Items where Year is 2013

Alexander, Sarah (2013). Novel biomass conversion routes:ammonia from biomass, and marine macroalgae for energy. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Andrews, Jane and Clark, Robin (2013). It’s about bits of machines & stuff:why girls don’t ‘do’ engineering. IN: Research in Engineering Education Bi-Annual Symposium Conference Proceedings. MYS: UNSPECIFIED.
Atkinson, Lou, Olander, Ellinor K. and French, David P. (2013). Why don't many obese pregnant and post-natal women engage with a weight management service? Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 31 (3), pp. 245-256.
Bailey, Clifford J. (2013). Interpreting adverse signals in diabetes drug development programs. Diabetes Care, 36 (7), pp. 2098-2106.
Bres, Jacques and Labeau, Emmanuelle (2013). Allez donc sortir des sentiers battus! La production de l'effet de sens extraordinaire par aller et venir. Journal of French Language Studies, 23 (2), pp. 151-177.
C. Alamino, Roberto, P. Neirotti, Juan and Saad, David (2013). Replication-based inference algorithms for hard computational problems. Physical Review E, 88 (1),
Chua, Kel W., Makkawi, Yassir and Hounslow, Michael J. (2013). A priori prediction of aggregation efficiency and rate constant for fluidized bed melt granulation. Chemical Engineering Science, 98 , pp. 291-297.
Coulson, Neil S. and Shaw, Rachel L. (2013). Nurturing health-related online support groups:exploring the experience of patient moderators. Computers in Human Behaviour, 29 (4), 1695–1701.
Crawshaw, Jonathan R., Cropanzano, Russell, Bell, Chris M. and Nadisic, Thierry (2013). Organisational justice:new insights from behavioural ethics. Human Relations, 66 (7), pp. 885-904.
De Oliveira, Bruno José (2013). Adoption of Strategy Tools:examination of the reasons that shape managers' intention to adopt specific strategy tools. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Estrin, Saul, Korosteleva, Julia and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2013). Which institutions encourage entrepreneurial growth aspirations? Journal of Business Venturing, 28 (4), pp. 564-580.
Fedorova, K.A., McRobbie, A.D., Sokolovskii, G.S., Schunemann, P.G. and Rafailov, E.U. (2013). Second harmonic generation in a low-loss orientation-patterned GaAs waveguide. Optics Express, 21 (14), pp. 16424-16430.
Grozdanic, Nikola D., Kijevcanin, Mirjana L., Višak, Zoran P., Grozdanic, Dušan K. and Šerbanovic, Slobodan P. (2013). Correlation of liquid-liquid equilibria of non-ideal binary systems using the non-random, two-liquid model. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 78 (6), pp. 865-872.
Guedes, Joana C, Park, Jeong-Hui, Lakhkar, Nilay J, Kim, Hae-Won, Knowles, Jonathan C and Wall, Ivan B (2013). TiO₂-doped phosphate glass microcarriers:a stable bioactive substrate for expansion of adherent mammalian cells. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 28 (1), pp. 3-11.
Heiligenthal, Sven, Jüngling, Thomas, D'Huys, Otti, Arroyo-Almanza, Diana A., Soriano, Miguel C., Fischer, Ingo, Kanter, Ido and Kinzel, Wolfgang (2013). Strong and weak chaos in networks of semiconductor lasers with time-delayed couplings. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 88 (1),
Jalali, Shahin A.M. and Johnson, William E. (2013). The development of Cannabidiol as a psychiatric therapeutic:a review of its antipsychotic efficacy and possible underlying pharmacodynamic mechanisms. International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal, 1 (2), pp. 113-147.
Karakuzu, Huseyin, Dubov, Mykhaylo and Boscolo, Sonia (2013). Control of the properties of micro-structured waveguides in lithium niobate crystal. Optics Express, 21 (14), pp. 17122-17130.
Mousa, Mohamed F., Cubbidge, Robert P., Al-Mansouri, Fatima and Bener, Abdulbari (2013). The benefit of combining standard automated perimetry and multifocal visual evoked potential hemifield intersector analysis in suspecious glaucomatous visual field defects. Biomedical Research, 24 (3), pp. 277-288.
Nath, Sujit K., Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata and Chattopadhyay, Amit K. (2013). Magnetohydrodynamic stability of stochastically driven accretion flows. Physical Review E, 88 (1),
Ouadi, M., Brammer, J.G., Yang, Y., Hornung, A. and Kay, M. (2013). The intermediate pyrolysis of de-inking sludge to produce a sustainable liquid fuel. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 102 , pp. 24-32.
Ouadi, M., Brammer, J.G., Yang, Yang, Hornung, A. and Kay, Martin (2013). The intermediate pyrolysis of de-inking sludge to produce a sustainable liquid fuel. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 102 , pp. 24-32.
Su, Shi, Li, Jiangling, Lee, Graham, Sugden, Kate, Webb, David and Ye, Haitao (2013). Femtosecond laser-induced microstructures on diamond for microfluidic sensing devices applications. Applied physics letters, 102 (23),
Su, Shi, Li, Jiangling, Lee, Graham, Sugden, Kate, Webb, David and Ye, Haitao (2013). Femtosecond laser-induced microstructures on diamond for microfluidic sensing devices applications. Applied physics letters, 102 (23),
Sugavanam, Srikanth, Tarasov, Nikita, Shu, Xuewen and Churkin, Dmitry V. (2013). Narrow-band generation in random distributed feedback fiber laser. Optics Express, 21 (14), pp. 16466-16472.
Tarczyluk, Marta (2013). Aβ(1-42) induced metabolic effects in a stem cell derived neuron and astrocyte network. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Thomas, Leanne, Bielemeier, Anne, Lambert, Peter A., Darveau, Richard P., Marshall, Lindsay J. and Devitt, Andrew (2013). The N-terminus of CD14 acts to bind apoptotic cells and confers rapid-tethering capabilities on non-myeloid cells:CD14 and rapid tethering of apoptotic cells. PLoS ONE, 8 (7),
Turitsyn, S.K., Babin, S.A., Turitsyna, E.G., Falkovich, G.E., Podivilov, E.V. and Churkin, D.V. (2013). Optical wave turbulence. IN: Advances in wave turbulence. Shrira, Victor and Nazarenko, Sergei (eds) World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A . Singapore: World Scientific.
Zhao, J. and Ellis, A.D. (2013). Pilot tone design for dispersion estimation in coherent optical fast OFDM systems. Optics Communications, 298-29 , pp. 75-78.
Zhao, Jian and Ellis, Andrew D. (2013). Designs of coherent optical fast OFDM and performance comparison to conventional OFDM. IN: Signal Processing in Photonic Communications. OSA Technical Digest . PRI: Optical Society of America (OSA).