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Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Gauci, Dorothy and Dey, Prasanta K. (2016). The boundaryless hospital through risk management approach:a case study of the A&E unit of a tertiary-care hospital in Malta. IN: Boundaryless hospital: rethink and redefine health care management. Albach, Horst; Meffert, Heribert and et al, (eds) Berlin (DE): Springer.
Scott, James; Ho, William; Dey, Prasanta K. and Talluri, Srinivas (2015). A decision support system for supplier selection and order allocation in stochastic, multi-stakeholder and multi-criteria environments. International Journal of Production Economics, 166 , pp. 226-237.
Eswarlal, Vimal K.; Vasudevan, Geoffrey; Dey, Prasanta K. and Vasudevan, Padma (2014). Role of community acceptance in sustainable bioenergy projects in India. Energy Policy, 73 , pp. 333-343.
Wright, Daniel G.; Dey, Prasanta K. and Brammer, John (2014). A barrier and techno-economic analysis of small-scale bCHP (biomass combined heat and power) schemes in the UK. Energy, 71 , 332–345.
Bhattacharya, Arijit; Mohapatra, Priyabrata; Kumar, Vikas; Dey, Prasanta K.; Brady, Malcolm; Tiwari, Manoj K. and Nudurupati, Sai S. (2014). Green supply chain performance measurement using fuzzy ANP-based balanced scorecard:a collaborative decision-making approach. Production Planning and Control, 25 (8), pp. 698-714.
Dev, Navin K.; Shankar, Ravi and Dey, Prasanta K. (2014). Reconfiguration of supply chain network:an ISM-based roadmap to performance. Benchmarking, 21 (3), pp. 386-411.
Choudhary, Devendra; Shankar, Ravi; Dey, Prasanta K.; Chaudhary, Harish and Thakur, Lakshman S. (2014). Benefits of retailer-supplier partnership initiatives under time-varying demand:a comparative analytical study. International Journal of Production Research, 52 (14), pp. 4279-4298.
Wright, Daniel G.; Dey, Prasanta K. and Brammer, John G. (2013). A fuzzy levelised energy cost method for renewable energy technology assessment. Energy Policy, 62 , pp. 315-323.
Alfalla-Luque, Rafaela; Medina-Lopez, Carmen and Dey, Prasanta K. (2013). Supply chain integration framework using literature review. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 800-817.
Nixon, Jonathan; Dey, Prasanta K. and Davies, Philip (2013). An interdisciplinary approach to designing and evaluating a hybrid solar-biomass power plant. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 7 (3), pp. 321-337.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2012). Project risk management using multiple criteria decision-making technique and decision tree analysis:a case study of Indian oil refinery. Production Planning and Control, 23 (12), pp. 903-921.
Emrouznejad, Ali and Dey, Prasanta K. (2011). Performance measurement in the health sector:uses of frontier efficiency methodologies and multi-criteria decision making. Journal of Medical Systems, 35 (5), pp. 977-979.
Ho, William; Dey, Prasanta K. and Lockström, Malcom (2011). Strategic sourcing:a combined QFD and AHP approach in manufacturing. Supply Chain Management, 16 (6), pp. 446-461.
Eswarlal, Vimal K. and Dey, Prasanta K. (2011). Sustainable supply chain risk analysis for the small scale bioenergy sector. IN: British Academy of Management Conference 2011. Aston University, 2011-09-12 - 2011-09-15.
Eswarlal, Vimal K.; Dey, Prasanta K. and Shankar, Ravi (2011). Enhanced renewable energy adoption for sustainable development in India:interpretive structural modeling approach. IN: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings . Linköping (SE): LiU Electronic Press.
Scott, James A.; Ho, William and Dey, Prasanta K. (2011). Fuel supplier selection for large scale UK bioenergy schemes. IN: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings . Linköping (SE): LiU Electronic Press.
Beldi, Adel; Cheffi, Walid and Dey, Prasanta K. (2010). Managing customer relationship management projects:the case of a large French telecommunication company. International Journal of Project Management, 28 (4), pp. 339-351.
Ho, William; Xu, Xiaowei and Dey, Prasanta K. (2010). Multi-criteria decision making approaches for supplier evaluation and selection:a literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 202 (1), pp. 16-24.
