Items where Year is 2015

Ammirato, Salvatore, Felicetti, Alberto Michele and Della-gala, Marco (2015). Rethinking tourism destinations: collaborative network models for the tourist 2.0. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 6 (3), 178 - 201.
Armstrong, R.A. (2015). Oculo-visual dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 5 (4), pp. 715-726.
Atkinson, Jeffrey, de Paepe, Kristien, Sánchez Pozo, Antonio, Rekkas, Dimitrios, Volmer, Daisy, Hirvonen, Jouni, Bozic, Borut, Skowron, Agnieska, Mircioiu, Constantin, Marcincal, Annie, Koster, Andries, Wilson, Keith and van Schravendijk, Chris (2015). The PHAR-QA project: competency framework for pharmacy practice—first steps, the results of the European Network Delphi round 1. Pharmacy, 3 (4), pp. 307-329.
Baldwin, Alex S. and Meese, Tim S. (2015). Fourth-root summation of contrast over area:no end in sight when spatially inhomogeneous sensitivity is compensated by a witch's hat. Journal of Vision, 15 (15), pp. 1-12.
Birtel, Michèle D. and Crisp, Richard J. (2015). Psychotherapy and social change:utilizing principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy to help develop new prejudice-reduction interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 ,
Boscolo, Sonia, Peng, Junsong and Finot, Christophe (2015). Design and applications of in-cavity pulse shaping by spectral sculpturing in mode-locked fibre lasers. Applied Sciences, 5 (4), pp. 1379-1398.
Buckhurst, Phillip J., Naroo, Shehzad A., Davies, Leon N., Shah, Sunil, Buckhurst, Hetal, Kingsnorth, Alec, Drew, Tom and Wolffsohn, James S. (2015). Tablet App halometer for the assessment of dysphotopsia. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 41 (11), pp. 2424-2429.
Bürkle, Alexander, Moreno-Villanueva, María, Bernhard, Jürgen, Blasco, María, Zondag, Gerben, Hoeijmakers, Jan H.J., Toussaint, Olivier, Grubeck-Loebenstein, Beatrix, Mocchegiani, Eugenio, Collino, Sebastiano, Gonos, Efstathios S., Sikora, Ewa, Gradinaru, Daniela, Dollé, Martijn, Salmon, Michel, Kristensen, Peter, Griffiths, Helen R., Libert, Claude, Grune, Tilman, Breusing, Nicolle, Simm, Andreas, Franceschi, Claudio, Capri, Miriam, Talbot, Duncan, Caiafa, Paola, Friguet, Bertrand, Slagboom, P. Eline, Hervonen, Antti, Hurme, Mikko and Aspinall, Richard (2015). MARK-AGE biomarkers of ageing. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 151 , pp. 2-12.
Chen, Tao, Xu, Ruifeng, He, Yulan and Wang, Xuan (2015). Learning task specific distributed paragraph representations using a 2-tier convolutional neural network. IN: Neural information processing. Lecture notes in computer science . TUR: Springer.
Clark, Tony, Kulkarni, Vinay, Barat, Souvik and Barn, Balbir (2015). Toward overcoming accidental complexity in organisational decision-making. IN: 2015 ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). IEEE.
D'Almeida, Essi (2015). Modern foreign languages classroom:is inclusion of all exclusion in disguise? PHD thesis, Aston University.
Devine, Lauren (2015). The Role of Parents in the Child Death Review Process. Argument and Critique, 1 (1),
Fielding, David and Rewilak, Johan (2015). Credit booms, financial fragility and banking crises. Economics Letters, 136 , pp. 233-236.
Ghasemi, M.-R., Ignatius, Joshua, Lozano, Sebastián, Emrouznejad, Ali and Hatami-Marbini, Adel (2015). A fuzzy expected value approach under generalized data envelopment analysis. Knowledge based systems, 89 , pp. 148-159.
Greenhill, Stuart David, Ranson, Adam and Fox, Kevin (2015). Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity mechanisms in regular spiking and intrinsic bursting cells of cortical layer 5. Neuron, 88 (3), pp. 539-552.
Greig, Fiona H., Ewart, Marie-Ann, McNaughton, Eilidh, Cooney, Josephine, Spickett, Corinne M. and Kennedy, Simon (2015). The hypotensive effect of acute and chronic AMP-activated protein kinase activation in normal and hyperlipidemic mice. Vascular Pharmacology, 74 , pp. 93-102.
Guest, Jonathan (2015). Reflections on ten years of using economics games and experiments in teaching. Cogent Economics and Finance, 3 (1),
Gutierrez, F.A., Martin, P.E., Perry, P., Ellis, A.D., Anandarajah, P., Smyth, F. and Barry, L.P. (2015). 100 Gbit/s real-time all-analogue filter bank OFDM based on a gain-switched optical comb. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. ESP: IEEE.
