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Number of items: 95.


Adams, Dave J. and Topham, Paul D. (2010). Peptide conjugate hydrogelators. Soft matter, 6 (16), pp. 3707-3721.

AlHusban, Farhan, Elshaer, Amr M., Kansara, Jiteen H., Smith, Alan M., Grover, Liam M., Perrie, Yvonne and Mohammed, Afzal-Ur-Rahman (2010). Investigation of formulation and process of lyophilised orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) using novel amino acid combination. Pharmaceutics, 2 (1), pp. 1-17.

Allsop, Thomas D.P., Nagel, David, Neal, Ron, Davies, Edward M., Mou, Chengbo, Bond, Peter, Rehman, Saeed, Kalli, Kyriacos, Webb, David J., Calverhouse, Phil, Mascini, Marco and Bennion, Ian (2010). Aptamer-based surface plasmon sensor for thrombin detection. IN: Biophotonics. Popp, Jürgen; Drexler, Wolfgangs; Tuchin, Valery V. and Matthew, Dennis L. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7715 . BEL: SPIE.

Antal, Á., Jánossy, A., Forró, L., Vertelman, E.J.M., Van Koningsbruggen, Petra and Van Loosdrecht, Paul H.M. (2010). Origin of the ESR spectrum in the Prussian Blue analogue RbMn[Fe(CN)6]*H2O. Physical Review B, 82 (1),


Badger, Julia R. and Shapiro, Laura (2010). Development of reasoning:behavioral evidence to support reinforcement over cognitive control accounts. Cognitive Neuroscience, 1 (2), pp. 138-139.

Baines, T.S., Lightfoot, H., Benedettini, O., Whitney, D. and Kay, J.M. (2010). The adoption of servitization strategies by UK-based manufacturers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (5), pp. 815-830.

Bartlett, Hannah E., Acton, Jennifer H. and Eperjesi, Frank (2010). Clinical evaluation of the Macuscope macular pigment densitometer. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (3), pp. 328-331.

Bartlett, Hannah, Stainer, Louise, Singh, Sandip, Eperjesi, Frank and Howells, Olivia (2010). Clinical evaluation of the MPS 9000 Macular Pigment Screener. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (6), pp. 753-756.

Barwell, James, Miller, Philip S., Donnelly, Dan and Poyner, David R. (2010). Mapping interaction sites within the N-terminus of the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor; the role of residues 23-60 of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor. Peptides, 31 (1), pp. 170-176.

Bastin, Lucy (2010). Designing labs to promote justified self-efficacy in Computer Science students. IN: 35th International Conference - Improving University Teaching. 2010-07-01 - 2010-07-03.

Beattie, Amanda (2010). Justice and morality:human suffering, natural law and international politics. Ethics and global politics . Farnham (UK): Ashgate.

Berrow, Emma J, Bartlett Eperjesi, Hannah, Eperjesi, Frank and Gibson, Jonathan (2010). The electroretinogram:a useful tool for evaluating age-related macular disease? Documenta Ophthalmologica, 121 (1), pp. 51-62.

Buckhurst, Phillip J., Wolffsohn, James S., Naroo, Shehzad A. and Davies, Leon N. (2010). Rotational and centration stability of an aspheric intraocular lens with a simulated toric design. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 36 (9), pp. 1523-1528.

Bush, Joe, Langley, Christopher A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2010). Community pharmacists' engagement with public health in Great Britain. IN: 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop. 2010-08-23 - 2010-08-26.


Chandraprakaikul, W., Baines, T.S. and Lim, R.Y. (2010). Strategic positioning of manufacturing operations within global supply chains. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (5), pp. 831-842.

Chau, David Y.S., Tint, Naing L., Collighan, Russell J, Griffin, Martin, Dua, Harminder S., Shakesheff, Kevin M. and Rose, Felicity R.A.J. (2010). The visualisation of vitreous using surface modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microparticles. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (5), pp. 648-653.

