Amplitude response of a unilaterally constrained nonlinear micromechanical resonator


Dynamical systems that involve impacts frequently arise in engineering. This Letter reports a study of such a system at microscale that consists of a nonlinear resonator operating with an unilateral impact. The microresonators were fabricated on silicon-on-insulator wafers by using a one-mask process and then characterised by using the capacitively driving and sensing method. Numerical results concerning the dynamics of this vibro-impact system were verified by the experiments. Bifurcation analysis was used to provide a qualitative scenario of the system steady-state solutions as a function of both the amplitude and the frequency of the external driving sinusoidal voltage. The results show that the amplitude of resonant peak is levelled off owing to the impact effect and that the bandwidth of impacting is dependent upon the nonlinearity and the operating conditions.

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Divisions: College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Systems analytics research institute (SARI)
Additional Information: This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in Micro & Nano Letters and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at IET Digital Library.
Uncontrolled Keywords: amplitude response,unilaterally constrained nonlinear micromechanical resonator,dynamical system,unilateral impact,silicon-on-insulator wafers,one-mask process,capacitively driving method,vibro-impact system,capacitively sensing method,bifurcation analysis,steady-state solutions,impact effect,General Materials Science,Condensed Matter Physics,Bioengineering,Biomedical Engineering
Last Modified: 12 Sep 2024 07:03
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2012 13:23
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PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2012-04-03
Authors: Wei, X.
Bizzarri, Federico
Anthony, Carl
Ward, M.
Lowe, David



Version: Accepted Version

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