Items where Year is 1998

Acevedo, Carmen H. and Ahmed, Asif (1998). Hemeoxygenase-1 inhibits human myometrial contractility via carbon monoxide and is upregulated by progesterone during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 101 (5), pp. 949-55.
Adria, Marco (1998). Canadian province-building : the state as educator and entrepreneur in Alberta. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ahmed, J.U. (1998). Reliability monitoring, feedback and improvement systems:their application in the machine tool industry. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Al-Anzi, Hamdan (1998). Mass transfer characteristics of two-aqueous-phase liquid-liquid mixtures. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ali, Ahmed H. (1998). Advanced handover procedure for cellular communication systems. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Alleston, S.B., Phillips, Ian, Gloag, A. and Doran, Nick (1998). All optical regenerative memory systems. IN: Mini Symposium on Ultrafast Photonic Processing and Networks. 1998-01-01 - 1998-01-01. (Unpublished)
Azzouzi, Mehdi and Nabney, Ian T. (1998). Analysing time series structure with hidden Markov models. IN: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, 1998. Constantinides, Tony; Kung, S. Y.; Niranjan, Mahesan and Wilson, Elizabeth (eds) Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, 8 . Cambridge, UK: IEEE.
Azzouzi, Mehdi and Nabney, Ian T. (1998). Delay estimation for multivariate time series. Technical Report. Aston University, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Baines, Timothy, Harrison, D.K., Kay, John M. and Hamblin, D.J. (1998). A consideration of modelling techniques that can be used to evaluate manufacturing strategies. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 14 (5), pp. 369-375.
Baines, Timothy, Whitney, Dan and Kay, John M. (1998). An investigation into manufacturing technology sourcing practices. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1 (2), pp. 127-139.
Barker, Amanda J. (1998). The value of proprietary health and safety software to proactive health and safety management. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Basu, C., Canali, C.M., Kravtsov, V.E. and Yurkevich, I.V. (1998). Level curvature distribution and the structure of eigenfunctions in disordered systems. Physical Review B, 57 (22), pp. 14174-14191.
Bates, R. (1998). Self-assessment benchmarking as a quality management tool in primary healthcare. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Bennett, David, Vaidya, Kirit and Zhao, Hongyu (1998). Technology transfer and competitive operations:the valuation and collaboration questions. IN: EurOMA Workshop on International Operations. 1998-03-31. (Unpublished)
Bishop, Christopher M., Svensén, Markus and Williams, Christopher K. I. (1998). Developments of the generative topographic mapping. Neurocomputing, 21 (1-3), pp. 203-224.
Bishop, Christopher M., Svensén, Markus and Williams, Christopher K. I. (1998). GTM: the generative topographic mapping. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Bishop, Christopher M. and Tipping, Michael E. (1998). A hierarchical latent variable model for data visualization. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20 (3), pp. 281-293.
Boomkamp, Henno J. (1998). Combination of altimetry data from different satellite missions. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Boswell, Fiona J. (1998). The postantibiotic effect of the carbapenem antibiotics on gram-negative bacteria. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Boud, Fathi M. (1998). An investigation of the relationship between temperature, forces and tool wear in turning and drilling. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Boutsen, Luc, Lamberts, Koen and Verfaillie, Karl (1998). Recognition times of different views of 56 depth-rotated objects: a note concerning Verfaillie and Boutsen (1995). Perception and Psychophysics, 60 (5), pp. 900-907.
Boynton, P.M. (1998). The contextual evaluation of research on sexually explicit materials. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bradshaw, Katryn L. (1998). Leading through intellect:the meaning of leadership in the intellectual history of nineteenth and early twentieth century Germany. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bretherton, Nicola (1998). The effect of cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid upon the contractile mechanisms linked to calcium influx and the mobilisation of intracellular calcium in aortic smooth muscle. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Buck, Nicola S. (1998). The central role of the neutrophil in ischaemic/reperfusion injury. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Byrne, Clare R. (1998). Generation of nitric oxide and its protective and toxic actions in the gastrointestinal tract. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Caillé, Y. (1998). Independent component analysis and feature extraction of financial time series. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Chan, A.Y.S. (1998). Design methodology for the servo control of high speed multi-axis machinery (BL): decoupling and synchronisation of a generic machine by blockwise decentralised MIMO control. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Chisholm, K E, Everall, L A, Williams, J A R, Bennion, I, Liu, X, Rue, R M De La and Aitchison, J S (1998). Apodised fibre Bragg grating design subject to length constraints. IN: 24th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1998. IEEE.
