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Rice, Iain and Lowe, David (2018). A Decision Support System to Ease Operator Overload in Multibeam Passive Sonar. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering , pp. 1-11.
Lowe, David (2015). Radial basis function networks - revisited. Mathematics Today, 51 (3), pp. 124-126.
Matam, B. Rajeswari; Duncan, Heather and Lowe, David (2013). Automated prediction of deterioration of infants in paediatric intensive care using SpO2. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 13 (4), pp. 341-356.
Wei, X.; Bizzarri, Federico; Anthony, Carl; Ward, M. and Lowe, David (2012). Amplitude response of a unilaterally constrained nonlinear micromechanical resonator. Micro and Nano Letters, 7 (3), pp. 279-282.
Randrianandrasana, Michel F.; Wei, Xueyong and Lowe, David (2011). A preliminary study into emergent behaviours in a lattice of interacting nonlinear resonators and oscillators. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16 (7), pp. 2945-2956.
Wei, Xueyong; Anthony, Carl; Lowe, David and Ward, Mark (2009). Design and fabrication of a nonlinear micro impact oscillator. Procedia Chemistry, 1 (1), pp. 855-858.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2008). A Bayesian perspective on stochastic neurocontrol. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 19 (5), pp. 914-924.
Sivaraksa, Mingmanas and Lowe, David (2008). Predictive gene lists for breast cancer prognosis: a topographic visualisation study. BMC Medical Genomics, 1 (1), pp. 1-8.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2007). Distribution modeling of nonlinear inverse controllers under a Bayesian framework. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 18 (1), pp. 107-114.
D'Alimonte, Davide; Lowe, David; Nabney, Ian T; Mersinias, Vassilis and Smith, Colin P (2005). MILVA:An interactive tool for the exploration of multidimensional microarray data. Bioinformatics, 21 (22), pp. 4192-4193.
Bounkong, Stephane; Toch, Boremi; Saad, David and Lowe, David (2003). ICA for watermarking digital images. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 4 (7-8), pp. 1471-1498.
Lowe, David and Tipping, Michael E (1996). Feed-forward neural networks and topographic mappings for exploratory data analysis. Neural Computing and Applications, 4 (2), pp. 83-95.
Wei, X; Randrianandrasana, Michel; Ward, M and Lowe, David Nonlinear dynamics of a periodically driven Duffing resonator coupled to a Van der Pol oscillator. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011 ,
Lowe, David and Zapart, Krzysztof Point-wise confidence interval estimation by neural networks: A comparative study based on automotive engine calibration. Neural Computing and Applications, 8 (1), pp. 77-85.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David Robust control of nonlinear stochastic systems by modelling conditional distributions of control signals. Neural Computing and Applications, 12 (2), pp. 98-108.
Stainvas, Inna and Lowe, David Towards sea surface pollution detection from visible band images. IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E84-C (12), pp. 1848-1856.
Matam, B.R. and Lowe, David Watermark-only security attack on DM-QIM watermarking:vulnerability to guided key guessing. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 2 (2), pp. 64-87.
Stainvas, Inna and Lowe, David A generative model for separating illumination and reflectance from images. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 4 (7-8), pp. 1499-1519.
Stainvas, Inna and Lowe, David A generative probabilistic oriented wavelet model for texture segmentation. Neural Processing Letters, 17 (3), pp. 217-238.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David A mixture density network approach to modelling and exploiting uncertainty in nonlinear control problems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 17 (2), pp. 145-158.
Book Section
Pergola, Gabriele; He, Yulan and Lowe, David (2017). Topical Phrase Extraction from Clinical Reports by Incorporating both Local and Global Context. IN: The 2nd AAAI Workshop on Health Intelligence. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)
Rice, Iain and Lowe, David (2014). Topographic visual analytics of multibeam dynamic SONAR data. IN: 2014 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD). Piscataway, NJ (US): IEEE.
Matam, B.R. and Lowe, David (2012). Watermark-only security attack on DM-QIM watermarking:vulnerability to guided key guessing. IN: Crime prevention technologies and applications for advancing criminal iInvestigation. Li, Chang-Tsun and Ho, Anthony T.S. (eds) IGI Global.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2011). Comparison between conventional and stochastic pinning control. IN: 2011 19 th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). IEEE.
Matam, Basava R. and Lowe, David (2009). Watermarking:how secure is the DM-QIM embedding technique? IN: DSP 2009: 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Proceedings. Piscataway (US): IEEE.
Lowe, David and Matam, Basava R. (2009). Participatory EHPR:A watermarking solution. IN: Bio-inspired systems: computational and ambient intelligence, 10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. Proceedings, Part I. Cabestany, Joan; Sandoval, Francisco; Prieto, Alberto and Corchado, Juan M. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Berlin (DE): Springer.
