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Sinclair, Anthony; Guérin, Aurélie; Robin, Charlene and Dey, Prasanta (2017). Investigating the cost and efficiency of incident reporting in a specialist paediatric NHS hospital and impact on patient safety. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 24 (2), pp. 91-95.
Lloyd, Christine and Dey, Prasanta (2014). Supply chain integration in the UK bioenergy industry:findings from a pilot study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 79 , pp. 41-52.
Brookes, Naomi; Butler, Michael; Dey, Prasanta and Clark, Robin (2014). The use of maturity models in improving project management performance:an empirical investigation. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 7 (2), pp. 231-246.
Clegg, Ben; Macbryde, Jillian and Dey, Prasanta (2013). Trends in modern operations management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33 (11/12),
Dey, Prasanta (2013). Reengineering construction procurement. IN: New management approaches in construction. Mastura, Jaafar; Aziz, Abdul and Rashid, Abdul (eds) Penerbit.
Wan, Yi; Clegg, Ben and Dey, Prasanta (2012). A framework for enabling dynamic e-business strategies via new enterprise paradigms and ERP solutions. IN: Strategic and pragmatic e-business. Rezaul, Karim M. (ed.) Advances in e-business research . IGI Global.
Dey, Prasanta (2012). Measurement of project management performance:a case study in the Indian oil industry. IN: Ready for change? Transition through turbulence to reformation and transformation. Heimer-Rathbone, Cora L. (ed.) Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Dey, Prasanta (2011). Issues and challenges of managing projects in India:a case study. IN: Doing business in India. Budhwar, Pawan S. and Varma, Arup (eds) London (UK): Routledge.
Belal, Ataur R.; Kabir, Md. Rezaul; Cooper, Stuart; Dey, Prasanta; Khan, Niaz A.; Rahman, Taiabur and Ali, Mohobbot (2010). Corporate environmental and climate change disclosures:empirical evidence from Bangladesh. IN: Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies. Tsamenyi, Mathew and Uddin, Shahzad (eds) Research in accounting in emerging economies, 10 . Emerald.
Clegg, Ben; Shaw, Duncan; Albores, Pavel; Dey, Prasanta and Greasley, Andrew (2008). Supporting security officers:a study of operational performance. IN: 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management. 2008-08-05 - 2008-08-08.
Dey, Prasanta and Gupta, Saumitra S. (2001). Risk-based model aids selection of pipeline inspection, maintenance strategies. Oil and Gas Journal, 99 , pp. 54-60.
Dey, Prasanta; Tabucanon, Mario T. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (1996). Hierarchical approach to project planning:the case of a petroleum pipeline construction. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 20 (9), pp. 683-698.
Dey, Prasanta; Tabucanon, Mario T. and Ogunlana, Stephen O. (1994). Planning for project control through risk analysis:a case of petroleum pipeline laying. International Journal of Project Management, 12 (1), pp. 23-33.
Dey, Prasanta and Gupta, Saumitra Analytic hierarchy process boosts risk analysis objectivity. Pipeline and Gas Industry Journal, 83 (9), pp. 69-72.
Wright, Daniel; Dey, Prasanta; Brammer, John and Hunt, Phil Bioenergy decision support systems:worth the effort? IN: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 - Sweden. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings . Linköping (SE): LiU Electronic Press.
Buttigieg, Sandra C.; Gauci, Dorothy and Dey, Prasanta Continuous quality improvement in a Maltese hospital using logical framework analysis. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30 (7), pp. 1026-1046.
Mukherjee, Nilanjan and Dey, Prasanta Decision support system for spare parts warehousing. Cost Engineering, 50 (5), pp. 24-34.
Petridis, Nikolaos; Stiakakis, Emmanouil; Petridis, Konstantinos and Dey, Prasanta Estimation of computer waste quantities using forecasting techniques. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112 , pp. 3072-3085.
Dey, Prasanta Integrated approach to materials management:a case study. Hydrocarbon Processing ,
Petridis, Konstantinos; Petridis, Nikolaos; Stiakakis, Emmanouil and Dey, Prasanta Investigating the factors that affect the time of maximum rejection rate of e-waste using survival analysis. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 108 , pp. 15-26.
Dey, Prasanta Managing projects in fast track:a case of public sector organisation in India. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 13 (7), pp. 588-609.
Zografidou, Eleni; Petridis, Konstantinos; Arabatzis, Garyfallos and Dey, Prasanta Optimal design of the renewable energy map of Greece using weighted goal-programming and data envelopment analysis. Computers and Operations Research, 66 , pp. 313-326.
Dey, Prasanta Process re-engineering for effective implementation of projects. International Journal of Project Management, 17 (3), pp. 147-159.
Dey, Prasanta Sustainable development in oil pipelines industry using the analytic hierarchy process. IN: Sustainable development research advances. Larson, Barton A. (ed.) New York (UK): Nova science.
Nixon, Jonathan; Dey, Prasanta and Davies, Philip The feasibility of hybrid solar-biomass power plants in India. Energy, 46 (1), pp. 541-554.