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Ho, William; He, Ting; Lee, Carman K.M. and Emrouznejad, Ali (2012). Strategic logistics outsourcing:an integrated QFD and fuzzy AHP approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (12), 10841–10850.
Marra, Marianna; Ho, William and Edwards, John (2012). Supply chain knowledge management:a literature review. Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (5), pp. 6103-6110.
Ho, William; Dey, Prasanta K. and Lockström, Malcom (2011). Strategic sourcing:a combined QFD and AHP approach in manufacturing. Supply Chain Management, 16 (6), pp. 446-461.
Lee, C.K.M.; Ho, William; Ho, G.T.S. and Lau, H.C.W. (2011). Design and development of logistics workflow systems for demand management with RFID. Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (5), pp. 5428-5437.
Ho, William; Xu, Xiaowei and Dey, Prasanta K. (2010). Multi-criteria decision making approaches for supplier evaluation and selection:a literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 202 (1), pp. 16-24.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping (2010). Integrated component scheduling models for chip shooter machines. International Journal of Production Economics, 123 (1), pp. 31-41.
Emrouznejad, Ali and Ho, William (2010). Uses of frontier efficiency methodologies and multi-criteria decision making for performance measurement in the energy sector. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 4 (3),
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ho, William; Albores, Pavel and Bennett, David (2009). Technology and business integration. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21 (5), pp. 583-586.
Lee, Carman K.M.; Lau, Henry C.W.; Ho, George T.S. and Ho, William (2009). Design and development of agent-based procurement system to enhance business intelligence. Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (1), pp. 877-884.
Ho, G.T.S.; Lau, H.C.W.; Kwok, S.K.; Lee, C.K.M. and Ho, William (2009). Development of a co-operative distributed process mining system for quality assurance. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (4), pp. 883-918.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Ho, William (2009). Innovation in healthcare services: a customer focused approach. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 6 (4), pp. 387-405.
Ho, William; Higson, Helen E.; Dey, Prasanta K.; Xu, Xiaowei and Bahsoon, Rami (2009). Measuring performance of virtual learning environment system in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 17 (1), pp. 6-29.
Wu, Yongzhong; Ji, Ping and Ho, William (2009). Optimizing PCB assembly for family setup strategy. Assembly Automation, 29 (1), pp. 61-67.
Ling, Tan K.; Lee, Carman K.M. and Ho, William (2009). The analysis and case studies of successful express logistics companies. International Journal of Value Chain Management, 3 (1), pp. 20-35.
Ho, William and Emrouznejad, Ali (2009). A mathematical model for assembly line balancing model to consider disordering sequence of workstations. Assembly Automation, 29 (1), pp. 49-51.
Ho, William; Ho, George T.S.; Ji, Ping and Lau, Henry C.W. (2008). A hybrid genetic algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21 (4), pp. 548-557.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ho, William; Charoenngam, Chotchai and Deewong, Watcharapong (2008). Relationship characteristics within the supply chain of small and medium-sized construction enterprises in Thailand. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 15 (1), pp. 102-118.
Ho, William (2008). Integrated analytic hierarchy process and its applications:a literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 186 (1), pp. 211-228.
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Wu, Y. (2007). A heuristic approach for component scheduling on a high-speed PCB assembly machine. Production Planning and Control, 18 (8), pp. 655-665.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Hariharan, Seetharaman and Ho, William (2007). Managing healthcare technology in quality management framework. International Journal of Technology Management, 40 (1-3), pp. 45-68.
Ho, William; Higson, Helen E. and Dey, Prasanta K. (2007). An integrated multiple criteria decision making approach for resource allocation in higher education. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 4 (5), pp. 471-486.
Ho, George T.S.; Lau, Henry C.W.; Lee, C.K.M.; Ip, Andrew W.H. and Ho, William (2006). Design and development of an agent-based information system for process improvement. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 5 (2-3), pp. 134-150.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Gupta, Soumitra S. and Ho, William (2006). Managing technology in oil pipelines industry. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 7 (2), pp. 185-210.
