Items where Year is 2011

Bailey, Clifford J. (2011). The challenge of managing coexistent type 2 diabetes and obesity. BMJ, 342 (7803),
Bailey, David, Lenihan, Helena and Singh, Ajit (2011). Tiger, tiger, burning bright? Industrial policy “lessons” from Ireland for small African economies. IN: Good growth and governance in Africa. Noman, Akbar; Botchwey, Kwesi; Stein, Howard and Stiglitz, Joseph E. (eds) Initiative for policy dialogue . Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.
Baker, Daniel H. and Meese, Tim S. (2011). Contrast integration over area is extensive: a three-stage model of spatial summation. Journal of Vision, 11 (14), pp. 1-16.
Blewitt, John (2011). Critical practice and the public pedagogy of environmental and conservation media. Environmental Education Research, 17 (6), pp. 719-734.
Blewitt, John (2011). The media, animal conservation and environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 17 (6), pp. 711-718.
Bush, Joe, Langley, Christopher, Patel, Alpa and Harvey, Jane (2011). Evaluation of the Heart of Birmingham teaching Primary Care Trust (HoBtPCT): My Choice Weight Management Programme:report commissioned by Heart of Birmingham teaching Primary Care Trust. Aston University.
Caruana, Douglas A., Warburton, E. Clea and Bashir, Zafar I. (2011). Induction of activity-dependent LTD requires muscarinic receptor activation in medial prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (50), pp. 18464-18478.
Copland, F. (2011). Negotiating face in feedback conferences:a linguistic ethnographic analysis. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (15), pp. 3832-3843.
Crawshaw, Jonathan R. (2011). Career development, progression and trust. IN: Trust and human resource management. Searle, Rosalind H. and Skinner, Denise (eds) Edward Elgar.
Decker, Stephanie (2011). Corporate political activity in less developed countries:The Volta River Project in Ghana, 1958-66. Business History, 53 (7), pp. 993-1017.
Edwards, John S. (2011). A process view of knowledge management:it ain't want you do, it's the way that you do it. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 9 (4), pp. 297-306.
Forbes, Claire J., Lowry, Deborah, Geer, Leslie, Veazey, Ronald S., Shattock, Robin J., Klasse, Per J., Mitchnick, Mark, Goldman, Laurie, Doyle, Lara A, Muldoon, Brendan C.O., Woolfson, A. David, Moore, John P. and Malcolm, R. Karl (2011). Non-aqueous silicone elastomer gels as a vaginal microbicide delivery system for the HIV-1 entry inhibitor maraviroc. Journal of Controlled Release, 156 (2), pp. 161-169.
Green, Simon (2011). The Beginning of the End of the Road? Britain and the European Council Meeting, 8-9 December 2011. AICGS Advisor ,
Herzallah, Randa and Kárný, Miroslav (2011). Fully probabilistic control design in an adaptive critic framework. Neural Networks, 24 (10), pp. 1128-1135.
Hussain, Mohammed (2011). Formulation and the characterisation of cationic liposomal adjuvants for the delivery of a promising subunit tuberculosis vaccine. PHD thesis, Aston University.
King, Eden B., Dawson, Jeremy, West, Michael, Gilrane, Veronica, Peddie, Chad I. and Bastin, Lucy (2011). Why organizational and community diversity matter:Representativeness and the Emergence of Incivility and Organizational Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 54 (6), pp. 1103-1118.
Kovalev, A. S. and Pankratova, M. L. (2011). The magnetic structure of a thin ferromagnetic film on the rough surface of an antiferromagnet. Low Temperature Physics, 37 (10), pp. 866-871.
Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin, Bastin, Lucy, Bekessy, Sarah A., White, Matt D. and Newell, Graeme (2011). Raising the bar for systematic conservation planning. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26 (12), pp. 634-640.
Love, James H., Roper, Stephen and Bryson, John R. (2011). Openness, knowledge, innovation and growth in UK business services. Research policy, 40 (10), pp. 1438-1452.
Martín-López, S., Angulo-Vinuesa, X., Nuño, J., Bhamber, R.S., Rodríguez-Barrios, F., Carrasco-Sanz, A., Alcón-Camas, Mercedes, Gonzalez-Herraez, M., Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Corredera, P. (2011). Líneas de investigación experimentales del grupo de dinámica no lineal y fibras ópticas del Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdes del CSIC". Optica Pura Y Aplicada, 44 (3), pp. 413-423.
Moores, Elisabeth, Cassim, Rizan and Talcott, Joel B. (2011). Adults with dyslexia exhibit large effects of crowding, increased dependence on cues, and detrimental effects of distractors in visual search tasks. Neuropsychologia, 49 (14), pp. 3881-3890.