Dimou, Ioannis N.; Zervakis, Michalis E.; Lowe, David and Tsiknakis, Manolis (2009). Computational methods and tools for decision support in biomedicine:an overview of algorithmic challenges. IN: Handbook of research on advanced techniques in diagnostic imaging and biomedical applications. Exarchos, Themis P.; Papadopoulos, Athanasios and Fotiadis, Dimitrios I. (eds) IGI Global.
Sivaraksa, Mingmanas and Lowe, David (2009). Probabilistic neuroscale for uncertainty visualisation. IN: Information visualization. IEEE Conference Publications . UNSPECIFIED.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2004). A Bayesian approach to modeling the conditional density of the inverse controller. IN: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2004. IEEE.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2003). Probability distribution modelling to improve stability in nonlinear MIMO control. IN: Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA). IEEE.
Hughes, Nicholas P. and Lowe, David (2003). Artefactual structure from least squares multidimensional scaling. IN: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Becker, S.; Thrun, S. and Obermeyer, K. (eds) Neural information processing systems foundation.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2002). Improved robust control of nonlinear stochastic systems using uncertain models. IN: Proceedings of CONTOLO 2002. UNSPECIFIED.
Bounkong, Stephane; Saad, David and Lowe, David (2002). Independent component analysis for domain independent watermarking. IN: Artificial Neural Networks — ICANN 2002. Dorronso, Jose R. (ed.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2415 . Berlin: Springer.
McLachlan, Alan and Lowe, David (1996). Tracking of non-stationary time-series using resource allocating RBF networks. IN: EMCSR 1996 13th European meeting on cybernetics and systems research: April 9-12 1996 at the University of Vienna, Austria. Trappl, R. (ed.) Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.
Nabney, Ian T.; McLachlan, Alan and Lowe, David (1996). Practical methods of tracking of nonstationary time series applied to real-world data. IN: Applications and science of artificial neural networks II. Rogers, S.K. and Ruck, D.W. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 2760 . SPIE.
Lowe, David and Tipping, Michael E (1995). A novel neural network technique for exploratory data analysis. IN: Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks '95. Paris: EC2 et Cie.
Randrianandrasana, Michel; Wei, Xueyong and Lowe, David Collective behaviour in a square lattice of driven Duffing resonators coupled to van der Pol oscillators. IN: 2010 10th IEEE international conference on computer and information technology. IEEE.
Bermudez, Thomas; Lowe, David and Arlaud-Lamborelle, Anne Marie EEG/ECG information fusion for epileptic event detection. IN: DSP 2009: 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Proceedings. Piscataway (US): IEEE.
Matam, Basava R. and Lowe, David Exploiting sensitivity of nonorthogonal joint diagonalisation as a security mechanism in steganography. IN: DSP 2009: 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Proceedings. Piscataway (US): IEEE.
Lowe, David and McLachlan, A Modelling of non-stationary processes using radial basis function networks. IN: Proceedings of the 4th IEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Cambridge: IEEE.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David Multi-valued control problems and mixture density network. IN: Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing 2003. de Barros Ruano, António E. (ed.) Australian Academic Press.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David Stochastic control strategies and adaptive critic methods. IN: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on informatics in control, automation and robotics. Joaquim, Filipe (ed.) (PT): INSTICC Press.
Lesch, Ragnar H. and Lowe, David Towards a framework for combining stochastic and deterministic descriptions of nonstationary financial time series. IN: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, 1998. Constantinides, Tony; Kung, S. Y.; Niranjan, Mahesan and Wilson, Elizabeth (eds) Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop, 8 . Cambridge, UK: IEEE.
Toch, Boremi; Lowe, David and Saad, David Watermarking of audio signals using independent component analysis. IN: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Web Delivering of Music, 2003. IEEE.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David A novel approach to modelling and exploiting uncertainty in stochastic control systems. IN: Artificial neural networks — ICANN 2002. Dorronsoro, José R. (ed.) Lecture notes in computer science . Berlin (DE): Springer.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2003). Conditional distribution modeling for estimating and exploiting uncertainty in control systems. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham. (Unpublished)
Conference or Workshop Item
Wei, X.; Ward, M.; Anthony, Carl and Lowe, David (2010). A preliminary study of a nonlinear micro vibro-impact system. IN: 36th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering (MNE). 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-22. (Unpublished)
Bounkong, Stéphane; Saad, David and Lowe, David (2003). Quantisation effects and watermarking capacity. IN: Seventh International Symposium on Communications Theory and Applications. 2003-07-01 - 2003-07-01.
Bounkong, Stephane; Saad, David and Lowe, David (2002). ICA based steganography. IN: Second IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Communications. 2002-01-01 - 2002-01-01.
Migliorini, Gabriele; Lowe, David; Ward, Mike and Anthony, Carl Exploiting emergent collective behaviours in complex large MEMS systems. IN: International Symposium on Synchronization in Complex Networks. 2007-07-02 - 2007-07-04. (Unpublished)
Bounkong, Stephane; Toch, Boremi; Saad, David and Lowe, David Structured codebooks for SCS watermarking. IN: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2003). 2003-07-01 - 2003-07-01.