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Musa, Emmanuel O.; Greasley, Andrew and Albores, Pavel (2017). The application of simulation to product service systems:A review (WIP). Simulation Series, 49 (9), pp. 432-436.
Rodríguez-espíndola, Oscar; Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher (2017). Disaster preparedness in humanitarian logistics:A collaborative approach for resource management in floods. European Journal of Operational Research, In pre ,
Wang, Yucan; Greasley, Andrew and Albores, Pavel (2016). Do manufacturing firms need informality in ERP post-implementation? A study of Chinese manufacturing sites. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27 (1), pp. 100-123.
Dey, Prasanta K.; Ho, William; Albores, Pavel and Bennett, David (2009). Technology and business integration. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21 (5), pp. 583-586.
Albores, Pavel and Shaw, Duncan A. (2008). Government preparedness:using simulation to prepare for a terrorist attack. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (6), pp. 1924-1943.
Ball, Peter; Albores, Pavel and MacBryde, Jill (2004). Requirements for modelling e-business processes. Production Planning and Control, 15 (8), pp. 776-785.
Tang, Nelson K.H.; Benton, Helen; Love, Doug; Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter; MacBryde, Jill; Boughton, Nick and Drake, Paul (2004). Developing an enterprise simulator to support electronic supply chain for B2B electronic process. Production Planning and Control, 15 (6), pp. 572-583.
Albores, Pavel; Bititci, Umit S.; Martinez, Veronica and Parung, J. (2004). Creating and managing value in collaborative networks. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 34 (3-4), pp. 251-268.
Bititci, Umit S.; Martinez, Veronica; Albores, Pavel and Mendibil, Kepa Creating and sustaining competitive advantage in collaborative systems:the what and the how. Production Planning and Control, 14 (5), pp. 410-424.
Tang, Nelson K.H.; Benton, Helen; Love, Doug; Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter; MacBryde, Jill; Boughton, Nick and Drake, Paul Developing an enterprise simulator to support electronic supply-chain management for B2B electronic business. Production Planning and Control, 15 (6), pp. 572-583.
Nagarajan, Magesh; Shaw, Duncan and Albores, Pavel Disseminating a warning message to evacuate:a simulation study of the behaviour of neighbours. European Journal of Operational Research, 220 (3), pp. 810-819.
Rodríguez-Espíndola, Oscar; Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher GIS and optimisation:potential benefits for emergency facility location in humanitarian logistics. Geosciences, 6 (2),
Nagarajan, Magesh; Shaw, Duncan and Albores, Pavel Informal dissemination scenarios and the effectiveness of evacuation warning dissemination of households:a simulation study. Procedia Engineering, 3 , pp. 139-152.
Bititci, Umit S.; Mendibil, Kepa; Martinez, Veronica and Albores, Pavel Measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25 (4), pp. 333-353.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter and McBryde, Jill Modelling e-business processes:a component-based simulation approach. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 3 (3), pp. 242-262.
Ho, William; Ji, Ping and Albores, Pavel Optimization of physical distribution problem in logistics management. Industrial Engineering Research, 4 (2), pp. 71-82.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter D. and MacBryde, Jillian C. Simulation process templates for e-business modelling. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 1 (3/4), pp. 150-160.
Gaiardelli, Paolo; Resta, Barbara; Martinez, Veronica; Pinto, Roberto and Albores, Pavel A classification model for product-service offerings. Journal of Cleaner Production, 66 (1), pp. 507-519.
Book Section
Clegg, Ben; Orme, Richard; Owen, Chris; Albores, Pavel and Rackliff, Lucy (2016). Action research: minimising the impact of disruptive incidents for rail passengers through improved sharing of information. IN: Proceeding of the 2016 EurOMA Annual Coference. UNSPECIFIED.
Clegg, Benjamin T; Orme, Richard; Owen, Christopher and Albores, Pavel (2016). Action research:a prerequisite study for the development of a gamified learning capability. IN: POMS/EurOMA World Conference Proceedings - Havana, Cuba. UNSPECIFIED.
