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Epitropaki, Olga; Sy, Thomas; Martin, Robin; Tram-Quon, Susanna and Topakas, Anna (2013). Implicit leadership and followership theories 'in the wild':taking stock of information-processing approaches to leadership and followership in organizational settings. Leadership Quarterly, 24 (6), pp. 858-881.
Martin, Pearl Y. and Martin, Robin (2013). Morningness-eveningness orientation and attitude change:evidence for greater systematic processing and attitude change at optimal time-of-day. Personality and Individual Differences, 54 (5), pp. 551-556.
Jackson, Chris J.; Hobman, Elizabeth V.; Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Martin, Robin (2012). Do left and right asymmetries of hemispheric preference interact with attention to predict local and global performance in applied tasks? Laterality, 17 (6), pp. 647-672.
Hobman, Elizabeth V.; Jackson, Chris J.; Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Martin, Robin (2011). The effects of transformational leadership behaviours on follower outcomes:an identity-based analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20 (4), pp. 553-580.
Jackson, Chris J.; Hobman, Elizabeth V.; Jimmieson, Nerina L. and Martin, Robin (2009). Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes. British Journal of Psychology, 100 (2), pp. 283-312.
Hooper, Danica T. and Martin, Robin (2008). Beyond personal Leader Member Exchange (LMX) quality:the effects of perceived LMX variability on employee reactions. Leadership Quarterly, 19 (1), pp. 20-30.
Sumner-Armstrong, Crissa; Newcombe, Peter and Martin, Robin (2008). A qualitative investigation into leader behavioural flexibility. Journal of Management Development, 27 (8), pp. 843-857.
Smith, Joanne R.; Hogg, Michael A.; Martin, Robin and Terry, Deborah J. (2007). Uncertainty and the influence of group norms in the attitude-behaviour relationship. British Journal of Social Psychology, 46 (4), pp. 769-792.
Martin, Robin; Martin, Pearl Y.; Smith, Joanne R. and Hewstone, Miles (2007). Majority versus minority influence and prediction of behavioral intentions and behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43 (5), pp. 763-771.
Martin, Robin; Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Pearl Y. (2007). Systematic and heuristic processing of majority and minority-endorsed messages:the effects of varying outcome relevance and levels of orientation on attitude and message processing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33 (1), pp. 43-56.
Martin, Pearl Y. and Martin, Robin (2006). The effects of caffeine consumption on direct and indirect majority and minority influence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36 (8), pp. 1961-1979.
Hogg, Michael A.; Martin, Robin; Epitropaki, Olga; Mankad, Aditi; Svensson, Alicia and Weeden, Karen (2005). Effective leadership in salient groups:revisiting leader-member exchange theory from the perspective of the social identity theory of leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31 (7), pp. 991-1004.
Martin, Pearl Y.; Laing, Jenny; Martin, Robin and Mitchell, Melanie (2005). Caffeine, cognition, and persuasion:evidence for caffeine increasing the systematic processing of persuasive messages. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35 (1), pp. 160-182.
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (2003). Majority versus minority influence:when, not whether, source status instigates heuristic or systematic processing. European Journal of Social Psychology, 33 (3), pp. 313-330.
Martin, Robin; Leach, Desmond J.; Norman, Paul and Silvester, Joanne (2000). The role of attributions in reactions to job relocation. Work and Stress, 14 (4), pp. 347-361.
Martin, Robin (1999). Adjusting to job relocation:relocation preparation can reduce relocation stress. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72 (2), pp. 231-235.
Martin, Robin (1998). Majority and minority influence using the afterimage paradigm:a series of attempted replications. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 34 (1), pp. 1-26.
Martin, Robin (1996). A longitudinal study examining the psychological reactions of job relocation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26 (3), pp. 265-282.
Jackson, Paul R. and Martin, Robin (1996). Impact of just-in-time on job content, employee attitudes and well-being:a longitudinal study. Ergonomics, 39 (1), pp. 1-16.
Martin, Robin (1995). Majority and minority influence using the afterimage paradigm:a replication with an unambiguous blue slide. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25 (4), pp. 373-381.
Martin, Robin (1995). The effects of prior moves on job relocation stress. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 68 (1), pp. 49-56.
