Items where Year is 2017

Abrahams, Katherine A., Cox, Jonathan A.G., Fütterer, Klaus, Rullas, Joaquín, Ortega-Muro, Fátima, Loman, Nicholas J., Moynihan, Patrick J., Pérez-Herrán, Esther, Jiménez, Elena, Esquivias, Jorge, Barros, David, Ballell, Lluís, Alemparte, Carlos and Besra, Gurdyal S. (2017). Inhibiting mycobacterial tryptophan synthase by targeting the inter-subunit interface. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Ahmad, Eamonn J., Wang, Chao, Feng, Dejun, Yan, Zhijun and Zhang, Lin (2017). High spatial and temporal resolution interrogation of fully distributed chirped fiber Bragg grating sensors. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (16), pp. 3289-3295.
Almeida, Vania G. and Nabney, Ian T. (2017). Detecting dynamical changes in vital signs using switching Kalman filter. IN: 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2017. KOR: IEEE.
Amin, Gholam R., Emrouznejad, Ali and Gattoufi, Said (2017). Modelling generalized firms' restructuring using inverse DEA. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 48 , 51–61.
Ammirato, Salvatore, Felicetti, Alberto Michele, Della-gala, Marco, Frega, Nicola and Volpentesta, Antonio Palmiro (2017). Sustainable Development for Rural Areas: A Survey on the Agritourism Rural Networks. IN: Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. Camarinha-Matos, L.; Afsarmanesh, H. and Fornasiero, R. (eds) IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 506 . Springer.
Arabi, Behrouz, Doraisamy, Susila Munisamy, Emrouznejad, Ali and Khoshroo, Alireza (2017). Eco-efficiency measurement and material balance principle:an application in power plants Malmquist Luenberger Index. Annals of Operations Research, 255 (1-2), 221–239.
Arroyo, Emmanuelle, Jia, Yu, Du, Sijun, Chen, Shao-Tuan and Seshia, Ashwin A (2017). Experimental and theoretical study of a piezoelectric vibration energy harvester under high temperature. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 26 (6), pp. 1216-1225.
Attallah, Omneya, Karthikesalingam, Alan, Holt, Peter J.E., Thompson, Matthew M., Sayers, Rob, Bown, Matthew J., Choke, Eddie C. and Ma, Xianghong (2017). Feature selection through validation and un-censoring of endovascular repair survival data for predicting the risk of re-intervention. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17 ,
Audo, Frederic, Boscolo, Sonia, Fatome, Julien, Kibler, Bertrand and Finot, Christophe (2017). Nonlinear spectrum broadening cancellation by sinusoidal phase modulation. Optics Letters, 42 (15), pp. 2902-2905.
Bandlitz, Stefan, Bäumer, Joachim, Conrad, Uwe and Wolffsohn, James (2017). Scleral topography analysed by optical coherence tomography. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (4), pp. 242-247.
Beattie, Amanda Russell (2017). Storytelling as 'unorthodox' agency:negotiating the 2012 family immigration rules (United Kingdom). Politics, 37 (3), pp. 302-316.
Bencomo, Nelly (2017). The Role of models@run.time in Autonomic Systems:keynote. IN: Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, ICAC 2017. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) . USA: IEEE.
Brown, Elliot C., Clark, Darren L., Hassel, Stefanie, MacQueen, Glenda and Ramasubbu, Rajamannar (2017). Thalamocortical connectivity in major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 217 , pp. 125-131.
Brown, James M., Ross, Ewan, Desanti, Guillaume, Saghir, Atif, Clark, Andy, Buckley, Chris, Filer, Andrew, Naylor, Amy and Claridge, Ela (2017). Detection and characterisation of bone destruction in murine rheumatoid arthritis using statistical shape models. Medical Image Analysis, 40 , pp. 30-43.
Butler, Keith T., Worrall, Stephen D, Molloy, Christopher D., Hendon, Christopher H, Attfield, Martin, Dryfe, |R and Walsh, Aron (2017). Electronic structure design for nanoporous, electrically conductive zeolitic imidazolate frameworks. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5 , pp. 7726-7731.
Byzyka, Juliana, Rahman, Mujib and Chamberlain, Denis (2017). Thermal Segregation of Asphalt Material In Road Repair. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 4 (4), pp. 360-371.