Chen, X., Zhang, C., Webb, D.J., van Hoe, B., van Streenberge, G., Kalli, K., Berghmans, F., Thienpont, H., Urbanczyk, W., Sugden, K. and Peng, G.-D. (2010). Polymer photonic sensing skin. IN: Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors. Santos, José L.; Culshaw, Brian; López-Higuera, José M. and MacPherson, William N. (eds) SPIE proceedings . PRT: SPIE.

Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhang, Chi, Webb, David J., Kalli, Kyriacos and Gang-Ding, Peng (2010). Highly sensitive bend sensor based on Bragg grating in eccentric core polymer fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22 (11), pp. 850-852.

Chen, Xianfeng, Zhang, C., van Hoe, B., Webb, D.J., Kalli, K., van Steenberge, G. and Peng, G.-D. (2010). Photonic skin for pressure and strain sensing. IN: Optical Sensing and Detection. Berghmans, Francis; Mignani, Anna G. and van Hoof, Chris A. (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.

Craig, Jennifer P., Purslow, Christine, Murphy, Paul J. and Wolffsohn, James S W (2010). Effect of a liposomal spray on the pre-ocular tear film. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 33 (2), pp. 83-87.


Davies, Stephen and Olczak, Matthew (2010). Assessing the efficacy of structural merger remedies:choosing between theories of harm? Review of industrial organization, 37 (2), pp. 83-99.


Ferndahl, Cecilia, Bonander, Nicklas, Logez, Christel, Wagner, Renaud, Gustafsson, Lena, Larsson, Christer, Hedfalk, Kristina, Darby, Richard A.J. and Bill, Roslyn M. (2010). Increasing cell biomass in Saccharomyces cerevisiae increases recombinant protein yield:the use of a respiratory strain as a microbial cell factory. Microbial Cell Factories, 9 , p. 47.

Fu, Hongyan, Shu, Xuewen, Suo, Rui, Zhang, Lin, He, Sailing and Bennion, Ian (2010). Transversal-load sensor by using local pressure on a chirped fiber bragg grating. IEEE sensors journal, 10 (6), pp. 1140-1141.


Gredeskul, Sergey A., Derevyanko, Stanislav, Kovalev, Alexander S. and Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E. (2010). Soliton propagation through a disordered system:statistics of the transmission delay. Physical Review E, 81 (3),


Hardy, Georgina and Long, Caroline (2010). Stepping Stones to Information Literacy: a PebblePad case study. IN: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference. 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-31.

Hayes, Sarah, Lowe, Pam K., Gruszczynska, Anna and Marsh, Darren (2010). Motivations to deposit:two approaches to Open Educational Resources (OER) within Languages and Social Sciences (LSS) at Aston University. IN: University information systems. Rudak, Leszek (ed.) Warsaw (PL): Difin.

Hughes, E.B., Forbes, A.B., Sun, W., Maropoulos, P.G., Muelaner, J.E., Jamshidi, J. and Wang, Z. (2010). iGPS capability study. NPL Report . National Physical Laboratory.


Ivanenko, Aleksey, Turitsyn, Sergei K, Kobtsev, S. and Dubov, Mykhaylo (2010). Mode-locking in 25-km fibre laser. IN: ECOC 2010 – 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication. ITA: IEEE.


Johnson, Ian P., Kalli, Kyriacos and Webb, David J. (2010). 827nm Bragg grating sensor in multimode microstructured polymer optical fibre. Electronics letters, 46 (17), pp. 1217-1218.

Johnson, Ian P., Webb, David J., Kalli, Kyriacos, Large, Maryanne C.J. and Argyros, Alexander (2010). Multiplexed FBG sensor recorded in multimode microstructured polymer optical fibre. IN: Photonic Crystal Fibers IV. Kalli, Kyriacos and Urbanczyk, Waclaw (eds) SPIE Proceedings . Brussels - Photonics Europe: SPIE.


