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Malik, Ashish; Pereira, Vijay and Budhwar, Pawan (2017). Value creation and capture through human resource management practices:Gazing through the business model lens. Organizational Dynamics, Early ,
Khatri, Naresh; Varma, Arup and Budhwar, Pawan (2017). Commonly observed shortcomings in manuscripts submitted to management journals. IIMB Management Review, in pre ,
Budhwar, Pawan; Tung, Rosalie L.; Varma, Arup and Do, Hoa (2017). Developments in Human Resource Management in MNCs from BRICS nations:A review and future research agenda. Journal of International Management, 23 (2), pp. 111-123.
Shipton, Helen; Sparrow, Paul; Budhwar, Pawan and Brown, Alan (2017). HRM and innovation:looking across levels. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (2), pp. 246-263.
Wood, Geoffrey and Budhwar, Pawan (2016). Brexit and beyond:the BJM and unforeseen events. British Journal of Management, 27 (4), pp. 680-681.
Thite, Mohan; Wilkinson, Adrian; Budhwar, Pawan and Mathews, John A. (2016). Internationalization of emerging Indian multinationals:linkage, leverage and learning (LLL) perspective. International Business Review, 25 (1, Par), 435–443.
Varma, Arup; Aycan, Zeynep; Budhwar, Pawan; Pichler, Shaun; Uygur, Uǧur and Paluch, Rebecca (2016). Host country nationals' support to expatriates:an investigation in Turkey. European Journal of International Management, 10 (6), pp. 605-623.
Iqbal, Muhammad Zahid; Akbar, Saeed and Budhwar, Pawan (2015). Effectiveness of performance appraisal:an integrated framework. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17 (4), pp. 510-533.
Thite, Mohan; Budhwar, Pawan and Wilkinson, Adrian (2014). Global HR roles and factors influencing their development:evidence from emerging Indian IT services multinationals. Human Resource Management, 53 (6), pp. 921-946.
Smith, Peter B.; Wasti, S. Arzu; Grigoryan, Lusine; Achoui, Mustafa; Bedford, Olwen; Budhwar, Pawan; Lebedeva, Nadezhda; Leong, Chan Hoong and Torres, Claudio (2014). Are guanxi-type supervisor-subordinate relationships culture-general? An eight-nation test of measurement invariance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45 (6), pp. 921-938.
Wood, Geoffrey and Budhwar, Pawan (2014). Advancing theory and research and the British journal of management. British Journal of Management, 25 (1), pp. 1-3.
Abdul Malek, Marlin; Budhwar, Pawan and Reiche, B. Sebastian (2014). Sources of support and expatriation:a multiple stakeholder perspective of expatriate adjustment and performance in Malaysia. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (1-2), pp. 258-276.
Davis, Ann J.; Parkes, Carole and Budhwar, Pawan (2013). Bridging difference - national and organisational adaptation for responsible performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (12), pp. 2273-2277.
Khatri, Naresh; Ojha, Abhoy K.; Budhwar, Pawan; Srinivasan, Vasanthi and Varma, Arup (2012). Management research in India:current state and future directions. IIMB Management Review, 24 (2), pp. 104-115.
Pichler, Shaun; Varma, Arup and Budhwar, Pawan (2012). Antecedents and consequences of the social categorization of expatriates in India. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (5), pp. 915-927.
Jain, Harish; Budhwar, Pawan; Varma, Arup and Ratnam, C.S. Venkata (2012). Human resource management in the new economy in India. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (5), pp. 887-891.
Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas; Patel, Charmi and Budhwar, Pawan (2012). Editorial:knowledge flows, learning and development in an international context. European Journal of International Management, 6 (1), pp. 1-9.
Varma, Arup; Budhwar, Pawan and Pichler, Shaun (2011). Chinese host country nationals' willingness to help expatriates:the role of social categorization. Thunderbird International Business Review, 53 (3), 353–364.
Budhwar, Pawan and Debrah, Yaw A. (2009). Future research on human resource management systems in Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26 (2), pp. 197-218.