Jackson, Paul R.; Wall, Toby D.; Martin, Robin and Davids, Keith (1993). New measures of job control, cognitive demand and production responsibility. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78 (5), pp. 753-762.
Davids, Keith and Martin, Robin (1992). Shopfloor attitudes towards advanced manufacturing technology:the changing focus of industrial conflict? Interacting With Computers, 4 (2), pp. 200-208.
Martin, Robin (1992). The effects of ingroup-outgroup membership on minority influence when group membership is determined by a trivial categorisation. Social behavior and personality, 20 (3), pp. 131-142.
Davids, Keith; Martin, Robin and McHale, S. (1991). Development training in the context of professional football. Physical Education Review, 14 (1), pp. 14-23.
Wall, Toby D.; Corbett, J. Martin; Clegg, Chris W.; Jackson, Paul R. and Martin, Robin (1990). Advanced manufacturing technology and work design:towards a theoretical framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11 (3), pp. 201-219.
Martin, Robin and Wall, Toby D. (1989). Double machine operation and psychological strain. Work and Stress, 3 (4), pp. 323-326.
Corbett, J.M.; Martin, Robin; Wall, T.D. and Clegg, C.W. (1989). Technological coupling as a predictor of intrinsic job satisfaction: A replication study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 10 , pp. 91-95.
Martin, Robin (1988). Attitudes towards advanced manufacturing technology (AMT):the role of AMT experience, skill level and job involvement. Social behaviour, 3 (4), pp. 297-305.
Martin, Robin (1988). Minority influence and 'trivial' social categorization. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18 (5), pp. 465-470.
Wall, Toby D.; Corbett, J. Martin; Martin, Robin; Clegg, Chris W. and Jackson, Paul R. Advanced manufacturing technology, work design, and performance:a change study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75 (6), pp. 691-697.
Martin, Robin and Wall, Toby D. Attentional demand and cost responsibility as stressors in shopfloor jobs. Academy of Management Journal, 32 (1), pp. 69-86.
Norman, Paul; Collins, Sylvie; Connor, Mark; Martin, Robin and Rance, Jaynie Attributions, cognitions, and coping styles:teleworkers' reactions to work-related problems. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25 (2), pp. 117-128.
Senior, Carl; Martin, Robin; Thomas, Geoff; Topakas, Anna; West, Michael and Yeats, Rowena M. Developmental stability and leadership effectiveness. Leadership Quarterly, 23 (2), pp. 281-291.
Martin, Pearl Y.; Hamilton, Victoria E.; McKimmie, Blake M.; Terry, Deborah J. and Martin, Robin Effects of caffeine on persuasion and attitude change:the role of secondary tasks in manipulating systematic message processing. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37 (2), pp. 320-338.
Epitropaki, Olga and Martin, Robin From ideal to real:a longitudinal study of the role of implicit leadership theories on leader-member exchanges and employee outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90 (4), pp. 659-676.
Gardikiotis, Antonis; Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles Group consensus in social influence:type of consensus information as a moderator of majority and minority influence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31 (9), pp. 1163-1174.
Senior, Carl; Martin, Robin; West, Michael and Yeats, Rowena M. How earlobes can signify leadership potential. Harvard Business Review, 89 (11),
Epitropaki, Olga and Martin, Robin Implicit leadership theories in applied settings:factor structure, generalizability, and stability over time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (2), pp. 293-310.
Martin, Robin Ingroup and outgroup minorities:differential impact upon public and private responses. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18 (1), pp. 39-52.
Thomas, Geoff; Martin, Robin and Riggio, Ronald Leading groups:leadership as a group process. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16 (1), pp. 3-16.
Martin, Robin; Gardikiotis, Antonis and Hewstone, Miles Levels of consensus and majority and minority influence. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32 (5), pp. 645-665.
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles Majority versus minority influence, message processing and attitude change:the Source-Context-Elaboration Model. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 40 , pp. 237-326.
Martin, Robin; Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Pearl Y. Majority versus minority influence:the role of message processing in determining resistance to counter-persuasion. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38 (1), pp. 16-34.
