Items where Year is 2010

AlHusban, Farhan, Elshaer, Amr M., Kansara, Jiteen H., Smith, Alan M., Grover, Liam M., Perrie, Yvonne and Mohammed, Afzal-Ur-Rahman (2010). Investigation of formulation and process of lyophilised orally disintegrating tablet (ODT) using novel amino acid combination. Pharmaceutics, 2 (1), pp. 1-17.
Amsler, Sarah S., Canaan, Joyce, Cowden, Stephen, Motta, Sara and Singh, Gurnam (2010). Critical pedagogy/popular education group. IN: Why Critical Pedagogy and Popular Education Matter Today. Amsler, Sarah S.; Canaan, Joyce; Cowden, Stephen; Motta, Sara and Singh, Gurnam (eds) Birmingham: C-SAP.
Ansari, Hifzur R., Flower, Darren R and Raghava, G.P.S. (2010). AntigenDB:an immunoinformatics database of pathogen antigens. Nucleic Acids Research, 38 (Suppl.), D847-D853.
Baker, Daniel H. and Graf, Erich W. (2010). Contextual effects in speed perception may occur at an early stage of processing. Vision Research, 50 (2), pp. 193-201.
Bale, Brandon G. and Kutz, J. Nathan (2010). The critical role of intracavity dynamics in high-power mode-locked fiber lasers. IN: Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. Tankala, Kanishka (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Barwell, James, Miller, Philip S., Donnelly, Dan and Poyner, David R. (2010). Mapping interaction sites within the N-terminus of the calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor; the role of residues 23-60 of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor. Peptides, 31 (1), pp. 170-176.
Bentley, Gill, Bailey, David and Ruyter, Alex de (2010). The MG Rover closure and policy response: an evaluation of the Task Force model in the UK. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10 (2/3), pp. 236-251.
Binder, Mario J. and Edwards, John S. (2010). Using grounded theory for theory building in operations management research:a study on inter-firm relationship governance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 30 (3), pp. 232-259.
Bjedov, Ivana, Toivonen, Janne M., Kerr, Fiona, Slack, Cathy, Jacobson, Jake, Foley, Andrea and Partridge, Linda (2010). Mechanisms of life span extension by rapamycin in the fruit fly drosophila melanogaster. Cell metabolism, 11 (1), pp. 35-46.
Blewitt, John (2010). New worlds rising? The view from transdisciplinary lifelong learning. Policy Futures in Education, 8 (5), pp. 600-602.
Bolsmann, Chris H. (2010). White football in South Africa: empire, apartheid and change, 1892-1977. Soccer and society, 11 (1-2), pp. 29-45.
Bolsmann, Chris H. and Alegi, Peter (2010). South Africa and the global game: introduction. Soccer and society, 11 (1-2), pp. 1-11.
Brock, Christian, Evanschitzky, Heiner, Blut, Markus, Kenning, Peter and Ahlert, Martin (2010). Beschwerdemanagement im B2B-Sektor:Replikation und Erweiterung. Die Betriebswitschaft, 70 (1), pp. 25-40.
Brookes, MJ, Zumer, JM, Stevenson, CM, Hale, JR, Barnes, GR, Vrba, J and Morris, PG (2010). Investigating spatial specificity and data averaging in MEG. NeuroImage, 49 (1), pp. 525-538.
Campbell, Neill D.F., Vogiatzis, G., Hernández, C. and Cipolla, R. (2010). Automatic 3D object segmentation in multiple views using volumetric graph-cuts. Image and Vision Computing, 28 (1), pp. 14-25.
Ekárt, A., Nemeth, A. and Nemeth, S. (2010). Rapid heuristic projection on simplicial cones. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Evanschitzky, Heiner and Armstrong, J. Scott (2010). Replications of forecasting research. International Journal of Forecasting, 26 (1), pp. 4-8.
Fay, Stephen (2010). Mapping the Cuban Condition in Fernando Ortiz's Un catauro de cubanismos. New West Indian Guide, 84 (1-2), pp. 41-62.
Fernández-Arguelles, Luis Jesús Manso, Castro, Pablo Bustos García de, Burgos, Pilar Bachiller and Pozo, José Moreno del (2010). Multi-cue visual obstacle detection for mobile robots. Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha), 4 (1), pp. 3-10.
Ibrahim, Selwan K., Ellis, Andrew D., Garcia Gunning, Fatima C. and Peters, F.H. (2010). Demonstration of CoWDM using DPSK modulator array with injection-locked lasers. Electronics letters, 46 (2), pp. 150-152.
Ismail, Thamir M., Zhang, Shu, Fernig, David G., Gross, Stephane R., Martin-Fernandez., Mrisa L., See, Violaine, Tozawa, Kaeko, Tynan, Christopher J., Wang, Guozheng, Wilkinson, Mark C., Rudland, Philip S. and Barraclough, Roger (2010). Self-association of calcium-binding protein S100A4 and metastasis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (2), pp. 914-922.