Leonard, Jenny; Albores, Pavel and Higson, Helen (2016). Virtuous or vicious cycle? Inscribing diverse professional values in lecture capture systems. IN: AMCIS 2016: Surfing the IT Innovation Wave - 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems. Association for Information Systems.
Roy, Priyanka; Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher (2012). Logistical framework for last mile relief distribution in humanitarian supply chains:considerations from the field. IN: eChallenges e-2012 conference proceedings. Cunningham, Paul and Cunningham, Miriam (eds) IIMC.
Shaw, Duncan A.; Tissington, Patrick A. and Albores, Pavel (2008). Evacuation responsiveness by Government Organisations (ERGO):a preparedness toolkit for Europe. IN: Manufacturing fundamentals : necessity and sufficiency. Amasaka, Kakuro; Matsui, Yoshiki; Matsuo, Hirofumi and Morita, Michiya (eds) Tokyo (JP): Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association. (Unpublished)
Albores, Pavel (2007). What's on your Ipod? Using podcasts as a learning aid. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Higson, H. (ed.) Birmingham (UK): Aston University.
Weaver, Miles; Love, Douglas; Albores, Pavel and Stone, James (2006). Towards the development of a supply chain strategy evaluation methodology. IN: Moving up the value chain. UNSPECIFIED.
Albores, Pavel and Shaw, Duncan (2005). Responding to terrorist attacks and natural disasters:a case study using simulation. IN: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005. IEEE.
Bititci, Umit S.; Mendibil, Kepa; Martinez, Veronica and Albores, Pavel (2003). Measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises. IN: One world? One view of OM? The challenges of integrating research and practice. Spina, G.; Vianelli, A.; Cagliano, R.; Kalchschmidt, M.; Romano, P. and Salvador, F. (eds) Padova (IT): S.G. editoriale.
Singh, Amrik and Albores, Pavel Balancing push and pull information management within the supply chain. IN: Proceedings : KIM2013 Knowledge and Information Management conference. Sassman, Rochelle and Lehaney, Brian (eds) Operational Research Society.
MacBryde, Jillian; Albores, Pavel and Ball, Peter Business process change in manufacturing companies implementing e-Business. IN: One world? One view of OM? The challenges of integrating research and practice. Spina, G.; Vianelli, A.; Cagliano, R.; Kalchschmidt, M.; Romano, P. and Salvador, F. (eds) Padova (IT): S.G. editoriale.
Wang, Yucan; Greasley, Andrew and Albores, Pavel Do manufacturing firms need informality in ERP post-implementation? IN: Advances in Manufacturing Technology - XXVI : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2012) : 11th-13th September 2012. Glasgow (UK): Glasgow Caledonian University.
Martinez, Veronica and Albores, Pavel Qualitative research in OM:criteria for evaluation enterprises. IN: One world? One view of OM? The challenges of integrating research and practice. Spina, G.; Vianelli, A.; Cagliano, R.; Kalchschmidt, M.; Romano, P. and Salvador, F. (eds) Padova (IT): S.G. editoriale.
Wright, Daniel and Albores, Pavel Resilience strategies to counteract supply chain risk:a simulation analysis. IN: Proceedings of the 2010 EurOMA Conference. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Owen, Christopher; Albores, Pavel; Greasley, Andrew and Love, Doug Simulation in the supply chain context:matching the simulation tool to the problem. IN: Proceedings of the 2010 Operational Research Society simulation Workshop (SW10) : 23-24 March 2010, Worcestershire, England. Gunal, Murat (ed.) Operational Research Society.
Orme, Richard; Clegg, Benjamin T; Poole, A; Yeoman, A; Owen, Christopher D; Petridis, Panagiotis and Albores, Pavel A gamified approach to improving customer service delivery in a train operating company. IN: EurOMA 2017 Conference Proceedings. UNSPECIFIED.