Karpanen, Tarja J, Conway, Barbara R, Worthington, Tony, Hilton, Anthony C, Elliott, Tom S J and Lambert, Peter A (2010). Enhanced chlorhexidine skin penetration with eucalyptus oil. BMC Infectious Diseases, 10 , p. 278.

Kobtsev, Sergey, Kukarin, Sergey, Smirnov, Sergey, Turitsyn, Sergei and Latkin, Anton (2010). Different generation regimes of mode-locked all-positive-dispersion all-fiber Yb laser. IN: Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. Tankala, Kanishka (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.

Kovaleva, A.S., Prilepsky, J.E., Kryukov, E.A. and Kulik, N.V. (2010). Resonance properties of domain boundaries in quasi-two dimensional antiferromagnets. Low Temperature Physics, 36 (8), pp. 831-837.


Leibovici, Didier, Bastin, Lucy, Anand, Suchith, Swan, Jerry, Hobona, Gobe and Jackson, Michael (2010). Spatially clustered associations in health GIS. IN: Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference GISRUK 2010. University College London: London, UK. Haklay, M.; Morle, J. and Rahemtulla, H. (eds) GBR: UNSPECIFIED.

Longe, Olivia, Maratos, Frances A., Gilbert, Paul, Evans, Gaynor, Volker, Faye, Rockliff, Helen and Rippon, Gina (2010). Having a word with yourself:neural correlates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. Neuroimage, 49 (2), pp. 1849-1856.


Meese, Timothy (2010). Spatially extensive summation of contrast-energy is revealed by contrast detection of micro-pattern textures. Journal of Vision, 10 (8),

Meese, Timothy and Holmes, David J. (2010). Orientation masking and cross-orientation suppression (XOS):implications for estimates of channel bandwidth. Journal of Vision, 10 (12), pp. 1-20.

Miller, Philip S., Barwell, James, Poyner, David R., Wigglesworth, Mark J., Garland, Stephen L. and Donnelly, Dan (2010). Non-peptidic antagonists of the CGRP receptor, BIBN4096BS and MK-0974, interact with the calcitonin receptor-like receptor via methionine-42 and RAMP1 via tryptophan-74. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 391 (1), pp. 437-442.

Morohashi, Yuichi, Balklava, Zita, Ball, Matthew, Hughes, Helen and Lowe, Martin (2010). Phosphorylation and membrane dissociation of the ARF exchange factor GBF1 in mitosis. Biochemical Journal, 427 (3), 401–412.

Mou, Chengbo, Wang, Hua, Bale, Brandon, Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2010). All-fiber passively mode-locked femtosecond laser using a 45º-tilted fiber grating polarization element. Optics Express, 18 (18), pp. 18906-18911.

Mozeika, Alexander, Saad, David and Raymond, Jack (2010). Noisy random Boolean formulae:a statistical physics perspective. Physical Review E, 82 (041112),

Mozeika, Alexander, Saad, David and Raymond, Jack (2010). On the robustness of random Boolean formulae. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 233 (1),

Mrgudovic, Nathalie (2010). Les territoires français d’Océanie, une intégration régionale croissante. IN: Mondes Océaniens. Faberon, Jean-Yves and Hage, Armand (eds) Harmattan.

Muelaner, J.E., Cai, B. and Maropoulos, P.G. (2010). Large-volume metrology instrument selection and measurability analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224 (6), pp. 853-868.

Muelaner, J.E., Wang, Z., Martin, O., Jamshidi, J. and Maropoulos, P.G. (2010). Estimation of uncertainty in three-dimensional coordinate measurement by comparison with calibrated points. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (2),

Mutch, N.J., Koikkalainen, J.S., Fraser, S.R., Duthie, K.M., Griffin, Martin, Mitchell, J., Watson, H.G. and Booth, N.A. (2010). Model thrombi formed under flow reveal the role of factor XIII-mediated cross-linking in resistance to fibrinolysis. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 8 (9), pp. 2017-2024.