Martin, Robin and Jackson, Paul R. Matching AMT jobs to people. Personnel Management , pp. 48-51.
Martin, Robin Minority influence and argument generation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 35 (1), pp. 91-103.
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles Minority influence and optimal problem-solving. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29 (5-6), pp. 825-832.
Martin, Robin Minority influence and social categorization:a replication. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18 (4), pp. 369-373.
Martin, Robin; Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Pearl Y. Resistance to persuasive messages as a function of majority and minority source status. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39 (6), pp. 585-593.
Martin, Robin and Epitropaki, Olga Role of organizational identification, on Implicit Leadership Theories ILTs, transformational leadership and work attitudes. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 4 (3), pp. 247-262.
Martin, Robin School children's attitudes towards computers as a fucntion of gender, course subjects and availability of home computers. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 7 (3), pp. 187-194.
Thomas, Geoff; Martin, Robin; Epitropaki, Olga; Guillaume, Yves and Lee, Allan Social cognition in leader–follower relationship:applying insights from relationship science to understanding relationship-based approaches to leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34 (S1), S63–S81.
Epitropaki, Olga and Martin, Robin Transformational-transactional leadership and upward influence:the role of Relative Leader-Member Exchanges (RLMX) and Perceived Organizational Support (POS). Leadership Quarterly, 24 (2), pp. 299-315.
Martin, Robin The abstracts of the 4th UQ symposium on organisational psychology. Australian Journal of Psychology, 56 (S1), pp. 143-152.
Martin, Robin and Davids, Keith The effects of group development techniques on a professional athletic team. Journal of Social Psychology, 135 (4), pp. 533-535.
Epitropaki, Olga and Martin, Robin The impact of relational demography on the quality of leader-member exchanges and employees' work attitudes and well-being. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72 (2), pp. 237-240.
Epitropaki, Olga and Martin, Robin The moderating role of individual differences in the relation between transformational/transactional leadership perceptions and organizational identification. Leadership Quarterly, 16 (4), pp. 569-589.
Kenworthy, Jared B.; Hewstone, Miles; Levine, John M.; Martin, Robin and Willis, Hazel The phenomenology of minority-majority status:effects on innovation in argument generation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38 (4), pp. 624-636.
Gardikiotis, Antonis; Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles The representation of majorities and minorities in the British Press:a content analytic approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34 (5), pp. 637-646.
Yeow, JooBee and Martin, Robin The role of self-regulation in developing leaders:a longitudinal field experiment. Leadership Quarterly, 24 (5), pp. 625-637.
Book Section
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (2012). Minority influence:revisiting Moscovici's blue-green afterimage studies. IN: Social psychology. Smith, Joanne R. and Haslam, S. Alexander (eds) Psychology: revisiting the classic studies . London (UK): SAGE.
Martin, Robin (2012). The case and context for quality working relationships. IN: Ready for change? Transition through turbulence to reformation and transformation. Heimer-Rathbone, Cora L. (ed.) Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Robin (2012). Social influence processes. IN: Introduction to social psychology. Hewstone, Miles; Ströbe, Wolfang and Jonas, Klaus (eds) BPS Textbooks in Psychology (5th ed). London (UK): BPS Blackwell.
Martin, Robin; Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Pearl Y. (2010). Consequences of attitudes changed by majority and minority influence. IN: Minority influence and innovation: antecedents, processes and consequences. Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (eds) Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Gardikiotis, Antonis; Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (2010). The impact of source consensus on majority and minority influence. IN: Minority influence and innovation: antecedents, processes and consequences. Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (eds) Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Martin, Robin; Epitropaki, Olga; Thomas, Geoff and Topakas, Anna (2010). A review of leader-member exchange research:future prospects and directions. IN: International review of industrial and organisational psychology 2010. Hodgkinson, Gerard P. and Ford, J. Kevin (eds) International review of industrial and organisational psychology . Chichster (UK): Wiley.
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (2009). Preface. IN: Minority influence and innovation: antecedents, processes, and innovation. Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (eds) Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Martin, Robin (2009). Leader categorization theory. IN: Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations. Levine, John M. and Hogg, Michael (eds) Thousand Oaks (US): SAGE.
