Items where Year is 2011

Anyadike-Danes, Michael, Hart, Mark and Lenihan, Helena (2011). New business formation in a rapidly growing economy:the Irish experience. Small Business Economics, 36 (4), pp. 503-516.
Armstrong, Richard A., Davies, Leon N., Dunne, Mark C.M. and Gilmartin, Bernard (2011). Statistical guidelines for clinical studies of human vision. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 31 (2), pp. 123-136.
Bartlett, Hannah and Eperjesi, Frank (2011). Authors' response:clinical evaluation of the MPS 9000 macular pigment screener. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95 (3), pp. 431-432.
Bhaumik, Sumon (2011). Productivity and the economic cycle. Working Paper. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Bhaumik, Sumon and Co, Catherine Yap (2011). China's economic co-operation related investment:an investigation of its direction and some implications for outward investment. China Economic Review, 22 (1), pp. 75-87.
Blanco, Celia, Stich, Michael and Hochberg, David (2011). Temporary mirror symmetry breaking and chiral excursions in open and closed systems. Chemical Physics Letters, 505 (4-6), pp. 140-147.
Bonk, R., Vorreau, Philipp, Hillerkuss, David, Freude, Wolfgang, Zarris, George, Simeonidou, Dimitra, Parmigiani, Francesca, Petropoulos, Periklis, Weerasuriya, R., Ibrahim, Selwan K., Ellis, Andrew D., Klonidis, D., Tomkos, Ioannis and Leuthold, Juerg (2011). An all-optical grooming switch for interconnecting access and metro ring networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 3 (3), pp. 206-214.
Cai, Jun, Wu, Lin, Qi, Xiaoping, Shaw, Lynn, Li Calzi, Sergio, Caballero, Sergio, Jiang, Wen G., Vinores, Stanley A., Antonetti, David, Ahmed, Asif, Grant, Maria B. and Boulton, Michael E. (2011). Placenta growth factor-1 exerts time-dependent stabilization of adherens junctions following VEGF-induced vascular permeability. PLoS ONE, 6 (3),
Cartland Glover, G. (2011). Simulations of agglomerate sedimentation and suspension. IN: Fachkolloquium "Partikelströmung". 2011-03-17 - 2011-03-18.
Cartland Glover, G. (2011). Sump simulations. IN: Fachkolloquium "Partikelströmung". 2011-03-17 - 2011-03-18.
Dalal, SS, Zumer, JM, Guggisberg, AG, Trumpis, M, Wong, DD, Sekihara, K and Nagarajan, SS (2011). MEG/EEG source reconstruction, statistical evaluation, and visualization with NUTMEG. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2011 ,
Davies, Stephen, Olczak, Matthew and Coles, Heather (2011). Tacit collusion, firm asymmetries and numbers:evidence from EC merger cases. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29 (2), pp. 221-231.
Gnutzmann, Sven, Smilansky, Uzy and Derevyanko, Stanislav (2011). Stationary scattering from a nonlinear network. Physical Review A, 83 (3),
Gross, Anna, Sims, Robert, Swinny, J.D., Sieghart, W., Bolam, Paul J. and Stanford, Ian (2011). Differential localization of GABAA receptor subunits in relation to rat striatopallidal and pallidopallidal synapses. European Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (5), pp. 868-878.
Hammer, Roger Julius (2011). Strategic development process and complex adaptive systems. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Hendry, Emma (2011). Studies on enhanced surface disinfection and skin antisepsis using chlorhexidine and eucalyptus oil. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Howells, Olivia, Eperjesi, Frank and Bartlett, Hannah (2011). Measuring macular pigment optical density in vivo:a review of techniques. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 249 (3), pp. 315-347.
Iqbal, Qasim (2011). Traffic based energy consumption optimisation to improve the lifetime and performance of ad hoc wireless sensor networks. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Jayawardhena, Chanaka and Farrell, Andrew (2011). Effects of retail employees' behaviours on customers' service evaluation. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 39 (3), pp. 203-217.
Knight, Gillian L., Pugh, Alice G., Yates, Emma, Bell, Ian, Wilson, Regina, Moody, Cary A., Laimins, Laimonis A. and Roberts, Sally (2011). A cyclin-binding motif in human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV18) E1^E4 is necessary for association with CDK–cyclin complexes and G2/M cell cycle arrest of keratinocytes, but is not required for differentiation-dependent viral genome amplification or L1 capsid protein expression. Virology, 412 (1), pp. 196-210.
Leibovici, D.G., Bastin, L. and Jackson, M. (2011). Higher-order co-occurrences for exploratory point pattern analysis and decision tree clustering on spatial data. Computers and Geosciences, 37 (3), pp. 382-389.
Lloyd-Williams, Philip (2011). Exercising agency? The role of elite actors in local democracy in English local government: the local democracy maker. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Page, Sarah-Jane (2011). Negotiating sacred roles:a sociological exploration of priests who are mothers. Feminist Review, 97 (1), pp. 92-109.
Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie (2011). La nostalgia y el exilio:comparacion entre "Final de un cuento" de Reinaldo Arenas y Paso a nivel de Manuel Diaz Martinez. IN: Cuba: arte y Literatura en exilio. Piney, Grace and Pancrazio, James J. (eds) Madrid (ES): Legua editorial.
Patel, Hetal (2011). Biomechanical aspects of the anterior segment in human myopia. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Pytel, Kamila Malgorzata (2011). Factors important to the secretion and matrix deposition of tissue transglutaminase. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rafique, Danish, Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Digital back-propagation for spectrally efficient WDM 112 Gbit/s PM m-ary QAM transmission. Optics Express, 19 (6), pp. 5219-5224.
Routledge, Sarah J., Hewitt, Christopher J., Bora, Nagamani and Bill, Roslyn M. (2011). Antifoam addition to shake flask cultures of recombinant Pichia pastoris increases yield. Microbial Cell Factories, 10 (17),
Russell, Steven and Tisdale, Michael (2011). Studies on the antiobesity effect of zinc-α2-glycoprotein in the ob/ob mouse. International Journal of Obesity, 35 (3), pp. 345-354.
Shabir, Anjumn, Alhusban, Farhan, Perrie, Yvonne and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2011). Effects of ball-milling on PLGA polymer and its implication on lansoprazole-loaded nanoparticles. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, 2 (2), pp. 71-82.
Shaw, Rachel L. (2011). Women's experiential journey toward voluntary childlessness. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 21 (2), pp. 151-163.
Shaw, Rachel L. (2011). The future's bright: celebrating its achievements and preparing for the challenges ahead in IPA research. Health Psychology Review, 5 (1), pp. 28-33.
Sheppard, Amy and Davies, Leon N. (2011). The effect of ageing on in vivo human ciliary muscle morphology and contractility. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52 (3), pp. 1809-1816.
van Knippenberg, Daan, West, Michael A., Dawson, Jeremy F. and Homan, Astrid C. (2011). Diversity faultlines, shared objectives, and top management team performance. Human Relations, 64 (3), pp. 307-336.
Williams, Matthew, Cornford, Dan, Bastin, Lucy, Jones, Richard and Parker, Stephen (2011). Automatic processing, quality assurance and serving of real-time weather data. Computers and Geosciences, 37 (3), pp. 353-362.
Wolffsohn, James S., Bhogal, Gurpreet and Shah, Sunil (2011). Effect of uncorrected astigmatism on vision. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 37 (3), pp. 454-460.
Yeow, Joobee (2011). The role of self-regulation as a meta-competency in developing leaders: a longitudinal field experimental study. PHD thesis, Aston University.