Hirst, Giles; Budhwar, Pawan; Cooper, Brian K.; West, Michael; Long, Chen; Chongyuan, Xu and Shipton, Helen (2008). Cross-cultural variations in climate for autonomy, stress and organizational productivity relationships:A comparison of Chinese and UK manufacturing organizations. Journal of International Business Studies, 39 (8), pp. 1343-1358.
Raghu Raman, S.; Budhwar, Pawan and Balasubramanian, G. (2007). People management issues in Indian KPOs. Employee Relations, 29 (6), pp. 696-710.
Budhwar, Pawan and Mellahi, Kamel (2007). Introduction: human resource management in the Middle East. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (1), pp. 2-10.
Khatri, Naresh; Fern, Chong T. and Budhwar, Pawan (2001). Explaining employee turnover in an Asian context. Human Resource Management Journal, 11 (1), pp. 54-74.
Eswarlal, Vimal K.; Dey, Prasanta K.; Budhwar, Pawan and Shankar, Ravi Analysis of interactions among variables of renewable energy projects:a case study on renewable energy project in India. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 70 (8), pp. 713-720.
Smith, Peter B.; Torres, Claudio; Leong, Chan-Hoong; Budhwar, Pawan; Achoui, Mustafa and Lebedeva, Nadezhda Are indigenous approaches to achieving influence in business organizations distinctive? A comparative study of guanxi, wasta, jeitinho, svyazi and pulling strings. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (2), pp. 333-348.
Wood, Geoffrey and Budhwar, Pawan BJM and the discipline. British Journal of Management, 26 (2), pp. 143-145.
Adhikari, Dev R.; Budhwar, Pawan and Hirasawa, Katsuhiko Changing employment relation systems in Japan:cases of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group and the Federation of Shinkin Banks. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (13), pp. 2414-2437.
Abdul Malek, Marlin and Budhwar, Pawan Cultural intelligence as a predictor of expatriate adjustment and performance in Malaysia. Journal of World Business, 48 (2), pp. 222-231.
Aycan, Zeynep; Al-Hamadi, Abdul B.; Davis, Ann and Budhwar, Pawan Cultural orientations and preference for HRM policies and practices:the case of Oman. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (1), pp. 11-32.
Budhwar, Pawan Doing business in India. Thunderbird International Business Review, 43 (4), pp. 549-568.
Shipton, Helen; Budhwar, Pawan; Sparrow, Paul and Brown, Alan Editorial overview: HRM and innovation - a multi-level perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (2), 203–208.
Varma, Arup; Pichler, Shaun; Budhwar, Pawan and Kupferer, Shannon Expatriate-local interactions:an investigation in China. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27 (7), pp. 753-768.
Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas and Budhwar, Pawan Guest editors' introduction : diversity and inclusion in different work settings:emerging patterns, challenges, and research agenda. Human Resource Management, 54 (2), pp. 177-197.
Budhwar, Pawan and Varma, Arup Guest editors' introduction : emerging patterns of HRM in the new Indian economic environment. Human Resource Management, 49 (3), pp. 343-351.
Patel, Charmi; Budhwar, Pawan; Witzemann, Alissa and Katou, Anastasia HR outsourcing:The impact on HR's strategic role and remaining in-house HR function. Journal of Business Research ,
Varma, Arup and Budhwar, Pawan International Human Resource Management in the Indian context. Journal of World Business, 47 (2), 157–158.
Varma, Arup; Budhwar, Pawan; Katou, Anastasia and Matthew, Jossy Interpersonal affect and host country national support of expatriates:an investigation in China. Journal of Global Mobility, 4 (4), pp. 476-495.
Nayak, Sunanda; Bhatnagar, Jyotsna and Budhwar, Pawan Leveraging social networking for talent management:an exploratory study of Indian firms. Thunderbird International Business Review, in pre ,
Budhwar, Pawan Management of human resources in foreign firms operating in India:the role of HR in country-specific headquarters. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (12), pp. 2514-2531.
Bhatnagar, Jyotsna; Budhwar, Pawan; Srivastava, Pallavi and Saini, Debi S. Organizational change and development in India:a case of strategic organizational change and transformation. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 23 (5), pp. 485-499.
