Items where Division is "College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School > Economics, Finance & Entrepreneurship" and Year is 2010

Aidis, Ruta, Estrin, Saul and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2010). Institutions, finance and the level of development:the impact on entrepreneurship in transition. Review of economics and institutions, 1 (1),
Bailey, David, Bellandi, Marco, Caloffi, Annalisa and de Propis, Lisa (2010). Place-renewing leadership:trajectories of change for mature manufacturing regions in Europe. Policy Studies, 31 (4), pp. 457-474.
Bailey, David, Clark, Ian and de Ruyter, Alex (2010). Private equity and the flight of the phoenix four - the collapse of MG Rover in the UK. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3 (3), pp. 367-382.
Bentley, Gill, Bailey, David and Ruyter, Alex de (2010). The MG Rover closure and policy response: an evaluation of the Task Force model in the UK. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10 (2/3), pp. 236-251.
Bhaumik, Sumon K., Driffield, Nigel L. and Pal, Sarmistha (2010). Does ownership structure of emerging-market firms affect their outward FDI? The case of the Indian automotive and pharmaceutical sectors. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (3), pp. 437-450.
Binner, J.M., Tiño, P., Tepper, J., Anderson, R., Jones, B. and Kendall, G. (2010). Does money matter in inflation forecasting? Physica A, 389 (21), pp. 4793-4808.
Coleman, Simeon and Karoglou, Michail (2010). Monetary variability and monetary variables in the Franc zone. Economic Issues, 15 (2), pp. 17-48.
Davies, Stephen and Olczak, Matthew (2010). Assessing the efficacy of structural merger remedies:choosing between theories of harm? Review of industrial organization, 37 (2), pp. 83-99.
De Witte, Kristof and Saal, David S. (2010). Is a little sunshine all we need? On the impact of sunshine regulation on profits, productivity and prices in the Dutch drinking water sector. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 37 (3), pp. 219-242.
Decker, Stephanie (2010). Postcolonial transitions in Africa:decolonization in West Africa and present day South Africa. Journal of Management Studies, 47 (5), pp. 791-813.
Driffield, Nigel, Love, James H. and Menghinello, Stefano (2010). The multinational enterprise as a source of international knowledge flows:direct evidence from Italy. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (2), pp. 350-359.
Du, Jun and Girma, Sourafel (2010). Red capitalists:political connections and firm performance in China. Kyklos, 63 (4), pp. 530-545.
Jarzabkowski, Paula, Sillince, John and Shaw, Duncan (2010). Strategic ambiguity as a rhetorical resource for enabling multiple interests. Human Relations, 63 (2), pp. 219-248.
Love, James H., Roper, Stephen and Hewitt-Dundas, Nola (2010). Service innovation, embeddedness and business performance:evidence from Northern Ireland. Regional studies, 44 (8), pp. 983-1004.
MacNeill, Stewart and Bailey, David (2010). Changing policies for the automotive industry in an 'old' industrial region:an open innovation model for the UK West Midlands? International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10 (2-3), pp. 128-144.
Malhotra, Namrata, Morris, Tim and Smets, Michael (2010). New career models in UK professional service firms:from up-or-out to up-and-going-nowhere? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (9), pp. 1396-1413.
Menghinello, Stefano, De Propis, Lisa and Driffield, Nigel (2010). Industrial districts, inward foreign investment and regional development. Journal of Economic Geography, 10 (4), pp. 539-558.
Mickiewicz, Tomasz, Sauka, Arnis and Stephan, Ute (2010). The social and entrepreneurial orientation of small businesses:mutually exclusive or reinforcing? (INTERACTIVE PAPER). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 30 (12),
Reihlen, Markus, Smets, Michael and Veit, Andreas (2010). Management consulting firms as institutional agents:strategies for creating and sustaining institutional capital. Schmalenbach Business Review, 62 (3), pp. 317-339.
Smith, Danielle E., Xuereb, Christian B., Pattison, Helen M., Lip, Gregory Y.H. and Lane, Deirdre A. (2010). TRial of an Educational intervention on patients' knowledge of Atrial fibrillation and anticoagulant therapy, INR control, and outcome of Treatment with warfarin (TREAT). BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 10 (1), p. 21.
