Items where Year is 2017
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Ahmad, Khawaja H. and Hossain, A. K. (2017). Impact of nanoparticles and butanol on properties and spray characteristics of waste cooking oil biodiesel and pure rapeseed oil. IN: World Renewable Energy Congress - 17. 2016-12-04 - 2016-12-08.
Aiken, Mike and Harris, Margaret (2017). The ‘hollowing out’ of smaller third sector organisations? Voluntary Sector Review, 8 (3), pp. 333-342.
Akbari, R., Fedorova, K. A., Rafailov, E. U. and Major, A. (2017). High peak power sub-60 fs Yb:KGW laser. IN: 2017 Photonics North, PN 2017. CAN: IEEE.
Al-Malaika, Sahar, Riasat, Selma and Lewucha, Cezary (2017). Reactive antioxidants for peroxide crosslinked polyethylene. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 145 , pp. 11-24.
AlQattan, Bader, Benton, David, Yetisen, Ali K. and Butt, Haider (2017). Laser Nanopatterning of Colored Ink Thin Films for Photonic Devices. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9 (45), pp. 39641-39649.
Ali, Abdallah, Sánchez, Christian, Al-Khateeb, Mohammad, Ferreira, Filipe and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Four-wave mixing in optical phase conjugation system with pre-dispersion. IN: Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2017. 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC) . IEEE.
Attallah, Omneya, Karthikesalingam, Alan, Holt, Peter J.E., Thompson, Matthew M., Sayers, Rob, Bown, Matthew J., Choke, Eddie C. and Ma, Xianghong (2017). Using multiple classifiers for predicting the risk of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair re-intervention through hybrid feature selection. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 231 (11), pp. 1048-1063.
Bailey, David and De Propris, Lisa (2017). Brexit and the UK Automotive Industry. National Institute Economic Review, 242 (1), R51-R59.
Bastin, Lucy and Joint Research Centre (2017). Science for the Africa-EU Partnership:Building knowledge for sustainable development. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Benton, David (2017). Low Cost Detection of Lasers. Optical Engineering, 56 (11),
Bhattarai, Suyesh, Vichare, Parag and Dahal, Keshav (2017). Performance comparison of adapted delaunay triangulation method over nurbs for surface optimization problems. IN: 31st Annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2017, ESM 2017. Goncalves, Paulo J.S. (ed.) PRT: EUROSIS.
Bottger, Tim, Rudolph, Thomas, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Pfrang, Thilo (2017). Customer inspiration:Conceptualization, scale development, and validation. Journal of Marketing, 81 (6), pp. 116-131.
Busso, Lucia and Vignozzi, Gianmarco (2017). Gender Stereotypes in Film Language: A Corpus-Assisted Analysis. IN: Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2017). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2006 . ITA:
Carrapiço, Helena and Barrinha, André (2017). The EU as a coherent (cyber)security actor? Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (6), pp. 1254-1272.
Cash, Daniel (2017). The warning-light of automobile securitisation:credit rating agencies and their role in a post-2016 world. Business Law Review, 38 (5), pp. 187-189.
Chen, Yu, Liu, Jun, Jiang, Jizhou, Zhou, Xiaofeng, Chen, Shuqing and Luo, Yan (2017). Two-dimensional materials based optoelectronics. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2017 ,
Cherkasov, Nikolay, Bai, Yang and Rebrov, Evgeny (2017). Process intensification of alkynol semihydrogenation in a tube reactor coated with a Pd/ZnO catalyst. Catalysts, 7 (12),
Coathup, David, Li, Zheng, Zhu, Xiaojing and Ye, Haitao (2017). The growth of non-c-axis-oriented ferroelectric BLT thin films on silicon using ZnO buffer layer. Materials Letters, 206 , pp. 117-120.