Patel, Charmi; Budhwar, Pawan and Varma, Arup Overall justice, work group identification and work outcomes:test of moderated mediation process. Journal of World Business, 47 (2), pp. 213-222.
Roy, Kaushik; Vohra, Neharika and Budhwar, Pawan Rethinking management theory and practice for the Indian context:an international management perspective. Thunderbird International Business Review, 58 (6), pp. 507-513.
Varma, Arup; Toh, Soo Min and Budhwar, Pawan A new perspective on the female expatriate experience:the role of host country national categorization. Journal of World Business, 41 (2), pp. 112-120.
Varma, Arup; Pichler, Shaun and Budhwar, Pawan The relationship between expatriate job level and host country national categorization:an investigation in the UK. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (1), pp. 103-120.
Book Section
Sparrow, Paul; Shipton, Helen; Budhwar, Pawan and Brown, Alan (2016). Conclusion : on multiple levels of analysis, context, contingency and capital. IN: Human resource management, innovation and performance. Shipton, Helen; Budhwar, Pawan; Sparrow, Paul and Brown, Alan (eds) London (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Nair, Smitha; Pillai, Kishore Gopalakrishna; Hirekhan, Manjusha and Budhwar, Pawan (2016). Innovativeness of Indian firms - catalysts and deterrents. IN: Human resource management, innovation and performance. Shipton, Helen; Budhwar, Pawan; Sparrow, Paul and Brown, Alan (eds) London (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Horwitz, Frank and Budhwar, Pawan (2015). Human resource management in emerging markets:an introduction. IN: Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets. Horwitz, Frank and Budhwar, Pawan (eds) Research handbooks in business and management series . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Varma, Arup; Budhwar, Pawan and Singh, Sneha (2015). Performance management and high performance work practices in emerging markets. IN: Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets. Horwitz, Frank and Budhwar, Pawan (eds) Research handbooks in business and management series . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Horwitz, Frank; Budhwar, Pawan and Morley, Michael J. (2015). Future trends in human resource management in emerging markets. IN: Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets. Horwitz, Frank and Budhwar, Pawan (eds) Research handbooks in business and management series . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Varma, Arup and Budhwar, Pawan (2014). Performance management and motivation. IN: Human resource management. Crawshaw, Jonathan; Budhwar, Pawan and Davis, Ann (eds) Human resource development . London (UK): SAGE.
Budhwar, Pawan; Bhatnagar, Jyotsna and Saini, Debi S. (2012). Organizational change and development:a case study in the Indian electricity market. IN: Ready for change? Transition through turbulence to reformation and transformation. Heimer-Rathbone, Cora L. (ed.) Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Budhwar, Pawan and Varma, Arup (2012). Human resource management in the India subcontinent. IN: Handbook of research in comparative human resource management. Brewster, Chris and Mayrhofer, Wolfgang (eds) Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Budhwar, Pawan and Mellahi, Kamel (2012). Human resource management in the Middle East. IN: Handbook of research in comparative human resource management. Brewster, Chris and Mayrhofer, Wolfgang (eds) Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Cooke, Fang Lee and Budhwar, Pawan (2009). HR offshoring and outsourcing:research issues for IHRM. IN: Handbook of international human resource management. Sparrow, Paul (ed.) London (UK): Wiley.
Budhwar, Pawan (2009). Introduction: human resources management in the Indian context. IN: The changing face of people management in India. Budhwar, Pawan S. and Bhatnagar, Jyotsna (eds) Working in Asia . London (UK): Routledge.
Budhwar, Pawan (2009). Managing human resources in India. IN: The Routledge companion to strategic human resource management. Storey, John; Wright, Patrick M. and Ulrich, David (eds) Routledge companions in business, management and accounting . Abington (UK): Routledge.
Budhwar, Pawan; Malhotra, Neeru and Singh, Virender (2009). Work processes and emerging problems in Indian call centres. IN: The next available operator. Thite, Mohan and Russell, Bob (eds) New Delhi (IN): SAGE.
Aryee, Samuel; Katou, Anastasia A.; Daniels, C. and Budhwar, Pawan (2008). Issues in SHRM and the way forward. IN: Strategic human resource management. London (UK): CIPD.