Rodríguez-Espíndola, Oscar; Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher A multi-agency perspective to disaster preparedness. IN: Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 conference, Kristiansand, May 24-27. Palen, L.; Buscher, M.; Comes, T. and Hughes, A. (eds) ISCRAM Conference proceedings . ISCRAM.
Weaver, Miles; Albores, Pavel and Love, Doug A simulation conceptual modelling procedure for SCM applications. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Conference or Workshop Item
Kailiponi, P.; Shaw, Duncan and Albores, Pavel (2009). Analysing evacuation options using MCDA and probablistic risk modelling. IN: 1st International Conference on Evacuation Modeling and Management. 2009-09-23 - 2009-09-25. (Unpublished)
Shaw, Duncan; Nagarajan, Magesh and Albores, Pavel (2009). A simulation model for measuring the effectiveness of warning message dissemination. IN: 1st International Conference on Evacuation Modeling and Management. 2009-09-23 - 2009-09-25. (Unpublished)
Ball, Peter; Love, Douglas and Albores, Pavel (2008). Financial evaluation in supply chain design using enterprise simulation. IN: Proceedings of POMS 19th Annual Conference. 2008-05-09 - 2008-05-12.
Owen, Chris; Love, Douglas and Albores, Pavel (2008). Selection of simulation tools for improving supply chain performance. IN: Proceedings of 2008 OR Society Simulation Workshop. 2008-01-01 - 2008-01-01.
Clegg, Ben; Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Dey, Prasanta and Greasley, Andrew (2008). Supporting security officers:a study of operational performance. IN: 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management. 2008-08-05 - 2008-08-08.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter and MacBryde, Jillian (2007). Developing simulation components for supply chain modelling. IN: Proceedings of the 2007 POMS Conference. 2007-01-01 - 2007-01-01.
Albores, Pavel; Love, Douglas; Weaver, Miles; Stone, James and Benton, Helen (2006). An evaluation of SCOR modelling techniques and tools. IN: Technology and Global Integration Proceedings of Second European Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT). 2006-09-10 - 2006-09-12.
Albores, Pavel and Shaw, Duncan (2006). Operations management in preparation to terrorist attacks: a simulation analysis of mass decontamination. IN: Moving up the Value Chain. European Operations Management Association Conference. 2006-06-01.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter; Benton, Helen; Drake, Paul; Love, D; MacBryde, Jillian and Tang, Nelson (2003). Developing an enterprise simulator to support a supply chain design methodology. IN: International Conference on Managing Innovative Manufacturing. 2003-09-22 - 2003-09-23.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter; Benton, Helen; Drake, Paul; Love, Douglas; MacBryde, Jillian and Tang, Nelson (2003). Developing an enterprise simulator to support a supply chain design methodology. IN: European Forum on Market-Driven Supply Chains: Creating the Responsive Supply Chain. 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01.
Martinez, Veronica and Albores, Pavel (2003). Performance indicators for the evaluation and control of research in OM: The qualitative research case. IN: Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Performance Measurement IFIP WG 5.7 Special Interest Group on Performance Measurement. 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01.
Ball, Peter; MacBryde, Jillian and Albores, Pavel (2003). Using simulation to validate performance measure ierarchies in supply chains. IN: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management (IEPM). 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01.
Albores, Pavel; Martinez, Veronica and Bititci, Umit (2003). A proposed extended enterprise architecture and its implications for knowledge management. IN: Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01.
Bititci, Umit; Martinez, Veronica and Albores, Pavel (2002). Creating and sustaining competitive advantage through collaborative systems: The what? And the how? companies. IN: IFIP W.G. 5.7 Conference 2002. 2002-09-08 - 2002-09-13.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter; MacBryde, Jillian and Bititci, Umit (2002). A comparative study of the simulation analysis of e-business implementation in manufacturing companies. IN: IFIP W.G. 5.7 Conference 2002. 2002-09-08 - 2002-09-13.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter and MacBryde, Jillian Assessing the impact of electronic commerce in business processes: A simulation approach. IN: Operations Management and the New Economy Proceedings of 9th International European Operations Management Conference Copenhagen Business School. 2002-06-02 - 2002-06-04.