C. de Pádua, Pedro H., C. de Pádua, Flávio L., de A. Pereira, Marconi, Souza, Marco T.D., B. de Oliveira, Matheus and F. Wanner, Elizabeth (2017). A vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses in futsal. Machine Vision and Applications, 28 (5-6), 475–496.
Carrier, Marion, Windt, Michael, Ziegler, Bernhard, Appelt, Jörn, Saake, Bodo, Meier, Dietrich and Bridgwater, Anthony (2017). Quantitative insights into the fast pyrolysis of extracted cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. ChemSusChem, 10 (16), pp. 3212-3224.
Cassini, Lindsey F., Law, Charlotte, Amaral, Olavo B. and Lee, Jonathan (2017). On the transition from reconsolidation to extinction of contextual fear memories. Learning & Memory, 24 , pp. 392-399.
Chen, Pengcheng, Shu, Xuewen, Cao, Haoran and Sugden, Kate (2017). High-sensitivity and large-dynamic-range refractive index sensors employing weak composite Fabry-Perot cavities. Optics Letters, 42 (16), pp. 3145-3148.
Cooner, Manpreet, Mann, Aisling and Tighe, Brian (2017). The nature and consequence of vitronectin interaction in the non-compromised contact lens wearing eye. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (4), pp. 228-235.
Cordery, Carolyn J. and Howell, Bronwyn (2017). Ownership, Control, Agency and Residual Claims in Healthcare:Insights on Co-operatives and Non-profit Organisations. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 88 (3), pp. 403-424.
Crespo-Ballesteros, Manuel, Antoniou, Michail and Cherniakov, Mikhail (2017). Wind Turbine Blade Radar Signatures in the Near Field:Modeling and Experimental Confirmation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 53 (4), pp. 1916-1931.
Della-gala, Marco and Reed, Matthew (2017). The Role of ICTs in Supporting Collaborative Networks in the Agro-Food Sector: Two Case Studies from South West England. IN: Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. PRO-VE 2017. Camarinha-Matos, L.; Afsarmanesh, H. and Fornasiero, R. (eds) IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 506 . Springer.
Dremin, Viktor V., Zherebtsov, Evgeny A., Sidorov, Victor V., Krupatkin, Alexander I., Makovik, Irina N., Zherebtsova, Angelina I., Zharkikh, Elena V., Potapova, Elena V., Dunaev, Andrey V., Doronin, Alexander A., Bykov, Alexander V., Rafailov, Ilya E., Litvinova, Karina S., Sokolovski, Sergei G. and Rafailov, Edik U. (2017). Multimodal optical measurement for study of lower limb tissue viability in patients with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22 (8),
Du, Jiachen, Xu, Ruifeng, He, Yulan and Gui, Lin (2017). Stance classification with target-specific neural attention networks. IN: 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017. AUS: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
Du, Sijun, Jia, Yu, Chen, Shao-Tuan, Zhao, Chun, Sun, Boqian, Arroyo, Emmanuelle and Seshia, Ashwin A (2017). A new electrode design method in piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters to maximize output power. Sensors and Actuators A : physical, 263 , pp. 693-701.
Du, Sijun, Jia, Yu and Seshia, Ashwin A (2017). Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting: A connection configuration scheme to increase operational range and output power. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28 (14), pp. 1905-1915.
de Tiège, Xavier, Lundqvist, Daniel, Beniczky, Sándor, Seri, Stefano and Paetau, Ritva (2017). Current clinical magnetoencephalography practice across Europe:are we closer to use MEG as an established clinical tool? Seizure, 50 , pp. 53-59.
Eden, Colin, Pyrko, Igor and Howick, Susan (2017). Knowledge Acquisition Using Group Decision Support Systems. IN: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation. Schoop, Mareike and Kilgour, D. Marc (eds) HOHENHEIM DISCUSSION PAPERS IN BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES . DEU: University of Hohenheim.
Enzinger, Ewald and Morrison, Geoffrey Stewart (2017). Empirical test of the performance of an acoustic-phonetic approach to forensic voice comparison under conditions similar to those of a real case. Forensic Science International, 277 , pp. 30-40.
