Items where Year is 2011

Aguirre, Jacobo, Buldú, Javier M., Stich, Michael and Manrubia, Susanna C. (2011). Topological structure of the space of phenotypes:the case of rna neutral networks. PLoS ONE, 6 (10),
Barwell, James, Conner, Alex C. and Poyner, David R (2011). Extracellular loops 1 and 3 and their associated transmembrane regions of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor are needed for CGRP receptor function. BBA - Molecular Cell Research, 1813 (10), pp. 1906-1916.
Belal, Ataur R. and Cooper, Stuart M. (2011). The absence of corporate social responsibility reporting in Bangladesh. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 22 (7), pp. 654-667.
Brodbeck, Felix C., Guillaume, Yves R.F. and Lee, Nick J. (2011). Ethnic diversity as a multilevel construct:the combined effects of dissimilarity, group diversity, and societal status on learning performance in work groups. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42 (7), pp. 1198-1218.
Brostow, Gabe, Hernández, Carlos, Vogiatzis, George, Stenger, Björn and Cipolla, Roberto (2011). Video normals from colored lights. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 33 (10), pp. 2104-2114.
Bruning, Ulrike, Cerone, Luca, Neufeld, Zoltan, Fitzpatrick, Susan F., Cheong, Alex, Scholz, Carsten C., Simpson, David A., Leonard, Martin O., Tambuwala, Murtaza M., Cummins, Eoin P. and Taylor, Cormac T. (2011). MicroRNA-155 promotes resolution of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α activity during prolonged hypoxia. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 31 (19), pp. 4087-4096.
Evangelista, Pietro, McKinnon, Alan, Sweeney, Edward and Esposito, Emilio (2011). Preface. IN: Supply chain innovation for competing in highly competitive markets. Evangelista, Pietro; McKinnon, Alan; Sweeney, Edward and Esposito, Emilio (eds) Premier reference source . IGI Global.
Fowler, Scott, Zeadally, Sherali and Chilamkurti, Naveen (2011). Impact of denial of service solutions on network quality of service. Security and Communication Networks, 4 (10), pp. 1089-1103.
Gale, Zoe, Cooper, Paul R. and Scheven, Ben A. (2011). Effects of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor on dental pulp cells. Journal of dental research, 90 (10), pp. 1240-1245.
Gualdi, S., Yeung, C.H. and Zhang, Y.-C. (2011). Tracing the evolution of physics on the backbone of citation networks. Physical Review E, 84 (4),
Hayes, Graeme and Horne, John (2011). Sustainable development, shock and awe? London 2012 and Civil Society. Sociology, 45 (5), pp. 749-764.
Jowett, Adam, Peel, Elizabeth and Shaw, Rachel L. (2011). Online interviewing in psychology: reflections on the process. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8 (4), pp. 354-369.
Knibb, Rebecca C. and Booth, David A. (2011). Situation-specific cognitive behavioural self-therapy for erroneously suspected allergy or intolerance to a food:a short self-assessment tool. Appetite, 57 (2), pp. 439-442.
Kotsakis, Panayiotis, Wang, Zhuo, Collighan, Russell John and Griffin, Martin (2011). The role of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) in regulating the tumour progression of the mouse colon carcinoma CT26. Amino Acids, 41 (4), pp. 909-921.
Kyrou, I., Osei-Assibey, G., Williams, N., Thomas, R., Halder, L., Taheri, S., Saravanan, P. and Kumar, S. (2011). Self-reported disability in adults with severe obesity. Journal of Obesity, 2011 ,
Lee, Carman K.M., Lin, Danping, Ho, William and Wu, Zhang (2011). Design of a genetic algorithm for bi-objective flow shop scheduling problems with re-entrant jobs. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 56 (9-12), pp. 1105-1113.
Leventis, Stergios, Dimitropoulos, Panagiotis E. and Anandarajan, Asokan (2011). Loan loss provisions, earnings management and capital management under IFRS:the case of EU commercial banks. Journal of Financial Services Research, 40 (1-2), pp. 103-122.
Leyman, R., Nikitichev, D.I., Bazieva, N. and Rafailov, E.U. (2011). Multimodal spectral control of a quantum-dot diode laser for THz difference frequency generation. Applied Physics Letters, 99 (17),
Lightfoot, H.W., Baines, T. and Smart, P. (2011). Examining the information and communication technologies enabling servitized manufacture. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 225 (10), pp. 1964-1968.