Heathman, Thomas R.J., Stolzing, Alexandra, Fabian, Claire, Rafiq, Qasim A., Coopman, Karen, Nienow, Alvin W., Kara, Bo and Hewitt, Christopher J. (2015). Serum-free process development:improving the yield and consistency of human mesenchymal stromal cell production. Cytotherapy, 17 (11), pp. 1524-1535.
Hedge, C, Oberauer, K and Leonards, U (2015). Selection in spatial working memory is independent of perceptual selective attention, but they interact in a shared spatial priority map. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 77 , pp. 2653-2668.
Heitmar, Rebekka and Summers, Robert J. (2015). The time course of changes in retinal vessel diameter in response to differing durations of flicker light provocation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 56 (12), pp. 7581-7588.
Hu, Yihua, Zhang, Jiangfeng, Cao, Wenping, Wu, Jiande, Tian, Gui Yun, Finney, Stephen J. and Kirtley, James L. (2015). Online two-section PV array fault diagnosis with optimized voltage sensor locations. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62 (11), pp. 7237-7246.
Jia, Yu and Seshia, Ashwin A (2015). Power Optimization by Mass Tuning for MEMS Piezoelectric Cantilever Vibration Energy Harvesting. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25 (1), pp. 108-117.
Karperaki, Angeliki E. (2015). FEM Hydroelastic Models with Application to the Nonlinear Response of Large Floating Bodies in Shallow Wave Conditions. Procedia Computer Science, 66 , pp. 122-131.
Kitchen, Philip, Öberg, Fredrik, Sjöhamn, Jennie, Hedfalk, Kristina, Bill, Roslyn M., Conner, Alex C., Conner, Matthew T. and Törnroth-Horsefield, Susanna (2015). Plasma membrane abundance of human aquaporin 5 is dynamically regulated by multiple pathways. PLoS ONE, 10 (11),
Kitching, John, Kašperová, Eva and Collis, Jill (2015). The contradictory consequences of regulation: the influence of filing abbreviated accounts on UK small company performance:671-688. International Small Business Journal, 33 (7), pp. 671-688.
Kleimeier, Stefanie and Chaudhry, Sajid M. (2015). Cultural differences and the structure of loan syndicates. Finance Research Letters, 15 , pp. 115-124.
Knibb, Rebecca C. (2015). Cognitive behaviour therapy for mothers of children with food allergy:a case series. Healthcare, 3 (4), pp. 1194-1211.
Koner, Jasdip S., Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali, Bowen, James, Perrie, Yvonne, Kirby, Daniel and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2015). A holistic multi evidence approach to study the fragmentation behaviour of crystalline mannitol. Scientific Reports, 5 ,
Kulkarni, Vinay, Barat, Souvik, Clark, Tony and Barn, Balbir (2015). A wide-spectrum approach to modelling and analysis of organisation for machine-assisted decision-making. IN: Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation - 11th International Workshop, EOMAS 2015, Held at CAiSE 2015, Selected Papers. Barjis, J.; Pergl, R. and Babkin, E. (eds) Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 231 . SWE: Springer.
Lin, Yupu (2015). An empirical investigation on firm-level performance of cross border mergers and acquisitions. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Luo, Haipeng, Sun, Qizhen, Li, Xiaolei, Yan, Zhijun, Li, Yanpeng, Liu, Deming and Zhang, Lin (2015). Refractive index sensitivity characteristics near the dispersion turning point of the multimode microfiber-based Mach–Zehnder interferometer. Optics Letters, 40 (21), pp. 5042-5045.
Mallen, Edward A.H., Gilmartin, Bernard, Wolffsohn, James S. and Tsujimura, Sei-ichi (2015). Clinical evaluation of the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor in adults:an update. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 35 (6), pp. 622-627.
Ness, A.R., Wills, A.K., Waylen, A., Al-Ghatam, R., Jones, T.E.M., Preston, R., Ireland, A.J., Persson, M., Smallridge, J., Hall, A.J., Sell, D. and Sandy, J.R. (2015). Centralization of cleft care in the UK. Part 6:a tale of two studies. Orthodontics & craniofacial research, 18 (Suppl.), pp. 56-62.
Nitoiu, Cristian (2015). British press attitudes towards the EU's global presence:from the Russian-Georgian War to the 2009 Copenhagen Summit. Comparative European Politics, 13 (6), pp. 615-635.
Ogden, Richard and Yang, Jin (2015). Impacts of distributed generation on low-voltage distribution network protection. IN: Proceedings, 2015 50th international Universities Power Engineering Conference. GBR: IEEE.
Persson, M., Sandy, J.R., Waylen, A., Wills, A.K., Al-Ghatam, R., Ireland, A.J., Hall, A.J., Hollingworth, W., Jones, T., Peters, T.J., Preston, R., Sell, D., Smallridge, J., Worthington, H. and Ness, A.R. (2015). A cross-sectional survey of 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate:the Cleft Care UK study. Part 1: background and methodology. Orthodontics & craniofacial research, 18 (Suppl.), pp. 1-13.