Coudrat, Thomas, Simms, John, Christopoulos, Arthur, Wootten, Denise and Sexton, Patrick M. (2017). Improving virtual screening of G protein-coupled receptors via ligand-directed modeling. PLoS computational biology, 13 (11),
Crawford, Louise, Morgan, Gareth and Cordery, Carolyn J. (2017). Accountability and not-for-profit organisations: implications for developing international financial reporting standards. Financial Accountability and Management, 34 (2), pp. 181-205.
Damfo, Shymaa Abdullah, Reche, Pedro A., Gatherer, Derek and Flower, Darren R (2017). In silico design of knowledge-based Plasmodium falciparum epitope ensemble vaccines. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 78 , pp. 195-205.
Deng, Sunan, Jwad, Tahseen, Li, Chi, Benton, David, Yetisen, Ali K., Jiang, Kyle, Dai, Qing and Butt, Haider (2017). Carbon Nanotube Array Based Binary Gabor Zone Plate Lenses. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), p. 15256.
Deng, Zhixiang, Liu, Jun, Huang, Xianwei, Zhao, Chujun and Wang, Xinlin (2017). Active control of adiabatic soliton fission by external dispersive wave at optical event horizon. Optics Express, 25 (23), p. 28556.
Dintcheva, Nadka Tzankova, Al-Malaika, Sahar, Arrigo, Rossella and Morici, Elisabetta (2017). Novel strategic approach for the thermo- and photo-oxidative stabilization of polyolefin/clay nanocomposites. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 145 , pp. 41-51.
Erhardt, Sophie, Pocivavsek, Ana, Repici, Mariaelena, Liu, Xi-Cong, Imbeault, Sophie, Maddison, Daniel C, Thomas, Marian A R, Smalley, Joshua L, Larsson, Markus K, Muchowski, Paul J, Giorgini, Flaviano and Schwarcz, Robert (2017). Adaptive and Behavioral Changes in Kynurenine 3-Monooxygenase Knockout Mice:Relevance to Psychotic Disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 82 (10), pp. 756-765.
Ezeh, Collins I., Huang, Xiani, Yang, Xiaogang, Sun, Cheng-Gong and Wang, Jiawei (2017). Sonochemical surface functionalization of exfoliated LDH:effect on textural properties, CO2 adsorption, cyclic regeneration capacities and subsequent gas uptake for simultaneous methanol synthesis. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 39 , pp. 330-343.
Flynn, Samantha, Vereenooghe, L, Hastings, Richard, Adams, Dawn, Cooper, Sally-Anne, Gore, Nick, Hatton, Chris, Hood, Kerry, Jahoda, Andrew, P E, Langdon, McNamara, R, Oliver, Chris, Roy, Ashok, Totsika, Vasiliki and Waite, Jane (2017). Measurement tools for mental health problems and mental well-being in people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 57 , pp. 32-44.
Fredriksson, Mio, Eriksson, Max and Tritter, Jonathan Q (2017). Involvement that makes an impact on healthcare:Perceptions of the Swedish public. Scandinavian journal of public health, Novemb ,
Fritz, Claudia and Van Knippenberg, Daan (2017). Gender and leadership aspiration: the impact of organizational identification. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 38 (8), pp. 1018-1037.
Fritz, Claudia and Van Knippenberg, Daan (2017). Gender and leadership aspiration:Interpersonal and collective elements of cooperative climate differentially influence women and men. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47 (11), pp. 591-604.
Gamlath, Chris D., Collett, Michael A., Pang, Weiran, Benton, David M. and Cryan, Martin J. (2017). Investigation of an optically induced superstrate plasma for tuning microstrip antennas. IET Optoelectronics, 11 (6), pp. 230-236.
Gibson, Emma J., Stapleton, Fiona, Wolffsohn, James S. and Golebiowski, Blanka (2017). Local synthesis of sex hormones:are there consequences for the ocular surface and dry eye? British Journal of Ophthalmology, 101 , pp. 1596-1603.
Gill, Simrone K., Roohpour, Nima, Topham, Paul D. and Tighe, Brian J. (2017). Tuneable denture adhesives using biomimetic principles for enhanced tissue adhesion in moist environments. Acta Biomaterialia, 63 , pp. 326-335.