Clayton, Marlene (1998). The applicability of total quality management to the English higher education system and implications for the development of TQM theory. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Cornford, Dan (1998). Flexible Gaussian process wind field models. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Cornford, Dan (1998). Non-zero mean Gaussian process prior wind field models. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Cornford, Dan (1998). Random field models and priors on wind. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingha.
Cornford, Dan and Nabney, Ian T. (1998). NEUROSAT: an overview. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Cornford, Dan, Nabney, Ian T. and Williams, Christopher K. I. (1998). Bayesian inference for wind field retrieval. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Cornford, Dan, Nabney, Ian T., Williams, Christopher K. I., Kearns, Michael S., Solla, Sara A. and Cohn, David A. (1998). Adding constrained discontinuities to Gaussian process models of wind fields. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Cornford, Dan, Ramage, Guillaume and Nabney, Ian T. (1998). A scatterometer neural network sensor model with input noise. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Crofts, A.J. (1998). The toxic effects of enzyme inhibitors on muscle and nerve. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Crowther, David, Davies, Matt L. and Cooper, Stuart M. (1998). Evaluating corporate performance:a critique of economic value added. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 4 (2), pp. 3-34.
Cullen, Robert A. (1998). Mean sea surface modelling from multi-satellite altimetry utilising frequency domain techniques. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Devaney, John F.L. (1998). WDM of solitons in dispersion managed transmission systems. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Doran, Nick (1998). Dispersion-managed solitons: a new paradigm for high data rate. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 1998 (OFC '98). Menyuk, C. R. (ed.) Technical Digest . IEEE.
Evans, David J. (1998). Mixture density network training by computation in parameter space. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Evans, David J., Cornford, Dan and Nabney, Ian T. (1998). Structured neural network modelling of multi-valued functions for wind retrieval from scatterometer measurements. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Everall, Lorna A. (1998). Advances in UV-written fibre Bragg gratings. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Farmer, S.J. (1998). Computationally efficient natural gradient descent. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Feng, Xiaojuan and Williams, Christopher K. I. (1998). Training Bayesian networks for image segmentation. IN: Proceedings of SPIE vol 3457. 1998-09-24 - 1998-09-24.
Fisher, N E, Webb, D J, Pannell, C N, Jackson, D A, Gavrilov, L R, Hand, J W, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, I (1998). Probe for measuring ultrasonic fields using short in-fibre Bragg gratings. IN: Optical and Fiber Optic Sensor Systems. Huang, Shanglian; Bennett, Kim D. and Jackson, David A. (eds) SPIE proceedings . CHN: SPIE.
Fisher, N.E., Webb, D.J., Pannell, C.N., Jackson, D.A., Gavrilov, L.R., Hand, J.W., Zhang, L. and Bennion, I. (1998). Ultrasonic hydrophone based on short in-fiber Bragg gratings. Applied Optics, 37 (34), pp. 8120-8128.
Fisher, N.E., Webb, David J., Pannell, C.N., Jackson, David A., Gavrilov, L.R., Hand, J.W., Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (1998). Short in-fibre Bragg gratings for measuring MHz ultrasonic fields. IN: European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors. Culshaw, Brian and Jones, Julian D. C. (eds) SPIE proceedings . GBR: SPIE.
Fisher, N.E., Webb, David J., Pannell, C.N., Jackson, David A., Gavrilov, L.R., Hand, J.W., Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (1998). Ultrasonic field and temperature sensor based on short in-fibre Bragg gratings. Electronics letters, 34 (11), pp. 1139-1140.
Fokoué, E. (1998). Mean field methods for Gaussian process classifiers. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Furlong, Paul L. (1998). Functional localisation of human sensory-motor cortex using magnetoencephalography. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Graham, Christopher D. (1998). Cellular interaction with novel biomaterials. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Gray, John W.D. (1998). The use of loop mirrors and chirped fibre Bragg gratings in actively-modelocked fibre lasers. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Greenfield, J.L. (1998). Decision support and the criminal justice system:an assessment of the potential for utilising technological decision support in undertaking the prosecutorial decision. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Griffin, Sara L. (1998). Macrophages and lymphocyte responiveness to mitogen. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Hague, Robert A. (1998). The pre-treatment and pyrolysis of biomass for the production of liquids for fuels and speciality chemicals. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Hawkes, Herbert A. (1998). Ecological studies on river pollution control. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Hindle, Andrew Nicholas (1998). The investigation into the mechanics and inducement of residual torsion within the beadwire production process. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Holmes, Jan L. (1998). The development of functional in vitro toxicity tests. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ismail, Mohammad (1998). Electrochemical chloride extraction to halt corrosion of reinforcement. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Jones, Lyndon W.J. (1998). Ocular compatibility of hydrogel contact lenses:deposition and clinical performance. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Kabashima, Yoshiyuki and Saad, David (1998). Belief propagation vs. TAP for decoding corrupted messages. Europhysics Letters, 44 (5), pp. 668-674.