Hariharan, Seetharaman and Dey, Prasanta K. (2010). A comprehensive approach to quality management of intensive care services. International Journal of Health Care Quality assurance, 23 (3), pp. 287-300.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Clegg, Ben and Bennett, David (2009). Managing implementation issues in enterprise resource planning projects. IN: Handbook of enterprise integration. Sherif, Mostafa H. (ed.) Boca Raton, FL (US): Auerbach.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ho, William; Albores, Pavel and Bennett, David (2009). Technology and business integration. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21 (5), pp. 583-586.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Charoenngam, Chotchai; Ogunlana, Stephen O. and Kajornkiat, Dechjaroen (2009). Multi-party risk management helps manage cement plant construction in Thailand. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 11 (4), pp. 411-435.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Ho, William (2009). Innovation in healthcare services: a customer focused approach. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 6 (4), pp. 387-405.
Ho, William; Higson, Helen E.; Dey, Prasanta K.; Xu, Xiaowei and Bahsoon, Rami (2009). Measuring performance of virtual learning environment system in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 17 (1), pp. 6-29.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ramcharan, Eugene K. (2008). Analytic hierarchy process helps select site for limestone quarry expansion in Barbados. Journal of Environmental Management, 88 (4), pp. 1384-1395.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ho, William; Charoenngam, Chotchai and Deewong, Watcharapong (2008). Relationship characteristics within the supply chain of small and medium-sized construction enterprises in Thailand. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 15 (1), pp. 102-118.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Despic, Ozren (2008). Managing healthcare performance in analytical framework. Benchmarking, 15 (4), pp. 444-468.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2007). Decision support system for project selection. IN: Handbook of computational intelligence in manufacturing and production management. Laha, Dipak and Mandal, Purnendu (eds) Hershey, PA (US): IGI Global.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Ho, William (2007). Managing healthcare technology in quality management framework. International Journal of Technology Management, 40 (1-3), pp. 45-68.
Ho, William; Higson, Helen E. and Dey, Prasanta K. (2007). An integrated multiple criteria decision making approach for resource allocation in higher education. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 4 (5), pp. 471-486.
Thuyet, Nguyen V.; Ogunlana, Stephen O. and Dey, Prasanta K. (2007). Risk management in oil and gas construction projects in Vietnam. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 1 (2), pp. 175-194.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Chen, Deryk (2007). Managing healthcare quality in project management framework. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 3 (3), pp. 261-278.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Kinch, Jason and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (2007). Managing risk in software development projects:a case study. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 107 (2), pp. 284-303.
Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi C.; Subhes, C. and Dey, Prasanta K. (2007). Managing risk in a large rural electrification programme in India. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 25 (1), pp. 15-26.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2007). Hierarchical approach to construction risk management using the analytic hierarchy process. IN: Proceedings Construction Management and Economics 25th Anniversary Conference. University of Reading, 2007-07-01. (Unpublished)
Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). Reengineering helps improve materials procurement in Indian oil refinery. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 3 (5), pp. 537-557.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Brooks, Naomi (2006). Managing healthcare quality using logical framework analysis. Managing Service Quality, 16 (2), pp. 203-222.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Gupta, Soumitra S. and Ho, William (2006). Managing technology in oil pipelines industry. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 7 (2), pp. 185-210.
Hariharan, Seetharaman; Chen, Deryk and Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). Innovation management using logical framework in hospital-based healthcare units. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 3 (3), pp. 299-314.
Hariharan, Seetharaman and Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). Application of quality function deployment in intensive care. IN: Proceedings of 'Researchday' National Conference. Trinidad, 2006-04-05 - 2006-04-06. (Unpublished)
Despic, Ozren and Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). Flexible multiplicative analytic hierarchy model. IN: Proceedings of DEA Conference. Greece, 2006-07-01. (Unpublished)
Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). Innovation in project management practices:a case of Indian organization in the petroleum industry. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 3 (6), pp. 618-634.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Hariharan, Seetharaman (2006). Operational performance measurement using the analytic hierarchy process. IN: Proceedings of International Conference on Quality Management and Organization Development. Liverpool, 2006-08-09 - 2006-08-11. (Unpublished)
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ho, William (2006). A hybrid genetic algorithm approach for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. IN: Proceedings of the International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM). University of Hong Kong, 2006-01-05 - 2006-01-07. (Unpublished)
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). A multi-depot travelling salesman problem and its iterative and integrated approaches. International Journal of Operational Research, 1 (4), pp. 382-395.