Budhwar, Pawan and Aryee, Samuel (2008). Strategic HRM:the international context. IN: Strategic human resource management. Butler, Michael J.R. (ed.) London (UK): CIPD.
Malhotra, Neeru; Budhwar, Pawan and Bhatnagar, Jyotsna (2006). Investigating antecedents to organisational commitment:an empirical investigation in UK call centres. IN: Future of work, mastering change. Singh, Pritam; Bhatnagar, Jyotsna and Bhandarker, Asha (eds) New Delhi (IN): Excel.
Katou, Anastasia and Budhwar, Pawan (2005). The effect of human resource management policies on organisational performance in Greek manufacturing. IN: [EURAM 2005 fulltext preoceedings]. UNSPECIFIED.
Budhwar, Pawan (2004). Introduction : HRM in the Asia-pacific context. IN: Managing human resources in Asia-Pacific. Budhwar, Pawan S. (ed.) Global HRM . London (UK): Routledge.
Budhwar, Pawan (2002). International human resource management. IN: International management. Tayeb, Monir (ed.) London, UK: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Budhwar, Pawan and Fadzil, Khairul Globalisation, economic crisis and employment practices:lessons from a large Malaysian Islamic institution. IN: Work and employment in a globalized era:. Debrah, Yaw A. and Smith, Ian G. (eds) Studies in Asia Pacific business . London (UK): Frank Cass.
Patel, Charmi and Budhwar, Pawan Globalism, multinational enterprises and HRM. IN: Human resource management. Budwhar, Pawan; Cranshaw, Jeremy and Davis, Ann (eds) Human resource development . London (UK): SAGE.
Katou, Anastasia A. and Budhwar, Pawan HRM and firm performance. IN: Human resource management. Budwhar, Pawan; Cranshaw, Jeremy and Davis, Ann (eds) Human resource development . London (UK): SAGE.
Pereira, Vijay and Budhwar, Pawan HRM and firm performance:the case of the Indian IT/BPO industry. IN: Business models and people management in the Indian IT industry. Malik, Ashish and Rowley, Chris (eds) Working in Asia . Abingdon (UK): Routledge.
Aryee, Samuel and Budhwar, Pawan Human resource management and organizational performance. IN: Strategic human resource management. Butler, Michael J.R. (ed.) London (UK): CIPD.
Cooke, Fang Lee and Budhwar, Pawan Human resource management in China and India. IN: Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets. Horwitz, Frank and Budhwar, Pawan (eds) Research handbooks in business and management series . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Shipton, Helen; Budhwar, Pawan; Sparrow, Paul and Brown, Alan Human resource management, innovation and performance:looking across levels. IN: Human resource management, innovation and performance. Shipton, Helen; Budhwar, Pawan; Sparrow, Paul and Brown, Alan (eds) London (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Aryee, Samuel; Budhwar, Pawan and Tan, Hwee H. Leader-member exchange and contextual performance:the mediating influence of organization-based self-esteem. IN: Handbook of organizational citizenship behavior. Turnipseed, David L. (ed.) New York, USA: Nova science.
Varma, Arup; Budhwar, Pawan; Biswas, Soumendu and Toh, Soo Min An empirical investigation of host country national categorization of expatriates in the United Kingdom. IN: [EURAM 2005 fulltext preoceedings]. UNSPECIFIED.
Budhwar, Pawan; Davis, Ann; Al-Hamadi, Abdul B. and Aycan, Zeynep (2006). Cultural orientations and preference for HRM policies and practices:the case of Oman. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Conference or Workshop Item
Budhwar, Pawan; Zhang, Yan and Abdul Malek, Marlin (2007). Role of HR in culture integration in cross-border mergers and acquisitions:the case of Lenovo-IBM. IN: 6th IIRA Asian regional congress. 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-21.
Parkes, Carole; Budhwar, Pawan and Al-Hamadi, Abdul B. (2006). Ethical beliefs and HRM in Oman. IN: 21st workshop on strategic human resource management. 2006-03-30 - 2006-03-31.