Escalera-López, Daniel, Griffin, Ross, Isaacs, Mark, Wilson, Karen, Palmer, Richard E. and Rees, Neil V. (2017). Electrochemical sulfidation of WS2 nanoarrays:strong dependence of hydrogen evolution activity on transition metal sulfide surface composition. Electrochemistry Communications, 81 , pp. 106-111.
Evangelista, Pietro, Huge-Brodin, Maria, Sweeney, Edward and Morvillo, Alfonso (2017). Editorial. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 11 (4), pp. 345-348.
Fogel, Anna and Blissett, Jackie (2017). Past exposure to fruit and vegetable variety moderates the link between fungiform papillae density and current variety of FV consumed by children. Physiology & Behavior, 177 , pp. 107-112.
Gallazzi, Francesca, Rizzelli, Giuseppe, Iqbal, Md Asif, Tan, Mingming, Harper, Paul and Ania-Castañón, Juan Diego (2017). Performance optimization in ultra-long Raman laser amplified 10x30 GBaud DP-QPSK transmission:Balancing RIN and ASE noise. Optics Express, 25 (18), pp. 21454-21459.
Game, Annilee M. and Crawshaw, Jonathan R. (2017). A question of fit:cultural and individual differences in interpersonal justice perceptions. Journal of Business Ethics, 144 (2), pp. 279-291.
Gebreiter, Florian (2017). Accounting and the emergence of care pathways in the National Health Service. Financial Accountability and Management, 33 (3), pp. 299-310.
Gopsill, James, Snider, Chris, Lia, Emmanual, Joel Edgar, Sian and Hicks, Ben (2017). Automatic design structure matrices: A comparison of two formula student projects. IN: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED17) . CAN: UNSPECIFIED.
Gordienko, V., Stephens, M.F.C. and Doran, N.J. (2017). Broadband gain-spectrum measurement for fiber optical parametric and Raman amplifiers. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (16), pp. 1399-1402.
Griffiths, Helen R., Gao, Dan and Pararasa, Chathyan (2017). Redox regulation in metabolic programming and inflammation. Redox biology, 12 , pp. 50-57.
Hamidfar, T., Dmitriev, A., Mangan, B., Bianucci, P. and Sumetsky, M. (2017). Surface nanoscale axial photonics at a capillary fiber. Optics Letters, 42 (16), pp. 3060-3063.
Hinton, Daniel P. and Higson, Helen (2017). A large-scale examination of the effectiveness of anonymous marking in reducing group performance differences in higher education assessment. PLoS ONE, 12 (8),
Holland, Carol, Boukouvalas, Alexis, Wallis, Stuart, Clarkesmith, Danielle, Cooke, Richard, Liddell, Leanne and Kay, Amanda (2017). Transition from community dwelling to retirement village in older adults:cognitive functioning and psychological health outcomes. Ageing and Society, 37 (7), pp. 1499-1526.
Hughes, Elizabeth, Terry, David, Huynh, Chi, Petridis, Konstantinos, Aiello, Matthew, Mazard, Louis, Ubhi, Hirminder, Terry, Alex, Wilson, Keith and Sinclair, Anthony (2017). Future enhanced clinical role of pharmacists in emergency departments in England:multi-site observational evaluation. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 39 (4), 960–968.
James, Richard J.E. and Tunney, Richard J. (2017). The relationship between gaming disorder and addiction requires a behavioral analysis. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6 (3), pp. 306-309.
Junaid, Sarah, Sanghavi, Sanjay, Anglin, Carolyn, Bull, Anthony, Emery, Roger, Amis, Andrew and Hansen, Ulrich (2017). Treatment of the fixation surface improves glenoid prosthesis longevity in-vitro. Journal of Biomechanics, 61 , pp. 81-87.
Karakuzu, Huseyin (2017). Design and optimisation of micro-structured waveguides in nonlinear crystals. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Kharenko, Denis S., Zhdanov, Innokentiy S., Bednyakova, Anastasia E., Podivilov, Evgeniy V., Fedoruk, Mikhail P., Apolonski, Alexander, Turitsyn, Sergei K. and Babin, Sergey A. (2017). All-fiber highly chirped dissipative soliton generation in the telecom range. Optics Letters, 42 (16), pp. 3221-3224.
