Items where Year is 2013

Abu Bakar, Muhammad S. and Titiloye, James O. (2013). Catalytic pyrolysis of rice husk for bio-oil production. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 103 , pp. 362-368.
Alfalla-Luque, Rafaela, Medina-Lopez, Carmen and Dey, Prasanta K. (2013). Supply chain integration framework using literature review. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 800-817.
Alsadi, Randa (2013). An investigation into the effects of processing instruction on the acquisition of English relative clauses by Syrian learners. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Andersson, Jesper, Baresi, Luciano, Bencomo, Nelly, De Lemos, Rogério, Gorla, Alessandra, Inverardi, Paola and Vogel, Thomas (2013). Software engineering processes for self-adaptive systems. IN: Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II - International Seminar, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . DEU: Springer.
Beasley, Ian G., Laughton, Deborah S., Coldrick, Benjamin J., Drew, Thomas E., Sallah, Marium and Davies, Leon N. (2013). Does rebound tonometry probe misalignment modify intraocular pressure measurements in human eyes? Journal of Ophthalmology, 2013 ,
Bibi, Sagida (2013). The formulation of artificial reference standards for use within the ELISPOT assay. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Borland, Helen and Lindgreen, Adam (2013). Sustainability, epistemology, ecocentric business and marketing strategy:ideology, reality and vision. Journal of Business Ethics, 117 (1), pp. 173-187.
Brandler, William M., Morris, Andrew P., Evans, David M., Scerri, Thomas S., Kemp, John P., Timpson, Nicholas J., St Pourcain, Beate, Smith, George D., Ring, Susan M., Stein, John, Monaco, Anthony P., Talcott, Joel B., Fisher, Simon E., Webber, Caleb and Paracchini, Silvia (2013). Common variants in left/right asymmetry genes and pathways are associated with relative hand skill. PLoS Genetics, 9 (9),
Brock, Christian, Blut, Markus, Evanschitzky, Heiner and Kenning, Peter (2013). Satisfaction with complaint handling:a replication study on its determinants in a business-to-business context. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30 (3), pp. 319-322.
Carilho Torrão, Rita B.D., Dias, Irundika H.K., Bennett, Stuart J., Dunston, Christopher R and Griffiths, Helen R. (2013). Healthy ageing and depletion of intracellular glutathione influences T cell membrane thioredoxin-1 levels and cytokine secretion. Chemistry Central Journal, 7 (1),
Cartwright, Stephanie (2013). Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as a biotechnological tool for ageing research:studies on translation and metabolism. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Clarkesmith, Danielle, Pattison, Helen, Lip, Gregory Y.H. and Lane, Deirdre A. (2013). Educational intervention improves anticoagulation control in atrial fibrillation patients:the TREAT randomised trial. PLoS ONE, 8 (9),
Clegg, Ben, Chandler, Simon, Binder, Mario and Edwards, John (2013). Governing inter-organisational R&D supplier collaborations:a study at Jaguar Land Rover. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 818-836.
Delury, C. P., Knight, G. L., Marsh, E. K., James, C. D., Boon, S. S., Banks, L. and Roberts, S. (2013). The Role of Protein Kinase A Regulation of the E6 PDZ-Binding Domain during the Differentiation-Dependent Life Cycle of Human Papillomavirus Type 18. Journal of General Virology, 87 (17), pp. 9463-9472.
Derevyanko, S.A. (2013). Thermalized polarization dynamics of a discrete optical-waveguide system with four-wave mixing. Physical Review A, 88 (3),
Dey, Prasanta K. and Cheffi, Walid (2013). Managing supply chain integration:contemporary approaches and scope for further research. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 653-657.
Dey, Prasanta Kumar, Cheffi, Walid and Nunes, Breno (2013). Green supply chain performance measurement using the analytic hierarchy process:a comparative analysis of manufacturing organisations. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 702-720.
Doan, Xuan Loc (2013). EU-ASEAN relations in the post-Cold War era:an analysis of the impact of normative factors on interregionalism. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Dovencioglu, Dicle, Ban, Hiroshi, Schofield, Andrew and Welchman, Andrew (2013). Perceptual integration for qualitatively different 3-D cues in the human brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25 (9), pp. 1527-1541.
Ellis, A.D., MacSuibhne, N., Garcia Gunning, F.C. and Sygletos, S. (2013). Expressions for the nonlinear transmission performance of multi-mode optical fiber. Optics Express, 21 (19), pp. 22834-22846.
Evanschitzky, Heiner and Armstrong, J. Scott (2013). Research with in-built replications:comment and further suggestions for replication research. Journal of Business Research, 66 (9), pp. 1406-1408.
Gale, Nicola K., Heath, Gemma, Cameron, Elaine, Rashid, Sabina and Redwood, Sabi (2013). Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 13 ,
Ganotakis, Panagiotis, Hsieh, Wan-Lin and Love, James H. (2013). Information systems, inter-functional collaboration and innovation in Taiwanese high-tech manufacturing firms. Production Planning and Control, 24 (8-9), pp. 837-850.
Goldingay, Harry and van Mourik, Jort (2013). Distributed sequential task allocation in foraging swarms. IN: SASO: 2013 IEEE 7th international conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems. USA: IEEE.
Hakobyan, Lilit, Lumsden, Jo, O'Sullivan, Dympan and Bartlett, Hannah (2013). Designing a mobile diet diary application with and for older adults with AMD:a case ctudy. IN: Proceedings of the 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2013). GBR: British Computer Society.