Nagarajan, Magesh, Shaw, Duncan and Albores, Pavel (2010). Informal dissemination scenarios and the effectiveness of evacuation warning dissemination of households:a simulation study. Procedia Engineering, 3 , pp. 139-152.

Neirotti, Juan P. (2010). Can a student learn optimally from two different teachers. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (1), 015101.

Neirotti, Juan P. (2010). Parallel strategy for optimal learning in perceptrons. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (12), p. 125101.

Neirotti, Juan P. and Franco, L. Alberto (2010). Computational capabilities of multilayer committee machines. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (44), p. 445103.

Nerukh, Dmitry (2010). Why are MD simulated protein folding times wrong? IN: Advances in Computational Biology. Arabnia, Hamid R. (ed.) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Part 3 . Springer.

Nerukh, Dmitry, Jensen, Christian H. and Glen, Robert C. (2010). Identifying and correcting non-Markov states in peptide conformational dynamics. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132 (8), 084104.

Noreen, Saima and Ridout, Nathan (2010). Short-term memory for emotional faces in dysphoria. Memory, 18 (5), pp. 486-497.

Nunes, Breno, Bennett, David and Shaw, Duncan (2010). Understanding manufacturing companies' environmental decision making structures. IN: IAMOT 2010 : 19th international confereccne for the International Association of Management of Technology : March 8-11, 2010 Cairo Marriott Hotel, Cairo, Egypt. Hosni, Yasser (ed.) EGY: Industry Committee of the International Association for Management of Technology.


O'Donoghue, Lisa, McClelland, Julie F., Logan, Nicola, Rudnicka, Alicja R., Owen, Christopher G and Saunders, Kathryn J. (2010). Refractive error and visual impairment in school children in Northern Ireland. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (9), pp. 1155-1159.

O'Sullivan, Dympna M., Wilk, Szymon A., Michalowski, Wojtek J., Farion, Ken J. and O'Sullivan, Dympna (2010). Automatic indexing and retrieval of encounter-specific evidence for point-of-care support. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 43 (4), pp. 623-631.

Olczak, Matthew (2010). Unilateral versus coordinated effects:comparing the impact on consumer welfare of alternative merger outcomes. IN: 8th international industrial organization conference. 2010-05-14 - 2010-05-16.

Olczak, Matthew (2010). Unilateral versus coordinated effects:comparing the impact on consumer welfare of alternative merger outcomes. Working Paper. University of East Anglia. (Unpublished)

Owen, Christopher, Albores, Pavel, Greasley, Andrew and Love, Doug (2010). Simulation in the supply chain context:matching the simulation tool to the problem. IN: Proceedings of the 2010 Operational Research Society simulation Workshop (SW10) : 23-24 March 2010, Worcestershire, England. Gunal, Murat (ed.) GBR: Operational Research Society.


Papas, Eric, Wolffsohn, James S. and Jones, Lyndon (2010). Innovation in contact lenses:basic research and clinical science. Journal of Optometry, 3 (3), pp. 123-124.

Parri, H. Rheinallt, Gould, Timothy M. and Crunelli, Vincenzo (2010). Sensory and cortical activation of distinct glial cell subtypes in the somatosensory thalamus of young rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (1), pp. 29-40.


Rebollo-neira, Laura and Xu, Zhiqiang (2010). Sparse signal representation by adaptive non-uniform B-spline dictionaries on a compact interval. Signal processing, 90 (7), pp. 2308-2313.

Romani, Cristina and Galluzzi, Claudia (2010). Aphasic errors and phonological universals:contrasting patterns in patients with and without articulatory difficulties. Procedia, 6 , pp. 80-81.

Roncone, Marco, Bartlett, Hannah and Eperjesi, Frank (2010). Essential fatty acids for dry eye:a review. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 33 (2), pp. 49-54.

Rubenchik, Alexander M., Turitsyn, Sergei and Fedoruk, Michail P. (2010). Modulation instability in high power laser amplifiers. Optics Express, 18 (2), pp. 1380-1388.