Albores, Pavel Forced product end of life: A research agenda on waste disposal supply chains following major disasters. IN: Proceedings of POMS 19th Annual Conference. 2008-05-09 - 2008-05-12.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter and MacBryde, Jillian Generic business process models for e-business. IN: Manufacturing Companies: Is Simulation Useful Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference. 2002-01-01 - 2002-01-01.
Coscia, E; Maiza, M; Gauberti, C; Arana, J M; Zufiaurre, M; Meo, M; Leveaux, J M; Smithers, T; Bititci, Umit S. and Albores, Pavel K-FLOW: Knowledge management in the extended manufacturing enterprise. IN: Proceedings of the 2002 ebusiness and eWork Conference. 2002-01-01 - 2002-01-01.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter and MacBryde, Jilllian Supply chain performance measurement hierarchies: validation through simulation. IN: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Measurement. 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01.
Love, Douglas; Weaver, D.; Albores, Pavel and Owen, C Taxonomy of supply chain improvement options characteristics. IN: Proceedings of 2008 EUROMA Conference. 2008-01-01 - 2008-01-01.
Ball, Peter; Albores, Pavel and MacBryde, Jillian Tools for assessing the impact of e-business processes. IN: e-Manufacturing and e-Business Integration Proceedings of MIM2002 Managing Innovative Manufacturing. 2002-09-09 - 2002-09-11.
Albores, Pavel Using podcasting as learning aid in operations management. IN: Proceedings of the 2007 POMS Conference. 2007-01-01 - 2007-01-01.
Ball, Peter; Albores, Pavel and MacBryde, Jillian Using simulation to evaluate e-business process implementations. IN: Proceedings of 18th International Conference CAPE 2003: Computer-aided Production Engineering. 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01.
Owen, Christopher; Albores, Pavel and Greasley, Andrew The challenges of representing human behaviour in simulation models:some case examples from supply chain, evacuation modelling and rail disruption. IN: OR56 annual conference. 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-11. (Unpublished)
Roy, Priyanka; Owen, Chris; Albores, Pavel and Brewster, Christopher The impact of coordination on the effectiveness of last mile relief distribution. IN: 27th European Conference on Operational Research. University of Strathclyde, 2015-07-12 - 2015-07-14.
Albores, Pavel; Ball, Peter and MacBryde, Jillian A study on the value of re-usable simulation components for the analysis of e-business processes. IN: Proceedings of the 2nd World POM Conference; 15th Annual POM Conference. 2004-01-01 - 2004-01-01.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh (2010). Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Bulgaria interim feedback report, Ministry of the Interior, Bulgaria. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh (2010). Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Hamburg (Germany) interim feedback report, Ministry of Interior, Hamburg, Germany. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh (2010). Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Iceland interim feedback report, Office of the National Commissioner of Police, Iceland. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh (2010). Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Sweden interim feedback report, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Karlstad, Sweden. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh (2010). Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:United Kingdom interim feedback report, Metropolitan Police and Government for London, United Kingdom. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul; Nagarajan, Magesh; Tissington, Pat and Hart, Tom Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations (ERGO):final report. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul; Nagarajan, Magesh and Tissington, Patrick Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations (ERGO):the evacuation preparedness assessment workbook. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Brussels interim feedback report, Crisis Center of the Belgium Government, Belgium. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Denmark interim feedback report, Danish National Police, Denmark. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Japan interim feedback report, Ministry of Interior and Shizuoka Prefecture Government, Japan. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Poland interim feedback report, Headquarters of Police, Krakow, Poland. Aston University.
Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Tissington, Patrick; Anson, Susan; Kailiponi, Paul and Nagarajan, Magesh Evacuation responsiveness by government organisations:Spain interim feedback report. Aston University.