Goher, K. M., Chenhui, Kong, Fadlallah, S. O., Shabibi, A. M.Al and Rawahi, N. Z.Al (2017). Transient dynamic impact suppression of a Baja chassis using frontal and rear shock absorbers. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 22 (6), pp. 676-688.
Goswami, Debjani and Broadbent, Rebecca (2017). Enhancing student engagement and active participation via a flipped learning approach. IN: EERN Symposium 2027. UNSPECIFIED.
Gray, Alastair, Fenn, Paul, Rickman, Neil and Vencappa, Dev (2017). Changing experience of adverse medical events in the National Health Service: Comparison of two population surveys in 2001 and 2013. Social science and medicine, 195 , pp. 83-89.
Gray, Caroline (2017). A tale of changing destinies: Why the Catalans are pushing for independence rather than the Basques. UNSPECIFIED.
Gu, Fan, Zhang, Yuqing, Luo, Xue, Sahin, Hakan and Lytton, Robert L. (2017). Characterization and prediction of permanent deformation properties of unbound granular materials for Pavement ME Design. Construction and Building Materials, 155 (Nov), pp. 584-592.
Guo, Dongqing, Murdoch, Colin E., Xu, Hao, Shi, Hui, Duan, Dayue Darrel, Ahmed, Asif and Gu, Yuchun (2017). Vascular endothelial growth factor signaling requires glycine to promote angiogenesis. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), p. 14749.
Hamidfar, T., Dmitriev, A., Magdan, B., Bianucci, P. and Sumetsky, M. (2017). Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (SNAP) at the silica microcapillary with ultrathin wall. IN: 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society, IPC 2017. USA: IEEE.
Handzic, Meliha, Edwards, John S, Moffett, Sandra, Garcia-Perez, Alexeis, Kianto, Aino and Bolisani, Ettore (2017). Five Ws and one H in knowledge management education. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 47 (4), pp. 438-453.
Harrison, Chloe (2017). Finding Elizabeth: Construing memory in Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey. Journal of Literary Semantics, 46 (2), pp. 131-151.
Higgs, Suzanne, Spetter, Maartje S, Thomas, Jason M, Rotshtein, Pia, Lee, Michelle, Hallschmid, Manfred and Dourish, Colin T (2017). Interactions between metabolic, reward and cognitive processes in appetite control:Implications for novel weight management therapies. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 31 (11), pp. 1460-1474.
Hirunpinyopas, Wisit, Prestat, Eric, Worrall, Stephen D, Haigh, Sarah, Dryfe, |R and Bissett, Mark (2017). Desalination and Nanofiltration through Functionalized Laminar MoS2 Membranes. ACS Nano, 11 (11), pp. 11082-11090.
Howlader, C., Waritanant, T., Fedorova, K. A., Sokolovskii, G. S., Rafailov, E. U. and Major, A. (2017). In-band pumped conical refraction Nd:KGW laser. IN: 2017 Photonics North, PN 2017. CAN: IEEE.
Huang, Qianqian, Zou, Chuanhang, Wang, Tianxing, Al Araimi, Mohammed, Rozhin, Aleksey and Mou, Chengbo (2017). Passively harmonic mode-locking in an Erbium-doped fiber laser based on carbon nanotubes film at repetition rates to 500MHz. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2017. CHN: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Hughes, Richard A.C., Mehndiratta, Man Mohan and Rajabally, Yusuf A. (2017). Corticosteroids for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017 (11),
Hussain, M., Tapinos, E. and Knight, L. (2017). Scenario-driven roadmapping for technology foresight. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124 , pp. 160-177.
Iqbal, Md Asif, Tan, Mingming, El-Taher, Atalla and Harper, Paul (2017). RIN and transmission performance improvement using second order and broadband first order forward Raman pumping. IN: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2017 and Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2017. 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2017-N . SGP: IEEE.