Ruzhytska, Svitlana, Jacobi, Martin N., Jensen, Christian H. and Nerukh, Dmitry (2010). Identification of metastable states in peptide's dynamics. Journal of Chemical Physics, 133 (16), p. 164102.


Scerri, Thomas S., Paracchini, Silvia, Morris, Andrew, MacPhie, I. Laurence, Talcott, Joel B., Stein, John F., Smith, Shelley D., Pennington, Bruce F., Olson, Richard K., DeFries, John C., Monaco, Anthony P. and Richardson, Alex J. (2010). Identification of candidate genes for dyslexia susceptibility on chromosome 18. PLoS ONE, 5 (10),

Shepherd, Neil G. (2010). An Exploration of Strategic Decision Making: Implications for Strategic Flexibility. Masters thesis, Aston University.

Sheppard, Amy and Davies, Leon N. (2010). In vivo analysis of ciliary muscle morphologic changes with accommodation and axial ametropia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 51 (12), pp. 6882-6889.

Shtyrina, O.V., Fedoruk, M.P., Bhamber, R.S., Boscolo, S., Turitsyn, Sergei K., Schwartz, J. and Barnes, S. (2010). Efficient optimisation of per-channel pre-compensation in WDM 20-Gbit/s RZ-DPSK transmission in non-slope matched submarine links. Optics communications, 283 (10), pp. 2263-2267.

Smith, Graham, Kalli, Kyriacos and Sugden, Kate (2010). Advances in femtosecond micromachining and inscription of micro and nano photonic devices. IN: Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics. Pal, Bishnu (ed.) Croatia: Sciyo.

Swann, Joshua M.G. and Topham, Paul D. (2010). Design and application of nanoscale actuators using block-copolymers. Polymers, 2 (4), pp. 454-469.

Swettenham, Jennifer B., Anderson, Stephen J. and Thai-Goodson, Ngoc (2010). MEG responses to the perception of global structure within glass patterns. PLoS ONE, 5 (11),

Szczurowski, Marcin K., Martynkien, Tadeusz, Statkiewicz, Gabriela, Urbancsyk, Waclaw and Webb, David J. (2010). Measurements of polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure, strain and temperature in birefringent dual-core microstructured polymer fiber. Optics Express, 18 (12), pp. 12076-12087.

Szczurowski, Marcin K., Martynkien, Tadeusz, Statkiewicz-Barabach, Gabriela, Khan, Lutful, Webb, David J., Ye, Chenchun, Dulieu-Barton, Janice and Urbanczyk, Waclaw (2010). Measurements of stress-optic coefficient and Young's modulus in PMMA fibers drawn under different conditions. IN: Photonic Crystal Fibers IV. Kalli, Kyriacos and Urbanczyk, Waclaw (eds) SPIE Proceedings . BEL: SPIE.

Szczurowski, Marcin K., Martynkien, Tadeusz, Statkiewicz-Barabach, Gabriela, Urbanczyk, Waclaw, Khan, Lutful and Webb, David J. (2010). Measurements of stress-optic coefficient in polymer optical fibers. Optics Letters, 35 (12), pp. 2013-2015.

Szczurowski, Marcin K., Martynkien, Tadeusz, Statkiewicz-Barabach, Gabriela, Urbanczyk, Waclaw and Webb, David J. (2010). Polarimetric sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure and temperature in birefringent dual-core microstructured polymer fiber. IN: Fourth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors. Santos, José Luís; Culshaw, Brian; López-Higuera, José Miguel and MacPherson, William N. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . PRT: SPIE.

Sáez-Rodríguez, D., Cruz, J.L., Johnson, I., Webb, D.J., Large, M.C.J. and Argyros, A. (2010). Water diffusion into UV inscripted long period grating in microstructured polymer fibre. IEEE Sensors Journal, 10 (7), pp. 1169-1173.


Towl, Michael and Senior, Carl (2010). Undergraduate research training and employability. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Green, Julie and Higson, Helen (eds) Aston University.