Knight, Trevor and Senior, Carl (2017). On the Very Model of a Modern Major Manager:The Importance of Academic Administrators in Support of the New Pedagogy. Frontiers in Psychology, 2 ,
Li, Fulong, Lin, Zhengyu, Qian, Zhongnan and Wu, Jiande (2017). Active DC bus signaling control method for coordinating multiple energy storage devices in DC microgrid. IN: 2017 Second IEEE International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM). DEU: IEEE.
Liu, Chen, Cai, Qi, Xu, Baojian, Zhu, Weidong, Zhang, Lin, Zhao, Jianlong and Chen, Xianfeng (2017). Graphene oxide functionalized long period grating for ultrasensitive label-free immunosensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 94 , pp. 200-206.
Liu, Tao, Wang, Feng, Zhang, Xuping, Zhang, Lin, Yuan, Quan, Liu, Yu and Yan, Zhijun (2017). Phase sensitive distributed vibration sensing based on ultraweak fiber Bragg grating array using double-pulse. Optical Engineering, 56 (8),
Maestri, Gaja (2017). Struggles and ambiguities over political subjectivities in the camp: Roma camp dwellers between neoliberal and urban citizenship in Italy. Citizenship Studies, 21 (6), pp. 640-656.
Maestri, Gaja and Hughes, Sarah M. (2017). Contested spaces of citizenship: camps, borders and urban encounters. Citizenship Studies, 21 (6), pp. 625-639.
Manz, Stefan (2017). Review of Matthew Fitzpatrick, Purging the Empire. Mass Expulsions in Germany, 1871-1914, Oxford: OUP 2015. H-Nationalism ,
Mardanbegi, Diako, Jalaliniya, Shahram, Gellersen, Hans-Werner Georg, Crawford, Trevor Jeremy and Sawyer, Peter Harvey (2017). EyeGrip as a tool for assessing dementia. IN: 19th European Conference on Eye Movements. UNSPECIFIED.
Matsui, Reiko, Watanabe, Yosuke and Murdoch, Colin E. (2017). Redox regulation of ischemic limb neovascularization - What we have learned from animal studies. Redox biology, 12 , pp. 1011-1019.
Medina, Raquel (2017). Who speaks up for Inés Fonseca? Representing violence against vulnerable subjects and the ethics of care in fictional narrative about Alzheimer’s disease:Ahora tocad música de baile (2004) by Andrés Barba. Ageing and Society, 37 (7), pp. 1394-1415.
Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul and Newell, David (2017). Choice of suitable Identity and Access Management standards for mobile computing and communication. IN: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Telecommunications. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Telecommunications: Intelligence in Every Form, ICT 2017 . CYP: IEEE.
Olafuyi, Olusola, Coleman, Michael and Badhan, Raj K.S. (2017). Development of a paediatric physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to assess the impact of drug-drug interactions in tuberculosis co-infected malaria subjects:a case study with artemether-lumefantrine and the CYP3A4-inducer rifampicin. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 106 , pp. 20-33.
Page, Sarah-Jane and Yip, Andrew Kam-Tuck (2017). Gender equality and religion:a multi-faith exploration of young adults’ narratives. European Journal of Women's Studies, 24 (3), pp. 249-265.
Panchal, Gajanan, Jain, Vipul, Cheikhrouhou, Naoufel and Gurtner, Matthias (2017). Equilibrium analysis in multi-echelon supply chain with multi-dimensional utilities of inertial players. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 16 (4), pp. 417-436.
Patelli, Alina (2017). Knowledge-centric autonomic systems. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Perchard, Andrew, MacKenzie, Niall, Decker, Stephanie and Favero, Giovanni (2017). Clio in the business school:historical approaches in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship. Business History, 59 , pp. 904-927.
Poorjam, Amir Hossein, Jensen, Jesper Rindom, Little, Max A. and Christensen, Mads Græsbøll (2017). Dominant distortion classification for pre-processing of vowels in remote biomedical voice analysis. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 2017-A , pp. 289-293.
Poorjam, Amir Hossein, Jensen, Jesper Rindom, Little, Max A. and Christensen, Mads Græsbøll (2017). Dominant distortion classification for pre-processing of vowels in remote biomedical voice analysis. IN: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2017. SWE: UNSPECIFIED.
