Items where Year is 2013

EXAMINE Investigators (2013). Alogliptin after acute coronary syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine, 369 (14), pp. 1327-1335.
Ashraf, Mohammed, Frigotto, Laura, Smith, Matthew E., Patel, Seema, Hughes, Marcus D., Poole, Andrew J., Hebaishi, Husam R.M., Ullman, Christopher G. and Hine, Anna V. (2013). ProxiMAX randomisation:a new technology for non-degenerate saturation mutagenesis of contiguous codons. Biochemical Society Transactions, 41 (5), pp. 1189-1194.
Baker, Daniel H. and Meese, Tim S. (2013). Regarding the benefit of zero-dimensional noise. Journal of Vision, 13 (10),
Best, Nigel, Drury, Laura and Wolffsohn, James S. (2013). Predicting success with silicone-hydrogel contact lenses in new wearers. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 36 (5), pp. 232-237.
Braithwaite, Jason J., James, Kelly, Dewe, Hayley, Medford, Nick, Takahashi, Chie and Kessler, Klaus (2013). Fractionating the unitary notion of dissociation:disembodied but not embodied dissociative experiences are associated with exocentric perspective-taking. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 ,
Calderón Martínez, Pablo (2013). Why comparing experiences with democracy in Latin America matters. Government and Opposition, 48 (4), pp. 616-632.
Driffield, Nigel, Love, Jim, Lancheros, Sandra and Temouri, Yama (2013). How attractive is the UK for future manufacturing foreign direct investment? Working Paper. Foresight Government Office for Science.
Fernie, Gordon and Tunney, Richard J. (2013). Learning on the IGT follows emergence of knowledge but not differential somatic activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 (OCT),
Fletcher, Luke and Robinson, Dilys (2013). Measuring and understanding employee engagement. IN: Employee engagement in theory and practice. Truss, Catherine; Delbridge, Rick; Alfes, Kerstin; Shantz, Amanda and Soane, Emma (eds) London (UK): Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Fuller, Crispian (2013). Urban politics and the social practices of critique and justification:conceptual insights from French pragmatism. Progress in Human Geography, 37 (5), pp. 639-657.
Gaffney, John and Lahel, Amarjit (2013). Political performance and leadership persona:the UK Labour Party Conference of 2012. Government and Opposition, 48 (4), pp. 481-505.
Garrett, David (2013). Action research at the Sea Fish Industry Authority:improving the quality of our knowing- how do practices achieve organisational learning and renewal and how does this change overtime? PHD thesis, Aston University.
Gilmartin, Bernard, Nagra, Manbir and Logan, Nicola S. (2013). Shape of the posterior vitreous chamber in human emmetropia and myopia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 54 (12), pp. 7240-7251.
Godwin, Larry (2013). Computational mechanics analysis of the hidden conformational dynamics within a molecular trajectory. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Goodfellow, Nicola A., Almomani, Basima A., Hawwa, Ahmed F. and McElnay, James C. (2013). What the newspapers say about medication adherence:a content analysis. BMC Public Health, 13 ,
Gucciardi, Enza, Fortugno, Mariella, Senchuk, Andrea, Beanlands, Heather, McCay, Elizabeth and Peel, Elizabeth E. (2013). Self-monitoring of blood glucose in Black Caribbean and South Asian Canadians with non-insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus:a qualitative study of patients' perspectives. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 13 ,
Hawkins, Lois A. and Devitt, Andrew (2013). Current understanding of the mechanisms for clearance of apoptotic cells-a fine balance. Journal of Cell Death, 6 (3932), pp. 57-68.
He, Jianhua, Tang, Zuoyin, Chen, Hsiao-Hwa and Cheng, Wenqing (2013). Statistical model of OFDMA cellular networks uplink interference using lognormal distribution. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2 (5), pp. 575-578.
Itano, Tomoaki, Akinaga, Takeshi, Generalis, Sotos C. and Sugihara-Seki, Masako (2013). Transition of planar Couette flow at infinite Reynolds numbers. Physical Review Letters, 111 (18),
Jia, Yu, Yan, Jize, Soga, Kenichi and Seshia, Ashwin A (2013). Parametrically excited MEMS vibration energy harvesters with design approaches to overcome the initiation threshold amplitude. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23 (11),
Mansell, Gemma, Kamper, Steven J. and Kent, Peter (2013). Why and how back pain interventions work: What can we do to find out? Baillière's Clinical Rheumatology, 27 (5), pp. 685-697.
Manu, Patrick, Ankrah, Nii, Proverbs, David and Suresh, Subashini (2013). Mitigating the health and safety influence of subcontracting in construction: The approach of main contractors. International Journal of Project Management, 31 (7), pp. 1017-1026.