Jiang, Zhi, Isaacs, Mark, Huang, Zhengwen, Shangguan, Wenfeng, Deng, Yifeng and Lee, Adam F. (2017). Active site elucidation and optimization in Pt co-catalysts for photocatalytic hydrogen production over titania. ChemCatChem, 9 (22), pp. 4268-4274.
Jones, Max, Lerner, Igor V. and Yurkevich, Igor V. (2017). Berezinskii - Kosteriltz - Thouless transition in disordered multichannel Luttinger liquids. Physical Review B, 96 ,
Koornhof, Pieter and Wrensch, Jesse (2017). Video Game Modification in South Africa. SA Intellectual Property Law Journal, 5 , pp. 75-88.
Kozlov, I. O., Zherebtsov, E. A., Zherebtsova, A. I., Dremin, V. V. and Dunaev, A. V. (2017). Investigation of Doppler spectra of laser radiation scattered inside hand skin during occlusion test. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 929 (1),
Kwak, M.H., Raghavan, C.M., Kim, S.S. and Kim, W.-J. (2017). Electrical and ferroelectric properties of rare-earth-doped Na0.5Bi4.0RE0.5Ti4O15 (RE = Eu, Gd and Dy) thin films. New Physics: Sae Mulli, 67 , pp. 1272-1278.
Kynev, S. M., Chistyakov, V. V., Smirnov, S. V., Volkova, K. P., Egorov, V. I. and Gleim, A. V. (2017). Free-space subcarrier wave quantum communication. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 917 (5),
Laughton, Deborah S., Sheppard, Amy L., Mallen, Edward A.H., Read, Scott and Davies, Leon N. (2017). Does transient increase in axial length during accommodation attenuate with age? Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 100 (6), pp. 676-682.
Lepeshov, S. I., Gorodetsky, A. A., Toropov, N. A., Vartanyan, T. A., Rafailov, E. U., Krasnok, A. E. and Belov, P. A. (2017). Optimization of nanoantenna-enhanced terahertz emission from photoconductive antennas. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 917 (6),
Li, Bin, Michael Wong, K. Y., Chan, Amos H.M., So, Tsz Yan, Heimonen, Hermanni, Wei, Junyi and Saad, David (2017). How market structure drives commodity prices. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017 (11),
Lip, P. L., Cikatricis, P., Sarmad, A., Damato, E. M., Chavan, R., Mitra, A., Elsherbiny, S., Yang, Yit and Mushtaq, B. (2017). Efficacy and timing of adjunctive therapy in the anti-VEGF treatment regimen for macular oedema in retinal vein occlusion:12-month real-world result. Eye (Basingstoke), 32 (3), pp. 537-545.
Lutsyk, Petro, Piryatinski, Yuri P., Kachkovsky, Oleksiy, Verbitsky, Anatoli B. and Rozhin, Oleksiy (2017). Unsymmetrical Relaxation Paths of the Excited States in Cyanine Dyes Detected by Time-Resolved Fluorescence:Polymethinic and Polyenic Forms. Journal of Physical Chemistry: Part A, 121 (43), 8236–8246.
Mafu, Lihle D., Neomagus, Hein W.J.P., Everson, Raymond C., Strydom, Christien A., Carrier, Marion, Okolo, Gregory N. and Bunt, John R. (2017). Chemical and structural characterization of char development during lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 243 , pp. 941-948.
Medina, Raquel (2017). Envejecimiento, lesbianismo y heteronormatividad en la película 80 egunean (2010). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 94 (10), 1101–1116.
Misson, Gary P and Anderson, Stephen J (2017). The spectral, spatial and contrast sensitivity of human polarization pattern perception. Scientific Reports, 7 (1),
Monk, Rebecca L, Qureshi, Adam, Pennington, Charlotte and Hamlin, Iain (2017). Generalised inhibitory impairment to appetitive cues: From alcoholic to non-alcoholic visual stimuli. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 180 , pp. 26-32.
