Items where Year is 2012

Alic, Nazif, Hoddinott, Matthew P., Foley, Andrea, Slack, Cathy, Piper, Matthew D.W. and Partridge, Linda (2012). Detrimental effects of RNAi:a cautionary note on its use in drosophila ageing studies. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Badger, Julia and Shapiro, Laura (2012). Evidence of a transition from perceptual to category induction in 3- to 9-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113 (1), pp. 131-146.
Baker, Daniel and Meese, Timothy (2012). Zero-dimensional noise:the best mask you never saw. Journal of Vision, 12 (10),
Barassi, Marco and Zhou, Ying (2012). The effect of corruption on FDI:a parametric and non-parametric analysis. European Journal of Political Economy, 28 (3), 302–312.
Beasley, Ian G. and Davies, Leon N. (2012). Susceptibility to pattern glare following stroke. Journal of Neurology, 259 (9), pp. 1832-1839.
Bennion, Amy E, Shaw, Rachel L and Gibson, Jonathan M (2012). What do we know about the experience of age related macular degeneration? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research. Social science and medicine, 75 (6), pp. 976-985.
Bhamber, Ranjeet S., Allsop, Thomas D.P., Lloyd, Glynn D., Webb, David J. and Ania-Castañón, Juan D. (2012). Arbitrary real-time three-dimensional corporal object sensing and reconstruction scheme. Optics Letters, 37 (17), pp. 3549-3551.
Bhaumik, Sumon and Selarka, Ekta (2012). Does ownership concentration improve M&A outcomes in emerging markets?: Evidence from India. Journal of Corporate Finance, 18 (4), pp. 717-726.
Burgess, Adrian (2012). Towards a unified understanding of event-related changes in the EEG:the Firefly model of synchronization through cross-frequency phase modulation. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Cartwright, Stephanie P., Bill, Roslyn M. and Hipkiss, Alan R. (2012). L-carnosine affects the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a metabolism-dependent manner. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Caruana, Douglas A., Alexander, Georgia M. and Dudek, Serena M. (2012). New insights into the regulation of synaptic plasticity from an unexpected place:Hippocampal area CA2. Learning and Memory, 19 (9), pp. 391-400.
Child, Anne, Clarke, Amy, Fox, Chris and Maidment, Ian (2012). A pharmacy led program to review anti-psychotic prescribing for people with dementia. BMC Psychiatry, 12 (155),
Combe, Ian (2012). "Marketing and flexibility":debates past present and future. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10), pp. 1257-1267.
Combe, Ian A., Rudd, John M., Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Greenley, Gordon E. (2012). Antecedents of strategic flexibility:management cognition, firm resources and strategic options. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10), pp. 1320-1339.
Di Lorenzo, Cherubino, Di Lorenzo, Giorgio, Daverio, Andrea, Pasqualetti, Patrizio, Coppola, Gianluca, Giannoudas, Ioannis, Grieco, Gaetano S., Niolu, Cinzia, Pascale, Esterina, Santorelli, Filippo M., Nicoletti, Ferdinando, Pierelli, Francesco, Siracusano, Alberto and Seri, Stefano (2012). The Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene influences trigeminal Pain-Related evoked responses. Journal of Pain, 13 (9), pp. 866-873.
Fisher, Karen M., Zaaimi, Boubker, Williams, Timothy L., Baker, Stuart N. and Baker, Mark R. (2012). Beta-band intermuscular coherence:A novel biomarker of upper motor neuron dysfunction in motor neuron disease. Brain, 135 (9), pp. 2849-2864.
Gilbert, Jessica R., Shapiro, Laura R. and Barnes, Gareth R. (2012). A peak-clustering method for MEG group analysis to minimise artefacts due to smoothness. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Goddard, John and Onali, Enrico (2012). Self-affinity in financial asset returns. International Review of Financial Analysis, 24 , pp. 1-11.
Harkin, Ben, Miellet, Sebastien and Kessler, Klaus (2012). What checkers actually check:an eye tracking study of inhibitory control and working memory. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Heath, Gemma, Cameron, Elaine, Cummins, Carole, Greenfield, Sheila, Pattison, Helen M., Kelly, Deirdre and Redwood, Sabi (2012). Paediatric 'care closer to home':stake-holder views and barriers to implementation. Health and Place, 18 (5), pp. 1068-1073.