Kay, John M., Groves, G., Greenough, R., Wu, Bin and Baines, Timothy (1998). Formative experience [postgraduate industrial experience]. Manufacturing Engineer, 77 (5), 225–229.
Khan, Rab N. (1998). The use of flow control devices to improve the flow pattern and throughput of sieve trays. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Lawrence, David (1998). A study of business user based information systems development, and modelling success factors. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Lecoeuche, V., Webb, David J., Pannell, C.N. and Jackson, David A. (1998). Brillouin based distributed fibre sensor incorporating a mode-locked Brillouin fibre ring laser. Optics communications, 152 (4-6), pp. 263-268.
Leeming, R.J. (1998). Submission for the degree of Doctor of Science at Aston University. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Leresche, Nathalie, Parri, H. Rheinallt, Erdemli, Gül, Guyon, Alice, Turner, Jonathan P., Williams, Stephen R., Asprodini, Eftihia and Crunelli, Vincenzo (1998). On the action of the anti-absence drug ethosuximide in the rat and cat thalamus. Journal of Neuroscience, 18 (13), pp. 4842-53.
Lesch, Ragnar H. and Lowe, David (1998). Towards a framework for combining stochastic and deterministic descriptions of nonstationary financial time series. IN: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, 1998. Constantinides, Tony; Kung, S. Y.; Niranjan, Mahesan and Wilson, Elizabeth (eds) Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, 8 . Cambridge, UK: IEEE.
Li, Xiao, Shams, Munjiba, Zhu, Jun, Khalig, Asud, Wilkes, Mark, Whittle, Martin, Barnes, Nicholas and Ahmed, Asif (1998). Cellular localization of AT1 receptor mRNA and protein in normal placenta and its reduced expression in intrauterine growth restriction. Angiotensin II stimulates the release of vasorelaxants. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 101 (2), pp. 442-54.
Liu, T, Fernando, G F, Zhang, Lin, Bennion, I, Rao, Y and Jackson, D A (1998). Simultaneous strain and temperature measurement using an integrated fibre Bragg grating/extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensor. IN: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and Materials. Claus, Richard O. and Spillman, Jr., William B. (eds) SPIE proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Liu, X., Thoms, S., Aitchison, J.S., De La Rue, R.M., Williams, John A.R., Everall, Lorna A. and Bennion, Ian (1998). Surface roughness reduction and diffraction efficiency optimisation for e-beam written phase masks. Microelectronic engineering, 41-42 , pp. 199-202.
Liu, Xianglian, Aitchison, J.S., Thoms, S., De La Rue, R.M., Williams, John A.R., Everall, Lorna A. and Bennion, Ian (1998). Characteristics of linearly chirped and functionally apodised phase masks and reflection spectra of UV written fibre gratings. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 1998. 1998 CLEO/Europe. Glasgow: IEEE.
Mann, Aisling M. (1998). Immunological and biochemical techniques in the analysis of tear proteins. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Matthews, R.S. (1998). An investigation into swab and urine samples for the detection of chlamydia trachomatis genital infections. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Michaelson, Louise V., Lazarus, Colin M., Griffiths, Gareth, Napier, Johnathan A. and Stobart, A.Keith (1998). Isolation of a Δ5-fatty acid desaturase gene from Mortierella alpina. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273 (30), pp. 19055-19059.
Milani, Federico (1998). Disruption prediction at JET [Joint European Torus]. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Mir, Arshad A. (1998). The creep properties of a series of zinc-rich zinc-aluminium alloys. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Morgan, Leonie J. (1998). The development of a model system and high throughput assay for the study of interactions between zinc finger proteins and DNA. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Moss, Helen A. (1998). The source, cost and prevention of central venous catheter-related infection. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Mudhar, Mandeep S. (1998). An evaluation of pharmacy education and pre-registration training. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Noel, N.C. (1998). Dynamical embedding and feature extraction of electroencephalographic data. Masters thesis, Aston University.