Mou, Chengbo, Sergeyev, Sergey, Rozhin, Alex and Turitsyn, Sergei (2011). All-fiber polarization locked vector soliton laser using carbon nanotubes. Optics Letters, 36 (19), pp. 3831-3833.
Olubodun, Olugbenga and Doran, Nick (2011). Characterization of asymmetric filtered 40 Gb/s RZ-DPSK system-strong filtering considerations. Optics communications, 284 (22), pp. 5259-5262.
Osman, Ibrahim H., Berbary, Lynn N., Sidani, Yusuf, Al-Ayoubi, Baydaa and Emrouznejad, Ali (2011). Data envelopment analysis model for the appraisal and relative performance evaluation of nurses at an intensive care unit. Journal of Medical Systems, 35 (5), pp. 1039-1062.
Ouyang, Defang, Zhang, Hong, Parekh, Harendra S. and Smith, Sean C. (2011). The effect of pH on PAMAM dendrimer-siRNA complexation:endosomal considerations as determined by molecular dynamics simulation. Biophysical Chemistry, 158 (2-3), pp. 126-133.
Panichelli-Batalla, Stephanie (2011). Celestino antes y despues del alba. Revista internacional d'humanitats, 23 , pp. 27-38.
Parri, H. Rheinallt, Hernandez, Caterina M. and Dineley, Kelly T. (2011). Research update:alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease. Biochemical Pharmacology, 82 (8), pp. 931-942.
Payne, Lucinda O., Martz, Denise M., Tompkins, K. Brooke, Petroff, Anna B. and Farrow, Claire V. (2011). Gender comparisons of fat talk in the United Kingdom and the United States. Sex Roles, 65 (7), pp. 557-565.
Read, Martin L., Lewy, Greg D., Fong, Jim C.W., Sharma, Neil, Seed, Robert I., Smith, Vicki E., Gentilin, Erica, Warfield, Adrian, Eggo, Margaret C., Knauf, Jeffrey A., Leadbeater, Wendy E., Watkinson, John C., Franklyn, Jayne A., Boelaert, Kristien and McCabe, Christopher J. (2011). Proto-oncogene PBF/PTTG1IP regulates thyroid cell growth and represses radioiodide treatment. Cancer Research, 71 (19), pp. 6153-6164.
Slack, Cathy, Giannakou, Maria E., Foley, Andrea, Goss, Martin and Partridge, Linda (2011). dFOXO-independent effects of reduced insulin-like signaling in drosophila. Aging Cell, 10 (5), pp. 735-748.
Smith, Graham (2011). Advances in femtosecond micromachining and inscription of micro and nano photonic devices. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Sweeney, Edward (2011). Supply chain and logistics technology investment in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES). Linkline, Autumn , pp. 9-11.
Sweeney, Edward (2011). Supply chain integration:challenges and solutions. IN: Supply chain innovation for competing in highly competitive markets. Evangelista, Pietro; McKinnon, Alan; Sweeney, Edward and Esposito, Emilio (eds) Premier reference source . IGI Global.
Valentine, Althea Z. and Knibb, Rebecca C. (2011). Exploring quality of life in families of children living with and without a severe food allergy. Appetite, 57 (2), pp. 467-474.
Webb, R.P., Dailey, J.M., Manning, R.J. and Ellis, A.D. (2011). Phase discrimination and simultaneous frequency conversion of the orthogonal components of an optical signal by four-wave mixing in an SOA. Optics Express, 19 (21), pp. 20015-20022.
Weber, Douglas J., London, Brian M., Hokanson, James A., Ayers, Christopher A., Gaunt, Robert A., Torres, Ricardo R., Zaaimi, Boubker and Miller, Lee E. (2011). Limb-state information encoded by peripheral and central somatosensory neurons:Implications for an afferent interface. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 19 (5), pp. 501-513.
Zhang, Jun, Fei, Li, Gao, Qiang and Peng, Xiao-Hong (2011). Energy-efficient multihop cooperative MISO transmission with optimal hop distance in wireless ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10 (10), pp. 3426-3435.