Marques, Carlos A.F., Bilro, Lúcia B., Alberto, Nélia J., Webb, David J. and Nogueira, Rogério N. (2013). Narrow bandwidth Bragg gratings imprinted in polymer optical fibers for different spectral windows. Optics communications, 307 , pp. 57-61.
Marques, Carlos A.F., Bilro, Lúcia B., Alberto, Nélia J., Webb, David J. and Nogueira, Rogério N. (2013). Narrow bandwidth Bragg gratings imprinted in polymer optical fibers for different spectral windows. Optics communications, 307 , pp. 57-61.
McGinnigle, Samantha (2013). Anterior segment anomalies and effects on visual quality. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Mead, Ben, Logan, Ann, Berry, Martin, Leadbeater, Wendy and Scheven, Ben A. (2013). Intravitreally transplanted dental pulp stem cells promote neuroprotection and axon regeneration of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve injury. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 54 (12), pp. 7544-7556.
Nadalutti, Cristina A., Korponay-Szabo, Ilma R., Kaukinen, Katri, Wang, Zhuo, Griffin, Martin, Mäki, Markku and Lindfors, Katri (2013). Thioredoxin is involved in endothelial cell extracellular transglutaminase 2 activation mediated by celiac disease patient IgA. PLoS ONE, 8 (10),
Omidvar, Omid and Kislov, Roman (2013). The Evolution of the Communities of Practice Approach:Toward Knowledgeability in a Landscape of Practice—An Interview with Etienne Wenger-Trayner. Journal of Management Inquiry, 23 (3), pp. 266-275.
Otaye, Lilian (2013). Ties that bind:understanding why and how diversity management relates to black and ethnic minority employees’ experience of organisational life. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Owen, Christopher (2013). Selection of simulation tools for improving supply chain performance. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Pan, L.A., Hassel, S., Segreti, A.M., Nau, S.A., Brent, D.A. and Phillips, M.L. (2013). Differential patterns of activity and functional connectivity in emotion processing neural circuitry to angry and happy faces in adolescents with and without suicide attempt. Psychological Medicine, 43 (10), pp. 2129-2142.
Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E., Derevyanko, Stanislav A. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2013). Nonlinear spectral management:linearization of the lossless fiber channel. Optics Express, 21 (20), pp. 24344-24367.
Romani, C., Galluzzi, C., Goslin, J., Bureca, I. and Olson, A. (2013). Sonority, frequency and markedness in errors of aphasic patients. Procedia, 94 , pp. 55-56.
Rubenchik, A.M., Tkachenko, E.V., Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Power-controlled phase-matching and instability of CW propagation in multicore optical fibers with a central core. Optics Letters, 38 (20), pp. 4232-4235.
Shapiro, Laura R., Carroll, Julia M. and Solity, Jonathan (2013). Separating the influences of prereading skills on early word and nonword reading. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116 (2), pp. 278-295.
Singh, Amrik (2013). Understanding supply chain disruption risk with the aid of social networks and information flows analysis. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Smets, Michael and Jarzabkowski, Paula (2013). Reconstructing institutional complexity in practice:a relational model of institutional work and complexity. Human Relations, 66 (10), pp. 1279-1309.
Stich, Michael, Ghoshal, Gourab and Perez-Mercader, Juan (2013). Parametric pattern selection in a reaction-diffusion model. PLoS ONE, 8 ,
Sumetsky, Misha (2013). Delay of light in an optical bottle resonator with nanoscale radius variation : dispersionless, broadband, and low-loss. Physical review letters, 111 (16),
Sumetsky, Misha (2013). Delay of light in an optical bottle resonator with nanoscale radius variation:dispersionless, broadband, and low-loss. Physical Review Letters, 111 (16),
Sáez Rodríguez, D., Nielsen, K., Rasmussen, H.K., Bang, O. and Webb, D.J. (2013). Highly photosensitive polymethyl methacrylate microstructured polymer optical fiber with doped core. Optics Letters, 38 (19), pp. 3769-3772.
Turitsyna, Elena G. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2013). Digital signal processing based on inverse scattering transform. Optics Letters, 38 (20), pp. 4186-4188.
Turner, James E., Bennett, Stuart J., Campbell, John P., Bosch, Jos A., Aldred, Sarah and Griffiths, Helen R. (2013). The antioxidant enzyme peroxiredoxin-2 is depleted in lymphocytes seven days after ultra-endurance exercise. Free Radical Research, 47 (10), pp. 821-828.
Yan, Zhijun (2013). Advanced tilted fiber gratings and their applications. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Zaaimi, Boubker, Ruiz-Torres, Ricardo, Solla, Sara A. and Miller, Lee E. (2013). Multi-electrode stimulation in somatosensory cortex increases probability of detection. Journal of Neural Engineering, 10 (5),