Nunes, Mirian C.S., Wanner, Elizabeth F. and Weber, Gerald (2011). Origin of multiple periodicities in the Fourier power spectra of the Plasmodium falciparum genome. BMC Genomics, 12 (4),
Powell, Faye C., Farrow, Claire V. and Meyer, Caroline (2011). Food avoidance in children:the influence of maternal feeding practices and behaviours. Appetite, 57 (3), pp. 683-692.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Impact of longitudinal power budget in coherent transmission systems employing digital back-propagation. Optics express, 19 (26), B40-B46.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Impact of longitudinal power budget in coherent transmission systems employing digital back-propagation. Optics Express, 19 (26), B40-B46.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Various nonlinearity mitigation techniques employing optical and electronic approaches. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (23), pp. 1838-1840.
Rafique, Danish, Mussolin, Marco, Mårtensson, Jonas, Forzati, Marco, Fischer, Johannes K., Molle, Lutz, Nölle, Markus, Schubert, Colja and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Polarization multiplexed 16QAM transmission employing modified digital back-propagation. Optics express, 19 (26), B805-B810.
Rafique, Danish, Mussolin, Marco, Mårtensson, Jonas, Forzati, Marco, Fischer, Johannes K., Molle, Lutz, Nölle, Markus, Schubert, Colja and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Polarization multiplexed 16QAM transmission employing modified digital back-propagation. Optics Express, 19 (26), B805-B810.
Ramma, Wenda and Ahmed, Asif (2011). Is inflammation the cause of pre-eclampsia? Biochemical Society Transactions, 39 (6), pp. 1619-1627.
Samanya, J., Hornung, Andreas, Jones, Mark and Vale, Peter (2011). Thermal stability of sewage sludge pyrolysis oil. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER, 1 (3), pp. 66-74.
Shaw, Daniel J., Grosbras, Marie Helene, Leonard, Gabriel, Pike, G. Bruce and Paus, Tomáš (2011). Development of functional connectivity during adolescence:A longitudinal study using an action-observation paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 (12), pp. 3713-3724.
Stephan, Simon, Johnson, W. Eustace and Roberts, Sally (2011). The influence of nutrient supply and cell density on the growth and survival of intervertebral disc cells in 3D culture. European Cells and Materials, 22 , pp. 97-108.
Strasburger, Hans, Rentschler, Ingo and Jüttner, Martin (2011). Peripheral vision and pattern recognition : a review. Journal of vision, 11 (5), 13-.
Strasburger, Hans, Rentschler, Ingo and Jüttner, Martin (2011). Peripheral vision and pattern recognition:a review. Journal of Vision, 11 (5),
Sumetsky, M., DiGiovanni, D.J., Dulashko, Y., Fini, J.M., Liu, X., Monberg, E.M. and Taunay, T.F. (2011). Surface nanoscale axial photonics:robust fabrication of high-quality-factor microresonators. Optics Letters, 36 (24), pp. 4824-4826.
Sygletos, Stylianos, Frascella, Paola, Ibrahim, Selwan K., Grüner-Nielsen, Lars, Phelan, Richard, O'Gorman, James and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). A practical phase sensitive amplification scheme for two channel phase regeneration. Optics Express, 19 (26), pp. 938-945.
Turchin, Alexander, Dubov, Mykhaylo and Williams, John A.R. (2011). 3D Reconstruction of the complex dielectric function of glass during femtosecond laser micro-fabrication. Optical and quantum electronics, 42 (14-15), pp. 873-886.
Turchin, Alexander, Dubov, Mykhaylo and Williams, John A.R. (2011). 3D reconstruction of the complex dielectric function of glass during femtosecond laser micro-fabrication. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 42 (14-15), pp. 873-886.
Watkins, Adam J., Lucas, Emma S., Wilkins, Adrian, Cagampang, Felino R.A. and Fleming, Tom P. (2011). Maternal periconceptional and gestational low protein diet affects mouse offspring growth, cardiovascular and adipose phenotype at 1 year of age. PLoS ONE, 6 (12),
Wilkinson, Richard D., Vrettas, Michail, Cornford, Dan and Oakley, Jeremy E. (2011). Quantifying simulator discrepancy in discrete-time dynamical simulators. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 16 (4), pp. 554-570.
Álvarez, Jesús, Bettotti, Paolo, Suárez, Isaac, Kumar, Neeraj, Hill, Daniel, Chirvony, Vladimir, Pavesi, Lorenzo and Martínez-Pastor, Juan (2011). Birefringent porous silicon membranes for optical sensing. Optics Express, 19 (27), pp. 26106-26116.