-Ramírez, Javier, Lee, Adam F. and Wilson, Karen (2017). On the influence of Si:Al ratio and hierarchical porosity of FAU zeolites in solid acid catalysed esterification pretreatment of bio-oil. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 7 (3), pp. 331-342.
Pambudi, Nugroho Agung, Fasola, Maedanu, Perdana, Lukad Valiant, Laurensia, Ria, Wijayanto, Danar Susilo, Imran, Muhammad and Saw, Lip Huat (2017). Performance evaluation and optimization of fluidized bed boiler in ethanol plant using irreversibility analysis. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10 , pp. 283-291.
Patelli, Alina, Lewis, Peter R., Ekárt, Anikó, Wang, Hai, Nabney, Ian T., Bennett, David, Lucas, Ralph and Cole, Alex (2017). An architecture for the autonomic curation of crowdsourced knowledge. Cluster Computing, 20 (3), 2031–2046.
Pekar, Viktor and Binner, Jane (2017). Forecasting Consumer Spending from Purchase Intentions Expressed on Social Media. IN: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis. Copenhagen, Denmark: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Pham, Thu (2017). Design and characterisation of orally dissolving films as a potential new dosage form for paediatrics. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Porcaro, Camillo, di Lorenzo, Giorgio, Seri, Stefano, Pierelli, Francesco, Tecchio, Franca and Coppola, Gianluca (2017). Impaired brainstem and thalamic high-frequency oscillatory EEG activity in migraine between attacks. Cephalalgia, 37 (10), pp. 915-926.
Qian, Cheng S. and Brascamp, Jan W. (2017). How to Build a Dichoptic Presentation System That Includes an Eye Tracker. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 127 ,
Riaz, Umair, Burton, Bruce and Monk, Lissa (2017). Perceptions on Islamic banking in the UK—Potentialities for empowerment, challenges and the role of scholars. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 47 , pp. 39-60.
Riegler, Robert, Lis, Piotr and Hisarciklilar, Mehtap (2017). Buying friends? The importance of economic flows in assembling the Iraq war coalition. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 23 (4),
Romagnoli, Gloria, Wiedermann, Meike, Hübner, Friederike, Wenners, Antonia, Mathiak, Micaela, Röcken, Christoph, Maass, Nicolai, Klapper, Wolfram and Alkatout, Ibrahim (2017). Morphological evaluation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) to investigate invasive breast cancer immunogenicity, reveal lymphocytic networks and help relapse prediction:a retrospective study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (9),
Rubinato, Matteo, Martins, Ricardo, Kesserwani, Georges, Leandro, Jorge, Djordjevic, Slobodan and Shucksmith, James (2017). Experimental calibration and validation of sewer/surface flow exchange equations in steady and unsteady flow conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 552 , pp. 421-432.
Rubinato, Matteo, Martins, Ricardo, Kesserwani, Georges, Leandro, Jorge, Djordjevic, Slobodan and Shucksmith, James (2017). Experimental investigation of the influence of manhole grates on drainage flows in urban flooding conditions. IN: Proceedings of 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage. UNSPECIFIED.
Rudiyanto, Bayu, Illah, IbnuAtho, Pambudi, Nugroho Agung, Cheng, Chin-Chi, Adiprana, Reza, Imran, Muhammad, Saw, Lip Huat and Handogo, Renanto (2017). Preliminary analysis of dry-steam geothermal power plant by employing exergy assessment: Case study in Kamojang geothermal power plant, Indonesia. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10 , pp. 292-301.
Salman, Mootaz M., Sheilabi, Mariam A., Bhattacharyya, Dev, Kitchen, Philip, Conner, Alex C., Bill, Roslyn M., Woodroofe, M. Nicola, Conner, Matthew T. and Princivalle, Alessandra P. (2017). Transcriptome analysis suggests a role for the differential expression of cerebral aquaporins and the MAPK signalling pathway in human temporal lobe epilepsy. European Journal of Neuroscience, 46 (5), pp. 2121-2132.
Santos, Ana Rita, Ribeiro, Luísa, Bandello, Francesco, Lattanzio, Rosangela, Egan, Catherine, Frydkjaer-Olsen, Ulrik, García-Arumí, José, Gibson, Jonathan, Grauslund, Jakob, Harding, Simon P., Lang, Gabriele E., Massin, Pascale, Midena, Edoardo, Scanlon, Peter, Aldington, Stephen J., Simão, Sílvia, Schwartz, Christian, Ponsati, Berta, Porta, Massimo, Costa, Miguel Ângelo, Hernández, Cristina, Cunha-Vaz, José, Simó, Rafael and European Consortium for the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopa (2017). Functional and structural findings of neurodegeneration in early stages of diabetic retinopathy:cross-sectional analyses of baseline data of the EUROCONDOR project. Diabetes, 66 (9), pp. 2503-2510.
Santos, Lailson F.Dos, Ferreira, Filipe M. and Mello, Darli A.A. (2017). Sub-band-based transmission for mode-multiplexed optical systems. IN: ICTON 2017 - 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ESP: IEEE.
Sawyer, Peter, Kanchev, Georgi, Chopra, Amit and Murukannaiah, Pradeep (2017). Canary: Extracting Requirements-Related Information from Online Discussions. IN: Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2017 IEEE 25th International. 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) . IEEE.
Schwarz, Konstantin, Singh, Satnam, Parasuraman, Satish K., Rudd, Amelia, Shepstone, Lee, Feelisch, Martin, Minnion, Magdalena, Ahmad, Shakil, Madhani, Melanie, Horowitz, John, Dawson, Dana K. and Frenneaux, Michael P. (2017). Inorganic nitrate in angina study:A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Journal of the American Heart Association, 6 (9),
Sergeyev, Sergey V., Kbashi, Hani and Kolpakov, Stanislav A. (2017). Rogue waves and mode locking driven by Vector Resonance Multimode instability. IN: ICTON 2017 - 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ESP: IEEE.
Seymour, Robert A., Rippon, Gina and Kessler, Klaus (2017). The detection of phase amplitude coupling during sensory processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11 (SEP),
Shah, Darshna (2017). Mechanisms of hyperexcitability and efficacy of antiepileptic drugs in hippocampal-entorhinal networks in the Reduced Intensity Status Epilepticus (RISE) model of chronic epilepsy. PHD thesis, Aston University.
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