Moore, Hannah E., Butcher, John B., Day, Charles R. and Drijfhout, Falko P. (2017). Adult fly age estimations using cuticular hydrocarbons and Artificial Neural Networks in forensically important Calliphoridae species. Forensic Science International, 280 , pp. 233-244.
Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart (2017). What should a forensic practitioner's likelihood ratio be? II. Science and Justice, 57 (6), pp. 472-476.
Morrison-Fokken, Anita (2017). Provision of spectacle lens correction to elderly people at risk of falls. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Newman, Alexander, Schwarz, Susan and Ahlstrom, David (2017). Microfinance and entrepreneurship:An introduction. International Small Business Journal, 35 (7), pp. 787-792.
Nunes, Urbano Miguel, Faria, Diego R. and Peixoto, Paulo (2017). A human activity recognition framework using max-min features and key poses with differential evolution random forests classifier. Pattern Recognition Letters, 99 , pp. 21-31.
O'Donoghue, Eloise J, Sirisaengtaksin, Natalie, Browning, Douglas F, Bielska, Ewa, Hadis, Mohammed, Fernandez-Trillo, Francisco, Alderwick, Luke, Jabbari, Sara and Krachler, Anne Marie (2017). Lipopolysaccharide structure impacts the entry kinetics of bacterial outer membrane vesicles into host cells. Plos Pathogens, 13 (11),
Olafuyi, Olusola, Coleman, Michael and Badhan, Raj K S (2017). The application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to assess the impact of antiretroviral-mediated drug-drug interactions on piperaquine antimalarial therapy during pregnancy. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition, 38 (8), pp. 464-478.
Peng, Yawen, Guo, Genhua, Shu, Bin, Liu, Daiqiang, Su, Peng, Zhang, Xuming and Gao, Feng (2017). Spinal CX3CL1/CX3CR1 may not directly participate in the development of morphine tolerance in rats. Neurochemical Research, 42 (11), 3254–3267.
Pereira, L., Pospori, A., Antunes, Paulo, Domingues, Maria Fatima, Marques, S., Bang, Ole, Webb, David J. and Marques, Carlos A.F. (2017). Phase-shifted Bragg grating inscription in PMMA microstructured POF using 248 nm UV radiation. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (23), pp. 5176-5184.
Petyko, Marton (2017). “You’re trolling because…” – A Corpus-based Study of Perceived Trolling and Motive Attribution in the Comment Threads of Three British Political Blogs. IN: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (cmccorpora17). ITA: UNSPECIFIED.
Plappert, Garry L (2017). Candidate knowledge? Exploring epistemic claims in scientific writing:a corpus-driven approach. Corpora, 12 (3), pp. 425-457.
Popov, Alexey P., Bykov, Alexander V. and Meglinski, Igor V. (2017). Influence of probe pressure on diffuse reflectance spectra of human skin measured in vivo. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22 (11),
Qureshi, Adam, Monk, Rebecca L, Pennington, Charlotte, Li, Xiaoyun and Leatherbarrow, Thomas (2017). Context and alcohol consumption behaviors affect inhibitory control. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47 (11), pp. 625-633.
Rana, Karan S, Pararasa, Chathyan, Afzal, Islam, Nagel, David A, Hill, Eric J, Bailey, Clifford J, Griffiths, Helen R, Kyrou, Ioannis, Randeva, Harpal S, Bellary, Srikanth and Brown, James E (2017). Plasma irisin is elevated in type 2 diabetes and is associated with increased E-selectin levels. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 16 (1),
Riaz, Umair, Khan, Musafar and Khan, Naimat (2017). An Islamic banking perspective on consumers’ perception in Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 9 (4), pp. 337-358.
Rodríguez-Espíndola, Oscar, Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher (2017). Resource management for flood response in Mexico. IN: ITM Web of Conferences. Hochreiter, Ronald (ed.) CZE: UNSPECIFIED.
