Items where Division is "College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School > Marketing & Strategy" and Year is 2016
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Bednarek, Rebecca, Burke, Gary, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Smets, Michael (2016). Dynamic client portfolios as sources of ambidexterity:exploration and exploitation within and across client relationships. Long Range Planning, 49 (3), 324–341.
Blut, Markus, Evanschitzky, Heiner, Backhaus, Christof, Rudd, John and Marck, Michael (2016). Securing business-to-business relationships:the impact of switching costs. Industrial Marketing Management, 52 , pp. 82-90.
Boulay, Jacques, Caemmerer, Barbara, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Duniach, Krista (2016). Growth, uniformity, local responsiveness, and system-wide adaptation in multiunit franchising. Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (4), pp. 1193-1205.
Dijkman, Remco, Lammers, Sander Vincent and De Jong, Ad (2016). Properties that influence business process management maturity and its effect on organizational performance. Information Systems Frontiers, 18 (4), pp. 717-734.
Eisend, Martin, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Calantone, Roger J. (2016). The relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities in influencing new product performance:the moderating role of country institutions. Journal of International Marketing, 24 (1), pp. 41-56.
Eisend, Martin, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Gilliland, David I. (2016). The influence of organizational and national culture on new product performance. Journal of Product Innovation management, 33 (3), pp. 60-276.
Elms, Jonathan, de Kervenoael, Ronan and Hallsworth, Alan (2016). Internet or store? An ethnographic study of consumers' internet and store-based grocery shopping practices. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 32 , pp. 234-243.
Evanschitzky, Heiner, Caemmerer, Barbara and Backhaus, Christof (2016). The franchise dilemma:entrepreneurial characteristics, relational contracting, and opportunism in hybrid governance. Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (1), pp. 279-298.
Frösén, Johanna, Jaakkola, Matti, Churakova, Iya and Tikkanen, Henrikki (2016). Effective forms of market orientation across the business cycle:a longitudinal analysis of business-to-business firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 52 , pp. 91-99.
Greenland, Steven, Combe, Ian A. and Farrell, Andrew M. (2016). Stakeholder preference and stated vs. derived importance satisfaction research. International Journal of Market Research, 58 (1), pp. 35-55.
Jaakkola, Matti, Frösén, Johanna, Tikkanen, Henrikki, Aspara, Jaakko, Vassinen, Antti and Parvinen, Petri (2016). Is more capability always beneficial for firm performance? Market orientation, core business process capabilities, and business environment. Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (13-14), pp. 1359-1385.
Kiratli, Nadine, Rozemeijer, Frank, Hilken, Tim, de Ruyter, Ko and de Jong, Ad (2016). Climate setting in sourcing teams:developing a measurement scale for team creativity climate. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22 (3), pp. 196-204.
Lee, Nick and Chamberlain, Laura (2016). Pride and prejudice and causal indicators. Measurement, 14 (3), pp. 105-109.
Malhotra, Neeru and Ackfeldt, Anna-Lena (2016). Internal communication and prosocial service behaviors of front-line employees:investigating mediating mechanisms. Journal of Business Research, 69 (10), pp. 4132-4139.
Roper, Stephen and Tapinos, Efstathios (2016). Taking risks in the face of uncertainty:an exploratory analysis of green innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112 , pp. 357-363.
Santos-Vijande, María Leticia, Rudd, John and López-Sánchez, José Ángel (2016). Frontline employees' collaboration in industrial service innovation:routes of co-creation's effects on new service performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44 (3), pp. 350-375.
Sharma, Arun and Evanschitzky, Heiner (2016). Returns on key accounts:do the results justify the expenditures? Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31 (2), pp. 174-182.
Walsh, Gianfranco, Walgenbach, Peter, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Schaarschmidt, Mario (2016). Service productivity:what stops service firms from measuring it? Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 13 (1), pp. 5-25.
stotchi, Lara, Hart, Cathy and Haji, Iftakar (2016). Understanding the town centre customer experience (TCCE):Understanding the town centre customer experience (TCCE). Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (17-18), pp. 17-18.
Boyce, William (2016). The influence of communication and trust to increase job satisfaction and the social capital of a sales team to enhance the performance of an organization. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Pokorska, Joanna (2016). Relationship fading in business-to-consumer context. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Sakr, Adel (2016). The effect of visual metaphor on advertising response: an integrative framework. PHD thesis, Aston University.