Varma, Arup; Budhwar, Pawan and Toh, Soo Min (2005). A two-nation study of host country national categorization of expatriates:UK and India. IN: 8th international human resource management conference. 2005-06-14 - 2005-06-17.
Budhwar, Pawan and Debrah, Yaw A. (2004). Dynamics of HRM systems in the Asian context and the research agenda. IN: 4th Asian Academy of Management Conference. 2004-12-16 - 2004-12-18.
Varma, Arup; Budhwar, Pawan and Toh, Soo M. (2004). Two-nation study of host country national categorization of female expatriates - United States and India. IN: 4th Asian Academy of Management Conference. 2004-12-16 - 2004-12-18.
Khatri, Naresh; Templer, K.J. and Budhwar, Pawan (2003). Consequences of power distance orientation in organizations. IN: Academy of Management Annual Conference 2003. 2003-08-01 - 2003-08-06.
Budhwar, Pawan and Björkman, Ingmar (2003). A corporate perspective on the management of human resources in foreign firms operating in India. IN: 2003 International HRM Conference. 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-06.
Aryee, Samuel; Tan, Hwee H. and Budhwar, Pawan (2002). Antecedents of leader-member exchange and explanation of its relationship with citizenship behavior. IN: Annual Academy of Management Conference 2002. 2002-08-09 - 2002-08-14.
Khatri, Naresh; Budhwar, Pawan; Templer, Klaus J.; Lee, Ruth; Lim, Lynn and Lim, Lee (2002). Measurement of charisma and vision. IN: Annual Academy of Management Conference 2002. 2002-08-09 - 2002-08-14.
Aychan, Zeynep; Budhwar, Pawan; Davis, Ann and Al-Hamadi, Abdul B. Cultural value orientations and HRM policies and practices:an empirical study of Oman. IN: 48th annual meeting of the Academy of International Business. 2006-06-23 - 2006-06-26.
Woldu, Habte G.; Budhwar, Pawan and Lucewicz, Jacenta Cultural value systems of East European countries:a gender based analysis. IN: Easter Academy of Management International Conference. 2003-06-20 - 2003-06-24.
Budhwar, Pawan and Malhotra, Neeru Emerging patterns of work processes in Indian call centres:an exploratory study. IN: 15th annual Employment Research Unit (ERU) conference. 2007-09-17 - 2007-09-18.
Budhwar, Pawan and Singh, Virender HRM in call centres in India:an exploratory study. IN: 2003 International HRM Conference. 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-06.
Abdul Malek, Marlin; Budhwar, Pawan and Davis, Ann Sources of support and expatriation:a multiple stakeholder perspective of expatriate adjustment and performance in Malaysia. IN: Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy conference 2012. 2012-04-12 - 2012-04-14.
Malhotra, Neeru; Sood, Aarti and Budhwar, Pawan Understanding linkages between commitment and performance in the Indian call centre context. IN: Academy of Marketing Conference 2010. 2010-07-06 - 2010-07-08. (Unpublished)
Budhwar, Pawan and Katou, Anastasia Universalistic or contingency model? Contribution of HRM towards firms’ performance in Greece. IN: 48th annual meeting of the Academy of International Business. 2006-06-23 - 2006-06-26.
Varma, Arup; Toh, Soo M.; Budhwar, Pawan and Biswas, Soumendu A quasi-experimental field study on the impact of host worker perceptions on expatriate adjustment. IN: Annual Academy of Management Conference. 2005-08-06 - 2005-08-12.
Aryee, Samuel; Budhwar, Pawan and Tan, Hwee H. The role of organizational-based self-esteem in the relationship between organizational justice and work behaviours:towards a non-social exchange of citizenship behaviours. IN: 3rd Asia Academy of Management Conference. 2002-12-12 - 2002-12-14.
Budhwar, Pawan and Malhotra, Neeru (2009). HRM systems, internal marketing and performance in Indian call centres:non-technical summary (Research summary) ESRC end of award report, RES-000-22-1876. Swindon: ESRC. ESRC.
Budhwar, Pawan and Malhotra, Neeru HRM systems, internal marketing and performance in Indian call centres:full research report ESRC end of award report, RES-000-22-1876. ESRC.