O'Loughlin, Bryan (1998). Safety culture during major organisational change. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Obidigbo, Benjamin (1998). Expert systems for vendor selection. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Opper, Manfred (1998). On the annealed VC entropy for margin classifiers: A statistical mechanics study. IN: Advances in Kernel Methods - Support vector learning. Scholkopf, Bernhard; Burges, Christopher J. C. and Smola, Alexander J. (eds) Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Oudet, A.E. (1998). Human resource allocation in a call centre. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Overton, M.G. (1998). Envisioning innovation : the communication of technological change through graphic representation. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Overton, Nigel (1998). Enzyme catalysed modification of polymers. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Pacey, Ian E. (1998). Variability of the permetric response in normals and in glaucoma. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Panagiotidis, Petros (1998). Business systems purpose, analysis. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Pannell, C.N., Dhliwayo, J. and Webb, David J. (1998). The accuracy of parameter estimation from noisy data, with application to resonance peak estimation in distributed Brillouin sensing. Measurement science and technology, 9 (1), pp. 50-57.
Parri, H. Rheinallt and Crunelli, Vincenzo (1998). Sodium current in rat and cat thalamocortical neurons:role of a non-inactivating component in tonic and burst firing. Journal of Neuroscience, 18 (3), pp. 854-67.
Patel, Ramila (1998). Delivery and stability of antisense oligonucleotide conjugates in vitro. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Pedersen, Henrik C., Johansen, Per M., Podivilov, E.V. and Webb, David J. (1998). Excitation of higher harmonic gratings in AC-field biased photorefractive crystals. Optics communications, 154 (1/3), pp. 93-99.
Pedersen, Henrik C., Johansen, Per M. and Webb, David J. (1998). Photorefractive subharmonics - a beam-coupling effect? Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 15 (5), pp. 1528-1532.
Pedersen, Henrik C., Webb, David J. and Johansen, Per M. (1998). Fundamental characteristics of space-charge waves in photorefractive sillenite crystals. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 15 (10), pp. 2573-2580.
Pedersen, Henrik C., Webb, David J. and Johansen, Per M. (1998). Influence of beam-coupling on photorefractive parametric oscillation in a dc-field-biased Bi12SiO20 crystal. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 15 (9), pp. 2439-2445.
Phillips, Ian (1998). OTDM network processing using all-optical and electro-optical devices. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Phillips, Ian, Gloag, A., Moodie, D.G., Doran, Nick, Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1998). Drop and insert multiplexing with simultaneous clock recovery using an electroabsorption modulator. IEEE photonics technology letters, 10 (2), pp. 291-293.
Phillips, Ian, Gloag, A., Moodie, D.G., Doran, Nick, Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1998). Simultaneous demultiplexing and clock recovery using a single electroabsorption modulator in a novel bi-directional configuration. Optics communications, 150 (1-6), pp. 101-105.
Podoleanu, Adiran G., Dobre, George M., Seeger, Mauritius, Webb, David J., Jackson, David A., Fitzke, Fred W. and Halfyard, A.S. (1998). Low coherence interferometry for en-face imaging of the retina. Lasers and light in ophthalmology, 8 (3), pp. 187-192.
Podoleanu, Adiran G., Seeger, Mauritius, Dobre, George M., Webb, David J., Jackson, David A. and Fitzke, Fred W. (1998). Transversal and longitudinal images from the retina of the living eye using low coherence interferometry. Journal of biomedical optics, 3 (1), pp. 12-20.
Podoleanu, Adiran G., Seeger, Mauritius, Dobre, George M., Webb, David J., Jackson, David A. and Fitzke, Fred W. (1998). Transversal and longitudinal images from the retina of the living eye using low coherence interferometry. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 3 (1), pp. 12-20.
Podoleanu, Adiran G., Taplin, S.R., Webb, David J. and Jackson, David A. (1998). Theoretical study of Talbot-like bands observed using a laser diode below threshold. Pure and applied optics, 7 (3), pp. 517-536.
Purnell, Philip (1998). The durability of glass fibre reinforced cements made with new cementitious matrices. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ramage, G. (1998). Neural networks for modelling wind vectors. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Rao, Yun-Jiang, Webb, David J., Jackson, David A., Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (1998). Optical in-fiber Bragg grating sensor systems for medical applications. Journal of biomedical optics, 3 (1), pp. 38-44.
Rao, Yun-Jiang, Webb, David J., Jackson, David A., Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (1998). Optical in-fiber Bragg grating sensor systems for medical applications. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 3 (1), pp. 38-44.
Rattray, Magnus and Saad, David (1998). Globally optimal on-line learning rules. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 10 , pp. 322-328.
Rattray, Magnus and Saad, David (1998). Transients and asymptotics of natural gradient learning. IN: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Niklasson, L.; Boden, M. and Ziemke, T. (eds) Springer.
Rattray, Magnus and Saad, David (1998). The dynamics of matrix momentum. IN: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Niklasson, Lars F.; Boden, Mikael B. and Ziemke, Tom (eds) Springer.