Martin, Robin; Hewstone, Miles; Martin, Pearl Y. and Gardikiotis, Antonis (2008). Persuasion from majority and minority groups. IN: Attitudes and attitude change. Crano, William D. and Prislin, Radmila (eds) Frontiers of social psychology . New York (US): Psychology Press.
Martin, Robin and Martin, Pearl Y. (2006). Social influence. IN: Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology. Davey, Graham (ed.) London (UK): Hodder.
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (2002). Conformity and independence in groups:majorities and minorities. IN: Blackwell handbooks of social psychology. Hogg, Michael A. and Tindale, R. Scott (eds) Oxford (US): Blackwell.
Martin, Robin; Chapman, A.; Firth-Cozens, J.; Heywood, S. and Dooley, B. (1992). Organisational impact of teleworking. IN: Work with display units 92. Luczak, H.; Cakir, A. and Cakir, G. (eds) Amsterdam (NL): North Holland.
Taylor, J.; Martin, Robin and Connor, M. (1992). Social psychological aspects of teleworking. IN: Work with display units 92. Luczak, H.; Cakir, G. and Cakir, A. (eds) Amsterdam (NL): North Holland.
Martin, Robin (1992). Technical change and work organisation:introduction. IN: Organising changes and innovations. Hosking, D. and Anderson, N. (eds) London (UK): Routledge.
Martin, Robin (1991). Working in groups. IN: Analysing organizational behaviour. Smith, Mike (ed.) Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Martin, Robin (1991). Influencia minoritaria y relaciones entre grupos. IN: La influencia social inconsciente. Moscovici, Sergio and Pérez, Juan A. (eds) Barcelona (ES): Anthorpos.
Martin, Robin and Davids, Keith Computer aided manufacturing and job design. IN: Organising changes and innovations. Hosking, D. and Anderson, N. (eds) London (UK): Routledge.
Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles Introduction : theory and research on minority influence. IN: Minority influence and innovation. Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (eds) Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Wall, Toby D. and Martin, Robin Job and work design. IN: Key reviews in organisational behaviour. Robertson, I. and Cooper, C. (eds) Chichester (UK): Blackwell.
Martin, Robin Leader-member Exhange (LMX) theory. IN: Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations. Levine, John M. and Hogg, Michael (eds) Thousand Oaks (US): SAGE.
Hewstone, Miles; Martin, Robin; Hamer-Hewstone, Claudia; Crisp, Richard J. and Voci, Alberto Majority-minority relations in organizations:challenges and opportunities. IN: Social identity processes in organizational contexts. Hogg, Michael A. and Terry, Deborah J. (eds) Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Hooper, Danica T. and Martin, Robin Measuring perceived LMX variability within teams and its impact on procedural justice climate. IN: Advances in organizational psychology. Glendon, A. Ian; Thompson, Briony M. and Myors, Brett (eds) Brisbane (AU): Australian Academic Press.
Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Robin Minority influence:from groups to attitudes and back again. IN: Minority influence and innovation: antecedents, processes and consequences. Martin, Robin and Hewstone, Miles (eds) Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Martin, Robin Path-goal theory. IN: Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations. Levine, John M. and Hogg, Michael (eds) Thousand Oaks (US): SAGE.
Hewstone, Miles and Martin, Robin Social influence. IN: Introduction to social psychology. Hewstone, Miles; Ströbe, Wolfgang and Jonas, Klaus (eds) BPS textbooks in psychology (4th ed). Chichester (UK): Blackwell.
Davids, Keith and Martin, Robin Team building in English professional football. IN: Sports medicine applied to football. Santilli, G. (ed.) Rome (IT): CONI.
Martin, Robin Vertical dyad linkage model. IN: Encyclopedia of group processes and intergroup relations. Levine, John M. and Hogg, Michael (eds) Thousand Oaks (US): SAGE.
Wall, Toby and Martin, Robin Work organization for CNC drilling machines:Paragon Electronics plc. IN: Cases in information technology, people and organizations. Legge, K. and Kemp, N. (eds) Oxford (UK): Blackwell.
Tissington, Patrick; Martin, Robin and Dawson, Jeremy Security at UK airports:the human in the loop. Department of Transport.