Romani, Cristina, Galuzzi, Claudia, Guariglia, Cecilia and Goslin, Jeremy (2017). Comparing phoneme frequency, age of acquisition, and loss in aphasia:Implications for phonological universals. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 34 (7-8), pp. 449-471.
Rosa, Pawel, Rizzelli, Giuseppe, Pang, Xiaodan, Ozolins, Oskars, Udalcovs, Aleksejs, Tan, Mingming, Sergeyev, Sergey, Schatz, Richard, Jacobsen, Gunnar, Popov, Sergei and Ania-Castaño´n, Juan Diego (2017). Unrepeatered 64QAM over SMF-28 using Raman amplification and digital backpropagation. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2017. CHN: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto, Villa-Collar, César, Gilmartin, Bernard, Gutiérrez-Ortega, Ramón and Suzaki, Asaki (2017). Short- and long-term changes in corneal aberrations and axial length induced by orthokeratology in children are not correlated. Eye and Contact Lens, 43 (6), 358–363,.
Sevastsyanovich, Yanina R, Withers, David R, Marriott, Claire L, Morris, Faye C, Wells, Timothy J, Browning, Douglas F, Beriotto, Irene, Ross, Ewan, Ali, Hossam Omar, Wardius, Catherine A, Cunningham, Adam F, Henderson, Ian R and Rossiter, Amanda E (2017). Antigen Localization Influences the Magnitude and Kinetics of Endogenous Adaptive Immune Response to Recombinant Salmonella Vaccines. Infection and Immunity, 85 (12),
Singhania, V and Marinov, Marin (2017). An Event-based Simulation Model for Analysing the Utilization Levels of a Railway Line in Urban Area. Promet - Traffic & Transportation, 29 (5), pp. 521-528.
Tan, Mingming, Iqbal, Md Asif, Krzczanowicz, Lukasz, Phillips, Ian D., El-Taher, Atalla, Forysiak, Wladek and Harper, Paul (2017). RIN-penalty mitigation and transmission performance improvement using forward propagated broadband first order Raman pump. IN: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2017 and Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2017. 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2017-N . SGP: IEEE.
Tan, Mingming, Iqbal, Md Asif, Turitsyn, Sergei K. and Harper, Paul (2017). Mitigating RIN-penalty to enhance the transmission performance in distributed Raman amplification system. IN: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2017 and Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2017. 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2017-N . SGP: IEEE.
Tarasova, Elvira, Korotkin, Ivan, Farafonov, Volodymyr, Karabasov, Sergey and Nerukh, Dmitry (2017). Complete virus capsid at all-atom resolution:simulations using molecular dynamics and hybrid molecular dynamics/hydrodynamics methods reveal semipermeable membrane function. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 245 , pp. 109-114.
Thomas, Jason M., Ursell, Amanda, Robinson, Eric L., Aveyard, Paul, Jebb, Susan A., Herman, C. Peter and Higgs, Suzanne (2017). Using a descriptive social norm to increase vegetable selection in workplace restaurant settings. Health Psychology, 36 (11), pp. 1026-1033.
Titkov, Ilya E., Karpov, Sergey Yu, Yadav, Amit, Mamedov, Denis, Zerova, Vera L. and Rafailov, Edik (2017). Efficiency of true-green light emitting diodes:Non-uniformity and temperature effects. Materials, 10 (11),
Titmus, P., Strickland, D. and Cross, A. (2017). Low cost laboratory micro-grid hardware and control for electrical power systems teaching. IN: 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2017 ECCE Europe. POL: IEEE.
Tolikas, Konstantinos and Topalogou, Nikolas (2017). Is default risk priced equally fast in the credit default swap and the stock markets?:An empirical investigation. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 51 , pp. 39-57.
Tuancharoensri, Nantaprapa, Ross, Gareth, Mahasaranon, Sararat, Topham, Paul D. and Ross, Sukunya (2017). Ternary blend nanofibres of poly(lactic acid), polycaprolactone and cellulose acetate butyrate for skin tissue scaffolds:influence of blend ratio and polycaprolactone molecular mass on miscibility, morphology, crystallinity and thermal properties. Polymer International, 66 (11), pp. 1463-1472.
