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van Doorn, Jenny; Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Tijs, Marleen (2013). Satisfaction as a predictor of future performance:a replication. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30 (3), pp. 314-318.
Andrews, Rick L.; Currim, Imran S. and Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2011). A comparison of sales response predictions from demand models applied to store-level versus panel data. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 29 (2), pp. 319-326.
Pauwels, Koen; Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Teerling, Marije L. and Huizingh, K.R. Eelko (2011). Does online information drive offline revenues? Only for specific products and consumer segments! Journal of Retailing, 87 (1), pp. 1-17.
van Eck, Peter S.; Jager, Wander and Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2011). Opinion leaders' role in innovation diffusion:a simulation study. Journal of Product Innovation management, 28 (2), pp. 187-203.
Osinga, Ernst C.; Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Srinivasan, Shuba and Wieringa, Jaap E. (2011). Why do firms invest in consumer advertising with limited sales response? A shareholder perspective. Journal of Marketing, 75 (1), pp. 109-124.
Verboef, Peter C.; Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Reiner, Jochen; Natter, Martin; Baker, William; Grinstein, Amir; Gustafsson, Anders; Morrison, Pamela and Saunders, John (2011). A cross-national investigation into the marketing department's influence within the firm:toward initial empirical generalizations. Journal of International Marketing, 19 (3), pp. 59-86.
Fischer, Marc; Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Verhoef, Peter C. (2010). Drivers of peak sales for pharmaceutical brands. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 8 (4), pp. 429-460.
Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Wieringa, Jaap E. (2010). Effects of pharmaceutical marketing:a re-analysis of the study of Windmeijer et al. Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 17 (4), pp. 24-30.
Osinga, Ernst C.; Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Wieringa, Jaap E. (2010). Early marketing matters:a time-varying parameter approach to persistence modeling. Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (1), pp. 173-185.
Verhoef, Peter C. and Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2010). Getting marketing back into the boardroom:the influence of the marketing department in companies today. GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 2 (1), pp. 34-41.
Deleersnyder, Barbara; Dekimpe, Marnik G.; Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E.M. and Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2009). The role of national culture in advertising's sensitivity to business cycles:an investigation across continents. Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (5), pp. 623-636.
Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Bijmolt, Tammo H.A.; van Doorn, Jenny; Hanssens, Dominique M.; van Heerde, Harald J.; Verhoef, Peter C. and Wieringa, Jaap E. (2009). Creating lift versus building the base:current trends in marketing dynamics. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26 (1), pp. 13-20.
Verhoef, Peter C. and Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2009). Understanding marketing department's influence within the firm. Journal of Marketing, 73 (2), pp. 14-37.
Helmig, Bernd; Huber, Jan-Alexander and Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2008). Co-branding:the stat of the art. Schmalenbach Business Review, 60 (Octobe), pp. 359-377.
Bijmolt, Tammo H.A.; Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Block, Frank; Eisenbeiss, Maik; Hardie, Bruce G.S.; Lemmens, Aurélie Lemmens and Saffert, Peter Analytics for customer engagement. Journal of Service Research, 13 (3), pp. 341-356.
Combe, Ian A.; Rudd, John M.; Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Greenley, Gordon E. Antecedents of strategic flexibility:management cognition, firm resources and strategic options. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10), pp. 1320-1339.
Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Verhoef, Peter C.; Dahlström, Peter and Freundt, Tjark Challenges and solutions for marketing in a digital era. European Management Journal, 32 (1), pp. 1-12.
Zhang, Shu; van Doorn, Jenny and Leeflang, Peter S.H. Changing consumer markets and marketing in China. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 4 (4), pp. 328-351.
Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Parreño-Selva, Josefa Cross-category demand effects of price promotions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (4), 572–586.
Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Parreño Selva, Josefa; van Dijk, Albert and Wittink, Dick R. Decomposing the sales promotion bump accounting for cross-category effects. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25 (3), pp. 201-214.
Zhang, Sha (Sandy); van Doorn, Jenny and Leeflang, Peter S.H. Does the importance of value, brand and relationship equity for customer loyalty differ between Eastern and Western cultures? International Business Review, 23 (1), pp. 284-292.
Parreño-Selva, Josefa; Leeflang, Peter S.H. and van Doorn, Jenny Efecto de las promociones del precio sobre la venta de productos no promocionados:papel moderador del tipo de visita del cliente. Revista española de investigación de marketing, 13 (2), pp. 73-90.
De Vries, Lisette; Gensler, Sonja and Leeflang, Peter S.H. Effects of traditional advertising and social messages on brand-building metrics and customer acquisition. Journal of Marketing, 81 (5), pp. 1-15.
de Vries, Lisette; Peluso, Alessandro M.; Romani, Simona; Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Marcati, Alberto Explaining consumer brand-related activities on social media:an investigation of the different roles of self-expression and socializing motivations. Computers in Human Behaviour, in pre ,
Leeflang, Peter S.H. Modeling competitive reaction effects. Schmalenbach Business Review, 60 (Octobe), pp. 322-358.
Leeflang, Peter S.H. and Wieringa, Jaap E. Modeling the effects of pharmaceutical marketing. Marketing Letters, 21 (2), pp. 121-133.
Book Section
Leeflang, Peter S.H. (2008). Modeling competitive responsiveness. IN: Handbook of marketing decision models. Wieringa, Berend (ed.) Springer.
Verhoef, Peter C.; Leeflang, Peter S.H.; Natter, Martin; Baker, William; Grinstein, Amir; Gustafsson, Anders; Morrison, Pamela and Saunders, John A cross-national investigation into the marketing department's influence within the firm. Working Paper. MSI.
Leeflang, Peter S.H.; van Rooij, F.JCh. M. and Kremer, Sara T.M. (2004). Marketing Werkboek. Noordhoff.
Leeflang, Peter S.H. Scientification of marketing. Vorträge Ingenieur-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften . Schöningh.