Kessler, Klaus, Gordon, Lucy, Cessford, Kari and Lages, Martin (2010). Characteristics of motor resonance predict the pattern of flash-lag effects for biological motion. PLoS ONE, 5 (1),
Kessler, Klaus and Thomson, Lindsey A. (2010). The embodied nature of spatial perspective taking:embodied transformation versus sensorimotor interference. Cognition, 114 (1), pp. 72-88.
Knowles, P.R., Griffin, P. and Davies, Philip A. (2010). Complementary methods to investigate the development of clogging within a horizontal sub-surface flow tertiary treatment wetland. Water Research, 44 (1), pp. 320-330.
Kobtsev, Sergey, Kukarin, Sergey, Smirnov, Sergey, Turitsyn, Sergei and Latkin, Anton (2010). Different generation regimes of mode-locked all-positive-dispersion all-fiber Yb laser. IN: Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. Tankala, Kanishka (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Leuthold, J., Bonk, R., Vorreau, P., Sygletos, S., Hillerkuss, D., Freude, W., Zarris, G., Simeonidou, D., Kouloumentas, C., Spyropoulou, M., Tomkos, I., Parmigiani, F., Petropoulos, P., Richardson, D. J., Weerasuriya, R., Ibrahim, S., Ellis, A. D., Morais, R., Monteiro, P., Ben Ezra, S. and Tsadka, S. (2010). All-optical grooming for 100 Gbit/s ethernet. IN: Optical Metro Networks and Short-Haul Systems II. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering . USA: SPIE.
Li, Jianfeng, Jackson, Stuart D., Chen, Ming, Chen, Hao and Liu, Yongzhi (2010). Optimized design of high power mid-infrared Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber laser. IN: 2010 Photonics Global Conference (PGC 2010). IEEE.
Longe, Olivia, Maratos, Frances A., Gilbert, Paul, Evans, Gaynor, Volker, Faye, Rockliff, Helen and Rippon, Gina (2010). Having a word with yourself:neural correlates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. Neuroimage, 49 (2), pp. 1849-1856.
Lychnos, Georgios, Fletcher, John P. and Davies, Philip A. (2010). Properties of seawater bitterns with regard to liquid-desiccant cooling. Desalination, 250 (1), pp. 172-178.
McEwen, L.J., Mason O'Connor, K., Williams, C. and Higson, H.E. (2010). Integrating employers in effective support for student work-based learning (WBL):an evidence base to inform innovation policy and practice. Higher Education Academy.
Miller, Philip S., Barwell, James, Poyner, David R., Wigglesworth, Mark J., Garland, Stephen L. and Donnelly, Dan (2010). Non-peptidic antagonists of the CGRP receptor, BIBN4096BS and MK-0974, interact with the calcitonin receptor-like receptor via methionine-42 and RAMP1 via tryptophan-74. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 391 (1), pp. 437-442.
Muelaner, J.E., Wang, Z., Martin, O., Jamshidi, J. and Maropoulos, P.G. (2010). Estimation of uncertainty in three-dimensional coordinate measurement by comparison with calibrated points. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (2),
Ploia, Cristina, Sclip, Alessandra, Colombo, Alessio, Repici, Mariaelena, Gardoni, Fabrizio, Di Luca, Monica, Forloni, Gianluigi, Antoniou, Xanthi and Borsello, Tiziana (2010). Role of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β in APP Hyperphosphorylation Induced by NMDA Stimulation in Cortical Neurons. Pharmaceuticals, 3 (1), pp. 42-58.
Rodriguez, Eduardo and Edwards, John (2010). People, technology, processes and risk knowledge sharing. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 8 (1), pp. 139-150.
Rubenchik, Alexander M., Turitsyn, Sergei and Fedoruk, Michail P. (2010). Modulation instability in high power laser amplifiers. Optics Express, 18 (2), pp. 1380-1388.
Sergeyev, Sergey, O'Mahoney, Kieran, Popov, Sergei and Friberg, Ari T. (2010). Upconversion assisted self-pulsing in a high-concentration erbium doped fiber laser. Central European Journal of Physics, 8 (2), pp. 159-163.
Shen, Y., Cornford, D., Opper, M. and Archambeau, C. (2010). Variational Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian smoothing of non-linear niffusions. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham (UK). (Unpublished)
Smith, K.E., Fooks, G., Collin, J., Weishaar, H., Mandal, S. and Gilmore, A.B. (2010). "Working the system" - British American tobacco's influence on the European Union treaty and its implications for policy: An analysis of internal tobacco industry documents. PLoS Medicine, 7 (1),
Tamvada, Jagannadha Pawan (2010). Entrepreneurship and welfare. Small Business Economics, 34 (1), pp. 65-79.
Vuong, Ba-Quy, He, Yulan and Hui, Siu C. (2010). Towards a web-based progressive handwriting recognition environment for mathematical problem solving. Expert Systems with Applications, 37 (1), pp. 886-893.