Pollard, Emma, Hirsh, Wendy, Williams, Matthew, Buzzeo, Jonathan, Marvell, Rosa, Tassinari, Arianna, Bertram, Christine, Fletcher, Luke, Artess, Jane, Redman, Jennifer and Ball, Charlie (2015). Understanding employers’ graduate recruitment and selection practices:main report. BIS Research Paper . London (UK): Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Prati, Francesca, Crisp, Richard J. and Rubini, Monica (2015). Counter-stereotypes reduce emotional intergroup bias by eliciting surprise in the face of unexpected category combinations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 61 , pp. 31-43.
Prati, Francesca, Vasiljevic, Milica, Crisp, Richard J. and Rubini, Monica (2015). Some extended psychological benefits of challenging social stereotypes:decreased dehumanization and a reduced reliance on heuristic thinking. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18 (6), pp. 801-816.
Rafiq, Qasim A., Ortega, Ilida, Jenkins, Stuart I., Wilson, Samantha L., Patel, Asha K., Barnes, Amanda L., Adams, Christopher F., Delcassian, Derfogail and Smith, David (2015). The early career researcher's toolkit:translating tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and cell therapy products. Regenerative medicine, 10 (8), pp. 989-1003.
Salmons, David (2015). The availability of proprietary restitution in cases of mistaken payments. Cambridge Law Journal, 74 (3), pp. 534-567.
Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto, Villa-Collar, César, Gilmartin, Bernard, Gutiérrez-Ortega, Ramón and Suzaki, Asaki (2015). The effects of entrance pupil centration and coma aberrations on myopic progression following orthokeratology. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 98 (6), pp. 534-540.
Sibai, Olivier (2015). Keyboard warriors in cyberfights:conflict in online communities of consumption. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Smallridge, J., Hall, A.J., Chorbachi, R., Parfect, V., Persson, M., Ireland, A.J., Wills, A.K., Ness, A.R. and Sandy, J.R. (2015). Functional outcomes in the Cleft Care UK study - Part 3:oral health and audiology. Orthodontics & craniofacial research, 18 (Suppl.), pp. 25-35.
Sodré, José Ricardo, De Oliveira, Alex, De Morais, André Marcelino and Valente, Osmano Souza (2015). Combustion characteristics, performance and emissions from a diesel power generator fuelled by B7-ethanol blends. Fuel Processing Technology, 139 , pp. 67-72.
Sorokina, Mariia, Sygletos, Stylianos and Turitsyn, Sergei (2015). Information theory analysis of regenerative channels. IN: 2015 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications, TIWDC 2015. ITA: IEEE.
Stevens, Rebekah (2015). Exploring attitudes towards dietary modification and nutritional supplementation in people with and without age-related macular degeneration. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Stich, Michael (2015). Comments on multiple oscillatory solutions in systems with time-delay feedback. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations , pp. 99-109.
Straetmans, Stefan and Chaudhry, Sajid M. (2015). Tail risk and systemic risk of US and Eurozone financial institutions in the wake of the global financial crisis. Journal of International Money and Finance, 58 , pp. 191-223.
Sugavanam, Srikanth, Tarasov, Nikita, Wabnitz, Stefan and Churkin, Dmitry V. (2015). Ginzburg-Landau turbulence in quasi-CW Raman fiber lasers. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 9 (6), L35-L39.
Tunney, Richard J. and Ziegler, Fenja V. (2015). Toward a Psychology of Surrogate Decision Making. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10 (6), pp. 880-885.
Tye, A., Wharton, H., Wright, A., Yang, Y., Gibson, J., Syed, A., Mills, A. and Dodson, P. (2015). Evaluating digital diabetic retinopathy screening in people aged 90 years and over. Eye, 29 (11), pp. 1442-1445.
Vezzali, Loris, Stathi, Sofia, Crisp, Richard J. and Capozza, Dora (2015). Comparing direct and imagined intergroup contact among children:effects on outgroup stereotypes and helping intentions. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 49 , pp. 46-53.
Wardlaw, J.M., Davies, H., Booth, T.C., Laurie, G., Compston, A., Freeman, C., Leach, M.O., Waldman, A.D., Lomas, D.J., Kessler, K., Crabbe, F. and Jackson, A. (2015). Acting on incidental findings in research imaging. BMJ, 351 ,
Wright, Sukhvir, Hashemi, Kevan, Stasiak, Lukasz, Bartram, Julian, Lang, Bethan, Vincent, Angela and Upton, A. Louise (2015). Epileptogenic effects of NMDAR antibodies in a passive transfer mouse model. Brain research, 138 (11), pp. 3159-3167.
Zhang, Fengge, Zhu, Liancheng, Jin, Shi, Cao, Wenping, Wang, Dairui and Kirtley, James L. (2015). Developing a new SVPWM control strategy for open-winding brushless doubly fed reluctance generators. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 51 (6), pp. 4567-4574.