Ramcharan, Eugene K. and Dey, Prasanta K. (2005). Practice report: the role of environmental factors in industrial site selection activities: a case of limestone quarry expansion in Barbados, West Indies. Impact assessment and project appraisal, 23 (2), pp. 147-154.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (2004). Information system planning in drug service:a case study. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 5 (2), pp. 181-205.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2003). Analytic hierarchy process analyses risk of operating cross-country petroleum pipelines in India. Natural Hazard Review, 4 (4), pp. 213-221.
Bhattacharya, Subhes and Dey, Prasanta K. (2003). Selection of power market structure using the analytic hierarchy process. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 20 (1), pp. 36-57.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2002). An integrated assessment model for cross-country pipelines. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 22 (6), pp. 703-721.
Husbands, Calvin and Dey, Prasanta K. (2002). Social impact assessment of a sewerage project in Barbados. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 20 (3), pp. 215-223.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2002). Benchmarking project management practices of Caribbean organizations using analytic hierarchy process. Benchmarking, 9 (4), pp. 326-356.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (2002). Risk based decision support system for effective implementation of projects. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 3 (2/3/4), pp. 189-204.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ogunlana, Stephen O. and Takehiko, Nakaya (2002). Risk management in build-operate-transfer projects. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 3 (2/3/4), pp. 269-291.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2001). Analysing construction risk : a project management model. European management review, 13 (2), pp. 41-48.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2001). Decision support system for risk management:a case study. Management Decision, 39 (8), pp. 634-649.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2001). Integrated approach to project feasibility analysis:a case study. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 19 (3), pp. 235-245.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ogunlana, Stephen O.; Tabucanon, Mario T. and Gupta, Soumitra S. (2001). Multiple attribute decision making approach to petroleum pipeline route selection. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2 (3/4), pp. 347-362.
Dey, Prasanta K. (2001). A risk-based model for inspection and maintenance of cross-country petroleum pipeline. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 7 (1), pp. 25-43.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Gupta, S. and Gupta, Saumitra S. (2000). Decision support system yields better pipeline route. Oil and Gas Journal, 98 , pp. 68-76.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (1999). Decision support system for pipeline route selection. Cost Engineering, 41 (10), pp. 29-35.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Tabucanon, Mario T. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (1996). Petroleum pipeline construction planning:a conceptual framework. International Journal of Project Management, 14 (4), pp. 231-240.
Eswarlal, Vimal K.; Dey, Prasanta K.; Budhwar, Pawan and Shankar, Ravi Analysis of interactions among variables of renewable energy projects:a case study on renewable energy project in India. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 70 (8), pp. 713-720.
Dey, Prasanta K. Analytic hierarchy process helps evaluate projects in Indian oil pipeline industry. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24 (6), pp. 588-604.
Hariharan, Seetharaman; Dey, Prasanta K.; Chen, Deryk R.; Moseley, Harley S.L. and Kumar, Areti Y. Application of analytic hierarchy process for measuring and comparing the global performance of intensive care units. Journal of Critical Care, 20 (2), pp. 117-124.
Ogunlana, Stephen O.; Thapa, S. and Dey, Prasanta K. Assessing engineering training needs, methods and effectiveness:an example from the Nepalese construction industry. IN: Training for construction industry development. Ogunlana, Stephen O. (ed.) CIB.
Safdar, Komal A.; Emrouznejad, Ali and Dey, Prasanta K. Assessing the queuing process using data envelopment analysis:an application in health centres. Journal of Medical Systems, 40 (1),
Dey, Prasanta K. Decision support system for inspection and maintenance:a case of oil pipelines. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 51 (1), pp. 47-56.
Chattopadhyay, Amit K.; Dey, Prasanta K. and Ghosh, Sadhan K. Dynamics of spatial heterogeneity in a landfill with interacting phase densities:a stochastic analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling, In pre ,
Despić, Ozren and Dey, Prasanta K. Flexible multiplicative analytic hierarchy model. Working Paper. Aston University. (Unpublished)
Dev, Navin K.; Shankar, Ravi; Dey, Prasanta K. and Gunasekaran, Angappa Holonic supply chain:a study from family-based manufacturing perspective. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 78 , pp. 1-11.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Hariharan, Seetharaman Integrated approach to healthcare quality management:a case study. TQM Magazine, 18 (6), pp. 583-605.