Stephan, Ute and Roesler, Ulrike (2010). Health of entrepreneurs versus employees in a national representative sample. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83 (3), pp. 717-738.
Stephan, Ute and Uhlaner, Lorraine M. (2010). Performance-based vs socially supportive culture:a cross-national study of descriptive norms and entrepreneurship. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (8), pp. 1347-1364.
Tamvada, Jagannadha Pawan (2010). Entrepreneurship and welfare. Small Business Economics, 34 (1), pp. 65-79.
Temouri, Yama, Driffield, Nigel L. and Añón Higón, Dolores (2010). The future of offshoring FDI in high-tech sectors. Futures, 42 (9), 960–970.
Book Section
Ganotakis, P. and Love, J. (2010). Knowledge sources, innovative activity and the performance of UK new technology based firms. IN: IEEM2010: the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE Conference Publications . IEEE.
Gerry, Christopher J., Lee, Jong-Kyu and Mickiewicz, Tomasz M. (2010). Macroeconomic stability, governance and growth:empirical lessons from the post-communist transition. IN: Economic growth and structural features of transition. Marelli, Enrico and Signorelli, Marcello (eds) Studies in economic transition . Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Coricelli, Fabrizio, Driffield, Nigel, Pal, Sarmistha and Roland, Isabel (2010). Excess leverage and productivity growth in emerging economies:is there a threshold effect? Discussion Paper. IZA, Bonn (DE).
Delgado, Michael S., Sun, Kai and Kumbhakar, Subal (2010). Evaluating the environmental Kuznets curve. Working Paper. Binghamton University, Binghamton. (Unpublished)
Driffield, Nigel, Mickiewicz, Tomasz, Pal, Sarmistha and Temouri, Yama (2010). Bridging the gap? Corruption, knowledge and foreign ownership. Working Paper. CEDI.
Estrin, Saul and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2010). Entrepreneurship in transition economies:the role of institutions and generational change. Working Paper. University College London, London (UK).
Estrin, Saul and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2010). Shadow economy and entrepreneurial entry. Discussion Paper. IZA.
Gerry, Christopher J., Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Nikoloski, Zlatko (2010). Did mass privatisation really increase post-communist male mortality? Working Paper. University College London, London (UK).
Helmers, Christian and Rogers, Mark (2010). The impact of university research on corporate patenting. Working Paper. Spatial Economics Research Centre. (Unpublished)
Olczak, Matthew (2010). Unilateral versus coordinated effects:comparing the impact on consumer welfare of alternative merger outcomes. Working Paper. University of East Anglia. (Unpublished)
Rogers, Mark, Tomalin, Joshua and Corrigan, Ray (2010). The economic impact of consumer copyright exceptions:a literature review. Discussion Paper. Consumer Focus.
Conference or Workshop Item
Olczak, Matthew (2010). Unilateral versus coordinated effects:comparing the impact on consumer welfare of alternative merger outcomes. IN: 8th international industrial organization conference. 2010-05-14 - 2010-05-16.
Driffield, Nigel, Du, Jun, Hart, Mark, Love, Jim and Tapinos, Efstathios (2010). A comparative evaluation of the impact of UK Trade & Investment's R&D programme and other UKTI support that impacts R&D. UKTI Research Report . Aston University.
Huggins, Robert, Izushi, Hiro, Clifton, Nick, Jenkins, Sarah, Prokop, Daniel and Whitfield, Chris (2010). Sourcing knowledge for innovation:the international dimension. London (UK): National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA).
Jarzabkowski, Paula, Smets, Michael and Spee, Paul (2010). Trading risks:the value of relationships, models and face-to-face interaction in the global reinsurance market. Birmingham (UK): Aston University.
Levie, Jonathan, Hart, Mark and Karim, Mohammed (2010). Impact of media on entrepreneurial intentions and actions. Department of Business Innovation & Skill.
Vaidya, Kirit (2010). Appropriate wage rate and estimate of labour availability for a public works based safety net in Cambodia. International Labour Organisation.
Vaidya, Kirit, Regmi, Punya Prasad and Ghirime, Bhesh Nath (2010). Appraisal of the Karnalí Employment Programme as a regional social protection scheme. Kathmandu (NP): International Labour Organisation.