Hassan, Mohamed (2013). Modelling and simulation of biomass gasification in a circulating fluidized bed reactor. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ivanenko, Aleksey (2013). Ultra-long mode-locked Er-droped fibre lasers. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Jones, Jim R., Prime, Dominic, Leaper, Mark C., Richardson, David J., Rielly, Chris D. and Stapley, Andrew G.F. (2013). Effect of processing variables and bulk composition on the surface composition of spray dried powders of a model food system. Journal of Food Engineering, 118 (1), pp. 19-30.
Knibb, Rebecca C. and Stalker, Carol (2013). Validation of the food allergy quality of life:parental burden questionnaire in the UK. Quality of Life Research, 22 (7), pp. 1841-1849.
Komodromou, Janell (2013). Work-life balance benefits:employee attitudes and behaviors through the lens of social exchange theory. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Legood, Alison (2013). Trust in leader-follower relationships:how and when trust building enhances dyadic and organisational outcomes. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Leventis, Stergios, Hasan, Iftekhar and Dedoulis, Emmanouil (2013). The cost of sin:the effect of social norms on audit pricing. International Review of Financial Analysis, 29 , pp. 152-165.
Lim, Ming K., Bahr, W. and Leung, Stephen C.H. (2013). RFID in the warehouse:a literature analysis (1995-2010) of its applications, benefits, challenges and future trends. International Journal of Production Economics, 145 (1), pp. 409-430.
Mahmood, Asad S.N., Brammer, John G., Hornung, Andreas, Steele, Andrew and Poulston, Stephen (2013). The intermediate pyrolysis and catalytic steam reforming of brewers spent grain. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 103 , pp. 328-342.
Pyrko, Igor and Dörfler, Viktor (2013). Trans-Organisational Knowledge: The 4I Framework Revisited. IN: British Academy of Management. GBR: British Academy of Management.
Rollason, Jess, McDowell, Andrew, Albert, Hanne B., Barnard, Emma, Worthington, Tony, Hilton, Anthony C., Vernallis, Ann, Patrick, Sheila, Elliott, Tom and Lambert, Peter (2013). Genotypic and antimicrobial characterisation of Propionibacterium acnes isolates from surgically excised lumbar disc herniations. BioMed Research International, 2013 ,
Shaikh, Ahmed D., Blow, Keith J., Eberhard, Marc A. and Fowler, Scott A. (2013). Language independent on-off voice over IP source model with lognormal transitions. IET Communications, 7 (14), pp. 1449-1455.
Smirnov, Sergei V. and Churkin, Dmitry V. (2013). Modeling of spectral and statistical properties of a random distributed feedback fiber laser. Optics Express, 21 (18), pp. 21236-21241.
Tarczyluk, Marta A., Nagel, David A., O'Neil, John, Parri, H. Rheinallt, Tse, Erin H.Y., Coleman, Michael D. and Hill, Eric J. (2013). Functional astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle in a human stem cell-derived neuronal network. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 33 (9), pp. 1386-1393.
Toral, Inci (2013). The role of interoganisational tension and conflict in market creation practice. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Turitsyna, E.G., Smirnov, S.V., Sugavanam, S., Tarasov, N., Shu, X., Babin, S.A., Podivilov, E.V., Churkin, D.V., Falkovich, G. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). The laminar-turbulent transition in a fibre laser. Nature Photonics, 7 (10), pp. 783-786.
Webb, Densie, Leahy, Margaret M., Milner, John A., Allison, David B., Dodd, Kevin W., Gaine, P. Courtney, Matthews, Robert A.J., Schneeman, Barbara O., Tucker, Katherine L. and Young, S. Stanley (2013). Strategies to optimize the impact of nutritional surveys and epidemiological studies. Advances in Nutrition, 4 (5), pp. 545-547.
Wolffsohn, James, Drew, Thomas, Dhallu, Sandeep, Sheppard, Amy, Hofmann, Greg J. and Prince, Mark (2013). Impact of soft contact lens edge design and mid-peripheral lens shape on the epithelium and its indentation with lens mobility. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 54 (9), pp. 6190-6196.
Xiao, Bo, Yuan, Qingchun and Williams, Richard A. (2013). Exceptional function of nanoporous metal organic framework particles in emulsion stabilisation. Chemical Communications, 49 (74), pp. 8208-8210.
Yamagishi, Noriko and Anderson, Stephen (2013). The relationship between self-awareness of attentional status, behavioral performance and oscillatory brain rhythms. PLoS ONE, 8 (9),
Yeh, Nai (2013). Evaluating transglutaminase crosslinked collagen gel systems for hard and soft tissue repair. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Yeung, Chi H. and Saad, David (2013). Self-sustained clusters and ergodicity breaking in spin models. Physical Review E, 88 (3),
Young, Anna, Stoilova-McPhie, Svetla, Rothnie, Alice, Vallis, Yvonne, Harvey-Smith, Phillip, Ranson, Neil, Kent, Helen, Brodsky, Frances M., Pearse, Barbara M.F., Roseman, Alan and Smith, Corinne J. (2013). Hsc70-induced changes in clathrin-auxilin cage structure suggest a role for clathrin light chains in cage disassembly. Traffic, 14 (9), pp. 987-996.