Items where Division is "College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School > Marketing & Strategy" and Year is 2016

Bednarek, Rebecca, Burke, Gary, Jarzabkowski, Paula and Smets, Michael (2016). Dynamic client portfolios as sources of ambidexterity:exploration and exploitation within and across client relationships. Long Range Planning, 49 (3), 324–341.
Blut, Markus, Evanschitzky, Heiner, Backhaus, Christof, Rudd, John and Marck, Michael (2016). Securing business-to-business relationships:the impact of switching costs. Industrial Marketing Management, 52 , pp. 82-90.
Boulay, Jacques, Caemmerer, Barbara, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Duniach, Krista (2016). Growth, uniformity, local responsiveness, and system-wide adaptation in multiunit franchising. Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (4), pp. 1193-1205.
Boyce, William (2016). The influence of communication and trust to increase job satisfaction and the social capital of a sales team to enhance the performance of an organization. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Dijkman, Remco, Lammers, Sander Vincent and De Jong, Ad (2016). Properties that influence business process management maturity and its effect on organizational performance. Information Systems Frontiers, 18 (4), pp. 717-734.
Eisend, Martin, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Calantone, Roger J. (2016). The relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities in influencing new product performance:the moderating role of country institutions. Journal of International Marketing, 24 (1), pp. 41-56.
Eisend, Martin, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Gilliland, David I. (2016). The influence of organizational and national culture on new product performance. Journal of Product Innovation management, 33 (3), pp. 60-276.
Elms, Jonathan, de Kervenoael, Ronan and Hallsworth, Alan (2016). Internet or store? An ethnographic study of consumers' internet and store-based grocery shopping practices. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 32 , pp. 234-243.
Evanschitzky, Heiner, Caemmerer, Barbara and Backhaus, Christof (2016). The franchise dilemma:entrepreneurial characteristics, relational contracting, and opportunism in hybrid governance. Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (1), pp. 279-298.
Frösén, Johanna, Jaakkola, Matti, Churakova, Iya and Tikkanen, Henrikki (2016). Effective forms of market orientation across the business cycle:a longitudinal analysis of business-to-business firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 52 , pp. 91-99.
Greenland, Steven, Combe, Ian A. and Farrell, Andrew M. (2016). Stakeholder preference and stated vs. derived importance satisfaction research. International Journal of Market Research, 58 (1), pp. 35-55.
Jaakkola, Matti, Frösén, Johanna, Tikkanen, Henrikki, Aspara, Jaakko, Vassinen, Antti and Parvinen, Petri (2016). Is more capability always beneficial for firm performance? Market orientation, core business process capabilities, and business environment. Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (13-14), pp. 1359-1385.
Kiratli, Nadine, Rozemeijer, Frank, Hilken, Tim, de Ruyter, Ko and de Jong, Ad (2016). Climate setting in sourcing teams:developing a measurement scale for team creativity climate. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22 (3), pp. 196-204.
Lee, Nick and Chamberlain, Laura (2016). Pride and prejudice and causal indicators. Measurement, 14 (3), pp. 105-109.
Malhotra, Neeru and Ackfeldt, Anna-Lena (2016). Internal communication and prosocial service behaviors of front-line employees:investigating mediating mechanisms. Journal of Business Research, 69 (10), pp. 4132-4139.
Pokorska, Joanna (2016). Relationship fading in business-to-consumer context. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Roper, Stephen and Tapinos, Efstathios (2016). Taking risks in the face of uncertainty:an exploratory analysis of green innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112 , pp. 357-363.
Sakr, Adel (2016). The effect of visual metaphor on advertising response: an integrative framework. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Santos-Vijande, María Leticia, Rudd, John and López-Sánchez, José Ángel (2016). Frontline employees' collaboration in industrial service innovation:routes of co-creation's effects on new service performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44 (3), pp. 350-375.
Sharma, Arun and Evanschitzky, Heiner (2016). Returns on key accounts:do the results justify the expenditures? Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31 (2), pp. 174-182.
Walsh, Gianfranco, Walgenbach, Peter, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Schaarschmidt, Mario (2016). Service productivity:what stops service firms from measuring it? Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 13 (1), pp. 5-25.
stotchi, Lara, Hart, Cathy and Haji, Iftakar (2016). Understanding the town centre customer experience (TCCE):Understanding the town centre customer experience (TCCE). Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (17-18), pp. 17-18.