Items where Year is 2008

Aidis, Ruta, Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Sauka, Arnis (2008). Why are optimistic entrepreneurs successful? An application of the regulatory focus theory. Working Paper. William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, Michigan (US).
Baker, Daniel H. (2008). Interocular suppression and contrast gain control in human vision. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Ball, C., Davies, Stephen, Olczak, Matthew and Wilson, Christopher (2008). An evaluation of the impact upon productivity of ending resale price maintenance on books. Technical Report. Office of fair trading.
Busse, F.H. (2008). Asymptotic theory of wall-attached convection in a horizontal fluid layer with a vertical magnetic field. Physics of Fluids, 20 (2),
Chow, C.W., Talli, G., Ellis, Andrew D. and Townsend, P.D. (2008). Rayleigh noise mitigation in DWDM LR-PONs using carrier suppressed subcarrier-amplitude modulated phase shift keying. Optics Express, 16 (3), pp. 1860-1866.
Claussen, Jens Christian and Traulsen, Arne (2008). Cyclic dominance and biodiversity in well-mixed populations. Physical Review Letters, 100 (5),
Cooper, Huw R. (2008). Auditory grouping in cochlear implant listeners. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Crease, Murray and Lumsden, Jo (2008). Did you see that? IN: Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology. Lumsden, Jo (ed.) Hershey (US): IGI global.
Demetriades, Panicos O., Du, Jun, Girma, Sourafel and Xu, Chenggang (2008). Does the Chinese banking system promote the growth of firms? Working Paper. University of Leicester, Leicester (UK).
Dubov, Mykhaylo, Natarajan, S.R., Williams, John A.R. and Bennion, Ian (2008). Mask-less lithography for fabrication of optical waveguides. IN: Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers VIII. Neev, Joseph; Nolte, Stefan; Heisterkamp, Alexander and Schaffer, Christopher B. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 6881 . USA: SPIE.
Dubov, Mykhaylo, Natarajan, S.R., Williams, John A.R. and Bennion, Ian (2008). Mask-less lithography for fabrication of optical waveguides. IN: Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers VIII. Neev, Joseph; Nolte, Stefan; Heisterkamp, Alexander and Schaffer, Christopher B. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 6881 . SPIE.
Fletcher, S.R., Baines, T.S. and Harrison, D.K. (2008). An investigation of production workers' performance variations and the potential impact of attitudes. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 35 (11-12), pp. 1113-1123.
Goddard, Robert J. (2008). Unfair prejudice relief in Jersey. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review, 12 (1), pp. 83-92.
Görg, Holger, Henry, Michael and Strobl, Eric (2008). Grant support and exporting activity. Review of economics and statistics, 90 (1), pp. 168-174.
Jamshad, Mohammed, Rajesh, Sundaresan, Stamataki, Zania, McKeating, Jane A, Dafforn, Timothy, Overduin, Michael and Bill, Roslyn M. (2008). Structural characterization of recombinant human CD81 produced in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification, 57 (2), pp. 206-216.
Jüttner, Martin and Rentschler, Ingo (2008). Category learning induces position invariance of pattern recognition across the visual field. Proceeding of the Royal Society: Series B, 275 (1633), pp. 403-410.
Kouvonen, Anne M., Väänänen, Ari, Woods, Stephen A., Heponiemi, Tarja, Koskinen, Aki and Toppinen-Tann, Salla (2008). Sense of coherence and diabetes:a prospective occupational cohort. BMC Public Health, 8 (46), pp. 1-11.
Kringelbach, Morten L., Lehtonen, Annukka, Squire, Sarah, Harvey, Allison G., Craske, Michelle G., Holliday, Ian E., Green, Alexander L., Aziz, Tipu Z., Hansen, Peter C., Cornelissen, Piers L. and Stein, Alan (2008). A specific and rapid neural signature for parental instinct. PLoS ONE, 3 (2),
Rees, Simon D., Bellary, Srikanth, Britten, Abigail C., O'Hare, J. Paul, Kumar, Sudhesh, Barnett, Anthony H. and Kelly, M. Ann (2008). Common variants of the TCF7L2 gene are associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a UK-resident South Asian population. BMC Medical Genetics, 9 ,
Russell, Steve T., Eley, Helen L., Wyke, Stacey M. and Tisdale, Michael J. (2008). Involvement of phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Akt in the induction of muscle protein degradation by proteolysis-inducing factor. Biochemical Journal, 409 (Part 3), pp. 751-759.
Shao, Lin, Wang, Y.Q., Swadener, J. Greg, Nastasi, M., Thompson, Phillip E. and Theodore, N. David (2008). Cracking in hydrogen ion-implanted Si/Si0.8Ge0.2/Si heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (6), 061904.
Shu, Xuewen, Sugden, Kate and Bennion, Ian (2008). Apodisation of photo-induced waveguide gratings using double-exposure with complementary duty cycles. Optics express, 16 (3), pp. 2221-2225.
Shu, Xuewen, Sugden, Kate and Bennion, Ian (2008). Apodisation of photo-induced waveguide gratings using double-exposure with complementary duty cycles. Optics Express, 16 (3), pp. 2221-2225.
Simpson, Gary and Essex, Anne (2008). Does attendance matter? IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Higson, Helen E. (ed.) Good practice guide in learning and teaching . Birmingham (UK): Aston University.
Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas and Ram, Monder (2008). A framework for assessing and managing large purchaser:minority supplier relationships in supplier diversity initiatives. IN: Supply chain. Kordic, Vedran (ed.) Vienna (AT): I-Tech Education and Publishing.
Torii, Masahito, Okada, Yuuki, Ukai, Kazuhiko, Wolffsohn, James S. and Gilmartin, Bernard (2008). Dynamic measurement of accommodative responses while viewing stereoscopic images. Journal of Modern Optics, 55 (4-5), pp. 557-567.
Zhang, Zuxing, Zhan, Li, Xu, Kun, Wu, Jian, Xia, Yuxing and Lin, Jintong (2008). Multiwavelength fiber laser with fine adjustment, based on nonlinear polarization rotation and birefringence fiber filter. Optics letters, 33 (4), pp. 324-326.
Zhou, Deyu, He, Yulan and Kwoh, Chee K. (2008). Extracting protein-protein interactions from MEDLINE using the hidden vector state model. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 4 (1), pp. 64-80.
Zilz, Thomas R. (2008). Evaluating the potential neurotoxicity of hexanedione isomers:an in vitro approach. PHD thesis, Aston University.