Popo, Emma, Kenyon, Sara, Dann, Sophie-anna, Macarthur, Christine and Blissett, Jacqueline (2017). Effects of lay support for pregnant women with social risk factors on infant development and maternal psychological health at 12 months postpartum. PLoS ONE, 12 (8),
Pressler, Ronit M., Seri, Stefano, Kane, Nick, Martland, Tim, Goyal, Sushma, Iyer, Anand, Warren, Elliott, Notghi, Lesley, Bill, Peter, Thornton, Rachel, Appleton, Richard, Doyle, Sarah, Rushton, Sarah, Worley, Alan, Boyd, Stewart G. and CESS Clinical Neurophysiology working group (2017). Consensus-based guidelines for Video EEG monitoring in the pre-surgical evaluation of children with epilepsy in the UK. Seizure, 50 , pp. 6-11.
Pressler, Ronit M., Seri, Stefano, Kane, Nick, Martland, Tim, Goyal, Sushma, Iyer, Anand, Warren, Elliott, Notghi, Lesley, Bill, Peter, Thornton, Rachel, Appleton, Richard, Doyle, Sarah, Rushton, Sarah, Worley, Alan, Boyd, Stewart G. and CESS Clinical Neurophysiology working group (2017). Consensus-based guidelines for Video EEG monitoring in the pre-surgical evaluation of children with epilepsy in the UK. Seizure, 50 , pp. 6-11.
Pressler, Ronit M., Seri, Stefano, Kane, Nick, Martland, Tim, Goyal, Sushma, Iyer, Anand, Warren, Elliott, Notghi, Lesley, Bill, Peter, Thornton, Rachel, Appleton, Richard, Doyle, Sarah, Rushton, Sarah, Worley, Alan, Boyd, Stewart G. and CESS Clinical Neurophysiology working group (2017). Consensus-based guidelines for Video EEG monitoring in the pre-surgical evaluation of children with epilepsy in the UK. Seizure, 50 , pp. 6-11.
Pyrko, Igor, Eden, Colin and Ackermann, Fran (2017). Towards a Typology of Roles in Strategy Making Workshops:Building on the Use of the GSS Data Logs. IN: Group Decision and Negotiation Conference. Schoop, Mareike and Kilgour, D. Marc (eds) HOHENHEIM DISCUSSION PAPERS IN BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES . DEU: University of Hohenheim.
Rottreau, Taylor J., Parlett, Christopher M.A., Lee, Adam F. and Evans, Rob (2017). Diffusion NMR characterization of catalytic silica supports:a tortuous path. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (30), pp. 16250-16256.
Sagias, Georgios, Pospori, Andreas, Gallego, Daniel, Webb, David J. and Lamela Rivera, Horacio (2017). Wavelength tuning of polymer optical fibre Bragg grating at longer wavelengths permanently. IN: Third International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics. PRT: SPIE.
Silva de Lima, Ana Lígia, Evers, Luc J.W., Hahn, Tim, Bataille, Lauren, Hamilton, Jamie L., Little, Max A., Okuma, Yasuyuki, Bloem, Bastiaan R. and Faber, Marjan J. (2017). Freezing of gait and fall detection in Parkinson’s disease using wearable sensors:a systematic review. Journal of Neurology, 264 , 1642–1654.
Snider, Chris, Lia, Emmanual, Gopsill, James, Joel Edgar, Sian and Hicks, Ben (2017). Identifying the influences on performance of engineering design and development projects. IN: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) . CAN: UNSPECIFIED.
Sudera, Suraj (2017). Opthalmic Engineering: Using Modern Engineering Techniques and Industry Collaboration to Rapidly Develop Low Cost, Portable Opthalmic Instruments for Tackling Global Ametropia. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Sulley, Anna, Osborn-Lorenz, Kathrine, Wolffsohn, James S. and Young, Graeme (2017). Theoretical fitting characteristics of typical soft contact lens designs. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 40 (4), pp. 248-252.
Sumetsky, M. (2017). Optical frequency combs generated mechanically. Optics Letters, 42 (16), pp. 3197-3200.
Toolan, Daniel T.W., Adlington, Kevin, Isakova, Anna, Kalamiotis, Alexis, Mokarian-Tabari, Parvaneh, Dimitrakis, Georgios, Dodds, Christopher, Arnold, Thomas, Terrill, Nick J., Bras, Wim, Hermida Merino, Daniel, Topham, Paul D., Irvine, Derek J. and Howse, Jonathan R. (2017). Selective molecular annealing:in situ small angle X-ray scattering study of microwave-assisted annealing of block copolymers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (31), pp. 20412-20419.