Turitsyna, Elena G., Turitsyn, Sergei K. and Mezentsev, Vladimir (2010). Numerical investigation of the impact of reflectors on spectral performance of Raman fibre laser. Optics Express, 18 (5), pp. 4469-4477.

Turner, Ed (2010). A radical agenda for local government. Renewal, 18 (3-4), pp. 55-64.


Vaidya, Kirit (2010). Appropriate wage rate and estimate of labour availability for a public works based safety net in Cambodia. International Labour Organisation.

Vaidya, Kirit, Regmi, Punya Prasad and Ghirime, Bhesh Nath (2010). Appraisal of the Karnalí Employment Programme as a regional social protection scheme. Kathmandu (NP): International Labour Organisation.

van Hoe, Bram, van Steenberge, Geert, Bosman, Erwin, Missinne, Jeroen, Geernaert, Thomas, Berghmans, Francis, Webb, David and van Daele, Peter (2010). Optical fiber sensors embedded in flexible polymer foils. IN: Optical Sensing and Detection. Berghmans, Francis; Mignani, Anna G. and van Hoof, Chris A. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . BEL: SPIE.


Wang, Zhuo, Collighan, Russell J, Gross, Stephane R, Danen, Erik H. J., Orend, Gertraud, Telci, Dilek and Griffin, Martin (2010). RGD-independent cell adhesion via a tissue transglutaminase-fibronectin matrix promotes fibronectin fibril deposition and requires syndecan-4/2 and α5β1 integrin co-signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (51), pp. 40212-40129.

Watson, Jill, Guzzetti, Sara, Franchi, Carlotta, Di Clemente, Angelo, Burbassi, Silvia, Emri, Zsuzsa, Leresche, Nathalie, Parri, H. Rheinallt, Crunelli, Vincenzo and Cervo, Luigi (2010). Gamma-hydroxybutyrate does not maintain self-administration but induces conditioned place preference when injected in the ventral tegmental area. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13 (2), pp. 143-153.

Webb, David J. (2010). Polymer photonic crystal fibre for sensor applications. IN: Optical Sensing and Detection. Berghmans, Francis; Mignani, Anna G. and van Hoof, Chris A. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . BEL: SPIE.

Wolffsohn, James S. and Davies, Leon N. (2010). Intraocular lenses in the 21st century. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 93 (6), pp. 377-378.

Wolffsohn, James S.W., Davies, Leon N., Gupta, Navneet, Naroo, Shehzad A., Gibson, George A., Mihashi, Toshifumi and Shah, Sunil (2010). Mechanism of action of the tetraflex accommodative intraocular lens. Journal of Refractive Surgery, 26 (11), pp. 858-862.

Wolffsohn, James S and Buckhurst, Phillip J (2010). Objective analysis of toric intraocular lens rotation and centration. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 36 (5), pp. 778-782.

Wunderlich, Jens-Uwe (2010). European integration, global governance and international relations. IN: The European Union and global governance. Wunderlich, Jens-Uwe and Bailey, David J. (eds) Routledge international handbooks . London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Wunderlich, Uwe and Bailey, David J. (2010). Introduction. IN: The European Union and global governance. Wunderlich, Jens-Uwe and Bailey, David J. (eds) Routledge international handbooks . London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.


Xu, Zhiqiang, Rebollo - Neira, Laura and Plastino, A. (2010). Subspace modelling for structured noise suppression. Physica A, 389 (10), pp. 2030-2035.


Zhang, Chi, Zhang, Wei, Webb, David J. and Peng, Gang-Ding (2010). Optical fibre temperature and humidity sensor. Electronics letters, 46 (9), pp. 643-644.

Zhao, Jing, Wang, Y.J., Han, X.F., Zhang, S. and Ma, Xianghong (2010). Large extraordinary Hall effect in [Pt/Co]5/Ru/[Co/Pt]5 multilayer. Physical Review B, 81 (17),

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