Rattray, Magnus and Shapiro, Jon (1998). Noisy fitness evaluation in genetic algorithms and the dynamics of learning. IN: Foundations of genetic algorithms: 4th workshop : revised papers. Belew, Richard and Vose, Michael (eds) San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Rayment, Sarah J. (1998). Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of intestinal spirochacies. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rebollo - Neira, Laura, Constantinides, Anthony G. and Stathaki, Tania (1998). Signal representation for compression and noise reduction through frame-based wavelets. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 46 (3), pp. 587-597.
Rebollo - Neira, Laura, Plastino, A. and Fernandez-Rubio, J. (1998). On the q=1/2 non-extensive maximum entropy distribution. Physica A, 258 (3-4), pp. 458-465.
Rebollo - Neira, Laura, Plastino, A. and Fernandez-Rubio, J. (1998). A non-extensive maximum entropy based regularization method for bad conditioned inverse problems. Physica A, 261 (3-4), pp. 555-568.
Reynolds, Matthew D. (1998). The use of ERS-1 crossovers and TOPEX/Poseidon repeat pass data for global sea surface variability studies. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rowley, J.E. (1998). Submission for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by published work at Aston University. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Saad, David and Rattray, Magnus (1998). Globally optimal learning rates in multilayer neural networks. Philosophical Magazine Part B, 77 (5), pp. 1523-1530.
Saad, David and Rattray, Magnus (1998). Learning with regularizers in multilayer neural networks. Physical Review E, 57 (2), pp. 2170-2176.
Sangheera, Harpreet Kaur (1998). Investigation of the effects of low energy high dose ion bombardment in metals and compound semiconductors. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Schofield, Jill (1998). Policy into practice:a study of public policy implementation and the role of learning. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Scott, Simon M. (1998). Stabilisation of isocyanate cross linked polybutadiene binder. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Senanayake, Rohana S.K. (1998). The application of computational and experimental techniques to metal deformation in cold roll forming. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Shamonina, E., Kamenov, V., Ringhofer, K.H., Cedilnik, G., Kiessling, A., Kowarschik, R. and Webb, David J. (1998). Optical activity in photorefractive Bi12TiO20. Optics communications, 146 (1-6), pp. 62-68.
Slade, Sarah V. (1998). A critical evaluation of contrast susceptibility as a predictor of driving accident involvement. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Smith, Darrell J. (1998). Pragmatic approach to the development of robust real-time protocols. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Somerset, David A., Li, Xiao-Feng, Afford, Simon, Strain, Alastair J., Ahmed, Asif, Sangha, Rajabant K., Whittle, Martin J. and Kilby, Mark D. (1998). Ontogeny of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor (c-met) in human placenta:reduced HGF expression in intrauterine growth restriction. American Journal of Pathology, 153 (4), pp. 1139-47.
Sood, Geeta (1998). Base modified peptidic nucleic acids: synthesis and crystallographic analysis of intermediates. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Steer, Glen C. (1998). Demand side management within a regional electricity company. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Sunley, J.A. (1998). Developing a model for consumer product safety evaluation. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Svénsen, Johan F.M. (1998). GTM: the generative topographic mapping. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Vivarelli, Francesco (1998). Studies on the generalisation of Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Weekes, Anna L. (1998). Design and construction of an ultrasonic probe for use in a Cryo-Magnet NMR Spectrometer. PHD thesis, Aston University.
West, Ansgar H.L. and Saad, David (1998). The role of biases in on-line learning of two-layer networks. Physical Review E, 57 (3), pp. 3265-3291.
Wiggett, Adrian J. (1998). The use of enzymes in organic solvents in polytransesterification reactions. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Wilcox, Lynne (1998). The pro-reform movement led by Avenir de la Francaise:a point of leverage in the French political process? PHD thesis, Aston University.
Williams, Christopher K. I. and Barber, David (1998). Bayesian classification with Gaussian processes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20 (12), 1342 -1351.
Wright, W. A. (1998). Neural network regression with input uncertainty. IN: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, 1998. Cambridge, UK: IEEE.
Yates, David J. (1998). The suitability of biodegradable poly(dl-lactide-co-glycolide)75:25 microspheres for the sustained release of antibiotics. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Young, Richard A. (1998). Synthesis and characterisation of hydrogel polymers for medical applications. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Yu, Ming-Yao (1998). An Experimental investigation into the reading ability transfer of Chinese speaking learners of english. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Zilliox, Hervé C. (1998). Quality Control of High Throughput Screening. Masters thesis, Aston University.