Kailiponi, Paul (2012). Decision theory to support evacuation in advance of catastrophic disaster including modular influence diagrams and spatial data analysis. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Knowles, Paul (2012). Clogging in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Koh, Chee Seng (2012). Using Network Analysis to Alleviate 'Wicked Problems' in Employee Engagement. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Lam, Matthew (2012). Cytotoxic activity of Fagonia cretica against human breast cancer cells. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Li, Jianfeng, Jackson, Stuart D., Liu, Yong and Hudson, Darren D. (2012). Efficient 2.87 μm fiber laser passively switched using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. Optics Letters, 37 (18), pp. 3747-3749.
Manu, Patrick A., Ankrah, Nii A., Proverbs, David G. and Suresh, Subashini (2012). Investigating the multi-causal and complex nature of the accident causal influence of construction project features. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 48 , pp. 126-133.
Martin, Richard A., Twyman, Helen L., Rees, Gregory J., Smith, Jodie M., Barney, Emma R., Smith, Mark E., Hanna, John V. and Newport, Robert J. (2012). A structural investigation of the alkali metal site distribution within bioactive glass using neutron diffraction and multinuclear solid state NMR. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14 (35), pp. 12105-12113.
Martin, Richard, Twyman, Helen L., Rees, Gregory J., Barney, Emma R., Moss, Robert M., Smith, Jodie M., Hill, Robert G., Cibin, G., Charpentier, T., Smith, Mark E., Hanna, John V. and Newport, Robert J. (2012). An examination of the calcium and strontium site distribution in bioactive glasses through isomorphic neutron diffraction, X-ray diffraction, EXAFS and multinuclear solid state NMR. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (41), pp. 22212-22223.
McCracken, S. and Edwards, J. (2012). A KM perspective on implementing an electronic patient record within an NHS hospital. IN: Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management : ECKM. ESP: Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
Md Khudzari, Ahmad (2012). The development and investigation of a novel pulsatile heart assist device. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Mou, Chengbo (2012). Fabrication and characterisation of 45º and Ex 45º:tilted fibre gratings and their applications in fibre lasers and sensors. PHD thesis, Aston University.
O’Dowd, John A., Shi, Kai, Walsh, Anthony J., Bessler, Vivian M., Smyth, Frank, Huynh, Tam N., Barry, Liam P. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Time resolved bit error rate analysis of a fast switching tunable laser for use in optically switched networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 4 (9), A77-A81.
O’Dowd, John A., Shi, Kai, Walsh, Anthony J., Bessler, Vivian M., Smyth, Frank, Huynh, Tam N., Barry, Liam P. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Time resolved bit error rate analysis of a fast switching tunable laser for use in optically switched networks. Journal of optical communications and networking, 4 (9), A77-A81.
Ramma, Wenda, Buhimschi, Irina A., Zhao, Guomao, Dulay, Antonette T., Nayeri, Unzila Ali, Buhimschi, Catalin S. and Ahmed, Asif (2012). The elevation in circulating anti-angiogenic factors is independent of markers of neutrophil activation in preeclampsia. Angiogenesis, 15 (3), pp. 333-340.
Turitsyna, Elena, Falkovich, Gregory, El-Taher, Atalla, Shu, Xuewen, Harper, Paul and Turitsyn, Sergei (2012). Optical turbulence and spectral condensate in long fibre lasers. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series A, 468 (2145), pp. 2496-2508.
Van Hoe, Bram, Bosman, Erwin, Missinne, Jeroen, Kalathimekkad, Sandeep, Van Steenberge, Geert, Lee, Graham, Maskery, Oliver, Webb, David J., Sugden, Kate and Van Daele, Peter (2012). Ultra small integrated optical fiber sensing system. Sensors, 12 (9), pp. 12052-12069.
Van Hoe, Bram, Bosman, Erwin, Missinne, Jeroen, Kalathimekkad, Sandeep, Van Steenberge, Geert, Lee, Graham, Maskery, Oliver, Webb, David J., Sugden, Kate and Van Daele, Peter (2012). Ultra small integrated optical fiber sensing system. Sensors, 12 (9), pp. 12052-12069.
Wong, Shun Ha Sylvia, Taylor, Jonathan E. and Beaumont, Anthony J. (2012). Enhancing student learning experience through a novel electronic coursework assessment and feedback management system. IN: Proceedings for EE2012 - Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education. GBR: Higher Education Academy.
Yan, Zhijun, Zhou, Kaiming and Zhang, Lin (2012). In-fiber linear polarizer based on UV-inscribed 45° tilted grating in polarization maintaining fiber. Optics Letters, 37 (18), pp. 3819-3821.