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Dey, Prasanta K. (2006). A multi-depot travelling salesman problem and its iterative and integrated approaches. International Journal of Operational Research, 1 (4), pp. 382-395.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping (2005). A genetic algorithm for the generalised transportation problem. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 22 (4), pp. 190-197.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping Component scheduling for chip shooter machines: a hybrid genetic algorithm approach. Computers and Operations Research, 30 (14), pp. 2175-2189.
Lee, Carman K.M.; Lin, Danping; Ho, William and Wu, Zhang Design of a genetic algorithm for bi-objective flow shop scheduling problems with re-entrant jobs. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 56 (9-12), pp. 1105-1113.
Lau, Henry C.W.; Ho, George T.S.; Chu, K.F.; Ho, William and Lee, Carman K.M. Development of an intelligent quality management system using fuzzy association rules. Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (2 Part), pp. 1801-1815.
Ho, William and Emrouznejad, Ali Multi-criteria logistics distribution network design using SAS/OR. Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (3, Par), pp. 7288-7298.
Ho, William; Dey, Prasanta K. and Higson, Helen E. Multiple criteria decision-making techniques in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 20 (5), pp. 319-337.
Ho, William; Lee, Carman K.M. and Ho, George To Sum Multiple criteria optimization of contemporary logistics distribution network problems. OR Insight, 23 , pp. 27-43.
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Dey, Prasanta K. Optimization of PCB component placements for the collect-and-place machines. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37 (7-8), pp. 828-836.
Ho, William; Lee, Carman K.M. and Ho, George T.S. Optimization of facility location-allocation problem in customer-driven supply chain. Operations Management Research, 1 (1), pp. 69-79.
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Albores, Pavel Optimization of physical distribution problem in logistics management. Industrial Engineering Research, 4 (2), pp. 71-82.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping PCB assembly line assignment:a genetic algorithm approach. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 16 (6), pp. 682-692.
He, Ting; Ho, William; Man, Carman L.K. and Xu, Xiaofei A fuzzy AHP based integer linear programming model for the multi-criteria transshipment problem. International Journal of Logistics Management, 23 (1), pp. 159-179.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping A genetic algorithm approach to optimising component placement and retrieval sequence for chip shooter machines. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (5-6), pp. 556-560.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping A genetic algorithm to optimise the component placement process in the PCB assembly. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 26 (11-12), pp. 1397-1401.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping A hybrid genetic algorithm for component sequencing and feeder arrangement. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 15 (3), pp. 307-315.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping A hybrid genetic algorithm for sequencing PCB component placement. International Journal of Knowledge, 9 (2), pp. 129-136.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping An integrated scheduling problem of PCB components on sequential pick-and-place machines:mathematical models and heuristic solutions. Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (3 Part), pp. 7002-7010.
Scott, James A.; Ho, William and Dey, Prasanta K. A review of multi-criteria decision-making methods for bioenergy systems. Energy, 42 (1), pp. 146-156.
Book Section
Marra, Marianna; Ho, William and Edwards, John S. (2011). Managing supply chain knowledge in the new product development process:a social network analysis approach. IN: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM. IEEE Conference Publications . Piscataway, NJ (US): IEEE.
Marra, Marianna; Ho, William and Edwards, John (2010). Managing knowledge transfer across supply chain:a social network approach. IN: SCMIS 2010. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Ho, William; Mak, K.L.; Chuah, K.B.; Lee, Carman K.M. and Hall, Matthew J. (2009). Strategic logistics outsourcing: an integrated QFD and AHP approach. IN: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009. IEEM 2009. IEEE.
Conference or Workshop Item
Dey, Prasanta K. and Ho, William (2006). A hybrid genetic algorithm approach for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. IN: Proceedings of the International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM). University of Hong Kong, 2006-01-05 - 2006-01-07. (Unpublished)
Emrouznejad, Ali and Ho, William (2012). Applied operational research with SAS. CRC Press.
Ho, William and Ji, Ping Optimal production planning for PCB assembly. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing . Springer.