Dey, Prasanta K. Integrated project evaluation and selection using multiple-attribute decision-making technique. International Journal of Production Economics, 103 (1), pp. 90-103.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Clegg, Benjamin T. and Bennett, David J. Managing enterprise resource planning projects. Business Process Management Journal, 16 (2), pp. 282-296.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Hariharan, Seetharaman Managing healthcare quality using combined SWOT and the analytic process. International Journal of Healthcare Technology Management, 9 (4), pp. 392-409.
Dey, Prasanta K. Managing project risk using combined analytic hierarchy process and risk map. Applied Soft Computing, 10 (4), pp. 990-1000.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Bennett, David and Clegg, Ben Managing risk in enterprise resource planning projects. IN: Implementation - realizing operations management knowledge. Johansson, Mats and Jonsson, Patrik (eds) UNSPECIFIED.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Kinch, Jason Managing risk in information technology projects. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 9 (3), pp. 311-329.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Cheffi, Walid Managing supply chain integration:contemporary approaches and scope for further research. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 653-657.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Clegg, Benjamin T. Measuring the operational performance of intensive care units using the analytic hierarchy process approach. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 26 (8), pp. 849-865.
Ho, William; Dey, Prasanta K. and Higson, Helen E. Multiple criteria decision-making techniques in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 20 (5), pp. 319-337.
Kumar Purohit, Arun; Shankar, Ravi; Dey, Prasanta K. and Choudhary, Devendra Non-stationary stochastic inventory lot-sizing with emission and service level constraints in a carbon cap-and-trade system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 113 , pp. 654-661.
Dey, Prasanta K. Oil pipelines. IN: Encyclopedia of energy. Cleveland, Cutler J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of energy series . New York, NY (US): Academic Press.
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Dey, Prasanta K. Optimization of PCB component placements for the collect-and-place machines. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37 (7-8), pp. 828-836.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Mukherjee, S.K. Project risk management in analytic framework. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 12 (4), pp. 419-433.
Dey, Prasanta K. Project risk management:a combined analytic hierarchy process and decision tree approach. Cost Engineering, 44 (3), pp. 13-26.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. Project time risk analysis through simulation. Cost Engineering, 43 (7), pp. 24-32.
Charoenngam, Chotchai; Ogunlana, Stephen O.; Ning-Fu, Kang and Dey, Prasanta K. Re-engineering construction communication in distance management framework. Business Process Management Journal, 10 (6), pp. 645-672.
Dey, Prasanta K. Re-engineering materials management: a case study on an Indian refinery. Business Process Management Journal, 7 (5), pp. 394-408.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Clegg, Ben and Cheffi, Walid Risk management in enterprise resource planning implementation:a new risk assessment framework. Production Planning and Control, 24 (1), pp. 1-14.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ogunlana, Stephen O. and Naksuksakul, Sittichai Risk-based maintenance model for offshore oil and gas pipelines:a case study. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 10 (3), pp. 169-183.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. Selection and application of risk management tools and techniques for build-operate-transfer projects. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 104 (4), pp. 334-346.
Dey, Prasanta K. and Husbands, Calvin Social impact assessment:A case study of a sewerage project in Barbados. International Journal of Environmental and Sustainable Development, 4 (4), pp. 464-477.
Scott, James A.; Ho, William and Dey, Prasanta K. Strategic sourcing in the UK bioenergy industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 146 (2), pp. 478-490.
Vasudevan, Padma; Sen, P.K.; Singh, S.N.; Singh, Prahlad; Davies, Philip; Dey, Prasanta K. and Berry, Robert Trigeneration using biomass energy for sustainable development. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 7 (3), pp. 309-320.
Hariharan, Seetharaman; Dey, Prasanta K.; Moseley, Harley S.L.; Kumar, Areti Y. and Gora, Jagathi A new tool for measurement of process-based performance of multispecialty tertiary care hospitals. International Journal of Health Care Quality assurance, 17 (6), pp. 302-312.
Scott, James A.; Ho, William and Dey, Prasanta K. A review of multi-criteria decision-making methods for bioenergy systems. Energy, 42 (1), pp. 146-156.
Clegg, Ben T.; Lloyd, Christine and Dey, Prasanta K. The trouble with theories in supply chain management and logistics. IN: Implementation - realizing operations management knowledge. Johansson, Mats and Jonsson, Patrik (eds) UNSPECIFIED.