Umfreville, Christopher (2017). Mora' the same: reflecting on the latest attempts to salvage company rescue. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 28 (10), pp. 385-392.
Wei, Jinlong, Sanchez, Christian, Haigh, Paul A. and Giacoumidis, Elias (2017). Complexity comparison of multi-band CAP and DMT for practical high speed data center interconnects. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2017. CHN: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Wen, Feng, Geng, Yong, Liao, Mingle, Wu, Baojian, Lu, Liangjun, Zhou, Linjie, Zhou, Xingyu, Qiu, Kun and Chen, Jianping (2017). Reducing Crosstalk of Silicon-based Optical Switch with All-optical Multi-wavelength Regenerator. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP). Optical Society of America (OSA).
West, Karen and Needham, Catherine (2017). Making it real of sustaining a fantasy? Personal budgets for older people. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37 (11/12),
Westwood, Samuel J., Olson, Andrew, Miall, Chris and Romani, Cristina (2017). tDCS modulation of naming in healthy participants: Negative results and still no explanation – a response to a commentary by Gauvin et al. (2017). Cortex, 96 , pp. 143-147.
Wright, George, Meadows, Maureen, Tapinos, Efstathios, O'Brien, Frances and Pyper, Neil (2017). Improving scenario methodology:theory and practice introduction to the special issue. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 124 , pp. 1-5.
Wu, Jie, Li, Xin, Wu, Yang, Liao, Guoxing, Johnston, Priscilla, Topham, Paul D. and Wang, Linge (2017). Rinse-resistant superhydrophobic block copolymer fabrics by electrospinning, electrospraying and thermally-induced self-assembly. Applied Surface Science, 422 , pp. 769-777.
Xie, Kang, Boardman, Allan D., Li, Qian, Shi, Zhiwei, Jiang, Haiming, Xia, Hongyan, Hu, Zhijia, Zhang, Junxi, Zhang, Wei, Mao, Qiuping, Hu, Lei, Yang, Tianyu, Wen, Fei and Wang, Erlei (2017). Spatial algebraic solitons at the Dirac point in optically induced nonlinear photonic lattices. Optics Express, 25 (24), pp. 30349-30364.
Yin, Guolu, Wang, Changle, Zhao, Yunhe, Jiang, Biqiang, Zhu, Tao, Wang, Yiping and Zhang, Lin (2017). Multi-channel mode converters based on in-line fiber modal interferometer. IN: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2017 and Photonics Global Conference, PGC 2017. 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2017-N . SGP: IEEE.
Zeri, Fabrizio, Beltramo, Isabella, Boccardo, Laura, Palumbo, Paolo, Petitti, Vincenzo, Wolffsohn, James S. and Naroo, Shehzad A. (2017). An Italian translation and validation of the Near Activity Visual Questionnaire (NAVQ). European Journal of Ophthalmology, 27 (6), pp. 640-645.
Zhang, Tingting, Sánchez, Christian, Ali, Abdallah and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Nonamplified 100Gbps Doubly Differential QPSK Optical Signal Transmission Over 80 km SSMF Without Carrier Recovery. IN: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC). 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC) . IEEE.
Zharkikh, E. V., Dremin, V. V., Filina, M. A., Makovik, I. N., Potapova, E. V., Zherebtsov, E. A., Zherebtsova, A. I. and Dunaev, A. V. (2017). Application of optical non-invasive methods to diagnose the state of the lower limb tissues in patients with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 929 (1),
Zhu, Mingyue, Zhang, Jing, Yi, Xingwen, Ying, Hao, Zhang, Zengjie, Wen, Feng, Li, Longjiang, Zheng, Mian and Qiu, Kun (2017). Over 300-km Transmission of 25 Gb/s Optical SSB NPAM-4 Signal with Electronic Dispersion Pre-compensation and Interference Mitigation. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP). Optical Society of America (OSA).