Tota-Maharaj, Kiran (2017). Evaluating the performance of low-energy feed Forward Osmosis system for desalination using impaired and saline water sources. IN: 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, ICEE 2017. Vaiskunaite, Rasa and Cygas, Donatas (eds) 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, ICEE 2017 . LTU: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika".
Tota-Maharaj, Kiran and Coleman, Nichola (2017). Developing novel photocatalytic cementitious permeable pavements for depollution of contaminants and impurities in urban cities. IN: 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, ICEE 2017. Vaiskunaite, Rasa and Cygas, Donatas (eds) 10th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, ICEE 2017 . LTU: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika".
Veldsman, Michele, Loetscher, Tobias, Wood, Amanda and Brodtmann, Amy (2017). Reading on the right when there’s nothing left? Probabilistic tractography reveals hemispheric asymmetry in pure alexia. Neurocase, 23 (3-4), pp. 201-209.
Wadhwani, R. Daniel and Decker, Stephanie (2017). Clio’s toolkit:historical methods beyond theory building from cases. IN: Routledge companion to qualitative research in organization studies. Mir, Raza and Jain, Sanjay (eds) Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Wadkin, James C R, Patten, Daniel A, Kamarajah, Sivesh K, Shepherd, Emma L, Novitskaya, Vera, Berditchevski, Fedor, Adams, David H, Weston, Chris J and Shetty, Shishir (2017). CD151 supports VCAM-1-mediated lymphocyte adhesion to liver endothelium and is upregulated in chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 313 (2), G138-G149.
Winroth, Mats and Bennett, David (2017). International Production Networks in the Automotive Industry:Drivers and Enablers. IN: 24th International Conference on Production Research. Poznan University of Technology, Poland.: UNSPECIFIED.
Woolley, Michael J., Simms, John, Uddin, Sifat, Poyner, David R. and Conner, Alex C. (2017). Relative antagonism of mutants of the CGRP receptor extracellular loop 2 domain (ECL2) using a truncated competitive antagonist (CGRP8-37):evidence for the dual involvement of ECL2 in the two-domain binding model. Biochemistry, 56 (30), pp. 3877-3880.
Yang, Nan, Cao, Wenping, Liu, Zheng and Morrow, John (2017). Design of an asymmetrical rotor for easy assembly and repair of field windings in synchronous machines. Journal of Engineering, 2017 (8), pp. 427-434.
Yin, Hongwei, Gbadebo, Adenowo, Turitsyna, Elena and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2017). Resonance optimization of polychromatic light in disordered structures. Scientific Reports, 7 ,
Zhang, Y., McLoone, S. and Cao, W. (2017). Power loss and demagnetization research for high speed permanent magnet electrical machine. IN: 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2017. 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG) . IRL: IEEE.
Zhou, Deyu, Chen, Liangyu, Zhang, Xuan and He, Yulan (2017). Unsupervised event exploration from social text streams. Intelligent Data Analysis, 21 (4), pp. 849-866.
Zhou, Jiyun, Lu, Qin, Xu, Ruifeng, He, Yulan and Wang, Hongpeng (2017). EL_PSSM-RT:DNA-binding residue prediction by integrating ensemble learning with PSSM Relation Transformation. BMC Bioinformatics, 18 ,
Zhu, Liancheng, Zhang, Fengge, Jin, Shi, Yu, Siyang, Ademi, Sul and Cao, Wenping (2017). A novel direct power control for open-winding brushless doubly-fed reluctance generators fed by dual two-level converters using a common DC bus. IN: Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2017. 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) . GBR: IEEE.
Zidane, Iham F., Saqr, Khalid M., Swadener, Greg, Ma, Xianghong and Shehadeh, Mohamed F. (2017). Computational fluid dynamics study of dusty air flow over NACA 63415 airfoil for wind turbine applications. Jurnal Teknologi, 79 (7-3), pp. 1-6.
Zografidou, Eleni, Petridis, Konstantinos, Petridis, Nikolaos and Arabatzis, Garyfallos (2017). A financial approach to renewable energy production in Greece using goal programming. Renewable Energy, 108 , pp. 37-51.